Unacceptable: Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal Status

hahaha…I find your bit fancinating….Nobody needs whitey more than dark people do…
Yet we're all happy to see you replaced. If you want to be a big boy you have stop the cosplay and deal with reality like a man.
You are too stupid to know that whitey‘s demise means you don’t eat.
You’re too much of fantasy player to realize no one is counting on you fail whites to feed their families. 😄
What’s the average effective tax rate among dark people? Where do you think your welfare/EBT comes from?
Welfare doesn't come from you fail whites and I've never been on welfare. You're not going to goad us into not replacing you fail white. You're going to need a real strategy.
He doesn’t want to compete.

He wants his privilege
Look at the data…there is no competition for whitey.…Whitey is supreme…if whitey wasn’t supreme dark people would break into dark nations….they don’t.
Yet we're all happy to see you replaced. If you want to be a big boy you have stop the cosplay and deal with reality like a man.
Your “Cosplay” bit is played out…Cosplay is pretending blacks are an asset to ANY society.
You’re too much of fantasy player to realize no one is counting on you fail whites to feed their families.
But yet you do…you and your dark buddies sprint to that mailbox for that whitey funded EBT card and you know it.
Welfare doesn't come from you fail whites and I've never been on welfare. You're not going to goad us into not replacing you fail white. You're going to need a real strategy.
Who do you think funds and runs this nation….its WHITEY!
Look at the data Kunta Kinte.
Your “Cosplay” bit is played out…Cosplay is pretending blacks are an asset to ANY society.
You fail whites are too stupid and ignorant of history to understand Black Americans are America's greatest asset. Without their exploitation it would be an entire nation of fail whites.
But yet you do…you and your dark buddies sprint to that mailbox for that whitey funded EBT card and you know it.
You fantasize it because you're a fail white and you need to feel better than someone.
Who do you think funds and runs this nation….its WHITEY!
Look at the data Kunta Kinte.
Not you fail whites though. The people who run the country are the ones who convinced you fail whites to cheer when they trickle on you. 😄
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Wow, had the white bullshit right on cut and paste.

By “white bullshit“ you really mean ’absolute truth’….don’t you?
Don’t like facts? Facts hurt your dark feelings? Change the facts by puling your head from ass and getting your shit right. It’s so fucking simple.
I get it. Your knowledge of bestiality is extensive but no one here is interested you sick fuck. :puke3:
So goat eater can’t think on his own. He’s got a screen name implicating himself and being absent any original thought he goes with an 8 year old “No…you are”
Isn’t it illegal for a company to hire illegal aliens?


8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens​

Why yes. Yes it is.

So why would the Chief Executive Officer of the Government seek to impose a fine on any company for asking its employees whether they are illegal aliens?

Potato should be impeached. It won’t work, of course. Democrats ignore laws they happen not to like. But Potato needs to go.
By “white bullshit“ you really mean ’absolute truth’….don’t you?
Don’t like facts? Facts hurt your dark feelings? Change the facts by puling your head from ass and getting your shit right. It’s so fucking simple.

You’re very triggered.

Calm down and try to evaluate your life.

Just trying to alert you to a heart attack.
So goat eater can’t think on his own. He’s got a screen name implicating himself and being absent any original thought he goes with an 8 year old “No…you are”
My screen name implicates me in goat eating. Whatever you've fantasized beyond that is all on you you sick fuck. I'm not responsible for your nasty fantasies. You are.
First, that is international law if a person crosses a border and surrenders.
So, you're sticking with the opinion that there is no such thing as an illegal. How can you cross the border illegally if the second you cross you have not entered the country illegally? Why do they have phrases such as illegally crossing if no crossing is illegal? And, why have border walls at all if there is no such thing as an illegal crossing?
So, you're sticking with the opinion that there is no such thing as an illegal. How can you cross the border illegally if the second you cross you have not entered the country illegally? Why do they have phrases such as illegally crossing if no crossing is illegal? And, why have border walls at all if there is no such thing as an illegal crossing?
If asylum is claimed that is international law.
Isn’t it illegal for a company to hire illegal aliens?


8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens​

Why yes. Yes it is.

So why would the Chief Executive Officer of the Government seek to impose a fine on any company for asking its employees whether they are illegal aliens?

Potato should be impeached. It won’t work, of course. Democrats ignore laws they happen not to like. But Potato needs to go.
But....but...Democrats tell me "No one is above the law".
It implicates what people perceive from it and not what you feel or wish.
It oozes weirdo
It implicates what people perceive from it? 😄 What kind of fail argument is that? I'm not responsible for your sick fantasies you nasty mutant. Your fantasies are what ooze weird and disgusting. My screen name is about food. Whatever you imagine beyond that and decide to share with the rest of us only implicates you, moron.
If asylum is claimed that is international law.

Name them
Mexicans, Central and South Americans don’t qualify for asylum.
Take your repackaged, rebranded bullshit somewhere else….nobody sane and not named Humberto is buying what you’re selling.
Wetbacks>Illegal Aliens>Illegals>Undocumented Immigrants>Immigrants>Dreamers>Migrants>Asylum Seekers>Refugees

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