UK Has a New State Religion

Far-right ‘activist’ who claimed ‘Allah is gay’ gets lifetime ban from coming to UK.

Maybe he should have just done something less inflammatory, like rape British girls.

Or said Jesus was a cross dresser with homo leanings.

The U.K. has banned many people from other countries, including from the US (Daniel Pipes, for example) who simply criticise Islam.

Obviously the powers that be recognise that simply criticising Islam is intolerable to many muslims and is likely to result in Islamic violence, as it does elsewhere in the world. I wonder why muslims believe their god cannot even tolerate a bit of criticism?

Anyway, contrast the recent outrageous treatment by the U.K. of Lauren Southern, with that of a member of Isis - no less!

This is how we do things now in the U.K. - and we don’t even have an ‘officially’ left wing government but instead are governed by alleged Conservatives!

Britain’s flawed definition of extremism is storing up trouble
Douglas Murray

.....Last Friday, Ahmed Hassan was convicted at the Old Bailey of placing a bomb on a packed rush-hour train last September. The device left at Parsons Green, London, failed to detonate. But various interesting details emerged at his trial. One was confirmation that Hassan should never have been in the UK in the first place. He had travelled to Calais illegally and there spent time in the illegal ‘Jungle’ camp – that place whose occupants Lily Allen and Juliet Stevensonforever tell us we must take in if we are not to be deemed bigots. In fact, Hassan perfectly fitted the Allen-Stevenson invitee list. Not least because, being under 18 at the time, he would have been the perfect candidate for their spare bedrooms.

In any case, Hassan was instructed at Calais – perhaps by the open-border NGOs which operate there – how to nix the British immigration system. And so he arrived in the UK illegally in the back of a lorry. And when the British state did eventually catch up with him this is what happened. Over to the Times:

‘As part of his questioning by the Home Office in Croydon in January 2016, Hassan was asked: “Have you previously or are you part of a terrorist group, for example Isis?”

According to notes taken by a worker at the hostel, who attended the interview, Hassan replied: “Yes, I was recruited by Isis for three months. They trained us on how to kill and it was all religious based.”

Asked how he got away, Hassan said: “Iraqi soldiers came into the Isis territory and told everyone to go and some of the children stayed, some died and some went back to their families.”

When he was asked if Isis sent him to Europe to work for them, Hassan said: “No.”

Instead of getting Hassan out of the country ASAP, the UK continued to do everything it could for him, including finding him a school place and placing him with a foster family to whom they forgot to mention the Isis stuff.

Fortunately only the detonating device on Hassan’s bomb went off. It failed to trigger the full device. As a result some 30 people had their hair singed, or were wounded in the panic and many more terrified – including the many school children on that train on their way to morning classes. It is only thanks to a slight flaw in Hassan’s bomb-making skills that are we not now mourning (or singing ‘Don’t look back in anger’ over) another 30 or so dead British children.

Can anyone else see the problem here? The British state currently has to find a reason to explain why saying ‘Allah is gay’ is a fundamental assault on British values, but admitting to being a trained member of Isis is not. It has to explain why approaching the borders legally can lead to expulsion but breaking into the country illegally cannot....

Britain’s flawed definition of extremism is storing up trouble | Coffee House
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The police are onto this. Arrests have been made and are being made. The BBC reports on it almost every day.

How would letting in an ignorant bitch who makes stupid cracks about religion intended to incite social chaos and wants to watch people drown help the Brits tackle the problem?

As for your ridiculous statement that "they do not protect or give a crap about British girls who by the THOUSANDS are being groomed and gang raped by Pakistani Gang Raping POS," where do you think that all of these mugshots come from? Do Pakistani rapists send them in to the police just for fun? Mugshots are taken after arrests.

The assertion that the British government is enforcing Islamic anti-blasphemy laws is absurd. This woman was stopped and received a warning, not arrested, for violating British laws on disorderly conduct and then prevented from returning to the UK under the Terrorism Act. This has nothing to do with Islamic religious law.

I credit the "Me, Too" and related movements for empowering more victims to come forward and tell their stories rather than hide in shame.

The use of the term "beta cuck" is extremely childish. It sounds like some white nationist garbage. And "feral kabobs"???

The state religion in England is still the Church of England.

People violate laws in the UK and Ireland. Then they get found out and arrested.



"As for your ridiculous statement that "they do not protect or give a crap about British girls who by the THOUSANDS are being groomed and gang raped by Pakistani Gang Raping POS," where do you think that all of these mugshots come from? Do Pakistani rapists send them in to the police just for fun? Mugshots are taken after arrests."

