Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

And you have that choice.

But the time will come when you will stand before God, and be called upon to explain yourself.
And that's just your opinion. For all you know there really isn't any day of judgement and it's just part of the story you've been told to keep you compliant and giving money to the church
Yes, that is called common grace--that is, you are enjoyed the grace of God though you don't believe. If the Bible is true, and "every good and perfect gift is from God above" (James 1:17), then one day that common grace is not extended.

Grace of god that's funny.

All you have to do is look around to see that if gods exist at all they really don't give a shit about us mere mortals
Non-Christians expect that if God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God that he should have simply created us all to be perfect like himself and not to put us on an earth where evil exists and we don't have the power to live a perfect life. In other words why does God allow all the pain, suffering and death if he has the power to prevent it? How do we as Christians give answers to these philosophical issues?
Not really.

Perfection is non existent which means a god like the one in the bible cannot exist because you all believe that your god is perfect
The very breath in your lungs is from God. Your heart is beating right now because of God. Every good thing in your life, every good gift is from God. Even when we're in rebellion to God, like you are now, He still loves you more than you can even fathom. Yes, you have free will to reject God, but let me tell you... if that's your choice, you really don't know what you're doing. You're missing out on the greatest thing in all of existence.

I don't believe that.

Just because we might not ever understand how the universe came to be is not evidence that some god created it all.

And I'm not missing out on anything by not worshiping a supposedly loving god who had killed countless people because his feelings got hurt by the creations he supposedly loves.
Well, there must be some kind of Creator, otherwise none of this would be here anyway. Astrophysics say it's the 'Singularity' at the big bang that created all this. Maybe god created the singularity? IMO, These are all beliefs, thoughts, theories, etc. however, our feeling our own quiet presence while dropping our persona reveals our spirit. Some seek God to do it, some meditate, some do both.
This is something we may never know.

Being unable to explain something is not proof that a god did it.

God is a theory just like the Big Bang
Grace of god that's funny.

All you have to do is look around to see that if gods exist at all they really don't give a shit about us mere mortals

That's a worldview that you're certainly entitled to have, but don't pretend it's not biased.
There's so much wrong with this but first--the problem wasn't "go slaughter these people because they won't worship me". It's that their non-worship caused all kinds of other problems for the people of God.
No, what really happened was the hebrews wanted their land slaughtered them, and then made up stories about them being evil, and how God wanted the Hebrews to control the land.

Something very similar happened in the united states. It was called manifest destiny. All the american Ministers would preach that the united states was destined to control all of north america, And demonized the native americans as evil to justify killing them and taking their land.
No, what really happened was the hebrews wanted their land slaughtered them, and then made up stories about them being evil, and how God wanted the Hebrews to control the land.

Something very similar happened in the united states. It was called manifest destiny. All the american Ministers would preach that the united states was destined to control all of north america, And demonized the native americans as evil to justify killing them and taking their land.
The atrocities committed by people who claim they were a god's "chosen" ones are many.

Why would anyone worship a god who "chooses" people that will commit these crimes is a mystery to me
Non-Christians expect that if God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God that he should have simply created us all to be perfect like himself and not to put us on an earth where evil exists and we don't have the power to live a perfect life. In other words why does God allow all the pain, suffering and death if he has the power to prevent it? How do we as Christians give answers to these philosophical issues?
Only Mamas' Boys Believe in "Mother Nature"

Because only creative genius is supernatural. Man must suffer for worshipping tyrants like God and his human imitators while rejecting and insulting High IQs. The massive ingratitude for curing diseases and preventing what are significantly called "Acts of God" deserves punishment, or at least refusal to any longer bail out the uncreative mass of the human species, which is unfit for the designation homo sapiens.
The atrocities committed by people who claim they were a god's "chosen" ones are many.

Why would anyone worship a god who "chooses" people that will commit these crimes is a mystery to me
I've explained this before. Moses and the OT authors poorly attributed many atrocities, wars, etc., to "god" because at that time, they didn't fully understand a fully unknowable God. Their cultural bias played a part in how they wrote about God. We see that today in our westernized view of Christianity "God, Guns and Country" or "Christianity = Republican". In summary, they tried to anthropormorphisize God, and many times they got it wrong.

