Ukraine blew up Nordstream?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Was good ol Joe covering for his paymaster when he didn't dispute allegations we did it when they were published? This isn't over yet.

Ukraine can not do much without the help of NATO and the US,
Was good ol Joe covering for his paymaster when he didn't dispute allegations we did it when they were published? This isn't over yet.

So what if they did? You think being invaded by that piece of shit Putin would be a good reason to? Or is is just bad because Ukraine is fighting back and you think they have no right to? Hopefully they keep blowing it up.
So what if they did? You think being invaded by that piece of shit Putin would be a good reason to? Or is is just bad because Ukraine is fighting back and you think they have no right to? Hopefully they keep blowing it up.
And if NATO Dissolves....
And if NATO Dissolves....

If NATO dissolves, Europeans will form new mutual defense agreements immediately. Always have, always will. They don't have giants moats between them and Putin to hide behind like American Burb Brats channeling Jane Fonda do.
Was good ol Joe covering for his paymaster when he didn't dispute allegations we did it when they were published? This isn't over yet.
This was CIA agreed and it seems most likely that UK special forces led the operation with obvious general support from other key NATO governments .Totally backfired on Germany who are in bad energy troubles and Russian exports have boomed to BRICS countries . Yet another "good idea" that in practise turned out to be a fiasco .
So what if they did? You think being invaded by that piece of shit Putin would be a good reason to? Or is is just bad because Ukraine is fighting back and you think they have no right to? Hopefully they keep blowing it up.
There would be no difference in the way people live in Ukraine if Russia controlled it. All of this could have been avoided. And from Prog agendas. They are white haters anyway.
German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz held Russia responsible for cutting off gas supplies to Europe, an accusation he made at the congress of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
"This has consequences for energy prices!" - emotionally expressed the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Scholz specified that Germany has lost half of the gas it receives, and Europe is short 120 billion cubic meters of hydrocarbons.
To remedy the situation, the German government started buying more gas from Norway and building LNG terminals in the north of the country, he added.
Gas supplies to Germany became significantly more difficult after the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines last year. In November, Energy Ministry head Nikolai Shulginov said that Russia itself has not "closed" the western direction of energy supplies and remains a reliable gas supplier even in the current conditions.

The young Olaf Scholz in 1982, at the party's Young Socialist Congress in Hamburg, makes a speech on the need for the country to leave the Alliance.
Wisdom does not always come with age, age often comes alone...

At this point, the bald Führer should have started beating his bald head against the podium from which he shouted all this.
For it was his policy of inspired sucking sucking up to Uncle Sam that led to the energy and then general economic crisis in Germany.
It was he who was at the forefront of those who, following the american hysterics, went scurrying around with their pants down to impose sanctions on Russia and pouring a lot of money into the absolutely unpromising Ukraine.
Well, and here we can also add the fight for "green energy", the rejection of peaceful atom energy and other idiocy, which directly harms the German economy and which is done by the current German federal government, headed by a petty scoundrel, who loudly accuses the Russian Federation of its own sins.
It took the Danish police almost a year and a half to triumphantly close the Nord Stream 2 undermining case, having investigated with absolute certainty that explosions were indeed the cause of the damage to the gas pipelines.
Read it. Germany is digging deep into it

Who paid for the Nord Stream pipelines?
They are majority owned (51 per cent) by Russia, along with German, Dutch and French stakeholders. They were financed by a consortium of companies from Russia, Germany, France, Austria and the Netherlands. It was the first pipeline that bypassed Ukraine and Poland to deliver Russian natural gas directly to West Europe.
Putin shut down Nordstream2 after spending 10 years and 2 billion dollars. Dumb as shit. Russia and the Stans can't eat natural gas.
No, he didn´t. The German agency Bundesnetzagentur (Federal net agency) prohibited the activation of NS2 when it was completed. They suddenly "figured out" that the Swiss company Nord Stream 2 AG has the "wrong" legal form.
This was CIA agreed and it seems most likely that UK special forces led the operation with obvious general support from other key NATO governments .Totally backfired on Germany who are in bad energy troubles and Russian exports have boomed to BRICS countries . Yet another "good idea" that in practise turned out to be a fiasco .
Germany is not permitting (or desiring) to buy russian gas due to sanctions.
Russia's ability to deliver natural gas is very limited due to lack of chilling facilities to liquefy it, and lack of pipelines to deliver it as gas.
On the oil side. The alternate markets for russian oil dont want refined products (like india & china). They dont pay for russian oil in rubles, only in their own currency. Russia is accepting india rupees for oil to india, and russia cant do shit with rupees. China pays yuan for russian oil, which is more useful. But in all cases, rubles arent being used, so the ruble is devaluing.
No, he didn´t. The German agency Bundesnetzagentur (Federal net agency) prohibited the activation of NS2 when it was completed. They suddenly "figured out" that the Swiss company Nord Stream 2 AG has the "wrong" legal form.

Who paid for the Nord Stream pipelines?

They are majority owned (51 per cent) by Russia, along with German, Dutch and French stakeholders. They were financed by a consortium of companies from Russia, Germany, France, Austria and the Netherlands. It was the first pipeline that bypassed Ukraine and Poland to deliver Russian natural gas directly to West Europe.

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