UK builds wall to keep Trump out

...Britain's only claim to fame at this point is that...
Britain's only claim to fame at this point is in holding off the Nazis for two years until we got our heads out of our asses and joined the fight.

That exhausted them in a way that we cannot understand nor that we have even approached since the times of our own Civil War.

That Great Britain is dead. Has been for a long time. Now it's only known for spying on its Citizens on level only seen in Totalitarian nations like China, Iran, North Korea, and so on. Great Britain is not a free nation.

But regardless of all that, it's insignificant as well. It's just a small weak island nation. Without the US, it would be in ruin. So there's no need to give it so much credibility. It's now just a weak peon on the world stage.
Trump will not be banned from the UK and even if he were, hypothetically, it would be a very poor reflection on Britain as a nation signaling that free speech within their borders is basically dead.

It is dead. Great Britain is nothing more than a Police State surveillance society at this point. Its glory days are long long gone. It really is an irrelevant nation. I still dont get why so many get so worked up over what it thinks. It's irrelevant.
The U.K. is constantly hamstrung by EU law. In 2017 there is to be a referendum on getting out of the EU. If the UK stays in, we can expect more of the same. If Jeremy Corbyn is ever elected, we can expect people like Trump to be banned whilst inviting as many Jihadis in as a possible. The next year or two are critical.

It will stay in the EU. The referendum will be rigged. Great Britain is all-in on the NWO. It's one of its chief architects. So don't get your expectations up on that. It ain't leaving the EU.
...Britain's only claim to fame at this point is that...
Britain's only claim to fame at this point is in holding off the Nazis for two years until we got our heads out of our asses and joined the fight.

That exhausted them in a way that we cannot understand nor that we have even approached since the times of our own Civil War.

That Great Britain is dead. Has been for a long time. Now it's only known for spying on its Citizens on level only seen in Totalitarian nations like China, Iran, North Korea, and so on. Great Britain is not a free nation.

But regardless of all that, it's insignificant as well. It's just a small weak island nation. Without the US, it would be in ruin. So there's no need to give it so much credibility. It's now just a weak peon on the world stage.
What 'spying' are you referring to? Doesn't the US have an issue with this too?
...Britain's only claim to fame at this point is that...
Britain's only claim to fame at this point is in holding off the Nazis for two years until we got our heads out of our asses and joined the fight.

That exhausted them in a way that we cannot understand nor that we have even approached since the times of our own Civil War.

That Great Britain is dead. Has been for a long time. Now it's only known for spying on its Citizens on level only seen in Totalitarian nations like China, Iran, North Korea, and so on. Great Britain is not a free nation.

But regardless of all that, it's insignificant as well. It's just a small weak island nation. Without the US, it would be in ruin. So there's no need to give it so much credibility. It's now just a weak peon on the world stage.
What 'spying' are you referring to? Doesn't the US have an issue with this too?

Not to the extent of Great Britain. But we are getting there. Great Britain ranks right up there with Totalitarian nations like China, Iran, Burma, and North Korea as far as lack of Civil Liberties is concerned. It is a Police State surveillance society now.
...Britain's only claim to fame at this point is that...
Britain's only claim to fame at this point is in holding off the Nazis for two years until we got our heads out of our asses and joined the fight.

That exhausted them in a way that we cannot understand nor that we have even approached since the times of our own Civil War.

That Great Britain is dead. Has been for a long time. Now it's only known for spying on its Citizens on level only seen in Totalitarian nations like China, Iran, North Korea, and so on. Great Britain is not a free nation.

But regardless of all that, it's insignificant as well. It's just a small weak island nation. Without the US, it would be in ruin. So there's no need to give it so much credibility. It's now just a weak peon on the world stage.
What 'spying' are you referring to? Doesn't the US have an issue with this too?

Not to the extent of Great Britain. But we are getting there. Great Britain ranks right up there with Totalitarian nations like China, Iran, Burma, and North Korea as far as lack of Civil Liberties is concerned. It is a Police State surveillance society now.
There are a lot of cctv cameras, there is all the of PC crap that exists throughout the EU and in the US, there are dumb hate speech laws. This doesn't rank it up there with China, Iran, Burma, or NK, yet. So can you elaborate.
Trump will not be banned from the UK and even if he were, hypothetically, it would be a very poor reflection on Britain as a nation signaling that free speech within their borders is basically dead.

