Ukrainian Casualties over 20,000 in Mariupol alone. Russia totally losing AMIRITE?

Civilian casualties aren't counted as war casualties. They are counted as war crimes casualties.

And remember, for every Civilian you kill, you lose 5 soldiers, minumum.
Civilian losses are counted as civilian losses. That is not equal to war crimes.

Sure it is. Intentional targeting of civilians is most definitely a war crime.
You don´t have any credible source that this is happening. The people of Maripol are feeling like being liberated from a Nazi regime. They were hiding in the basements from the Nazi forces. You are trapped in an alternative reality, suddenly media from both political directions unite to fool you once again. It is not worth being part of this system that requires you to eat lies, lies, lies.

By the way:
So this Russian sock puppet is PROUD that his buddies have massacred 20, 000 civilians??
"Collateral damage"
That's the term the US military coined when they killed tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ukrainian Casualties over 20,000 in Mariupol alone. Russia totally losing AMIRITE?​

What is it you think Russia is winning? Whats in any of this for Russian people?

You think dead Ukranians are going to improve their life? It's the opposite.

While Putin conducts his bloody wars and eats his caviar it's the regular Russians that pay the price, with their sons and their wallets. Brainwashed tools that support this abomination seriously need to think again.
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What is it you think Russia is winning? What is in any of this for Russian people?

You think dead Ukranians are going to improve their life? Russian degenerates like you seriously need to think again.
Russian is the native language of 30 - 50 % of the people in Ukraine. They are now being liberated from an oppressive regime that banned dozens of sites, TV channels, parties, ect.
Russian is the native language of 30 - 50 % of the people in Ukraine. They are now being liberated from an oppressive regime that banned dozens of sites, TV channels, parties, ect.
Liberated? They are being bombed, shot and displaced.

Where are the liberation parties, where are the all the thank you's?

All they got for Russian occupiers is sunflower seeds to pocket, so at least something useful will grow when their body turns into furtilizer on Ukrainian soil.

Behold the liberation:





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"Collateral damage"
That's the term the US military coined when they killed tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Targeting a train station full of civilians with cluster bombs is not collateral damage

Targeting a theater full of women and children with CHILDREN painted in bold letters on the pavement front and back is not collateral damage

It's mass murder.
Ukrainians will despise Putin and Russia until the day they die! Putin's legacy is genocide!
Liberated? They are being bombed, shot and displaced.

Where are the liberation parties, where are the all the thank you's?

All they got for Russian occupiers is sunflower seeds to pocket, so at least something useful will grow when their body turns into furtilizer on Ukrainian soil.

Behold the liberation:





Screw you hypocrites. You have leveled countless countries without batting an eye and now you play fucking peace dove. Peace dove, know the missile on the ground has Ukrainian series number.

Screw you hypocrites. You have leveled countless countries
Yep, you know you've got no welcoming parties for your bloody invasion of Ukraine, so all you are down to is what-about-isms.

Say what you will about our own mistakes but Americans don't drop cluster bombs on civilian train stations and maternity wards. We don't level cities, we don't leave towns full of shot-in-the-head civilians. We conduct our wars relatively professionaly, we admit mistakes and we hold our war criminals to account unlike Putin and his butchers.
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