Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka

Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka - CNN iReport
The Ukraine army is a crowd of murders and criminals who kill innocent civilians. just imagine 500 kg of air bombs over residential areas. Do you suppose it is a legal and human method of making a war?? They have even dared to ask for economic aids.

The Ukraine army is a crowd of murders and criminals who kill innocent civilians

Did you get that from Pravda, or did Putin whisper it in your ear?

They have even dared to ask for economic aids.

It's true, Russia's economy has AIDS. Putin's been fucking it for years.
We should remember that Ukraine provided as SS division (the 14th Waffen SS Div.) to the Nazis during WWII, as well as most non-German staff members in the death camps, as well as thousands of Wermacht functionaries & death squad personnel. Fascism is deeply ingrained in Ukraine because of Stalin's massacre of 7 million Ukrainians during the great collectivization famines. Ukrainians see the most culpable party as Bolshevik Jews, NKVD cadre. Contemporary fascists in Ukraine hate all Russians however, regardless of their ethnic/religious stripe. Hatreds run deep because they're imbued with historical precedent. Violent death on grand stages is no stranger to Ukraine.
We should remember that Ukraine provided as SS division (the 14th Waffen SS Div.) to the Nazis during WWII, as well as most non-German staff members in the death camps, as well as thousands of Wermacht functionaries & death squad personnel. Fascism is deeply ingrained in Ukraine because of Stalin's massacre of 7 million Ukrainians during the great collectivization famines. Ukrainians see the most culpable party as Bolshevik Jews, NKVD cadre. Contemporary fascists in Ukraine hate all Russians however, regardless of their ethnic/religious stripe. Hatreds run deep because they're imbued with historical precedent. Violent death on grand stages is no stranger to Ukraine.
Everything is absolutely right up to the point " Fascism is deeply ingrained in Ukraine because of Stalin's massacre of 7 million Ukrainians during the great collectivization famines ". In 21st century (!) this particular event was called "Golodomor" by Yuschenko, another Ukrainian president (2005-2010), backed up by USA. And according to Yuschenko, in 30-s the Soviets were starving Ukraine (unlike the other areas of the USSR) and the purpose of it was genocide of Ukrainians. But the truth is: there was a huge famine in the Soviet Union in 30-s as a result of a poor Stalin's internal policy and the people were starved and dying all over the Soviet Union,not only in Ukraine, Ukraine as a republic of the USSR was just a part of a whole picture.

Now a days the only thing officials in Ukraine are good in is rewriting its history, which tightly connects it to Russia. Actually Ukrainians are Russians, mixed up with Polish (Poland invaded a Western part of Russia and later Russia got it back, that how Ukraine appeared and that's what officials in Ukraine are badly trying to wipe out of people's mind).

We should remember that Ukraine provided as SS division (the 14th Waffen SS Div.) to the Nazis during WWII, as well as most non-German staff members in the death camps, as well as thousands of Wermacht functionaries & death squad personnel. Fascism is deeply ingrained in Ukraine because of Stalin's massacre of 7 million Ukrainians during the great collectivization famines. Ukrainians see the most culpable party as Bolshevik Jews, NKVD cadre. Contemporary fascists in Ukraine hate all Russians however, regardless of their ethnic/religious stripe. Hatreds run deep because they're imbued with historical precedent. Violent death on grand stages is no stranger to Ukraine.
Everything is absolutely right up to the point " Fascism is deeply ingrained in Ukraine because of Stalin's massacre of 7 million Ukrainians during the great collectivization famines ". In 21st century (!) this particular event was called "Golodomor" by Yuschenko, another Ukrainian president (2005-2010), backed up by USA. And according to Yuschenko, in 30-s the Soviets were starving Ukraine (unlike the other areas of the USSR) and the purpose of it was genocide of Ukrainians. But the truth is: there was a huge famine in the Soviet Union in 30-s as a result of a poor Stalin's internal policy and the people were starved and dying all over the Soviet Union,not only in Ukraine, Ukraine as a republic of the USSR was just a part of a whole picture.

Now a days the only thing officials in Ukraine are good in is rewriting its history, which tightly connects it to Russia. Actually Ukrainians are Russians, mixed up with Polish (Poland invaded a Western part of Russia and later Russia got it back, that how Ukraine appeared and that's what officials in Ukraine are badly trying to wipe out of people's mind).

You're hard to understand with Putin's dick in your mouth.
Well well well....a couple of Putin's puppets show up on a US board to smear the lads defending their homeland from the commie commissar.....tsk tsk...don't you borscht eating assholes have anything better to do than try to get US sympathy for your invasion and occupation of a neighbor and former ally? My advice? shoot the prick who's leading your country back into the dark ages and the dumpster of failed tsars.
Well well well....a couple of Putin's puppets show up on a US board to smear the lads defending their homeland from the commie commissar.....tsk tsk...don't you borscht eating assholes have anything better to do than try to get US sympathy for your invasion and occupation of a neighbor and former ally? My advice? shoot the prick who's leading your country back into the dark ages and the dumpster of failed tsars.

You still haven't told the board why you went to LBJ, Bullshit.

LBJ: Long Binh Jail, the most notorious military jail in Southeast Asia, reserved for the worst scum in the war zone, murderers and traitors mostly. I was out killing communists while you were taking it up the ass from big black men in in LBJ's recreation yard, Bullshit.

