UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak On Transgenderism

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
“We shouldn’t be bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be, they can’t.A man is a man, a woman is a woman that’s just common sense.”

A kid in kindergarten knows the different between a man and a woman. Why do some 30 year olds have a problem figuring it out? What gets me is that we even have to have this discussion. South Park is no longer parody; it's become a documentary.

When did drag queens become the most important issue in the lives of the right wing?

I guess when they can't hate minorities, women or gays anymore, the mindless hate pool becomes a little shallow.

(You can repeat an insult you didn't understand now.)
It became an important issue when the left wing started drag performances for kids and demanding boys be allowed to play in girls sports.
When did drag queens become the most important issue in the lives of the right wing?
Who said it is besides you??? Drag queens rank pretty far down on my own priority list with all the messes we're in.

However, democrats are trying to force girls to accept a back seat in their own sports. To me it's the same old, same old from democrats. They pretend they're feminists yet they encourage screwed up boys to take over girls sports, they pretend they love science yet will have you cancelled if you speak proven science that's not in their playbook and they hate conservative minorities with a passion much greater than they hate white conservatives.

Leave girls' sports alone. The only people tolerating boys in girls' sports are misogynists, which sound like you.
“We shouldn’t be bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be, they can’t.A man is a man, a woman is a woman that’s just common sense.”

A kid in kindergarten knows the different between a man and a woman. Why do some 30 year olds have a problem figuring it out? What gets me is that we even have to have this discussion. South Park is no longer parody; it's become a documentary.

So now we let five-year-olds determine what and what is not human? Sounds about right for those with an agenda.
He can say that in Britain because he is a Muslim.

He would be assailed up one side and down the other if he was native Brit.
“We shouldn’t be bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be, they can’t.A man is a man, a woman is a woman that’s just common sense.”

A kid in kindergarten knows the different between a man and a woman. Why do some 30 year olds have a problem figuring it out? What gets me is that we even have to have this discussion. South Park is no longer parody; it's become a documentary.

Kids learn what they're told to learn.

Also, there are more than two genders.

he following are some of the variations associated with atypical determination and differentiation process:[15]

  • A zygote with only X chromosome (XO) results in Turner syndrome and will develop with female characteristics.[5]
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia –Inability of adrenal to produce sufficient cortisol, leading to increased production of testosterone resulting in severe masculinization of 46 XX females. The condition also occurs in XY males, as they suffer from the effects of low cortisol and salt-wasting, not virilization.
  • Persistent müllerian duct syndrome – A rare type of pseudohermaphroditism that occurs in 46 XY males, caused by either a mutation in the Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) gene, on 19p13, or its type II receptor, 12q13. Results in a retention of Müllerian ducts (persistence of rudimentary uterus and fallopian tubes in otherwise normally virilized males), unilateral or bilateral undescended testes and sometimes causes infertility.
  • XY differences of sex development – Atypical androgen production or inadequate androgen response, which can cause incomplete masculinization in XY males. Varies from mild failure of masculinization with undescended testes to complete sex reversal and female phenotype (Androgen insensitivity syndrome)
  • Swyer syndrome. A form of complete gonadal dysgenesis, mostly due to mutations in the first step of sex determination; the SRY genes.
  • A 5-alpha-reductase deficiency results in atypical development characterized by female phenotype or undervirilized male phenotype with development of the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct, but also a pseudovagina. This is because testosterone is converted to the more potent DHT by 5-alpha reductase. DHT is necessary to exert androgenic effects farther from the site of testosterone production, where the concentrations of testosterone are too low to have any potency."
When did drag queens become the most important issue in the lives of the right wing?

I guess when they can't hate minorities, women or gays anymore, the mindless hate pool becomes a little shallow.

(You can repeat an insult you didn't understand now.)
It is Mutants like you that we have either got to charitably tolerate or eventually deal with in other ways if you are incapableof seeing how ill you are .
It's like dealing with kids who have learning difficulties
Conservative Party chief says man is man and woman is woman....... And this is a scandal?!
The West is sinking to the bottom. How soon will he apologize for this outrageous statement?
“We shouldn’t be bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be, they can’t.A man is a man, a woman is a woman that’s just common sense.”

A kid in kindergarten knows the different between a man and a woman. Why do some 30 year olds have a problem figuring it out? What gets me is that we even have to have this discussion. South Park is no longer parody; it's become a documentary.
RS may be a WEF poster boy but I am far from convinced that he is in the pathetic and lost league like Macron and Scholz for example .
He seems to have a sensible , pragmatic mind and approach and here he talks good old fashioned common sense rather than makes a political statement .
It became an important issue when the left wing started drag performances for kids and demanding boys be allowed to play in girls sports.

Nope. Still not an important issue.

Heck, I grew up watching Bugs Bunny dress like a woman trying to fool Elmer Fudd, and I was never inspired to cross dress.

Who said it is besides you??? Drag queens rank pretty far down on my own priority list with all the messes we're in.

However, democrats are trying to force girls to accept a back seat in their own sports. To me it's the same old, same old from democrats. They pretend they're feminists yet they encourage screwed up boys to take over girls sports, they pretend they love science yet will have you cancelled if you speak proven science that's not in their playbook and they hate conservative minorities with a passion much greater than they hate white conservatives.

Okay, couple of points here.

First, the chances of a female athlete encountering a transgender competitor is beyond rare.

