Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

Ron Paul's stance on this issue is that you cannot legislate morality, and by giving special privileges or entitlements to one group you strip the rights of another.

P.S. Your a partisan shitstain on the clean white undies of the United States. Go fuck yourself you do nothing liberal. All you and your party can do is bitch and complain while holding your hand out expecting others to provide for you.

You're an idiot.
Ron Paul's stance on this issue is that you cannot legislate morality, and by giving special privileges or entitlements to one group you strip the rights of another.

P.S. Your a partisan shitstain on the clean white undies of the United States. Go fuck yourself you do nothing liberal. All you and your party can do is bitch and complain while holding your hand out expecting others to provide for you.

You're an idiot.

Thanks for proving me right. They day liberals stop seeking rent from the 'gubment' and start taking care of themselves will be a great day for America, and for the liberals.
Ron Paul's stance on this issue is that you cannot legislate morality, and by giving special privileges or entitlements to one group you strip the rights of another.

P.S. Your a partisan shitstain on the clean white undies of the United States. Go fuck yourself you do nothing liberal. All you and your party can do is bitch and complain while holding your hand out expecting others to provide for you.

You're an idiot.

Thanks for proving me right. They day liberals stop seeking rent from the 'gubment' and start taking care of themselves will be a great day for America, and for the liberals.

And you still do not understand.
If you don't agree with the lack of freedom in one state you move to another....

It's happening in present day society...

That's the whole point of the Tenth Amendment tho - you live and or operate a business where its comfortable...

I'm from Illinois - This state is shrinking fast, and that's because people are getting sick of Chicago's influence over the entire state...http://www.usmessageboard.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=4612117

When people get fed up they move to states that are more inline with their views, or are more friendly to them financially...

Thankfully, we settled that issue 150 years ago

We are now the UNITED STATES instead of a bunch of states that are united

Our founding fathers would weep if they read your post

Well I'm sure the authoritarian federalists would have...

Thank God for the Republican-Democrats and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on their work of art known as the BILL OF RIGHTS...

They were republicans......

Your boy is the federalist Alexander Hamilton who was offed by none other than Burr for being a belligerent federalist fuck.
Yep...Jefferson & Madison. Two slave masters.
Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??
I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.


You don't know anything about history...

I can prove it and just did....

Show me some citations where the KKK was EVER controlled by the republican party?

Sure there were instances of democrats flipping republican out of spite, however that had nothing to with political ideology and everything to do with some opposing the democrats for using blacks as a political tool rather than continuing to oppress them.

Hell LBJ said "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and his position certainly pissed off a ton of democrats who had ties and a constituency of racists kkk members..

bye-bye... You don't know jack shit..
You're an idiot.

Thanks for proving me right. They day liberals stop seeking rent from the 'gubment' and start taking care of themselves will be a great day for America, and for the liberals.

And you still do not understand.

I saw it I just ignored it. People that make a mockery of grammar on a message board equate to men with itty bitty dicks. They are really lacking but try so hard to make up for it elsewhere.
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??
I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.


You don't know anything about history...

I can prove it and just did....

Show me some citations where the KKK was EVER controlled by the republican party?

Sure there were instances of democrats flipping republican out of spite, however that had nothing to with political ideology and everything to do with some opposing the democrats for using blacks as a political tool rather than continuing to oppress them.

Hell LBJ said "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and his position certainly pissed off a ton of democrats who had ties and a constituency of racists kkk members..

bye-bye... You don't know jack shit..
Wow. I had no idea how truly idiotic you were until now.

Thankfully I have not had much interaction with you.

I see now though. Holy crap, you are skullfuckingly stupid.
Thankfully, we settled that issue 150 years ago

We are now the UNITED STATES instead of a bunch of states that are united

Our founding fathers would weep if they read your post

Well I'm sure the authoritarian federalists would have...

Thank God for the Republican-Democrats and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on their work of art known as the BILL OF RIGHTS...

They were republicans......

Your boy is the federalist Alexander Hamilton who was offed by none other than Burr for being a belligerent federalist fuck.
Yep...Jefferson & Madison. Two slave masters.

Do you have any idea how many federalists owned slaves???

Besides "owning" is different than employing...

It seems anyone who employed a black individual back then was a slave owner...

You ever think for a second that some individuals treated blacks as employees and NOT slaves??

Not to mention there were plenty of white slaves too.
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Obviously this idiot voted for Obama and most likely will again. :cuckoo:

Not only would I not want this Neanderthal clown in the White House, I wouldn't even want him working on White House property - as gardener, janitor, or anything else.
Well I'm sure the authoritarian federalists would have...

Thank God for the Republican-Democrats and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on their work of art known as the BILL OF RIGHTS...

They were republicans......

Your boy is the federalist Alexander Hamilton who was offed by none other than Burr for being a belligerent federalist fuck.
Yep...Jefferson & Madison. Two slave masters.

Do you have any idea how many federalists owned slaves???

Besides "owning" is different than employing...

It seems anyone who employed a black individual back then was a slave owner...

