UK : Happy New Year!


Why Champagne Hangovers Are the Worst - ABC News

It took me almost all day to get over it. I had to sleep during the day to recharge my batteries. I should have just stuck with the chilled white wine. It was great chardonnay from Nicholas Winery in Napa Valley.
Since I don't have to work for a living anymore, other than my internet business run from our home, I take naps every day, to recharge the battery, and longer ones if the hubby is at work! :D

I can remember when I was a young child... thinking it was funny that grandpa took a 'siesta' type nap every afternoon, just like I had to do when a that I am middle age, I can truly understand why he needed them! Of course, this was my Italian grandfather, and he did have a tall glass of Vino with his lunch every day that put him right to sleep....

It took me almost all day to get over it. I had to sleep during the day to recharge my batteries. I should have just stuck with the chilled white wine. It was great chardonnay from Nicholas Winery in Napa Valley.
Since I don't have to work for a living anymore, other than my internet business run from our home, I take naps every day, to recharge the battery, and longer ones if the hubby is at work! :D

I can remember when I was a young child... thinking it was funny that grandpa took a 'siesta' type nap every afternoon, just like I had to do when a that I am middle age, I can truly understand why he needed them! Of course, this was my Italian grandfather, and he did have a tall glass of Vino with his lunch every day that put him right to sleep....

Internet business sounds exciting. What do you do on the internet? (if it is not confidential or anything like that)

My wife is a housewife as well. So she gets to take daytime nap. I am on the other hand overworked :) But, I am OK with it :)

Right now, it is holiday season so I got to have long weekends but pretty soon that is going to end and the real grinding work will start.

you play, you pay

isn't a 'saying' for nothing!

You are funny :)
How's the hangover? ;)

It took me almost all day to get over it. I had to sleep during the day to recharge my batteries. I should have just stuck with the chilled white wine. It was great chardonnay from Nicholas Winery in Napa Valley.
Since I don't have to work for a living anymore, other than my internet business run from our home, I take naps every day, to recharge the battery, and longer ones if the hubby is at work! :D

I can remember when I was a young child... thinking it was funny that grandpa took a 'siesta' type nap every afternoon, just like I had to do when a that I am middle age, I can truly understand why he needed them! Of course, this was my Italian grandfather, and he did have a tall glass of Vino with his lunch every day that put him right to sleep....

Internet business sounds exciting. What do you do on the internet? (if it is not confidential or anything like that)

My wife is a housewife as well. So she gets to take daytime nap. I am on the other hand overworked :) But, I am OK with it :)

Right now, it is holiday season so I got to have long weekends but pretty soon that is going to end and the real grinding work will start.
It started as a hobby...I was bored when I first stopped working so I had began to crochet again.... I had learned how to do such from my mother in law, before she was my mother in law and before I even began my working career.... I was never truly good at it, but I truly liked it and knew with practice I could get better....

but for the next 25 years I was busy as a bee working my buns off trying to climb the corporate ladder and just did not have time for a hobby or play...

so when I stopped working, I picked it up again...and taught myself how to design my own items and write my own patterns for them and started making things for every one that I knew, even my dentist's receptionist got crocheted gifts....till there was no one else to give them to!!! :D

So my sis, who is a teacher, was up visiting on vacation and she suggested I open a shop and sell some of my items on the internet... And I thought, what the heck, why not give it a could support the yarn costs for my hobby....

So, I opened a shop, with just 10 items that I couldn't find another friend to give them to.....and pretty much, one thing lead to another and the hobby got bigger than a hobby and I was running a small internet business, that also lead to a local custom order business for handmade cotton bath rugs in some smaller mom and pops stores around me...

My shop is quasi on Vacation right now, I usually have around 250 items or so for sale, but I deactivated many listings paring the shop down so I can make some custom ordered items and create some new items for this spring's selection....

(see your pm for link)
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good morning its 0804 here and our lunch guests are arriving for 12.30

So you are in a restaurant business it seems.
no thanks, I work as a volunteer counsellor with teens that have lost there way.

That is very noble of you. I hope those teens make sound new year's resolution.
Not really its what Dad taught us, he was a good Jewish atheist so religious celebrations did not happen for us.
My kid brother was cooking over the holidays in a secure wing of his local mental health hospital. Each patient has his own room and access to a communal kitchen. We helped last year, it was great fun as three patients were muslims who could cook.

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