UK Has a New State Religion

No free speech, no guns. Sounds like paradise.

Compared to some other countries out there, it is, thanks. You'll be doubtless pleased to learn we do have freedom of expression, although with some generally acceptable limitations; which is more than enough for the average citizen to live their life in peace. The only people who bleat on about it are usually extremists, from both the "Left", "Right" or from the "religious" spectrum.

A truly strong nation can uphold freedom of speech without limitations.

And especially so when the speech involves the rejection of a supremacist, totalitarian ideology that is the very antithesis of western liberalism.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank lysistrata for bumping up my ratings.

I's always fun to watch regressives use the funny option to exhibit their intolerance of things they do not understand.
Wow. What a collection of people who actually think that they know something, yet most of the comments evince nothing but a blanket hatred for a particular religion.

What does any of this have to do with the Brits deciding to ban this woman from the country? She apparently was let in once before and did not meet behavioral standards and she does not appear to have anything to offer to British society except for inciting animosities between its members. Who needs that?

Switching topic: no one "tolerates" or defends child rape, and certainly not me. This is BS of the lowest order and is an unwarranted personal attack. No one knows who is going to commit a crime until they do so. What the British government decides to do with the ones of these rapist clowns who are not British citizens, once they finish their prison sentences, is unknown. I know nothing about Britain's deportation policies.

It's been a while since I've been over there, but even before the terrorism thing started they gave you a good look-see when you arrived at Heathrow as a tourist. It's the only place that I have ever been subject to full pat-down searches, hands in the air, by white-gloved police, even before boarding a flight out of the country to Dublin.

I don't know how the British vetting process for immigrants works so I cannot offer any advice on how it could be improved. I'm sure the British are smart enough to flag anyone who raises suspicion. Even though Britain has its share of yahoos, like the morons from Liverpool who wrecked the coach carrying the Manchester City football team yesterday, their officials appear to be organized and efficient, though now a bit overwhelmed, given the rising crime in London and other cities.

So.. basically you decided to troll a thread. I mean you freely admit to knowing virtually nothing about the topic. Your forte seems to be pointing a finger at supposed hate.

So it is now "trolling" to speak in opposition to nonsense.

I admitted to knowing nothing about the British system for vetting immigrants and tourists. But you don't, either. If there is something wrong with the British system, say what it is.

The people who have been banned from Britain are people who have a record of attempts to incite racial and religious hatred and unrest on British streets and no record of achievement. Why tolerate them, seriously? They don't seem to have any redeeming qualities. After all, how many people want to prevent the rescue of people who are drowning as they want to do? Sorry. I grew up with religion and ethics and a civilized culture.
Obviously, since this grooming/rape scandal broke, the British police have responded and those involved arrested. Their mugshots would not be on the front page, otherwise. This is one of the great things that have arisen from "Me, Too." Now victims feel free to speak out about their experiences and the police make arrests. This is how this should be handled.

Moreover, British law enforcement has many other crimes on its plate; not only combating terrorism, but murders, rapes, robberies, and burglaries. Why give them any more to cope with? The Brits have every right to keep out hoodlum instigators.

Whoever wrote that the "UK has a new state religion" is a total asshole.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank lysistrata for bumping up my ratings.

I's always fun to watch regressives use the funny option to exhibit their intolerance of things they do not understand.

No. Thank you for demonstrating just how our slide from civilization into chaos works. Shouldn't you be running around in some forest or jungle with a bone through your nose offering human sacrifices?
Wow. What a collection of people who actually think that they know something, yet most of the comments evince nothing but a blanket hatred for a particular religion.

What does any of this have to do with the Brits deciding to ban this woman from the country? She apparently was let in once before and did not meet behavioral standards and she does not appear to have anything to offer to British society except for inciting animosities between its members. Who needs that?

Switching topic: no one "tolerates" or defends child rape, and certainly not me. This is BS of the lowest order and is an unwarranted personal attack. No one knows who is going to commit a crime until they do so. What the British government decides to do with the ones of these rapist clowns who are not British citizens, once they finish their prison sentences, is unknown. I know nothing about Britain's deportation policies.