You ever think for a second that some individuals treated blacks as employees and NOT slaves??

Not to mention there were plenty of white slaves too.
So Jefferson and Madison "employed" slaves now.


Oh gawd, what a fucking riot you are.
I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.


You don't know anything about history...

I can prove it and just did....

Show me some citations where the KKK was EVER controlled by the republican party?

Sure there were instances of democrats flipping republican out of spite, however that had nothing to with political ideology and everything to do with some opposing the democrats for using blacks as a political tool rather than continuing to oppress them.

Hell LBJ said "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and his position certainly pissed off a ton of democrats who had ties and a constituency of racists kkk members..

bye-bye... You don't know jack shit..
Wow. I had no idea how truly idiotic you were until now.

Thankfully I have not had much interaction with you.

I see now though. Holy crap, you are skullfuckingly stupid.

Well the problem with democrats is the fact that they selectively teach....

Apparently you never went to college or read a book that is meant for the consumption via college students...

Either that or you refuse to accept reality and live in a dream world...

Besides I would LOVE for someone to contradict my argument against my assertions other than "you're a fucking idiot."

I have every right to call you a fucking retard because I add substance and facts to my citations - which are in the educated world common knowledge.
Yep...Jefferson & Madison. Two slave masters.

Do you have any idea how many federalists owned slaves???

Besides "owning" is different than employing...

It seems anyone who employed a black individual back then was a slave owner...

You ever think for a second that some individuals treated blacks as employees and NOT slaves??

Not to mention there were plenty of white slaves too.
So Jefferson and Madison "employed" slaves now.


Oh gawd, what a fucking riot you are.

In what universe do you believe every white person back then viewed blacks as sub human??

You do realize many white families even back then viewed slavery as barbaric and bought them just so they wouldn't be purchased by those with nefarious intent...

My family (moms side) still possesses correspondences between my great-great-great-great grandma that purchased a slave out of contempt for slavery...

I remember exactly some parts of the letter... "it is in my joy that I purchased a negro, and the suffering of that individual has been ceased." and the letter went on to say "I enjoy her company and she is grateful"

You don't know anything about history...

I can prove it and just did....

Show me some citations where the KKK was EVER controlled by the republican party?

Sure there were instances of democrats flipping republican out of spite, however that had nothing to with political ideology and everything to do with some opposing the democrats for using blacks as a political tool rather than continuing to oppress them.

Hell LBJ said "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century" and his position certainly pissed off a ton of democrats who had ties and a constituency of racists kkk members..

bye-bye... You don't know jack shit..
Wow. I had no idea how truly idiotic you were until now.

Thankfully I have not had much interaction with you.

I see now though. Holy crap, you are skullfuckingly stupid.

Well the problem with democrats is the fact that they selectively teach....

Apparently you never went to college or read a book that is meant for the consumption via college students...

Either that or you refuse to accept reality and live in a dream world...

Besides I would LOVE for someone to contradict my argument against my assertions other than "you're a fucking idiot."

I have every right to call you a fucking retard because I add substance and facts to my citations - which are in the educated world common knowledge.
Let's start with this one here, Nicklehead:

"Show me some citations where the KKK was EVER controlled by the republican party?"

You see, right there, you make an assertion I never made. Then you ask me to back up something I never said. In even the SAME DAMN POST, I explained to you how the ideology is not the same as the party and co-mingling the two is deceptive.

So, off the bat, you show your debate method is a ruse. You are playing a game, not really debating. So I treat it with the dedication it deserves, that is - none.

And for the record, history is my life's work. I touch it daily. I live history.

Thousands of original civil war letters have passed through my hands, I have had diaries, journals, day books of soldiers and officers...which now reside in the Smithsonian, and in other major and minor museums. I interact regularly with important historical societies and Athenaeums. Often times, they consult me.

I have literally held the documents or letters of most every one of our Founding Fathers, as well as just about every President. (William Henry Harrison has been a tough one!) -
I have had original letters from both Lee and Sherman (and many other Officers). Intense research accompanies this.
I love it.

I swwwwwim in history everyday, every hour, and have for decades now.
My goal is to keep it safe, preserve what memory remains and protect them for future generations.

Imagine what my world is like --touching the same pen, the same paper as Washington or Jefferson or Sherman held. It's magical, I tell you.

I do. It is one of the most rewarding endeavors one can imagine - and I make a living at it! I touch the ancients every day, and have for decades. You have no idea how incredibly awesome and history-filled my life is - and I'll tell you, I''m sure like others, it's pretty damn sickening to hear some random spouting poster tell those whose life it is to study history they don't know what they are talking about.
Last edited:
If you don't agree with the lack of freedom in one state you move to another....

It's happening in present day society...

That's the whole point of the Tenth Amendment tho - you live and or operate a business where its comfortable...

I'm from Illinois - This state is shrinking fast, and that's because people are getting sick of Chicago's influence over the entire state...http://www.usmessageboard.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=4612117

When people get fed up they move to states that are more inline with their views, or are more friendly to them financially...