It was allowed to go on for SIXTEEN YEARS you low IQ Muppet, do you have reading comprehension problems? Yes you do. The British authorities including the police KNEW for SIXTEEN YEARS but did NOTHING because as the article headline states they were scared of being labelled racist if they intervened, so for SIXTEEN YEARS 1,400 underage British girls were ALLOWED to be continued getting gang raped by Muslim filth....and THAT is just one example of the British Government and the British police not giving a crap about protecting British girls, protecting the fucking Muslims and being afraid of being called racist are their paramount priorities.

"People violate laws in the UK and Ireland. Then they get found out and arrested."

You do not know what you are talking about or you would not post such gibberish.

You seem particularly obsessed with Muslims committing crimes. I do not know why. I'm more interested in finding and capturing all people who commit crimes. BTW: the Daily Mirror is a tabloid.

This thread is about the British banning this woman from their country. Given her past actions, I can't think that she could contribute anything positive that would help the police to apprehend these criminals and the Brits have concluded that she would be a negative influence on their nation. Pretty simple. The British police have enough on their hands. Having to deal with her would only add to their problems.

"You seem particularly obsessed with Muslims committing crimes. I do not know why."

That's because it's the Muslims who are committing the crimes of Grooming and Gang Raping THOUSANDS of British girls. Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

"BTW: the Daily Mirror is a tabloid."

Meaning according to a low IQ Muppet like you that there are no Muslim Gang Rape Gangs in Britain.

The Independent is not a tabloid:


Rotherham grooming gangs may have abused more than 1,500 victims, investigators reveal

The Guardian is not a tabloid:


Police appeared to punish victims of Newcastle grooming gangs, review finds

The Spectator is not a tabloid:


The BBC’s shameful silence on the Telford sex scandal | Coffee House

The Daily Mail is not a tabloid:


Report on Asian grooming gangs abusing 700 girls and women | Daily Mail Online
When you flood your nation with violent immigrants and refuse to deport them you're advocating violence.

How did Britain flood the nation with "violent immigrants" and then "refuse to deport them"?
By having open borders and refusing to do anything to stop the invasion. Why do you play pretend, other than being a regressive lib?

You are the one playing pretend and trying to hide behind stupid "regressive lib" stuff that you get from Rush Limpwit.

What "invasion"? The British have had a "special" relationship with India dating from at least the mid-1800s. In 1947, it was instrumental in partitioning off from India what is now known as the nation of Pakistan. Before that, those families now known as Pakistani, were Indian citizens.

How the Partition of India happened – and why its effects are still felt today

Pakistan relations with england | Pakistan | United Kingdom

The present queen of England was the last reigning monarch of Pakistan, which is part of the British Commonwealth.

This is basic history.

There may be some recent immigrants, but there is a sizable number of British citizens by birth who are of Pakistani descent.

WTF does India have to do with anything?

Duh. Read about it. Pakistan was created by the British partitioning India in 1947, creating a separate Commonwealth nation. They must have heard about this even in Texas.

That has nothing to do with the current situation.
No free speech, no guns. Sounds like paradise.

Compared to some other countries out there, it is, thanks. You'll be doubtless pleased to learn we do have freedom of expression, although with some generally acceptable limitations; which is more than enough for the average citizen to live their life in peace. The only people who bleat on about it are usually extremists, from both the "Left", "Right" or from the "religious" spectrum.
Lauren Southern was testing the response by the authorities regarding how our freedom of speech is applied unequally. It was an informative exercise.

Earlier there was an article stating that Jesus was gay. Nothing happened so she thought she’d test the response to ‘allah is gay’.

As you can see, one gets a lifetime ban and is branded a racist and a threat (what race is allah? what race are muslims?), the other, not a peep.
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The police are onto this. Arrests have been made and are being made. The BBC reports on it almost every day.

How would letting in an ignorant bitch who makes stupid cracks about religion intended to incite social chaos and wants to watch people drown help the Brits tackle the problem?

As for your ridiculous statement that "they do not protect or give a crap about British girls who by the THOUSANDS are being groomed and gang raped by Pakistani Gang Raping POS," where do you think that all of these mugshots come from? Do Pakistani rapists send them in to the police just for fun? Mugshots are taken after arrests.

The assertion that the British government is enforcing Islamic anti-blasphemy laws is absurd. This woman was stopped and received a warning, not arrested, for violating British laws on disorderly conduct and then prevented from returning to the UK under the Terrorism Act. This has nothing to do with Islamic religious law.

I credit the "Me, Too" and related movements for empowering more victims to come forward and tell their stories rather than hide in shame.

The use of the term "beta cuck" is extremely childish. It sounds like some white nationist garbage. And "feral kabobs"???

The state religion in England is still the Church of England.

People violate laws in the UK and Ireland. Then they get found out and arrested.