It's been a while since I've been over there, but even before the terrorism thing started they gave you a good look-see when you arrived at Heathrow as a tourist. It's the only place that I have ever been subject to full pat-down searches, hands in the air, by white-gloved police, even before boarding a flight out of the country to Dublin.

I don't know how the British vetting process for immigrants works so I cannot offer any advice on how it could be improved. I'm sure the British are smart enough to flag anyone who raises suspicion. Even though Britain has its share of yahoos, like the morons from Liverpool who wrecked the coach carrying the Manchester City football team yesterday, their officials appear to be organized and efficient, though now a bit overwhelmed, given the rising crime in London and other cities.

So.. basically you decided to troll a thread. I mean you freely admit to knowing virtually nothing about the topic. Your forte seems to be pointing a finger at supposed hate.

So it is now "trolling" to speak in opposition to nonsense.

I admitted to knowing nothing about the British system for vetting immigrants and tourists. But you don't, either. If there is something wrong with the British system, say what it is.

The people who have been banned from Britain are people who have a record of attempts to incite racial and religious hatred and unrest on British streets and no record of achievement. Why tolerate them, seriously? They don't seem to have any redeeming qualities. After all, how many people want to prevent the rescue of people who are drowning as they want to do? Sorry. I grew up with religion and ethics and a civilized culture.
Obviously, since this grooming/rape scandal broke, the British police have responded and those involved arrested. Their mugshots would not be on the front page, otherwise. This is one of the great things that have arisen from "Me, Too." Now victims feel free to speak out about their experiences and the police make arrests. This is how this should be handled.

Moreover, British law enforcement has many other crimes on its plate; not only combating terrorism, but murders, rapes, robberies, and burglaries. Why give them any more to cope with? The Brits have every right to keep out hoodlum instigators.

Whoever wrote that the "UK has a new state religion" is a total asshole.

"So it is now "trolling" to speak in opposition to nonsense."

The only nonsense in this thread is coming from you.

"Obviously, since this grooming/rape scandal broke, the British police have responded and those involved arrested. Their mugshots would not be on the front page, otherwise."

What a beyond low IQ Muppet Troll you are, we already did this pages ago, it was pointed out to you that the British authorities including their police knowingly allowed the Kebab Gang Rapists to groom and gang rape THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of underage girls for SIXTEEN YEARS. The mugshots are SIXTEEN YEARS too late.

Now stop Trolling this thread with your horsecrap.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank lysistrata for bumping up my ratings.

I's always fun to watch regressives use the funny option to exhibit their intolerance of things they do not understand.

No. Thank you for demonstrating just how our slide from civilization into chaos works. Shouldn't you be running around in some forest or jungle with a bone through your nose offering human sacrifices?
So, that's why you support the one ideology on the planet that represents the very antithesis of liberalism.

It's because you are utterly insane.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Wow. What a collection of people who actually think that they know something, yet most of the comments evince nothing but a blanket hatred for a particular religion.

What does any of this have to do with the Brits deciding to ban this woman from the country? She apparently was let in once before and did not meet behavioral standards and she does not appear to have anything to offer to British society except for inciting animosities between its members. Who needs that?

Switching topic: no one "tolerates" or defends child rape, and certainly not me. This is BS of the lowest order and is an unwarranted personal attack. No one knows who is going to commit a crime until they do so. What the British government decides to do with the ones of these rapist clowns who are not British citizens, once they finish their prison sentences, is unknown. I know nothing about Britain's deportation policies.

It's been a while since I've been over there, but even before the terrorism thing started they gave you a good look-see when you arrived at Heathrow as a tourist. It's the only place that I have ever been subject to full pat-down searches, hands in the air, by white-gloved police, even before boarding a flight out of the country to Dublin.

I don't know how the British vetting process for immigrants works so I cannot offer any advice on how it could be improved. I'm sure the British are smart enough to flag anyone who raises suspicion. Even though Britain has its share of yahoos, like the morons from Liverpool who wrecked the coach carrying the Manchester City football team yesterday, their officials appear to be organized and efficient, though now a bit overwhelmed, given the rising crime in London and other cities.

So.. basically you decided to troll a thread. I mean you freely admit to knowing virtually nothing about the topic. Your forte seems to be pointing a finger at supposed hate.