Thankfully, we settled that issue 150 years ago

We are now the UNITED STATES instead of a bunch of states that are united

Our founding fathers would weep if they read your post

Well I'm sure the authoritarian federalists would have...

Thank God for the Republican-Democrats and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on their work of art known as the BILL OF RIGHTS...

They were republicans......

Your boy is the federalist Alexander Hamilton who was offed by none other than Burr for being a belligerent federalist fuck.

No....they weren't Republicans

Republican-Democrats have closer ties to today's Democratic Party

Lincoln was the first Republican President. That was the Republican Party that evolved into today's republicans. You really need to stay away from those right wing hate sites
Wow. I had no idea how truly idiotic you were until now.

Thankfully I have not had much interaction with you.

I see now though. Holy crap, you are skullfuckingly stupid.

Well the problem with democrats is the fact that they selectively teach....

Apparently you never went to college or read a book that is meant for the consumption via college students...

Either that or you refuse to accept reality and live in a dream world...

Besides I would LOVE for someone to contradict my argument against my assertions other than "you're a fucking idiot."

I have every right to call you a fucking retard because I add substance and facts to my citations - which are in the educated world common knowledge.
Let's start with this one here, Nicklehead:

"Show me some citations where the KKK was EVER controlled by the republican party?"

You see, right there, you make an assertion I never made. Then you ask me to back up something I never said. In even the SAME DAMN POST, I explained to you how the ideology is not the same as the party and co-mingling the two is deceptive.

So, off the bat, you show your debate method is a ruse. You are playing a game, not really debating. So I treat it with the dedication it deserves, that is - none.

And for the record, history is my life's work. I touch it daily. I live history.

Thousands of original civil war letters have passed through my hands, I have had diaries, journals, day books of soldiers and officers...which now reside in the Smithsonian, and in other major and minor museums. I interact regularly with important historical societies and Athenaeums. Often times, they consult me.

I have literally held the documents or letters of most every one of our Founding Fathers, as well as just about every President. (William Henry Harrison has been a tough one!) -
I have had original letters from both Lee and Sherman (and many other Officers). Intense research accompanies this.
I love it.

I swwwwwim in history everyday, every hour, and have for decades now.
My goal is to keep it safe, preserve what memory remains and protect them for future generations.

Imagine what my world is like --touching the same pen, the same paper as Washington or Jefferson or Sherman held. It's magical, I tell you.

I do. It is one of the most rewarding endeavors one can imagine - and I make a living at it! I touch the ancients every day, and have for decades. You have no idea how incredibly awesome and history-filled my life is - and I'll tell you, I''m sure like others, it's pretty damn sickening to hear some random spouting poster tell those whose life it is to study history they don't know what they are talking about.

Yet you still refuse to acknowledge that democrats were the KKK???

Like I said cite evidence that supports your theory they were NOT...

If you're such a historian than you would CLEARLY be on my side..

Not to mention any text that goes through your hands I can read online or just about at any library... So its not exactly like you have exclusive admission to those letters, all of which known have been reilliterated to the general public... We're not talking about the Dead Sea Scrolls here....

Not to mention I highly doubt your bullshit, because if you had the position of handling material you would have a lot more to say than "I handle vintage historical material."

Liberals want to sit around and accuse Ron Paul of being a racist while the socialist dictator steers the country towards totalitarianism.
Thankfully, we settled that issue 150 years ago

We are now the UNITED STATES instead of a bunch of states that are united

Our founding fathers would weep if they read your post

Well I'm sure the authoritarian federalists would have...

Thank God for the Republican-Democrats and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on their work of art known as the BILL OF RIGHTS...

They were republicans......

Your boy is the federalist Alexander Hamilton who was offed by none other than Burr for being a belligerent federalist fuck.

No....they weren't Republicans

Republican-Democrats have closer ties to today's Democratic Party

Lincoln was the first Republican President. That was the Republican Party that evolved into today's republicans. You really need to stay away from those right wing hate sites

No, republican-democrats are the modern republican party...

The federalists are the modern day democrat party...
Do you have any idea how many federalists owned slaves???

Besides "owning" is different than employing...

It seems anyone who employed a black individual back then was a slave owner...

You ever think for a second that some individuals treated blacks as employees and NOT slaves??

Not to mention there were plenty of white slaves too.
So Jefferson and Madison "employed" slaves now.


Oh gawd, what a fucking riot you are.

In what universe do you believe every white person back then viewed blacks as sub human??

You do realize many white families even back then viewed slavery as barbaric and bought them just so they wouldn't be purchased by those with nefarious intent...

My family (moms side) still possesses correspondences between my great-great-great-great grandma that purchased a slave out of contempt for slavery...

I remember exactly some parts of the letter... "it is in my joy that I purchased a negro, and the suffering of that individual has been ceased." and the letter went on to say "I enjoy her company and she is grateful"

He enjoyed her company and she is grateful?

He bought her so he could fuck her you dolt

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