Ukrainian guerilla war

We Are a UN-Occupied Country. Where Are the Wolverines?

Tell it to George Washington. And he would have beaten the parade-ground Redcoats a lot sooner if his own government hadn't been full of ignorant, timid, and self-serving cheapskates.

It was a lot easier to get the same weapons the British had back then.

Most anyone could afford a musket. State militias bought cannon.

Today, look at how much a M249 SAW machine gun costs, or a Bradley fighting vehicle. War has become out of reach for the common man. Not to mention these things are illegal.
We Deserve Better Than What the Rulers Have Let Us Have. A Proud Citizen Tells Them What They Better Accept.

The patriots in 1776 had a lot better life than practically all British citizens. But it is the American Way not to compare oneself downward. So any time some self-appointed authority says we have it so much better than most other nations, he's just trying to get you to accept his clique's tyranny.
Go scream it at the sky. You'll never do anything but complain, ever.


None of you will. You're all full of shit waiting for somebody else to do your fighting for you.
It was a lot easier to get the same weapons the British had back then.

Most anyone could afford a musket. State militias bought cannon.

Today, look at how much a M249 SAW machine gun costs, or a Bradley fighting vehicle. War has become out of reach for the common man. Not to mention these things are illegal.

That's why you kill the operators, and take their weapons from them. Duh.
It was a lot easier to get the same weapons the British had back then.

Most anyone could afford a musket. State militias bought cannon.

Today, look at how much a M249 SAW machine gun costs, or a Bradley fighting vehicle. War has become out of reach for the common man. Not to mention these things are illegal.
I mean how fucking stupid do you have to be to compare the effectiveness of militia in the 1700s to 2022?
I’m going to guess most Americans are too soft to live the life long-term guerilla warfare would require.
I’m going to guess most Americans are too soft to live the life long-term guerilla warfare would require.

Yes, that is true. However, with a population of 340 million the percentages show at least 3 million who will have no problem with it.

People in this country talk a lot of shit about fighting the government. Have fun in the woods freezing your balls off while you try to dodge drone fire.
You do understand that your own cowardice doesn't necessarily translate into the cowardice of all, don't you? I'm thinking someone just outed themselves and wants to find some cover through whataboutism. BTW... on 9-11-01, NINETEEN INDIVIDUALS changed the world forever. Their skill and training? Mostly, they didn't mind dying for what they believed. As messed up as it was, it still took an act of selflessness to accomplish great things. If you think 19 punks with religious delusions are more dedicated to their beliefs than most Americans, your main problem is YOU.
Yeah, we were so successful in Afghanistan and Vietnam.

THIS^ it's a tell-tale sign of weakminded Liberals who so look down on America that they think EVERYONE else in the world is a better, more moral, more "just" person. In short, they're just deluded fools.
You do understand that your own cowardice doesn't necessarily translate into the cowardice of all, don't you? I'm thinking someone just outed themselves and wants to find some cover through whataboutism. BTW... on 9-11-01, NINETEEN INDIVIDUALS changed the world forever. Their skill and training? Mostly, they didn't mind dying for what they believed. As messed up as it was, it still took an act of selflessness to accomplish great things. If you think 19 punks with religious delusions are more dedicated to their beliefs than most Americans, your main problem is YOU.
I'm not afraid of dying. I just have the sense to recognize that we have it too good in this country for his fantasy to happen. Anybody that wants others to pick up arms and and start killing each other is not only a coward, but also an ungrateful and shortsighted fool. This country is great and will continue to be. Imagine sitting on your old, fat and comfortable ass in an airconditioned room with internet and thinking we actually have a problem that's worth all that blood and pain. You want to talk about deluded fools? Let's start there.

The terrorists on 9/11 were religious fanatics. I'm sure there are some of those on the right. I already covered that. Maybe he'll get his time to cheer when some murderer kills a bunch of liberals in an act of terror. He won't get the war that he wants to observe though. By the way those terrorists on 9/11 didn't come close to defeating our government. They killed some of our people and it was a tragedy, but we are far too strong to be defeated by something like that.
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I’m going to guess most Americans are too soft to live the life long-term guerilla warfare would require.
No, they're not too soft. Americans in general are strong and brave. It's just that it's not worth it and sane people recognize that. We have it damn good here and only a childish moron would want to throw everything into chaos over politics. If those dudes are serious then I don't respect them any more than terrorists, because that's the most they will ever accomplish with violence.

You'd have to be a real fucking loser to actually want that.
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Why would anyone be in the woods.

I think you are confusing land battle with insurgency.

Because on today's modern battlefield, if you don't have concealment and cover like a forest offers, you'll be dead in a very short time.

Unless you can go toe to toe with the opposition.
........He won't get the war that he wants to observe though. By the way those terrorists on 9/11 didn't come close to defeating our government. They killed some of our people and it was a tragedy, but we are far too strong to be defeated by something like that.


You related to some freshman congressperson from Minnesota?...

Sounds like it


Because on today's modern battlefield, if you don't have concealment and cover like a forest offers, you'll be dead in a very short time.

Unless you can go toe to toe with the opposition.

You going to bring in UN troops or are you going to rely on US military troops to possibly kill off their kin?


Your masturbation fantasy will never be more than just that. Life isn't even close to bad enough here for people to be desperate enough to try to fight like that. At most some people will engage in terrorism. Maybe you'll get lucky and one of them will blow up a college and kill a bunch of liberals or something. You'll have to settle for celebrating things like that instead.
There is too much infrastructure to defend my friend.

If we're going to be cold and hungry...we're all going to be cold and hungry together.
Because on today's modern battlefield, if you don't have concealment and cover like a forest offers, you'll be dead in a very short time.
I wouldn't fight that battle.

Insurgency isn't a boxing match.

When you are weaker than your opponent... you fight him where he is weak.

I can't tell you what I would do... mostly because what I know will work would also work for smaller enemies (terrorist) of our country... (the big guys already know...but because they are big guys, they suffer from the same vulnerabilities).

I don't want to give them any ideas.
If you really want to know what fighting an insurgency would be like and what tactics would be involved...start with US Army FM 3-24. It's open source and free to download.

The goal of insurgency is to:

A) deplete your enemies resources.

B) turn the populace against them.

C) decimate their will to fight.

(There was a pretty large post here that I deleted... Even being careful it gives away too much. Intelligent people can figure out The What easily enough... and with a little imagination and research The How isn't difficult to ascertain.)

Just like The advanced society is systems built on other systems. Remove one... Perhaps the system can adjust, remove two... pandemonium, remove three...cascade failure...

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