Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act


By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- Despite recent accusations of racism and homophobia, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) stuck to his libertarian principles on Sunday, criticizing the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it "undermine[d] the concept of liberty" and "destroyed the principle of private property and private choices."

"If you try to improve relationships by forcing and telling people what they can't do, and you ignore and undermine the principles of liberty, then the government can come into our bedrooms," Paul told Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union." "And that's exactly what has happened. Look at what's happened with the PATRIOT Act. They can come into our houses, our bedrooms our businesses ... And it was started back then."

The Civil Rights Act repealed the notorious Jim Crow laws; forced schools, bathrooms and buses to desegregate; and banned employment discrimination. Although Paul was not around to weigh in on the landmark legislation at the time, he had the chance to cast a symbolic vote against it in 2004, when the House of Representatives took up a resolution "recognizing and honoring the 40th anniversary of congressional passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964." Paul was the only member who voted "no."

More: Ron Paul: Civil Rights Act Of 1964 'Destroyed' Privacy

Yeah--what did anyone expect--it wasn't too long ago that his son--Rand Paul stated that under the constitution and personal property rights--a restaurant owner--if the owner wishes should be able to keep minorities out of his restaurant. Of course he stated he wouldn't do that if he were a restaurant owner--BUT--would not go near forcing others to do so.

Paul said he opposes discrimination but has problems with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it bans businesses from discriminating against customers.

The Maddow Blog - Rand Paul on 'Maddow' fallout begins
Ron Paul has a corrupt view of Liberty

There is no time in American history where liberty has been denied to the extent of the way we treated our black citizens. We had state sponsored, open terrorism against our black population

Ron Paul does not see that as a violation of liberty?

Ron Paul is not against blacks having the same rights as whites. That is your assumption and your mistake. The Civil Rights Act was not the one and only way blacks could have been freed from that kind of abuse.

It was long overdue.

We went 100 years waiting for society to "fix itself" with no real improvement. Look at how racial relations and opportunities have improved over the last 50 years compared to the hundred years after the civil war.

I agree that it was overdue but that is irrelevant.
Not only would I not want this Neanderthal clown in the White House, I wouldn't even want him working on White House property - as gardener, janitor, or anything else.

I know, liberals rather vote for more social injustice and expand America's most racist institution: The War on Drugs.

Then they throw a fit over Paul's stance on the CRA, like they care about racism.
Thankfully, there are many who are happy about not going back to these days.


But at least they have Ron Paul defending their liberty and freedom to ban negroes and apes while they pay honor to Jesus
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I haven't read this entire thread but has anyone mentioned that Al Gore Sr. and JFK voted against the Civil Rights Act?

Democrat President John F. Kennedy is lauded as a proponent of civil rights. However, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act while he was a senator, as did Democrat Sen. Al Gore Sr. And after he became President, Kennedy was opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. President Kennedy, through his brother Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy​, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in order to undermine Dr. King.
Facts are stubborn things. :D

Very few democrats will admit their party's racist past.
Democrats might not want to open the Civil Rights can 'o worms if they know what's good for them. We all know that radical union educated libs are generally historically impared but the world didn't start the day they were born. The democrat party fought against the Civil Rights act and if you polled members of the KKK back then you would probably find they were all registered democrats.

The democratic party did not fight against the Civil Rights act. It was cowritten by Democrats and signed by a Democratic President

back then, the KKK contained both Democrats and Republicans. Nowadays it is almost exclusively Republican

I've heard today's democrats claim that the democrats who fought against the Civil Rights act were really republicans. We all know that's B.S. They were democrats. Democrats still show their racist roots when they get angry. Look the way they treated Dr. Condie Rice with filthy racist cartoons. They never apologized because they didn't have to. Dr. Rice was a republican.

Which Democrat wrote filthy racist cartoons about Condie Rice?

Did any Democrats email copies to their friends like Republicans did?

And this...

On September 30, 1962, riots erupted on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford where locals, students, and committed segregationists had gathered to protest the enrollment of James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran attempting to integrate the all-white school. Despite the presence of more than 120 federal marshals who were on hand to protect Meredith from harm, the crowd turned violent after nightfall, and authorities struggled to maintain order. When the smoke cleared the following morning, two civilians were dead and scores more were reported injured.

For Meredith, the riot was perhaps a fitting coda to a process that began almost two years earlier when he brought suit against the school, alleging that he was denied admission on the basis of race. Although a lower court sided with the university, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit issued a decision in June 1962 ordering the school to admit Meredith the following fall, thereby ensuring a showdown between the federal government and Mississippi's segregationist state government. After spending the night of September 30 under federal protection, Meredith was allowed to register for classes the following morning, and became the first black graduate from the university in August 1963.

Completely irrelevant, as are the rest of your posts.