"As for your ridiculous statement that "they do not protect or give a crap about British girls who by the THOUSANDS are being groomed and gang raped by Pakistani Gang Raping POS," where do you think that all of these mugshots come from? Do Pakistani rapists send them in to the police just for fun? Mugshots are taken after arrests."

It was allowed to go on for SIXTEEN YEARS you low IQ Muppet, do you have reading comprehension problems? Yes you do. The British authorities including the police KNEW for SIXTEEN YEARS but did NOTHING because as the article headline states they were scared of being labelled racist if they intervened, so for SIXTEEN YEARS 1,400 underage British girls were ALLOWED to be continued getting gang raped by Muslim filth....and THAT is just one example of the British Government and the British police not giving a crap about protecting British girls, protecting the fucking Muslims and being afraid of being called racist are their paramount priorities.

"People violate laws in the UK and Ireland. Then they get found out and arrested."

You do not know what you are talking about or you would not post such gibberish.

You seem particularly obsessed with Muslims committing crimes. I do not know why. I'm more interested in finding and capturing all people who commit crimes. BTW: the Daily Mirror is a tabloid.

This thread is about the British banning this woman from their country. Given her past actions, I can't think that she could contribute anything positive that would help the police to apprehend these criminals and the Brits have concluded that she would be a negative influence on their nation. Pretty simple. The British police have enough on their hands. Having to deal with her would only add to their problems.
Stop Muslims and you stop 98% of all terrorism and 50% of all crime.

Another murder in London. The 50th this year, and it's only April.

Is Mayor Khan incompetent?

Do bears shit in the woods?
Britain is not in the Schengen zone.
Britain isn't over run by muslims then.

I don't know. I don't live there. Germany and France is. Even Switzerland.
According to reports, they are over run with them. They even have the low intelligence to elect them.

There's Baroness Chakrabati.

Tilly; is Dianne Abbott a Muslim?

She's as thick as a brick, despite her Oxford education.
Britain is not in the Schengen zone.
Britain isn't over run by muslims then.

I don't know. I don't live there. Germany and France is. Even Switzerland.
According to reports, they are over run with them. They even have the low intelligence to elect them.

There's Baroness Chakrabati.

Tilly; is Dianne Abbott a Muslim?

She's as thick as a brick, despite her Oxford education.
No, I don’t believe so- just a thick racist.
Britain is not in the Schengen zone.
Britain isn't over run by muslims then.

I don't know. I don't live there. Germany and France is. Even Switzerland.
According to reports, they are over run with them. They even have the low intelligence to elect them.

There's Baroness Chakrabati.

Tilly; is Dianne Abbott a Muslim?

She's as thick as a brick, despite her Oxford education.
There have been about 20+ muslim MPs at times (overwhelmingly Labour) but after all the disappearances due to praising Hitler and denying the Holocaust etc, I’m not sure of the numbers right now.
Wow. What a collection of people who actually think that they know something, yet most of the comments evince nothing but a blanket hatred for a particular religion.

What does any of this have to do with the Brits deciding to ban this woman from the country? She apparently was let in once before and did not meet behavioral standards and she does not appear to have anything to offer to British society except for inciting animosities between its members. Who needs that?

Switching topic: no one "tolerates" or defends child rape, and certainly not me. This is BS of the lowest order and is an unwarranted personal attack. No one knows who is going to commit a crime until they do so. What the British government decides to do with the ones of these rapist clowns who are not British citizens, once they finish their prison sentences, is unknown. I know nothing about Britain's deportation policies.

It's been a while since I've been over there, but even before the terrorism thing started they gave you a good look-see when you arrived at Heathrow as a tourist. It's the only place that I have ever been subject to full pat-down searches, hands in the air, by white-gloved police, even before boarding a flight out of the country to Dublin.

I don't know how the British vetting process for immigrants works so I cannot offer any advice on how it could be improved. I'm sure the British are smart enough to flag anyone who raises suspicion. Even though Britain has its share of yahoos, like the morons from Liverpool who wrecked the coach carrying the Manchester City football team yesterday, their officials appear to be organized and efficient, though now a bit overwhelmed, given the rising crime in London and other cities.

So.. basically you decided to troll a thread. I mean you freely admit to knowing virtually nothing about the topic. Your forte seems to be pointing a finger at supposed hate.
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No free speech, no guns. Sounds like paradise.

Compared to some other countries out there, it is, thanks. You'll be doubtless pleased to learn we do have freedom of expression, although with some generally acceptable limitations; which is more than enough for the average citizen to live their life in peace. The only people who bleat on about it are usually extremists, from both the "Left", "Right" or from the "religious" spectrum.

A truly strong nation can uphold freedom of speech without limitations.
Britain is fucked. We should offer citizenship to Brits who share our values and who have the financial means to begin a new life here.

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