Ukrainian Casualties over 20,000 in Mariupol alone. Russia totally losing AMIRITE?

She advocated for peace while posing for pics in the seat of a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun!
As usual RW, you're 'off the tracks'.
She never killed anyone

The War Hawks who got us into an unnecessary war killed 60,000
They are the traitors
Jane "Hanoi" Fonda traveled to N. Vietnam and celebrated with the communist leadership the killing of American soldiers and airmen.
She should have been arrested, convicted, and executed for treason.

All those who protested an unjust war that was needlessly killing our boys were Patriots

Those who supported expanding the war were Traitors
She never killed anyone

The War Hawks who got us into an unnecessary war killed 60,000
They are the traitors

You are indeed an unprincipled train wreck attempting to pass yourself off as some idiot college faculty lounge member.
Nonetheless, you remain a true idiot!
I had a senior moment. I said Hanoi Jane when I meant to say Tokyo Rose. Sorry...


Tokyo Rose - Wikipedia


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