And this...

On September 30, 1962, riots erupted on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford where locals, students, and committed segregationists had gathered to protest the enrollment of James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran attempting to integrate the all-white school. Despite the presence of more than 120 federal marshals who were on hand to protect Meredith from harm, the crowd turned violent after nightfall, and authorities struggled to maintain order. When the smoke cleared the following morning, two civilians were dead and scores more were reported injured.

For Meredith, the riot was perhaps a fitting coda to a process that began almost two years earlier when he brought suit against the school, alleging that he was denied admission on the basis of race. Although a lower court sided with the university, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit issued a decision in June 1962 ordering the school to admit Meredith the following fall, thereby ensuring a showdown between the federal government and Mississippi's segregationist state government. After spending the night of September 30 under federal protection, Meredith was allowed to register for classes the following morning, and became the first black graduate from the university in August 1963.

Completely irrelevant, as are the rest of your posts.
She lives in the past.
Democrats might not want to open the Civil Rights can 'o worms if they know what's good for them. We all know that radical union educated libs are generally historically impared but the world didn't start the day they were born. The democrat party fought against the Civil Rights act and if you polled members of the KKK back then you would probably find they were all registered democrats.

The democratic party did not fight against the Civil Rights act. It was cowritten by Democrats and signed by a Democratic President

back then, the KKK contained both Democrats and Republicans. Nowadays it is almost exclusively Republican

I've heard today's democrats claim that the democrats who fought against the Civil Rights act were really republicans. We all know that's B.S. They were democrats. Democrats still show their racist roots when they get angry. Look the way they treated Dr. Condie Rice with filthy racist cartoons. They never apologized because they didn't have to. Dr. Rice was a republican.
They were conservatives.

Through and through.

And Condi, as well as Colin Powell, have no problem crediting Affirmative Action to where they are today.
Ron Paul is not against blacks having the same rights as whites. That is your assumption and your mistake. The Civil Rights Act was not the one and only way blacks could have been freed from that kind of abuse.

It was long overdue.

We went 100 years waiting for society to "fix itself" with no real improvement. Look at how racial relations and opportunities have improved over the last 50 years compared to the hundred years after the civil war.

I agree that it was overdue but that is irrelevant.

It is completely relevant

Dr Paul says we should have let social forces regulate businesses that discriminate on the basis of race. We had over a hundred years to let those social forces influence racist businesses........and nothing happened

And this...

On September 30, 1962, riots erupted on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford where locals, students, and committed segregationists had gathered to protest the enrollment of James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran attempting to integrate the all-white school. Despite the presence of more than 120 federal marshals who were on hand to protect Meredith from harm, the crowd turned violent after nightfall, and authorities struggled to maintain order. When the smoke cleared the following morning, two civilians were dead and scores more were reported injured.

For Meredith, the riot was perhaps a fitting coda to a process that began almost two years earlier when he brought suit against the school, alleging that he was denied admission on the basis of race. Although a lower court sided with the university, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit issued a decision in June 1962 ordering the school to admit Meredith the following fall, thereby ensuring a showdown between the federal government and Mississippi's segregationist state government. After spending the night of September 30 under federal protection, Meredith was allowed to register for classes the following morning, and became the first black graduate from the university in August 1963.

Completely irrelevant, as are the rest of your posts.
She lives in the past.
Nice sig pic, bitch.
It's interesting how once you get below the surface of Ron Paul's more publicized appeal to the so-called isolationists (like myself)

you find yourself at the real core of his support,

racists and anti-government crazies.


The racists and "anti-government crazies" are going to vote for whoever the republican nominee is. Don't pin that group on Paul.

PLENTY of people are going to vote R in 2012 because he ain't "the ******".

Among the hundreds of other ways the lefties here are wrong about RP, they think he;'s actually a republican.
That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...
I'm pretty sure I can say with certainty I know more about history than you do, judging by your posts.

Thank you for reiterating what I stated earlier, it was southern conservatives who were - and many still are, opposed to Civil Rights for minorities.

The rest of your sweeping pablum is worthy of a trash heave.

I don't know of any conservative who is opposed to civil rights... that's just plain dumb.

The lefties here have no real logical point so they must resort to strawman arguments, deflections and sensational and irrelevant photographs.
It's interesting how once you get below the surface of Ron Paul's more publicized appeal to the so-called isolationists (like myself)

you find yourself at the real core of his support,

racists and anti-government crazies.


The racists and "anti-government crazies" are going to vote for whoever the republican nominee is. Don't pin that group on Paul.

PLENTY of people are going to vote R in 2012 because he ain't "the ******".

Among the hundreds of other ways the lefties here are wrong about RP, they think he;'s actually a republican.

What is Ron Paul doing in the Republican Primaries?

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