I've said it before, for Christians today, the OT is not for you. If Christ is the messiah, he came to fulfill the law but also became the representation of God manifested though Jesus. Jesus > OT. Period.

But what do we see and even read on here. Many Christians expect this war mongering god to one day return, slaughter all the democrats in a holy war of the ages based on poor dispensationalist hermeneutics. Jesus is actually the antithesis of the OT god. And Christians today, just like the first century Jews are mis identifying how their God truly is because they can't separate the Jesus from the OT view of God. And why is that?

It's because of the non-essential belief that the "Bible" has to be infallible and inerrant "Word of God" when in fact, Jesus never said anything about the need to believe in a canonized work of letters nor does the Bible even say that of itself.

In summary, your constant protestation that if God was loving than why did he allow all those things in the OT to happen is moot, IMO. Moses and Jews got god wrong, just like they missed their very own Messiah.
No, what really happened was the hebrews wanted their land slaughtered them, and then made up stories about them being evil, and how God wanted the Hebrews to control the land.

Something very similar happened in the united states. It was called manifest destiny. All the american Ministers would preach that the united states was destined to control all of north america, And demonized the native americans as evil to justify killing them and taking their land.
The Canaanites Were Descendants of Cain, Who Symbolically Represented the Neanderthal

Which is why American patriots should defend both examples of dispossessing an inferior race and support all imperialism against unfit Third World savages.

The survival of the fittest doesn't recognize seniority rights. And the greatest Satan is the race-traitor Liberal.
Well, there must be some kind of Creator, otherwise none of this would be here anyway. Astrophysics say it's the 'Singularity' at the big bang that created all this. Maybe god created the singularity? IMO, These are all beliefs, thoughts, theories, etc. however, our feeling our own quiet presence while dropping our persona reveals our spirit. Some seek God to do it, some meditate, some do both.
The Big Inning Was Not the Beginning

What is here was once somewhere else in a different form and has been around forever, so you're begging the question in preaching it had to have a beginning. Yet you believe that God has been around forever.
$ermon of a Je$u$ $ale$man

Then pay
That's the way
To make my day
I always said Jesus was the single most successful venture capitalist in history.

He pitched an idea 2000 plus years ago and people are still giving money I wonder how many trillions of dl dollars have been wasted on religion and then I wonder at what could have been done with that money
I've explained this before. Moses and the OT authors poorly attributed many atrocities, wars, etc., to "god" because at that time, they didn't fully understand a fully unknowable God. Their cultural bias played a part in how they wrote about God. We see that today in our westernized view of Christianity "God, Guns and Country" or "Christianity = Republican". In summary, they tried to anthropormorphisize God, and many times they got it wrong.

I've said it before, for Christians today, the OT is not for you. If Christ is the messiah, he came to fulfill the law but also became the representation of God manifested though Jesus. Jesus > OT. Period.

But what do we see and even read on here. Many Christians expect this war mongering god to one day return, slaughter all the democrats in a holy war of the ages based on poor dispensationalist hermeneutics. Jesus is actually the antithesis of the OT god. And Christians today, just like the first century Jews are mis identifying how their God truly is because they can't separate the Jesus from the OT view of God. And why is that?

It's because of the non-essential belief that the "Bible" has to be infallible and inerrant "Word of God" when in fact, Jesus never said anything about the need to believe in a canonized work of letters nor does the Bible even say that of itself.

In summary, your constant protestation that if God was loving than why did he allow all those things in the OT to happen is moot, IMO. Moses and Jews got god wrong, just like they missed their very own Messiah.

If you believe the Bible is the "truth" then you have to believe your god committed the single most heinous act of mass murder ever.

You know the one where he murdered all the people but for a few people of a single family and all the animal and plant life in the great flood.

Must be comforting to know that everyone living today is the product of familial incest right?

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