Unbelievable: Ron Paul Slams Civil Rights Act

White Conservative Southerners: Help! We're being oppressed!


That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...

Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites
Should a gun store have the right to deny the sale of a gun to someone SOLELY because of the color of his skin?

Yes they should have that right. Who is the government to mandate that a business owner cannot choose who they do business with? Should not a landlord be able to choose who he rents to?? Should not an employer be able to choose who they hire??

Its called freedom people, sometimes its ugly but its better then tyranny.

This is the same old tired liberal hand held out, cant do nothing for myself rent seeking argument.

It was not freedom when you were forced to ride in the back of a bus, or swim in a public pool or attend a university you pay taxes for

Is it freedom if we both pay the same for a meal but you can eat yours in the dining room and I have to eat out back? Is it freedom to go to a town and have nobody willing to rent you a room?

If you don't agree with the lack of freedom in one state you move to another....

It's happening in present day society...

That's the whole point of the Tenth Amendment tho - you live and or operate a business where its comfortable...

I'm from Illinois - This state is shrinking fast, and that's because people are getting sick of Chicago's influence over the entire state...

When people get fed up they move to states that are more inline with their views, or are more friendly to them financially...
Should a gun store have the right to deny the sale of a gun to someone SOLELY because of the color of his skin?

Yes they should have that right. Who is the government to mandate that a business owner cannot choose who they do business with? Should not a landlord be able to choose who he rents to?? Should not an employer be able to choose who they hire??

Its called freedom people, sometimes its ugly but its better then tyranny.

This is the same old tired liberal hand held out, cant do nothing for myself rent seeking argument.

It was not freedom when you were forced to ride in the back of a bus, or swim in a public pool or attend a university you pay taxes for

Is it freedom if we both pay the same for a meal but you can eat yours in the dining room and I have to eat out back? Is it freedom to go to a town and have nobody willing to rent you a room?

Who was forced to swim in a public pool and attend a university?

Oh, the horror.... swimming AND an education!!!

White Conservative Southerners: Help! We're being oppressed!


That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...
I'm pretty sure I can say with certainty I know more about history than you do, judging by your posts.

Thank you for reiterating what I stated earlier, it was southern conservatives who were - and many still are, opposed to Civil Rights for minorities.

The rest of your sweeping pablum is worthy of a trash heave.
Yes they should have that right. Who is the government to mandate that a business owner cannot choose who they do business with? Should not a landlord be able to choose who he rents to?? Should not an employer be able to choose who they hire??

Its called freedom people, sometimes its ugly but its better then tyranny.

This is the same old tired liberal hand held out, cant do nothing for myself rent seeking argument.

It was not freedom when you were forced to ride in the back of a bus, or swim in a public pool or attend a university you pay taxes for

Is it freedom if we both pay the same for a meal but you can eat yours in the dining room and I have to eat out back? Is it freedom to go to a town and have nobody willing to rent you a room?

If you don't agree with the lack of freedom in one state you move to another....

It's happening in present day society...

That's the whole point of the Tenth Amendment tho - you live and or operate a business where its comfortable...

I'm from Illinois - This state is shrinking fast, and that's because people are getting sick of Chicago's influence over the entire state...

When people get fed up they move to states that are more inline with their views, or are more friendly to them financially...

That's why I left NY in 1993... good bye and good fucking riddance to bad rubbish.
Yes they should have that right. Who is the government to mandate that a business owner cannot choose who they do business with? Should not a landlord be able to choose who he rents to?? Should not an employer be able to choose who they hire??

Its called freedom people, sometimes its ugly but its better then tyranny.

This is the same old tired liberal hand held out, cant do nothing for myself rent seeking argument.

It was not freedom when you were forced to ride in the back of a bus, or swim in a public pool or attend a university you pay taxes for

Is it freedom if we both pay the same for a meal but you can eat yours in the dining room and I have to eat out back? Is it freedom to go to a town and have nobody willing to rent you a room?

If you don't agree with the lack of freedom in one state you move to another....

It's happening in present day society...

That's the whole point of the Tenth Amendment tho - you live and or operate a business where its comfortable...

I'm from Illinois - This state is shrinking fast, and that's because people are getting sick of Chicago's influence over the entire state...

When people get fed up they move to states that are more inline with their views, or are more friendly to them financially...

Thankfully, we settled that issue 150 years ago

We are now the UNITED STATES instead of a bunch of states that are united

Our founding fathers would weep if they read your post
Last edited:
White Conservative Southerners: Help! We're being oppressed!


That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...
I'm pretty sure I can say with certainty I know more about history than you do, judging by your posts.

Thank you for reiterating what I stated earlier, it was southern conservatives who were - and many still are, opposed to Civil Rights for minorities.

The rest of your sweeping pablum is worthy of a trash heave.

I don't know of any conservative who is opposed to civil rights... that's just plain dumb.
That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...
I'm pretty sure I can say with certainty I know more about history than you do, judging by your posts.

