Ukraine’ the other side of the story-Part 2


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
It’s not a secret that the country of Ukraine was a former republic of the USSR. As a former republic it was artificially combined from 3 different pieces of land. In 1918 Lenin gave a big piece of historical Russia to Ukraine and called that territory the Ukrainian Socialist Republic (USR). In 50-s Nikita Khrushchev forced another piece of historical Russia (Crimea) to join USR. (That’s why in March 2014 Crimean people were more than happy when Russia took them back after their referendum in March, 16). All those 3 pieces of USR were coexisting in the USSR somewhat peacefully. But when the USSR collapsed the picture significantly changed. The contradictions inside the new country of Ukraine between historical Russians in SE and Ukrainians in the West became more and more acute. Different mentality, faith, culture, roots, and language caused an expected division of the country.
There was one more reason why historical Russians wanted to leave the Ukraine. During World War II the “hero” of all Western Ukrainians was Stepan Bendera, he and his followers were fighting on Hitler side. He was well known for torturing and killing civilians: seniors, women and children . Among his numerous victims were Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian, Russian and Belorussian people. It was a nightmare in that part of the USSR for several years, even after the German Army capitulated.
After the collapse of the USSR Bendera’s movement obtained second life. In 2009 the president of Ukraine V. Yuschenko declared the remaining participants of Bendea’s movement heroes of Ukraine and awarded them with high retirements and low utilities payments and other privileges. A new generation of Ukraine’s started being taught that Bendera was a national hero and Russian soldiers were cruel to the civilians (basically that Russian soldiers were doing to civilians what Bendera had done in reality). Now many in their late teens are basically brainwashed and that made it possible to resurrect a party of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, which now are called the Right Sector. This party stood behind protests in Kiev in Dec-Feb and brought the current government of Ukraine to the power on the blood of both sides of the conflict. Historical Russians in Ukraine (SE) did not support the protests in Kiev or the self-declared new government, technically speaking – junta which immediately declared them “terrorists and separatists” and started all-out war against their own countrymen. The Right Sector now has a leadership role in the National Army of Ukraine which even includes prisoners serving long term sentences due to serious crimes. This army is proudly fighting against SE civilians who are forced to arm themselves to protect their lands, houses and families. So, those who support a “democratic processes” in Ukraine are basically supporting fascism with or without knowing it. And if your country supports it, think where your tax money may be going…
For some reason this is the story the Media prefers not to tell anyone. Those who consider themselves independent journalists have a huge opportunity to investigate the real situation in Ukraine, they could open the eyes of the whole world to what’s really is going on and saving many innocent lives. Hopefully, there will be at least some willing to tell the truth to the wotld……

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