Ukraine - Moscow crisis: Hitler 0:2 'questioned Ukraine's right to exist'

I did not support the Ukraine right to join NATO or the E.U.
= you are in Moscow side, promote narratives here

the golden horde without chances, its only 1% of the world GDP

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
= you are in Moscow side, promote narratives here

the golden horde without chances, its only 1% of the world GDP

View attachment 606233
Cutting my comment to falsely accuse me of something is against the board rules asshole because you are changing what I wrote for the purpose to troll!

When did she you lying piece of trash?

I want you to link where I have stated I did not support the Ukraine right to join NATO or the E.U. and when you can not the go fuck yourself because you and surada are lying trolls!
You have not provided a link where I ever stated the Ukraine shouldn’t join the E.U. or NATO and you the only thing you did is change what I wrote by cutting out my actual statement Litwin !
The Russians often compare current European Security Crisis with Cuban Missile Crisis and NATO militarization of Ukraine with Soviet militarization of Cuba.
It doesn't matter what they compare. Newsflash: now is the 21st century, not the mid-20th.
It is amusing how the progressives and liberals defending Brandon’s honor are now all making use of the rhetorical claim that anyone who criticizes Brandon is a Putin lapdog or similarly inane comments.

Liberals and progressives are the communists and socialists. Yet in their topsy-turvy imaginary universe, they are suddenly the “pro” Americans. :cuckoo:
you will see the real crisis ivan

And what did she said about people in Donbass, who were murdered by Ukrainian Army? Did she consider them as "her people"? If no - why does she wonder that Russia recognized them as "independent"? She didn't care about "dirty Kazaps", "Finno-mongols" and "swine-dogs", why should they care about her?
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you will see the real crisis ivan
Russia to ban British planes to use Russian airspace. Anchorage prepare to welcome them.

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