Thank you for reiterating what I stated earlier, it was southern conservatives who were - and many still are, opposed to Civil Rights for minorities.

The rest of your sweeping pablum is worthy of a trash heave.

I don't know of any conservative who is opposed to civil rights... that's just plain dumb.

You are insanely blind.

You don't even have to venture further than this thread to see it...

and history is so rich in examples, it literally fill libraries upon libraries.
Should a gun store have the right to deny the sale of a gun to someone SOLELY because of the color of his skin?

Yes they should have that right. Who is the government to mandate that a business owner cannot choose who they do business with? Should not a landlord be able to choose who he rents to?? Should not an employer be able to choose who they hire??

Its called freedom people, sometimes its ugly but its better then tyranny.

This is the same old tired liberal hand held out, cant do nothing for myself rent seeking argument.

I thought the right to bear arms was constitutionally protected?

The right to bear arms is protected. The right to purchase guns is not.

Great example of liberalism. Lets make a government mandate to rule everyone so the minority can have what they want without having to lift a finger to help themselves.
I'm pretty sure I can say with certainty I know more about history than you do, judging by your posts.

Thank you for reiterating what I stated earlier, it was southern conservatives who were - and many still are, opposed to Civil Rights for minorities.

The rest of your sweeping pablum is worthy of a trash heave.

I don't know of any conservative who is opposed to civil rights... that's just plain dumb.

You are insanely blind.

You don't even have to venture further than this thread to see it...

and history is so rich in examples, it literally fill libraries.

Nah, I just don't know any. Who the hell are you hanging around that you know so many racists?
White Conservative Southerners: Help! We're being oppressed!


That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...

Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??
Gotta love liberalism... institutionalize poverty, crowd minorities into ghettos, replace fathers with gobmint checks and then call the other guys a racist.
I don't know of any conservative who is opposed to civil rights... that's just plain dumb.

You are insanely blind.

You don't even have to venture further than this thread to see it...

and history is so rich in examples, it literally fill libraries.

Nah, I just don't know any. Who the hell are you hanging around that you know so many racists?
What the hell?

Because I am acquainted with history, I "hang around" with racists?

What kind of fucked up logic is that?
That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...

Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??

Nick .....you are a twisted man child. But you know that

You are unable to differentiate Democrats and Republicans from Liberals and Conservatives. You think Republican = Conservative

Here is the way it worked man child. If you were from the south you opposed Civil Rights whether you were Democrat or Republican. Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans supported civil rights.

The Klan was comprised of racists from both the North and the south.

Now....what happened to all those southern Racists that got disgusted with the Democrats for pushing civil rights down their throats? They turned Repoblican 45 years ago and haven't looked back
That's murder....

As a matter of fact the KKK was the "ACORN" of the Democratic Party.

As usual the Democrats were authoritarian then and they have never changed....

The democrats were the ones stringing up black folks - that IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Southern Democrats were the most racist "people" you could possibly imagine...

Republicans were never racist.... Back in those days democrats were conservative - Republicans back then were more liberal than the democrats...

Funny how little modern progressives know about US culture pre 1970 or so...

Your twisted view of American history is just plain scary

I guess that is what happens when all you read comes from right wing hate sites

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's common knowledge..

I suppose one must have an interest in history to even learn such a thought considering democrats WRONGLY, KNOWINGLY and DISHONESTLY portray republicans as the KKK...

David Duke and Robert Byrd are just a couple examples of modern people who ran as democrats who were both members of the KKK...

Then Bill Clinton honored that democrat KKK motherfucker after he died explaining away Byrds democratic presents in the KKK as "misguided."

You don't know a fucking thing do you??
I'll put my knowledge of history against your any day.

Your deceptive attempts to interchange the parties dem & rep and conservative & liberal is not lost on anyone who has spent even a passing glance perusing historical texts.
It was not freedom when you were forced to ride in the back of a bus, or swim in a public pool or attend a university you pay taxes for

Is it freedom if we both pay the same for a meal but you can eat yours in the dining room and I have to eat out back? Is it freedom to go to a town and have nobody willing to rent you a room?

If you don't agree with the lack of freedom in one state you move to another....

It's happening in present day society...

That's the whole point of the Tenth Amendment tho - you live and or operate a business where its comfortable...

I'm from Illinois - This state is shrinking fast, and that's because people are getting sick of Chicago's influence over the entire state...http://www.usmessageboard.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=4612117

When people get fed up they move to states that are more inline with their views, or are more friendly to them financially...

Thankfully, we settled that issue 150 years ago

We are now the UNITED STATES instead of a bunch of states that are united

Our founding fathers would weep if they read your post

Well I'm sure the authoritarian federalists would have...

Thank God for the Republican-Democrats and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on their work of art known as the BILL OF RIGHTS...

They were republicans......

Your boy is the federalist Alexander Hamilton who was offed by none other than Burr for being a belligerent federalist fuck.

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