It is dead. Great Britain is nothing more than a Police State surveillance society at this point. Its glory days are long long gone. It really is an irrelevant nation. I still dont get why so many get so worked up over what it thinks. It's irrelevant.
The U.K. is constantly hamstrung by EU law. In 2017 there is to be a referendum on getting out of the EU. If the UK stays in, we can expect more of the same. If Jeremy Corbyn is ever elected, we can expect people like Trump to be banned whilst inviting as many Jihadis in as a possible. The next year or two are critical.

It will stay in the EU. The referendum will be rigged. Great Britain is all-in on the NWO. It's one of its chief architects. So don't get your expectations up on that. It ain't leaving the EU.
I don't have high expectations, sadly.
...Britain's only claim to fame at this point is that...
Britain's only claim to fame at this point is in holding off the Nazis for two years until we got our heads out of our asses and joined the fight.

That exhausted them in a way that we cannot understand nor that we have even approached since the times of our own Civil War.

That Great Britain is dead. Has been for a long time. Now it's only known for spying on its Citizens on level only seen in Totalitarian nations like China, Iran, North Korea, and so on. Great Britain is not a free nation.

But regardless of all that, it's insignificant as well. It's just a small weak island nation. Without the US, it would be in ruin. So there's no need to give it so much credibility. It's now just a weak peon on the world stage.
No. It's called remaining friends with the old mother country and remembering what they gave up while buying us time to save ourselves, as well as them.
Yeah the UK with the Trojan Horse Scandal and the mega scandal of allowing 1400 KNOWN schoolgirls to be raped by Muslim Pakistanis for years on an industrial scale.

Mother fuckers pardon my french here knew damn well what was going on and did nothing about it to be politically correct and not be perceived as racist.

I hope all involved burn in hell.

The Brit politicians are showing themselves to be complete and utter assholes.

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?
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This is not Cameron's idea, or anything he wants. this is "constitutionally" mandated. You get 50,000 signatures on a petition, you get 90 minutes of debate on your petition. This petition got almost 600,000 signatures
It's 100,000 sigs and the 'debate' will be over in a few minutes. Cameron will say something placatory for the whiners, and Trump will be free to come and go as usual.

Actually, it looks as though Cameron likely won't even be in attendance as the 'debate' will not be part of PMQ's. There won't even be a vote, either.

In news that may disappoint the lifelong attention seeker and Republican presidential frontrunner, the debate will take place not in the famous chamber of the House of Commons, but in a small annex misleadingly named Westminster Hall; it will actually be in a room adjacent to the medieval building that’s the oldest part of the Parliament complex. In news that may disappoint anyone who can remember signing the petition, the debate won’t lead to a ban: It’s not Parliament’s decision, but the government’s, and lawmakers won’t even vote on the subject; they’ll just “consider” it.

The debate later this month won’t make any material difference to Trump or U.K. policy, according to Philip Cowley, professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London. “The most important thing to remember about Westminster Hall debates is that absolutely nothing needs to happen as a result of them,” he said in an interview.

U.K. Parliament to Debate Banning Trump From Britain
Highlighting exactly how idiotic the idea is in the first place.
Of course they don't want him in. He could make Great Britain great again.
Yeah the UK with the Trojan Horse Scandal and the mega scandal of allowing 1400 KNOWN schoolgirls to be raped by Muslim Pakistanis for years on an industrial scale.

Mother fuckers pardon my french here knew damn well what was going on and did nothing about it to be politically correct and not be perceived as racist.

I hope all involved burn in hell.

The Brit politicians are showing themselves to be complete and utter assholes.

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?
In terms of dealing with Militant Islam - including that on their own shores - they DO seem to be channeling Neville Chamberlain rather than Winston Churchill.
Yeah the UK with the Trojan Horse Scandal and the mega scandal of allowing 1400 KNOWN schoolgirls to be raped by Muslim Pakistanis for years on an industrial scale.

Mother fuckers pardon my french here knew damn well what was going on and did nothing about it to be politically correct and not be perceived as racist.

I hope all involved burn in hell.

The Brit politicians are showing themselves to be complete and utter assholes.

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?
In terms of dealing with Militant Islam - including that on their own shores - they DO seem to be channeling Neville Chamberlain rather than Winston Churchill.

Absolutely. They truly are feeding the crocodile one bite at a time.
Considering the Brits have also been exporting not just joe six pack jihadists but Jihadi John (who beheaded Foley and others) but now they let a jihadist who had been arrested 6 times for terror related crimes slip thru their net and he's the NEW and improved Brit Beheader they need a smack down.

New beheader from Britain is Jihadi Sid. Oh and the Brit police actually just phone him and asked him nicely to surrender his passport.

Then they noticed he'd gone to Syria.