Bullshit can't remember what branch of service he was in either, the Marines or the Army.
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Hey asshole, you still haven't told the board why you went to LBJ.

A shiny new Captain's jaw struck me in the elbow yet I was the one arrested. After a couple evenings of fine dining and hilarity charges were dropped and I was returned to LZ Evans.
You still haven't told the board why you went to LBJ, Bullshit.

LBJ: Long Binh Jail, the most notorious military jail in Southeast Asia, reserved for the worst scum in the war zone, murderers and traitors mostly. I was out killing communists while you were taking it up the ass from big black men in in LBJ's recreation yard, Bullshit.

Bullshit can't remember what branch of service he was in either, the Marines or the Army.

Ah, I see you added to your original question...ain't that precious? We both know who was waxing communists and who was wearing an evening dress in some Seoul cat house now don't we, sweetness.....Have Hossfly or somebody tell you what the war was like so you don't have to memorize lines from the movie "Platoon" ya little donut dolly you. :badgrin:
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We should remember that Ukraine provided as SS division (the 14th Waffen SS Div.) to the Nazis during WWII, as well as most non-German staff members in the death camps, as well as thousands of Wermacht functionaries & death squad personnel. Fascism is deeply ingrained in Ukraine because of Stalin's massacre of 7 million Ukrainians during the great collectivization famines. Ukrainians see the most culpable party as Bolshevik Jews, NKVD cadre. Contemporary fascists in Ukraine hate all Russians however, regardless of their ethnic/religious stripe. Hatreds run deep because they're imbued with historical precedent. Violent death on grand stages is no stranger to Ukraine.

That is certainly all true, but how can we pass up an historic opportunity to promote democracy in Eastern Europe and destabilize the Russians at the same time?
Bullshit. They didn't send people to LBJ for something that benign.

You think I got to pass some fucking quiz for you bitch? You don't know shit about the LBJ or the RVN because you were never're an old longhair queer playing some part in a little movie here.....stay clear of me...I'm all done with your crap.
That sounds like a story I'd like to hear over a couple of beers, or maybe something stronger.

I hadn't even thought about it until this pissant Sweetness brought it up...with clear intention to call me a liar and insult me. Another poster was an MP back in the day and I mentioned tangling with one at Long Binh who pushed me into my cell. Anyway, I won't tolerate fakes like him so every couple months he jumps out of a bush and throws a rock at me....he can't throw it hard enough to hurt anybody so I ignore him and he waddles off until next time.
Bullshit. They didn't send people to LBJ for something that benign.

You think I got to pass some fucking quiz for you bitch? You don't know shit about the LBJ or the RVN because you were never're an old longhair queer playing some part in a little movie here.....stay clear of me...I'm all done with your crap.

Private Bullshit, YOU ADMITTED IN A POST THAT YOU'D BEEN INCARCERATED IN LBJ! Only the scum of the military went there, the worst criminals. What the hell is it about some people that they feel the need to confess such things online? Are you proud of the fact? You're a gutless poser is what you are, a miserable old man who finds his guts in the anonymity of the web. "Huff puff I'm a tough guy." How sad.
Private Bullshit, YOU ADMITTED IN A POST THAT YOU'D BEEN INCARCERATED IN LBJ! Only the scum of the military went there, the worst criminals. What the hell is it about some people that they feel the need to confess such things online? Are you proud of the fact? You're a gutless poser is what you are, a miserable old man who finds his guts in the anonymity of the web. "Huff puff I'm a tough guy." How sad.

How sad it right. :laugh: I didn't "admit" to anything Sweetness....I mentioned I'd spent a little time at the LBJ and something about an MP I tangled with there. Since you claim you know something about us LRRPs, although you obviously don't, and in the middle of the Tet, I was deemed more valuable than a ticket puncher who wanted his CIB regardless of how he got it....rather than let him do something stupid, I knocked his ass out and got charged for it, sent to the LBJ, and then released. And like I told whomever you were eavesdropping on, the guard who fucked with me was told simply "next time don't screw with a LRRP" and that was that. There, satisfied yet are ya sweetness? Now call me a liar and a private and tell me I got raped by black men or whatever your current fantasy is.....but you'll have to do the rest of your little session solo because I'm done with your sissy ass for the evening....tam biet
Private Bullshit, YOU ADMITTED IN A POST THAT YOU'D BEEN INCARCERATED IN LBJ! Only the scum of the military went there, the worst criminals. What the hell is it about some people that they feel the need to confess such things online? Are you proud of the fact? You're a gutless poser is what you are, a miserable old man who finds his guts in the anonymity of the web. "Huff puff I'm a tough guy." How sad.

How sad it right. :laugh: I didn't "admit" to anything Sweetness....I mentioned I'd spent a little time at the LBJ and something about an MP I tangled with there. Since you claim you know something about us LRRPs, although you obviously don't, and in the middle of the Tet, I was deemed more valuable than a ticket puncher who wanted his CIB regardless of how he got it....rather than let him do something stupid, I knocked his ass out and got charged for it, sent to the LBJ, and then released. And like I told whomever you were eavesdropping on, the guard who fucked with me was told simply "next time don't screw with a LRRP" and that was that. There, satisfied yet are ya sweetness? Now call me a liar and a private and tell me I got raped by black men or whatever your current fantasy is.....but you'll have to do the rest of your little session solo because I'm done with your sissy ass for the evening....tam biet

Good. Or I should say, good riddance you pathetic POS.

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