Ukraine: Questions for the US Anti-War Movement

Whoops I forgot what thread this was, back to subject,

I hate war! And don't trust any of the leaders anywhere now.
It's nice to know that there are reasonable people left in the USA

Pooty is thug, a bully and a gangster. Ukraine is Free Demoratic Country and does NOT want to be returned to Pooty's wet dream of the old Soviet Empire.

Pooty is killing civilians. He killing children. Fuck him.
The Ukraine had a military agreement with Russia but they described themselves as neutral and gave themselves the right to join NATO which is there right as an independent nation. NATO is not an aggressive organization it's a defensive pact. Russia has nothing to fear from it in fact if Russia would abide by the rule of law they could even join NATO in the future. The problem lies solely on their aggression. That is the very reason NATO exists
Wrong... NATO defense is provocation followed by faux self defense......
One more!

OK that was neat! But I bet they have bad knees later in life, like the Jews do alot of knee bending dances too, I just watched Fiddler On The Roof a couple days ago.I love to see Teyvia 'spl' sing and dance ' If I Were A Rich Man' he is so funny.
Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia has killed innocent civilan. Fuck you.

Well that seems to be the status quo for all leaders, ours are killing off our youth by inviting in cartel sex trafficer's "including children "and drugs from south of our borders. Killing 100,000 of our people a year. So who the hell are we to criticize others?

Its a wild world full of vile people.
It appeared to me that things were moving along fairly smooth until the NATO issue regarding the Ukraine surfaced. The current situation in the Ukraine illustrates a VALID reason WHY there are "neutral" nations between two or more nations/empires that harbor different political/religious ideologies. Ukraine could have also done a bit more to insure peace by stamping out ethnicity based conflicts within its own borders which often lead to reprisals from neighboring countries, as is what is happening @ current between the Ukraine & Russia. Unfortunately these seemingly small border incidents can lead to an escalation that engulfs several nations into a war that could easily lead into another global conflict. Humanity has a perfect record of repeating its past mistakes that lead to military conflicts. Considering the increase in weapon technology since the end of WW2, nations would be much better off to settle their differences with quality ambassadorship that disarms aggression by not stepping on their neighboring nations toes.
First off Ukraine is not eligible to be a member of NATO.
That requires strict standards and approval.Ukraine and it's
corrupt Oligarchs are fully aware of this.Plus there's the Warsaw Pact that
would have to be overcome.Putin does not want his russia to be surrounded
by Nato countries.Plus a lot of News leaking out is fabricated.,To Make
Ukraine look good and Putin Bad.Is there a Bio-chemical lab in Ukraine capable
of doing what the Wuhan Lab did { Created Covid }.
There's a reason why Fauci and Collins are in hiding.They've been hoodwinking
the public.Making things up.Whose to say a lot of that kind of thing is not
being used by the Corrupted American MSM.We had 4 years of Lying about
- Russian Collusion - and Quid Pro Quo. It was Biden who was gulity AS HELL
of a Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo.The Lying Left was desperate to accuse Trump of
a Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo.The virtual basis of Trump's first Impeachment.
Moron, the fact that Hitler was democratically elected did not make nazi Germany democratic.
Hitler Lost to Hindenburg for President of Germany in 1932.
Hitler got 30 % of the total vote and Hindenburg got 49 % of the total.
Hitler Lost to Hindenburg for President of Germany in 1932.
Hitler got 30 % of the total vote and Hindenburg got 49 % of the total.
Who cares about the useless post of the German president? Hitler was democratically appointed chancellor, and under a president, even more senile than Biden, this decided everything.
Who cares about the useless post of the German president? Hitler was democratically appointed chancellor, and under a president, even more senile than Biden, this decided everything.

Ringo have you heard this song?

Ben Cartwright was THe KInd of Man We the People could easily
adore.If adoring another human wasn't a sin in the catholic Church.

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