Word is, they will make Mexico pay for it

Trump Organization says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks 'a dangerous precedent' | Fox News

British lawmakers will debate later this month whether Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States is a reason to prevent him from coming to Britain.

“Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech,” George Sorial, executive vice president and counsel for the Trump Organization, told Fox News in a statement.

Several British officials blasted Trump’s proposal following the Dec. 2 terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., with Prime Minister David Cameron calling the idea “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong" in a break from the convention that British officials keep their opinions about U.S. presidential candidates to themselves.

Our allies banning trump, Isis and other terrorists using trump's childish and dangerous rhetoric as a recruiting tool.

Elections have consequences.
let me interpret the ire over Donald Trump turning away terrorists.
If the U.S stop letting them in, then they will come here instead. And we don't want that.
Word is, they will make Mexico pay for it

Trump Organization says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks 'a dangerous precedent' | Fox News

British lawmakers will debate later this month whether Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States is a reason to prevent him from coming to Britain.

“Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech,” George Sorial, executive vice president and counsel for the Trump Organization, told Fox News in a statement.

Several British officials blasted Trump’s proposal following the Dec. 2 terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., with Prime Minister David Cameron calling the idea “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong" in a break from the convention that British officials keep their opinions about U.S. presidential candidates to themselves.

Our allies banning trump, Isis and other terrorists using trump's childish and dangerous rhetoric as a recruiting tool.

Elections have consequences.

Yet a other example of white terrorism, ain't it?

Trump is a white terrorist, clearly and without a doubt.
Highly unlikely he will be banned. Just seems odd he has managed to piss off our oldest and best ally, global supporter and friend while making bromance with Putin and Russia.

The UK isnt what it used to be....

Yo can say that again!

In some areas of England, Sharia Law and Islam rules.

Londonistan dares not offend any Muslim actions and the way it is going it's not a far fetched idea to see the UK splitting into self governing Islamic areas.

Same as the rest of Europe.
Word is, they will make Mexico pay for it

Trump Organization says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks 'a dangerous precedent' | Fox News

British lawmakers will debate later this month whether Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States is a reason to prevent him from coming to Britain.

“Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech,” George Sorial, executive vice president and counsel for the Trump Organization, told Fox News in a statement.

Several British officials blasted Trump’s proposal following the Dec. 2 terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., with Prime Minister David Cameron calling the idea “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong" in a break from the convention that British officials keep their opinions about U.S. presidential candidates to themselves.

Our allies banning trump, Isis and other terrorists using trump's childish and dangerous rhetoric as a recruiting tool.

Elections have consequences.

Yet a other example of white terrorism, ain't it?

Trump is a white terrorist, clearly and without a doubt.
explain your theory behind calling Trump a terrorist.
Word is, they will make Mexico pay for it

Trump Organization says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks 'a dangerous precedent' | Fox News

British lawmakers will debate later this month whether Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States is a reason to prevent him from coming to Britain.

“Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech,” George Sorial, executive vice president and counsel for the Trump Organization, told Fox News in a statement.

Several British officials blasted Trump’s proposal following the Dec. 2 terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., with Prime Minister David Cameron calling the idea “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong" in a break from the convention that British officials keep their opinions about U.S. presidential candidates to themselves.

Our allies banning trump, Isis and other terrorists using trump's childish and dangerous rhetoric as a recruiting tool.

Elections have consequences.

Yet a other example of white terrorism, ain't it?

Trump is a white terrorist, clearly and without a doubt.
explain your theory behind calling Trump a terrorist.

He is white, and might even own guns (plus he is deeply a racist man) = WhiteTerror.
Word is, they will make Mexico pay for it

Trump Organization says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks 'a dangerous precedent' | Fox News

British lawmakers will debate later this month whether Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States is a reason to prevent him from coming to Britain.

“Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech,” George Sorial, executive vice president and counsel for the Trump Organization, told Fox News in a statement.

Several British officials blasted Trump’s proposal following the Dec. 2 terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., with Prime Minister David Cameron calling the idea “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong" in a break from the convention that British officials keep their opinions about U.S. presidential candidates to themselves.

Our allies banning trump, Isis and other terrorists using trump's childish and dangerous rhetoric as a recruiting tool.

Elections have consequences.

Yet a other example of white terrorism, ain't it?

Trump is a white terrorist, clearly and without a doubt.
explain your theory behind calling Trump a terrorist.

He is white, and might even own guns (plus he is deeply a racist man) = WhiteTerror.
Thank you.
that clears it up. Broke for Burnie it is.

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