Ukraine Now Conscripting Guys With Down Syndrome...

What's Ukraine's population? Can't believe it's bottom of the barrel time in a limited front war
So easily led, what a laugh.

Page 35. I'm sure you will recognize most of the other symbols of your hate.

When I find credible proof of this actually happening, I will discuss it. Neither the word of your trash source nor the word of an openly white supremacist poster is enough for any kind of debate.
As much as you want it to be; this thread isn't about me. Start one if you like. As for putting Down Syndrome folks on the frontlines..? What say you?
As much as you want it to be; this thread isn't about me. Start one if you like. As for putting Down Syndrome folks on the frontlines..? What say you?
Again. When there is credible proof I will discuss. There is more proof of the Russians doing this than the Ukrainians doing it.

What do you think of that?
Again. When there is credible proof I will discuss. There is more proof of the Russians doing this than the Ukrainians doing it.

What do you think of that?
Start a thread about it. Now back on topic... In principle; whether you believe the source to be legitimate, or not... In principle, what is your opinion of a country putting a Downs Syndrome afflicted person on the front line of a war. "Hypothetically" speaking..?
Start a thread about it. Now back on topic... In principle; whether you believe the source to be legitimate, or not... In principle, what is your opinion of a country putting a Downs Syndrome afflicted person on the front line of a war. "Hypothetically" speaking..?
I'm not going to debate hypothetical.
Again, they refuse to address the topic. They attack the OP, the source, imagine a motivation... Not one single criticism of Ukraines using of this poor bastard as a bullet sponge. Not one... These are America's sorriest binary thinkers. If you don't support Ukraine in this war no matter what; you're literally on the Kremlin payroll. They really are this simple... What a sad way to go through life. But at least DC loves them...
It’s this way with every war. The binary thinkers expose themselves for the fools they are. They get duped by the establishment every time.

It’s the same with Israel’s genocide. If you oppose it, your with the terrorists as dumb W once said. Plus now they can label you a Jew hater. It’s a win-win for the mentally incompetent.
This is what you're promoting when you support funding this war. Literally sending mentally deficient folks, just to draw fire. War Crime? Who knows? Biden, Zelenski, and Ukraine deserve what ever they get. This is sick...

Supporting any war is dumb. You’d think all would know this by now.

But leaving Israel out of it, the American public continues to fall for the same stale propaganda that has been used since 1898. Well, really 1860. Lincoln was the first to call those opposed to war “appeasers,” and insinuate that by doing so they were working with the enemy. And there is always an enemy. You can’t have a war without one. Dubya wasn’t quite as poetical as Lincoln, but he echoed him with his “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.” America- love it or leave it, as they used to advise the hippies. Now the aging hippies basically advise the nonexistent “White Supremacists” to do the same thing. It’s a selective patriotic thing, you wouldn’t understand. But Winston Smith would.

The greatest antiwar activists in American history are largely forgotten. Clement Vallandigham, who was arrested in the middle of the night by Lincoln’s uniformed thugs. Eugene Debs, thrown in jail for protesting WWI. Even the socialist tag doesn’t help his reputation. As I will show in my upcoming The American Memory Hole, many WWII protesters were imprisoned as well, and have been ignored by the court historians. To be fair, the court historians ignore a lot. They have to; it’s the only way they could possibly promote the nonsense they do. Huey Long. Smedley Butler. John T. Flynn, classical liberal journalist and head of the New York chapter of the America First Committee, whose career was “cancelled” by the great FDR himself.
War: Organized Murder and Nothing Else


These are the opinions and ramblings of a lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.

From the site you posted from...LOL!!!
Enough said....mike drop!!!!

And yet you provide no links or proof to discredit him. "Because I said so" means nothing.

And it's mic, not mike.
They need at least 20 000 fresh bodies every month just to replace losses .
Obviously it is grotesque and the Midget is truly insane .

from his perspective he must keep the war nominally going so that in tandem with his meaningless PR activities -- Belgorod etc -- he can paint a picture to USeLess and Europe that further investment is worthwhile .
And he is waiting for F16s in the vain hope that they might change the overall picture .Cuckoo Land .

It has always been theatre but it is now truly macabre .
He's going to squeeze this money cow for everything he can get out of it before he runs out of the country to his villa hundreds of miles away safely protected by a foreign government. Once his people figure out what happened it wouldn't surprise me if he got a visit in the middle of the night from an assassin someday.
Still not one Leftist denigrating the use of the retarded as Cannon fodder. Not one...
He's going to squeeze this money cow for everything he can get out of it before he runs out of the country to his villa hundreds of miles away safely protected by a foreign government. Once his people figure out what happened it wouldn't surprise me if he got a visit in the middle of the night from an assassin someday.
He might end up with lead in the head before he can escape. I’m certain many in Ukraine are sick of him.
This is what you're promoting when you support funding this war. Literally sending mentally deficient folks, just to draw fire. War Crime? Who knows? Biden, Zelenski, and Ukraine deserve what ever they get. This is sick...

Putin, Biden, Zelensky are members of the same criminal freemason satanist gang and ordered by NWO to eliminate Ukrainians( and Russians) completely. The war will continues until the last Ukrainian is dead.
Putin, Biden, Zelensky are members of the same criminal freemason satanist gang and ordered by NWO to eliminate Ukrainians( and Russians) completely. The war will continues until the last Ukrainian is dead.
Well on their way I'd say.
Biden, Zelenski, and Ukraine deserve what ever they get. This is sick...
Hilarious. What they deserve? Luxurious retirement for them and their families?

I would add add to this list 'and the US deserve whatever they get'.
Biden, Zelenski, and Ukraine

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