Ukrainian guerilla war

There is too much infrastructure to defend my friend.

If we're going to be cold and hungry...we're all going to be cold and hungry together.

I wouldn't fight that battle.

Insurgency isn't a boxing match.

When you are weaker than your opponent... you fight him where he is weak.

I can't tell you what I would do... mostly because what I know will work would also work for smaller enemies (terrorist) of our country... (the big guys already know...but because they are big guys, they suffer from the same vulnerabilities).

I don't want to give them any ideas.

You won't have more than half the population on your side. The other half would be videoing you on their phones and sending it in to the FBI.
You won't have more than half the population on your side. The other half would be videoing you on their phones and sending it in to the FBI.
One...what makes you think the cellular towers wouldn't be a target?

Two... That would make the videographer a target... their families a target... their homes and businesses a target... If they aren't brave enough to pick up a gun and attack you, they likely don't have the fortitude to act against you in any other way...because someone may well be videoing them as well.

Ever hear the saying a brave man dies once but the coward dies a thousand deaths?

Ever think about what that means? The coward is imagining their deaths in their own mind. Think about how that relates to this situation.

3) In this situation the FBI would ALSO be a target. The person sending such a video would immediately be suspected of attempting to lure federal officers into an ambush. It trying times, most will understand the best action will be to keep ones head down from BOTH sides.

If they don't, they will after they find themselves under interrogation by the FBI they were trying to help.
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You won't have more than half the population on your side. The other half would be videoing you on their phones and sending it in to the FBI.


You think so?

What makes you think that wouldn't be one of the first pieces of infrastructure to have....... issues?


One...what makes you think the cellular towers wouldn't be a target?

Two... That would make the videographer a target... their families a target... their homes and businesses a target... If they aren't brave enough to pick up a gun and attack you, they likely don't have the fortitude to act against you in any other way...because someone may well be videoing them as well.

Ever hear the saying a brave man dies once but the coward dies a thousand deaths?

Ever think about what that means? The coward is imagining their deaths in their own mind. Think about how that relates to this situation.

3) In this situation the FBI would ALSO be a target. The person sending such a video would immediately be suspected of attempting to lure federal officers into an ambush. It trying times, most will understand the best action will be to keep ones head down from BOTH sides.

If they don't, they will after they find themselves under interrogation by the FBI they were trying to help.

Two... That would make the videographer a target... their families a target...

That's what Hitler said!


I can just see the headline:

"Separatists crucify 26 People in Biloxi Missouri!"

The whole fucking country would come down on your head like the wrath of God, screaming for your blood.

Yeah, that's what your insurgency needs, "tard leadership."
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Two... That would make the videographer a target... their families a target...

That's what Hitler said!


I can just see the headline:

"Separatists crucify 26 People in Biloxi Missouri!"

The whole fucking country would come down on your head, screaming for your blood.

Hitler had the government and military backing him and he too murdered unarmed female protestors and threw people who opposed him in the gulag without due process.

Why would people fighting the government allow the government the chance of claiming martyrs crucified or hung to justify the governments crusades? It would be better if they'd just...... disappear.


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If they don't, they will after they find themselves under interrogation by the FBI they were trying to help.
Take that another Inception level deeper. The insurgents... if they were to become privy to an informant in a densely populated area... would be wise to engage in informational warfare. Abduct and interrogate the suspect violently while impersonating Federal Authorities... tell the informer that an informant accused them of attempting to lure Federal Agents into an ambush...then release them alive telling them to never reveal any information about the interrogation.

How long do you think it would take for that story to spread?

What affect do you think that would have on future informants?

The biggest mistake you guys make is believing that if this hypothetical action took place... and believe me when I say I hope it doesn't... But if it did that you'd be fighting a bunch of rubes with shotguns.

The truth is Veterans between 18 an 49 are overwhelmingly Republican. And those numbers include the Navy... which while more Democrat also less dedicated to warfighting at the individual level... and generally their skills would not be relevent to land warfare.

Without their inclusion, I suspect the veteran party gap would increase expansively.

You can see how that inclusion shifts the balance of power.
It was a lot easier to get the same weapons the British had back then.

Most anyone could afford a musket. State militias bought cannon.

Today, look at how much a M249 SAW machine gun costs, or a Bradley fighting vehicle. War has become out of reach for the common man. Not to mention these things are illegal.
Only Blue Helmets Will Fight for Blue-State Tyranny

Patriotic soldiers will turn their guns on the Glowbullie government, so the weaponry officially owned by the Feds will not give them superiority in firepower.
Two... That would make the videographer a target... their families a target...

That's what Hitler said!


I can just see the headline:

"Separatists crucify 26 People in Biloxi Missouri!"

The whole fucking country would come down on your head, screaming for your blood.

Yeah, that's what your insurgency needs, "tard leadership."

Aren't we fighting?

If we're fighting... No one is going to notice.

Plus, this is obviously a false flag operation perpetrated by government agents. Everyone knows you can trust the media to tell the truth... all they do is lie to cover for the ineptitude of the government.

These were actually innocent casualties of a government raid....just like when "killed the terrorist" responsible for the gate bombing in Afghanistan...

They're just trying to turn their own fuck up to their advantage by blaming us.

There are pictures of those guys that shot up that house wearing FBI vests and tactical gear...see?

And BTW Biloxi is in Mississippi... There is no Biloxi in Missouri. Those idiots can't even get the town name right in their propaganda hit piece... They don't give a single damn about these people except to use them to stir up animosity against us... your friends and neighbors...
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Go scream it at the sky. You'll never do anything but complain, ever.


None of you will. You're all full of shit waiting for somebody else to do your fighting for you.
Crunch, Crunch. Squish, Squish.

Your insults may cover up your fear, but they'll just provoke us into action even more. We can crush the girlyman government like grapes. Time to quit whining and start making wine. Vengeance is a great vintage.
You think so?

What makes you think that wouldn't be one of the first pieces of infrastructure to have....... issues?

God you're such a badass. I'm sure you're very scary and not some disgusting slob.
People in this country talk a lot of shit about fighting the government. Have fun in the woods freezing your balls off while you try to dodge drone fire.

One of the benefits of guerilla warfare is that you don't actually have to hide in the woods ...
You can hide next door and kill anyone that would tell anybody.

(For you crooked folks in the FBI ... That doesn't mean I am starting anything)

One of the benefits of guerilla warfare is that you don't actually have to hide in the woods ...
You can hide next door and kill anyone that would tell anybody.

(For you crooked folks in the FBI ... That doesn't mean I am starting anything)

Y'all love your hypotheticals.
God you're such a badass. I'm sure you're very scary and not some disgusting slob.

Why don't you tell all those crooked folks in the FBI it doesn't mean anything ...
I mean really, just a few internet tough guys talking smack, and nothing to worry about ... Right?

They actually seem to think it is the number one domestic threat ... They could probably use your input.


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