Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...

Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??

No, they don't. And the tragedy is that they still won't after you show it to them. But what else can we do?
Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??
I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.

Perhaps you know history, I suspect you only claim to, but that too is irrelevant. You use your knowledge to deceive.
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??
I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.


You don't know anything about history...

I can prove it and just did....

Show me some citations where the KKK was EVER controlled by the republican party?

Sure there were instances of democrats flipping republican out of spite, however that had nothing to with political ideology and everything to do with some opposing the democrats for using blacks as a political tool rather than continuing to oppress them.

Hell LBJ said "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and his position certainly pissed off a ton of democrats who had ties and a constituency of racists kkk members..

bye-bye... You don't know jack shit..

You are correct sir.
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??
I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.

Perhaps you know history, I suspect you only claim to, but that too is irrelevant. You use your knowledge to deceive.
after having debated your sad little pea-sized logical cube for years, predfan, I feel pretty comfortable stating with authority, you are gloriously, most magnanimously,

nearly 100%

full of shit.

By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- Despite recent accusations of racism and homophobia, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) stuck to his libertarian principles on Sunday, criticizing the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it "undermine[d] the concept of liberty" and "destroyed the principle of private property and private choices."

"If you try to improve relationships by forcing and telling people what they can't do, and you ignore and undermine the principles of liberty, then the government can come into our bedrooms," Paul told Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union." "And that's exactly what has happened. Look at what's happened with the PATRIOT Act. They can come into our houses, our bedrooms our businesses ... And it was started back then."

The Civil Rights Act repealed the notorious Jim Crow laws; forced schools, bathrooms and buses to desegregate; and banned employment discrimination. Although Paul was not around to weigh in on the landmark legislation at the time, he had the chance to cast a symbolic vote against it in 2004, when the House of Representatives took up a resolution "recognizing and honoring the 40th anniversary of congressional passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964." Paul was the only member who voted "no."

More: Ron Paul: Civil Rights Act Of 1964 'Destroyed' Privacy

Once again you completely fail to Grasp the Point.

The Point is you can not Legislate Morality, and that giving one group of People special laws and Privileges is Directly contrary to the very Idea of Equal Rights. Affirmative Action, For Example, which we can use to sight many Instances where by following the Law, Employers legally Discriminate against White Candidates in order to fill an Arbitrary Quota of Minorities.

I mean hell I want equal rights for all workers just as much as the next guy, but when a More Qualified Candidate is Rejected in the Favor of a Less Qualified one, Simply because they are white, it's just as bad as when it happens the other way around.

The inability of the lefties to grasp the point is on full display here.
The GOP is the party that GOVERNS on legislating morality. Why the fuck do you think that the supposed MORAL Majority played such a big factor in their party?

The GOP has long been the party of big government - big moral government and big surveillance government. They want to put big brother's hands in your womb; they want the Fed to track your calls, emails, reading lists, and bank transactions. They are the first to use the Federal Bureaucracy to censor art and entertainment. They want to tell consenting adults who they can marry. They want the state to penetrate every element of the citizens private moral life. They don't trust adults to think for themselves. They want a Big Government bureaucrat at the base of every bed and in the pages of every textbook (so they can make sure none of that devil science contradicts the biblical timeline). They want a medieval christianized public sphere wherein their particular God is shoved down the throats of supposedly free people. They want the biggest, most interventionist state of all. The Bush Patriot Act and Homeland Security gave unprecedented power to the fed to intervene in the life of American citizens. Small government? They have no problem using the federal courts to change the outcomes of presidential elections. But it doesn't stop there. Reagan's War on Drugs and Bush's War on Terror gave the federal government sweeping new powers to intervene in the life and destiny of the states.The only freedoms they protect are those of large corporations. People who believe that GOP cares about freedom and small government are useful idiots. They clearly get all their information from government, i.e., movement conservatism, which moves business profits to think tanks, TV, and radio; from FOX to Rush...

God help us.

Let me give you a clue, for free:

Ron Paul is not a Republican.
It was long overdue.

We went 100 years waiting for society to "fix itself" with no real improvement. Look at how racial relations and opportunities have improved over the last 50 years compared to the hundred years after the civil war.

I agree that it was overdue but that is irrelevant.

It is completely relevant

Dr Paul says we should have let social forces regulate businesses that discriminate on the basis of race. We had over a hundred years to let those social forces influence racist businesses........and nothing happened

It's irrelevant. RP was talking about free market, you are bringing up the fact that it took 100 years to get to the same period of time. That is irrelevant. The one has nothing at all to do with the other.

