Ukraine has no strategic importance, or value, to the U.S.. Ukraine use to be a part of Russia.

We must all realize that the Ukraine used to be a part of Russia. This country has no strategic value to the United States.
All this hysteria about Russia invading Ukraine is a bit absurd. There are more dire global issues at stake in the world today. Your thoughts.

It has strategic use for the US, because it annoys Russia. Same for North Korea and Myanmar being on China's borders.

Why did the US care about Vietnam going Communist? Or Korea? Neither have much value for the US in theory.
^ Permastate dupe who wants the world destroyed by nuclear war.
Try a little less ignorance. You might like the look even if you don't recognize it.

So how long have you held this secret desire to serve Putin? Was it before or after Trump commanded?
Same political system . Totalitarian Communist dictatorship.


Under the Tzars, Russia conquered territories that were occupied by different peoples. For example: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Siberia, Crimea and many more. The Russian tactic was always to install a puppet government in those conquered countries and to send large numbers of Russians to live in those countries.

After the Tzars, communism became the dictatorship under which Russians and their vassals lived. The USSR never really existed - USSR stood for union of soviet socialist republics which was pure propaganda - USSR of course sounds better than "countries conquered by Russia". None of the conquered countries had willingly chosen to live under Russian rule.

And under murderous Joe Stalin, more countries were conquered during WWII and more puppet governments were installed and these became known as the Warsaw Pact countries.

Few people who lived under Russian rule want to see its return.

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Alaska used to belong to Russia. Are you proposing we give Alaska to Putin?

The idea has been making the rounds in Russia for many years now and is popular with some Russians:

"Last year, Russian TV released a documentary entitled When Will Alaska Become Ours?”—arguing that, because Russia received only a meager portion of the promised $7.2 million for Alaska, the deal must be declared null and void."

In that case, we cannot afford to help Ukraine fight off a Russian invasion.

We must fortify out Northwestern most border against the imminent Russian invasion of our own nation!
Yes, we paid what we were supposed to. Have you lost your mind?

I forgot to add "according to Russians". They have a number of different claims to demand the return of Alaska, including:
  • the money was never received by Russia (the ship sank with the gold)
  • Russia leased Alaska to the US for 99 years and no longer
  • the sale was illegal/illegitimate/theft
Here is a Russian press article from 2015 making these same claims:

In that case, we cannot afford to help Ukraine fight off a Russian invasion.

We must fortify out Northwestern most border against the imminent Russian invasion of our own nation!

You are just too fking funny. I say we launch a surprise attack now. Why waste time???

^ Projection.

See above.

^ Dangerously duped RINO lackey of war & destruction of humanity.

See above.
The method makes you look even stupider than your responses.

Which we note is a complete fail.
The method makes you look even stupider than your responses.

Which we note is a complete fail.
In fairness, you might be a brainless Russian click farmer rather than a duped/deranged RINO troll.

We must all realize that the Ukraine used to be a part of Russia..
ivan you are drunk, it was All the way around


The US is a rich country indeed. Even their lunatics in their loony-bins have access to computers. It's amazing.
Litwin MEANWHILE, with the closest to happiness thing Ukraine, your praise winning country, could afford being a lollipop in each hand for every other Ukrainian, a similar poll by that same shit-for-liberty station conducted there would make you, even with your two dicks in your mouth, envious of them. So, nutjob, I wouldn't trust those picturesque diagrams you're so fond of.

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