UK builds wall to keep Trump out

Word is, they will make Mexico pay for it

Trump Organization says proposed UK ban over Muslim remarks 'a dangerous precedent' | Fox News

British lawmakers will debate later this month whether Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States is a reason to prevent him from coming to Britain.

“Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech,” George Sorial, executive vice president and counsel for the Trump Organization, told Fox News in a statement.

Several British officials blasted Trump’s proposal following the Dec. 2 terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., with Prime Minister David Cameron calling the idea “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong" in a break from the convention that British officials keep their opinions about U.S. presidential candidates to themselves.

I wouldn't ban him from entering England but I would make sure he was booked a Hotel that was ran by a Muslim owner and waited on by a Muslim staff...
In Londonistan that's a given.

I thought about it after I wrote and wonder how many would have caught it!
Most overrated hyped Nation on earth. Great Britain is nothing more than a weak insignificant little island nation. Without the U.S., it would be in complete ruin. Just an irrelevant big-talkin Paper Tiger now. Still living off ancient past glory. It's actually very pathetic.
The gvmnt already stated in Dec they won't ban Trump. However, a petition with over 100,000 signatures means the gvmnt has to comment on it during PM's Questions. It will take Cameron all of 60 seconds to reiterate that he won't be banning Trump from the UK, despite the continuous whining and campaigning by uk Muslims and their useful idiot dhimmis.

Trump is on the no fly list and the UK is putting out mines to stop his yacht
Whatever you say.
Trump will not be banned from the UK and even if he were, hypothetically, it would be a very poor reflection on Britain as a nation signaling that free speech within their borders is basically dead.
Nothing has changed since Dec 16th bar a petition.

PM rejects call for Republican presidential candidate to be banned from the UK on anti-extremism grounds

David Cameron has rejected growing calls for Donald Trump to be banned from entering the UK...

At Prime Minister's Questions Labour MP Tulip Siddiq urged Mr Cameron to use anti-extremism legislation to block Mr Trump from entering the UK.

“In our country, we have legislation that stops people entering the country," she said. "Does the Prime Minister agree that the law should be applied equally to everyone, or should we be making exceptions for billionaire politicians?”

Mr Cameron responded by saying he too was "proud of representing a country which I think has some claim to say we are one of the most successful multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-faith countries in the world" but said he disagreed with her over banning Mr Trump.

David Cameron says we should invite Donald Trump to the UK because it will 'unite us all against him'
Even the Queen is preparing for Trump

If, by some chance, Trump is actually elected President, all this happy horseshit will be shelved faster than you can say "Phukk the little Muzzie wankers".
Most overrated hyped Nation on earth. Great Britain is nothing more than a weak insignificant little island nation. Without the U.S., it would be in complete ruin. Just an irrelevant big-talkin Paper Tiger now. Still living off ancient past glory. It's actually very pathetic.
Oh, there's no mistaking the idea that England's time has come and gone, but the Brits get full props for shooting their wad in defense of The West, including us.
Since when did we allow Brits or any other people / nation dictate how we govern, what we do? Polls and how other nations FEEL about us....Way to go, Libs...

:clap: :p
Remember when the Narcissist and Chief gave the Queen a loaded audio player containing hours and hours of all of his 'greatest speeches' as a gift?!

The gvmnt already stated in Dec they won't ban Trump. However, a petition with over 100,000 signatures means the gvmnt has to comment on it during PM's Questions. It will take Cameron all of 60 seconds to reiterate that he won't be banning Trump from the UK, despite the continuous whining and campaigning by uk Muslims and their useful idiot dhimmis.

Trump is on the no fly list and the UK is putting out mines to stop his yacht

He owns his own plane and he can purchase a mine sweeper.
The Lion lost it's roar many years ago. So what else is new? They have been there when asked and will continue to do so. The Brits are well aware of which side the crumpets are buttered on, unlike today's United States citizen.
Most overrated hyped Nation on earth. Great Britain is nothing more than a weak insignificant little island nation. Without the U.S., it would be in complete ruin. Just an irrelevant big-talkin Paper Tiger now. Still living off ancient past glory. It's actually very pathetic.
Oh, there's no mistaking the idea that England's time has come and gone, but the Brits get full props for shooting their wad in defense of The West, including us.

People give Great Britain far too much credit. It really is a weak irrelevant little island nation at this point. Too many get way too concerned with what it thinks. It's so overrated and over-hyped.

Britain's only claim to fame at this point is that it can spy on its Citizens on par with countries like China and Iran. It's not a free nation at this point. It's a Police State surveillance society. And without the US, it really would be in complete ruin. So, people shouldn't get so worked up over what Great Britain thinks about anything. It's irrelevant.
Trump will not be banned from the UK and even if he were, hypothetically, it would be a very poor reflection on Britain as a nation signaling that free speech within their borders is basically dead.

It is dead. Great Britain is nothing more than a Police State surveillance society at this point. Its glory days are long long gone. It really is an irrelevant nation. I still dont get why so many get so worked up over what it thinks. It's irrelevant.
...Britain's only claim to fame at this point is that...
Britain's only claim to fame at this point is in holding off the Nazis for two years until we got our heads out of our asses and joined the fight.

That exhausted them in a way that we cannot understand nor that we have even approached since the times of our own Civil War.
This is not Cameron's idea, or anything he wants. this is "constitutionally" mandated. You get 50,000 signatures on a petition, you get 90 minutes of debate on your petition. This petition got almost 600,000 signatures
It's 100,000 sigs and the 'debate' will be over in a few minutes. Cameron will say something placatory for the whiners, and Trump will be free to come and go as usual.

Actually, it looks as though Cameron likely won't even be in attendance as the 'debate' will not be part of PMQ's. There won't even be a vote, either.

In news that may disappoint the lifelong attention seeker and Republican presidential frontrunner, the debate will take place not in the famous chamber of the House of Commons, but in a small annex misleadingly named Westminster Hall; it will actually be in a room adjacent to the medieval building that’s the oldest part of the Parliament complex. In news that may disappoint anyone who can remember signing the petition, the debate won’t lead to a ban: It’s not Parliament’s decision, but the government’s, and lawmakers won’t even vote on the subject; they’ll just “consider” it.

The debate later this month won’t make any material difference to Trump or U.K. policy, according to Philip Cowley, professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London. “The most important thing to remember about Westminster Hall debates is that absolutely nothing needs to happen as a result of them,” he said in an interview.

U.K. Parliament to Debate Banning Trump From Britain
Trump will not be banned from the UK and even if he were, hypothetically, it would be a very poor reflection on Britain as a nation signaling that free speech within their borders is basically dead.

It is dead. Great Britain is nothing more than a Police State surveillance society at this point. Its glory days are long long gone. It really is an irrelevant nation. I still dont get why so many get so worked up over what it thinks. It's irrelevant.
The U.K. is constantly hamstrung by EU law. In 2017 there is to be a referendum on getting out of the EU. If the UK stays in, we can expect more of the same. If Jeremy Corbyn is ever elected, we can expect people like Trump to be banned whilst inviting as many Jihadis in as a possible. The next year or two are critical.

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