So it is now "trolling" to speak in opposition to nonsense.

I admitted to knowing nothing about the British system for vetting immigrants and tourists. But you don't, either. If there is something wrong with the British system, say what it is.

The people who have been banned from Britain are people who have a record of attempts to incite racial and religious hatred and unrest on British streets and no record of achievement. Why tolerate them, seriously? They don't seem to have any redeeming qualities. After all, how many people want to prevent the rescue of people who are drowning as they want to do? Sorry. I grew up with religion and ethics and a civilized culture.
Obviously, since this grooming/rape scandal broke, the British police have responded and those involved arrested. Their mugshots would not be on the front page, otherwise. This is one of the great things that have arisen from "Me, Too." Now victims feel free to speak out about their experiences and the police make arrests. This is how this should be handled.

Moreover, British law enforcement has many other crimes on its plate; not only combating terrorism, but murders, rapes, robberies, and burglaries. Why give them any more to cope with? The Brits have every right to keep out hoodlum instigators.

Whoever wrote that the "UK has a new state religion" is a total asshole.

"So it is now "trolling" to speak in opposition to nonsense."

The only nonsense in this thread is coming from you.

"Obviously, since this grooming/rape scandal broke, the British police have responded and those involved arrested. Their mugshots would not be on the front page, otherwise."

What a beyond low IQ Muppet Troll you are, we already did this pages ago, it was pointed out to you that the British authorities including their police knowingly allowed the Kebab Gang Rapists to groom and gang rape THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of underage girls for SIXTEEN YEARS. The mugshots are SIXTEEN YEARS too late.

Now stop Trolling this thread with your horsecrap.

Knowingly??? Prove that one. I don't know why people want to drum up some useless war between faiths. This is what some of these posters want to do. It is not "trolling" to declare them full of crap.
Tell me, Ms. All Wise, what should the Brits do? And why should they allow in gutter scum bent on incitement to violence and riot, as if they didn't have a full plate already?
BTW: In return, I do not think much of your IQ, either, hysterical muppet. You are very loose with your name-calling.
Wow. What a collection of people who actually think that they know something, yet most of the comments evince nothing but a blanket hatred for a particular religion.

What does any of this have to do with the Brits deciding to ban this woman from the country? She apparently was let in once before and did not meet behavioral standards and she does not appear to have anything to offer to British society except for inciting animosities between its members. Who needs that?

Switching topic: no one "tolerates" or defends child rape, and certainly not me. This is BS of the lowest order and is an unwarranted personal attack. No one knows who is going to commit a crime until they do so. What the British government decides to do with the ones of these rapist clowns who are not British citizens, once they finish their prison sentences, is unknown. I know nothing about Britain's deportation policies.

It's been a while since I've been over there, but even before the terrorism thing started they gave you a good look-see when you arrived at Heathrow as a tourist. It's the only place that I have ever been subject to full pat-down searches, hands in the air, by white-gloved police, even before boarding a flight out of the country to Dublin.

I don't know how the British vetting process for immigrants works so I cannot offer any advice on how it could be improved. I'm sure the British are smart enough to flag anyone who raises suspicion. Even though Britain has its share of yahoos, like the morons from Liverpool who wrecked the coach carrying the Manchester City football team yesterday, their officials appear to be organized and efficient, though now a bit overwhelmed, given the rising crime in London and other cities.

So.. basically you decided to troll a thread. I mean you freely admit to knowing virtually nothing about the topic. Your forte seems to be pointing a finger at supposed hate.

So it is now "trolling" to speak in opposition to nonsense.

I admitted to knowing nothing about the British system for vetting immigrants and tourists. But you don't, either. If there is something wrong with the British system, say what it is.

The people who have been banned from Britain are people who have a record of attempts to incite racial and religious hatred and unrest on British streets and no record of achievement. Why tolerate them, seriously? They don't seem to have any redeeming qualities. After all, how many people want to prevent the rescue of people who are drowning as they want to do? Sorry. I grew up with religion and ethics and a civilized culture.
Obviously, since this grooming/rape scandal broke, the British police have responded and those involved arrested. Their mugshots would not be on the front page, otherwise. This is one of the great things that have arisen from "Me, Too." Now victims feel free to speak out about their experiences and the police make arrests. This is how this should be handled.