Secondly, the only reason why ANYONE cares about female sports is because of the stupidity of Title IX being a ticket into college for some girls (A lot of whom would be too stupid to otherwise qualify.) Get rid of Title IX, no one would care.

It is Mutants like you that we have either got to charitably tolerate or eventually deal with in other ways if you are incapableof seeing how ill you are .
It's like dealing with kids who have learning difficulties

Funny, that's how I see conservatives.
You keep letting the rich fuck you in the ass... and they get you all upset about the blacks or the gays or the abortions or the trannies... and you keep falling for it.
First, the chances of a female athlete encountering a transgender competitor is beyond rare.
Sorry, but one girl loses to a boy and it's too many. That girl worked her ass off to get where she is and its no better that she's being beat by a boy in girls' sports than if she was beat by a girl hopped up on steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

Why is it so hard for you to give girls what they deserve? Why do you have to inject boys to ruin it for girls, once again?

And we keep allowing boys to infect girls's sports and it won't be rare anymore. I think that excuse is one of the stupidest I have heard, with all due respect.

Secondly, the only reason why ANYONE cares about female sports is because of the stupidity of Title IX being a ticket into college for some girls (A lot of whom would be too stupid to otherwise qualify.) Get rid of Title IX, no one would care.
Man, misogyny much? You have a problem. I'm not here to solve it.
Nope. Still not an important issue.

Heck, I grew up watching Bugs Bunny dress like a woman trying to fool Elmer Fudd, and I was never inspired to cross dress.

Okay, couple of points here.

First, the chances of a female athlete encountering a transgender competitor is beyond rare.

Secondly, the only reason why ANYONE cares about female sports is because of the stupidity of Title IX being a ticket into college for some girls (A lot of whom would be too stupid to otherwise qualify.) Get rid of Title IX, no one would care.

Funny, that's how I see conservatives.
You keep letting the rich fuck you in the ass... and they get you all upset about the blacks or the gays or the abortions or the trannies... and you keep falling for it.
Meanwhile the whole UK s in meltdown. People cant keep a roof over their head. And this is his response. Its just catnip for bigots.
Nope. Still not an important issue.

Heck, I grew up watching Bugs Bunny dress like a woman trying to fool Elmer Fudd, and I was never inspired to cross dress.
Bugs Bunny didn't try and take your daughter's place on a sports team did he?
Okay, couple of points here.

First, the chances of a female athlete encountering a transgender competitor is beyond rare.

Secondly, the only reason why ANYONE cares about female sports is because of the stupidity of Title IX being a ticket into college for some girls (A lot of whom would be too stupid to otherwise qualify.) Get rid of Title IX, no one would care.

Funny, that's how I see conservatives.
You keep letting the rich fuck you in the ass... and they get you all upset about the blacks or the gays or the abortions or the trannies... and you keep falling for it.

Nope. Still not an important issue.

Heck, I grew up watching Bugs Bunny dress like a woman trying to fool Elmer Fudd, and I was never inspired to cross dress.
Bugs bunny didn't try and take your daughter's place on a sports team did he?
Okay, couple of points here.

First, the chances of a female athlete encountering a transgender competitor is beyond rare.
SO why did Biden threaten to withhold all school funding unless schools changed their policies to let boys play on girl's teams?

Secondly, the only reason why ANYONE cares about female sports is because of the stupidity of Title IX being a ticket into college for some girls (A lot of whom would be too stupid to otherwise qualify.) Get rid of Title IX, no one would care.
Wow, just wow. Amazes me how readily today's progressives are willing to throw women under the bus. Don't think they are not noticing.
Sorry, but one girl loses to a boy and it's too many. That girl worked her ass off to get where she is and its no better that she's being beat by a boy in girls' sports than if she was beat by a girl hopped up on steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

Why is it so hard for you to give girls what they deserve? Why do you have to inject boys to ruin it for girls, once again?

And we keep allowing boys to infect girls's sports and it won't be rare anymore. I think that excuse is one of the stupidest I have heard, with all due respect.

If you are saying that girls are so feeble that even a mediocre boy whose body has been weakened by hormone treatments can beat them all easily, then what's the point of Girl's sports again?

It's hard enough to be trans in this society, dealing with people like you. More power to any trans person who is willing to take the stand.

Man, misogyny much? You have a problem. I'm not here to solve it.
No, my problem is that I don't pretend to suddenly care about girls as a pretext to hate trans people.

When you right-wing fuckheads...
1) Support a woman's right to choose
2) Support equal pay for women
3) Support strong anti-sexual harassment laws...
4) Not support a guy who brags about grabbing women's pussies...

THEN AND ONLY THEN can you come back to me and have a discussion about girl's sports.
Bugs bunny didn't try and take your daughter's place on a sports team did he?
No, but no one's life was ruined, which is what you think will happen if they have to play against Tonya who was Tony last year.
SO why did Biden threaten to withhold all school funding unless schools changed their policies to let boys play on girl's teams?

Because he's tired of the bigots and their bullshit?

Wow, just wow. Amazes me how readily today's progressives are willing to throw women under the bus. Don't think they are not noticing.
I think actual women are more concerned with your attempts to turn them into unwilling breeding machines than the off chance they might run into transgender person.
When did drag queens become the most important issue in the lives of the right wing?

I guess when they can't hate minorities, women or gays anymore, the mindless hate pool becomes a little shallow.

(You can repeat an insult you didn't understand now.)
When they started grooming innocent young children into their perverted lifestyle

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