Ukraine’s Benefactor BAIT & SWITCH

Tenpercentskyy didn't "trap" NATO...Boris Johnson and Pedo Peter's MIC parasites trapped the world into a potential WW3.
It's a good point but I think it's more complicated than that. The "dupe" Johnson did push Zoolinsky towards the brink of WW3 but Johnson himself was trapped by the MIC/NATO into doing the pushing. So ..... uh ..... ummm .... help me out here. Who did the pushing and who did the trapping? Isn't it sort of a circle jerk? I reckon it's Zoolinsky who's trapping the Ukrainian population to extermination while NATO is trapping Zoolinsky who in turn is being trapped by the MIC until the last shot is fired.
It's a good point but I think it's more complicated than that. The "dupe" Johnson did push Zoolinsky towards the brink of WW3 but Johnson himself was trapped by the MIC/NATO into doing the pushing. So ..... uh ..... ummm .... help me out here. Who did the pushing and who did the trapping? Isn't it sort of a circle jerk? I reckon it's Zoolinsky who's trapping the Ukrainian population to extermination while NATO is trapping Zoolinsky who in turn is being trapped by the MIC until the last shot is fired.
Johnson was "trapped" by his own avarice and power lust.
Remember 1962? The US was ready to start WW3 because of Russian missiles in Cuba. Fast forward 62 years and Russia is ready to start WW3 because of US missiles in Ukraine. When will we ever learn?
Zoolinsky is still at it. He wants everything but so does everyone else in the West:

Have no idea who this guy is but he's adorable, his voice reminds me of Gru.
His break down of the competing interests are indisputable.
Remember 1962? The US was ready to start WW3 because of Russian missiles in Cuba.
No, Russia was ready to start WW3 because the US refused to remove their missiles from Russia's doorstep. Luckily Kennedy backed down.
Fast forward 62 years and Russia is ready to start WW3 because of US missiles in Ukraine. When will we ever learn?
Again, this is the US that is risking nuclear war, not Russia.
The whole lot them ought to be tied up in a sack and tossed over a bridge.
I'm partial to helicopters, but yeah.


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