Moreover, British law enforcement has many other crimes on its plate; not only combating terrorism, but murders, rapes, robberies, and burglaries. Why give them any more to cope with? The Brits have every right to keep out hoodlum instigators.

Whoever wrote that the "UK has a new state religion" is a total asshole.

"So it is now "trolling" to speak in opposition to nonsense."

The only nonsense in this thread is coming from you.

"Obviously, since this grooming/rape scandal broke, the British police have responded and those involved arrested. Their mugshots would not be on the front page, otherwise."

What a beyond low IQ Muppet Troll you are, we already did this pages ago, it was pointed out to you that the British authorities including their police knowingly allowed the Kebab Gang Rapists to groom and gang rape THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of underage girls for SIXTEEN YEARS. The mugshots are SIXTEEN YEARS too late.

Now stop Trolling this thread with your horsecrap.

Knowingly??? Prove that one. I don't know why people want to drum up some useless war between faiths. This is what some of these posters want to do. It is not "trolling" to declare them full of crap.
Tell me, Ms. All Wise, what should the Brits do? And why should they allow in gutter scum bent on incitement to violence and riot, as if they didn't have a full plate already?
BTW: In return, I do not think much of your IQ, either, hysterical muppet. You are very loose with your name-calling.

"Knowingly??? Prove that one."

I did already pages ago, but being a beyond low IQ Muppet you can't read the articles already posted pages ago or you would know already that the British police KNOWINGLY allowed the gang raping of THOUSANDS of underage girls to continue for SIXTEEN YEARS because they were afraid of being called racist, but I'll just post one more article where this time it is in the HEADLINE and even beyond low IQ Muppets can read a headline even if they cannot read an entire article. Or maybe you are just Trolling.


Police said to have failed 1,400 girls targeted by Rotherham paedophile ring because they were scared of being branded racist
Knowingly??? Prove that one. I don't know why people want to drum up some useless war between faiths. This is what some of these posters want to do. It is not "trolling" to declare them full of crap.
Tell me, Ms. All Wise, what should the Brits do? And why should they allow in gutter scum bent on incitement to violence and riot, as if they didn't have a full plate already?
BTW: In return, I do not think much of your IQ, either, hysterical muppet. You are very loose with your name-calling.

Only you are calling it a war among faiths. Simply pointing out that a particular group in England has abused women and children while hiding behind their religion. Normally local laws are enforced to protect people, we are suggesting they do just that. You make it sound like no reasonable options are available. This is where you become the moron and troll. Have been the whole thread.
Knowingly??? Prove that one. I don't know why people want to drum up some useless war between faiths. This is what some of these posters want to do. It is not "trolling" to declare them full of crap.
Tell me, Ms. All Wise, what should the Brits do? And why should they allow in gutter scum bent on incitement to violence and riot, as if they didn't have a full plate already?
BTW: In return, I do not think much of your IQ, either, hysterical muppet. You are very loose with your name-calling.

Only you are calling it a war among faiths. Simply pointing out that a particular group in England has abused women and children while hiding behind their religion. Normally local laws are enforced to protect people, we are suggesting they do just that. You make it sound like no reasonable options are available. This is where you become the moron and troll. Have been the whole thread.
... But you do have to admit that it takes a certain degree of courage for these teenagers to wade into a tread only to display to all concerned that they know less than nothing about the subject matter

Most people would be far too embarrassed to continue on despite being such a laughingstock.
... But you do have to admit that it takes a certain degree of courage for these teenagers to wade into a tread only to display to all concerned that they know less than nothing about the subject matter

Most people would be far too embarrassed to continue on despite being such a laughingstock.

Never mistake ignorance for being brave.
... But you do have to admit that it takes a certain degree of courage for these teenagers to wade into a tread only to display to all concerned that they know less than nothing about the subject matter

Most people would be far too embarrassed to continue on despite being such a laughingstock.

Never mistake ignorance for being brave.

Well, I still think it is cute how she knows absolutely nothing yet goes on and on and on.

On Monday, she'll be able to tell all the other kids in her sophomore civics class that she's sure a real social justice warrior now!

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