The racists and "anti-government crazies" are going to vote for whoever the republican nominee is. Don't pin that group on Paul.

PLENTY of people are going to vote R in 2012 because he ain't "the ******".

Among the hundreds of other ways the lefties here are wrong about RP, they think he;'s actually a republican.

What is Ron Paul doing in the Republican Primaries?

He can't get anywhere as a libertarian. Are seriously saying you think RP is a Republican?
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I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.

Perhaps you know history, I suspect you only claim to, but that too is irrelevant. You use your knowledge to deceive.
after having debated your sad little pea-sized logical cube for years, predfan, I feel pretty comfortable stating with authority, you are gloriously, most magnanimously,

nearly 100%

full of shit.

Years eh? Who are you at Hannity?
I agree that it was overdue but that is irrelevant.

It is completely relevant

Dr Paul says we should have let social forces regulate businesses that discriminate on the basis of race. We had over a hundred years to let those social forces influence racist businesses........and nothing happened

It's irrelevant. RP was talking about free market, you are bringing up the fact that it took 100 years to get to the same period of time. That is irrelevant. The one has nothing at all to do with the other.

We had one hundred years of free market and nothing happened. What makes Dr Paul think that giving the free market more time would have led to any improvement?
It is completely relevant

Dr Paul says we should have let social forces regulate businesses that discriminate on the basis of race. We had over a hundred years to let those social forces influence racist businesses........and nothing happened

It's irrelevant. RP was talking about free market, you are bringing up the fact that it took 100 years to get to the same period of time. That is irrelevant. The one has nothing at all to do with the other.

We had one hundred years of free market and nothing happened. What makes Dr Paul think that giving the free market more time would have led to any improvement?

No we have not, dont even pretend. Government has manipulated the market for a very long time.
The last thing I want to be is a Ron Paul defender but even radical lefties and Huffington probably understand deep down that Paul is no racist. He isn't the most articulate speaker and he is desperate to turn his sagging ratings around so he appears on shows that aren't sympathetic to his views. Be careful what you wish for lefties. Paul is your best bet to lose the election if he wins the nomination.
It is completely relevant

Dr Paul says we should have let social forces regulate businesses that discriminate on the basis of race. We had over a hundred years to let those social forces influence racist businesses........and nothing happened

It's irrelevant. RP was talking about free market, you are bringing up the fact that it took 100 years to get to the same period of time. That is irrelevant. The one has nothing at all to do with the other.

We had one hundred years of free market and nothing happened. What makes Dr Paul think that giving the free market more time would have led to any improvement?

Because of the time. It was time for that change to happen. Just as there wasn't a federal law against descrimination, there wasn't a free market solution. Free market ebb and flow is also subject to societal pressures. To imply that free market solutions wouldn't work because they didn't for 100 years is not fully understanding how things work.
What is Ron Paul doing in the Republican Primaries?

He can't get anywhere as a libertarian. Have you been asleep the past decade?

So Dr Paul is lying to the public and misrepresenting himself

No, he has not changed his position one bit. He still holds true to libertarian ideals. Everyone in the GOP knows he isn't a Republican, that is why the establishment GOP treats him as an outsider.
I haven't read this entire thread but has anyone mentioned that Al Gore Sr. and JFK voted against the Civil Rights Act?

Democrat President John F. Kennedy is lauded as a proponent of civil rights. However, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act while he was a senator, as did Democrat Sen. Al Gore Sr. And after he became President, Kennedy was opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. President Kennedy, through his brother Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy​, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in order to undermine Dr. King.
Facts are stubborn things. :D

Very few democrats will admit their party's racist past.

Ronald Reagan was a Democrat until 1962. Does that make him a racist?
Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??

No, they don't. And the tragedy is that they still won't after you show it to them. But what else can we do?

Go Jordin Tootoo on their ass?? :lol:
It's irrelevant. RP was talking about free market, you are bringing up the fact that it took 100 years to get to the same period of time. That is irrelevant. The one has nothing at all to do with the other.

We had one hundred years of free market and nothing happened. What makes Dr Paul think that giving the free market more time would have led to any improvement?

Because of the time. It was time for that change to happen. Just as there wasn't a federal law against descrimination, there wasn't a free market solution. Free market ebb and flow is also subject to societal pressures. To imply that free market solutions wouldn't work because they didn't for 100 years is not fully understanding how things work.

Oh.....I get it now. It was time for that change to happen. Free market was about to end segregation all on it's own. Martin Luther King was just wasting his time because all that change would have happened without the civil rights movement.......it was time for the change to happen

God.....that Dr Paul is a smart guy

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