Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

You do realize that there is plenty iof evidence that the Hebrews practiced human sacrfice as well right? You won't find it mentioned in the bible, but there is plenty of evidence that they safriced [sic] humans and not just animals.
86 Human Sacrifices in Israel Part One

Did you know that to this day, during Passover, Jews kidnap non-Jewish children, kill them, and use their blood to make a special Passover pastry? They've got a special ritual that involves putting the child in a barrel, and driving spikes through it.

And you might want to seek out and read a document called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for more disturbing information about them

Or perhaps wise up and realize that it is all bullshit, including the claim that you made.

Did you know that to this day, during Passover, Jews kidnap non-Jewish children, kill them, and use their blood to make a special Passover pastry? They've got a special ritual that involves putting the child in a barrel, and driving spikes through it.

And you might want to seek out and read a document called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for more disturbing information about them

Or perhaps wise up and realize that it is all bullshit, including the claim that you made.

Wow, Bob, really?

Human Sacrifice was common among Bronze Age peoples, including the Hebrews. It's even hinted at in the Bible, such as the story of Jephthah.
These Fables Are Clues to Actual History

The Deluge represented the extermination of the Neanderthal by the homo sapiens Cro-Magnon species. Wallowing Postmodern degenerates think that was the Original Sin. William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, wrote a book, The Inheritors, portraying that evolutionary mistake as "noble savages." So the literary world started becoming degenerate back in the 1950s.
Almost every ancient culture has some sort of flood story, is that really so remarkable that the bible does too?

If the bible is nothing but another flood story that is conflated into meaninglessness then admit it.

Why tell people the bible is the word of a god and therefore it must be believed that this god in a snit of hurt feelings killed everything on the planet with a global flood?
The fact that you admit there are different interpretations of one god also opens the door to the theory that there may be more than one god.

It's quite obvious to me that jews Muslims and Christians all worship different gods
Or they all have different understandings or mis-understandings of the same god. It's no different than two people reading or seeing the exact same thing and coming away with two completely different interpretations or opinions. And many times those views are shaped by nurture and or societal narrative and norms.
Or they all have different understandings or mis-understandings of the same god. It's no different than two people reading or seeing the exact same thing and coming away with two completely different interpretations or opinions. And many times those views are shaped by nurture and or societal narrative and norms.

These so called misunderstandings are not subtle differences but fundamental ones

And you think they are misunderstandings because you think you are using the correct interpretation and other religions are using the wrong interpretation. Just like Jews and Muslins think you are using the wrong interpretation.

Seems kind of funny to me that the one all powerful god would leave so much up to conjecture
These so called misunderstandings are not subtle differences but fundamental ones
Depends on how "Fundamental" the belief is right?
And you think they are misunderstandings because you think you are using the correct interpretation and other religions are using the wrong interpretation.
I'm not interpreting anything nor do I hold to a dogmatic interpretation like many theists do. I try to read something with the mindset that this specific text wasn't written to me. The historical relevance and cultural nuances plays a lot in how one takes scripture and should apply it.
Take revelation for example. the VAST majority completely take that letter and remove it from its historical context. There are actual, logical explanations for much of what John the apostle wrote about.
But, you have someone that takes Revelation and tries to strictly apply to some future events, you get some crazy shit out of it, and that's pretty much what we see today.
Revelation is full of metaphor and allegory that a first century Jew would probably understand because it was written to them, not us modern people.

Just like Jews and Muslins think you are using the wrong interpretation.
Seems kind of funny to me that the one all powerful god would leave so much up to conjecture
But, and this is my point. Jesus made it pretty simple. If your belief in Jesus is based only on the teachings of Jesus, one doesn't have to prove the OT, believe the OT, or any of the other terrible things that were attributed to the OT God. For a true disciple of Christ, their faith is in... well, Christ. Not some book. And that's where most Christians get a lot wrong.

Then a Christian only has to defend the concept that Jesus was who he was. The non-essential shit found in the OT is no longer needed. One no longer needs to try and belief that the Bible is what it is, nor the trinity and many of the other dogmas created by organized religion.
Depends on how "Fundamental" the belief is right?

I'm not interpreting anything nor do I hold to a dogmatic interpretation like many theists do. I try to read something with the mindset that this specific text wasn't written to me. The historical relevance and cultural nuances plays a lot in how one takes scripture and should apply it.
Take revelation for example. the VAST majority completely take that letter and remove it from its historical context. There are actual, logical explanations for much of what John the apostle wrote about.
But, you have someone that takes Revelation and tries to strictly apply to some future events, you get some crazy shit out of it, and that's pretty much what we see today.
Revelation is full of metaphor and allegory that a first century Jew would probably understand because it was written to them, not us modern people.


But, and this is my point. Jesus made it pretty simple. If your belief in Jesus is based only on the teachings of Jesus, one doesn't have to prove the OT, believe the OT, or any of the other terrible things that were attributed to the OT God. For a true disciple of Christ, their faith is in... well, Christ. Not some book. And that's where most Christians get a lot wrong.

Then a Christian only has to defend the concept that Jesus was who he was. The non-essential shit found in the OT is no longer needed. One no longer needs to try and belief that the Bible is what it is, nor the trinity and many of the other dogmas created by organized religion.

I would say that believing your god impregnated a woman so that your god could be born as a human to walk the earth and that Jews not believing that is a fundamental difference between Christianity and Judaism, wouldn't you?

This one thing makes it clear that Jews and Christians do not worship the same god.
Almost every ancient culture has some sort of flood story, is that really so remarkable that the bible does too?

If the bible is nothing but another flood story that is conflated into meaninglessness then admit it.

Why tell people the bible is the word of a god and therefore it must be believed that this god in a snit of hurt feelings killed everything on the planet with a global flood?
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

A deeper analysis would ignore the Flood, because shallow critics ignore everything else, and concentrate on who these totally evil people were. Who are they today?

And God, as a metaphor for what is best for the human race, didn't create those people. Though having the opposite ethics, it's similar to a race traitor's belief that Liberalism didn't create THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE, so deified Socialist Justice would command that they be replaced.
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

A deeper analysis would ignore the Flood, because shallow critics ignore everything else, and concentrate on who these totally evil people were. Who are they today?

And God, as a metaphor for what is best for the human race, didn't create those people. Though having the opposite ethics, it's similar to a race traitor's belief that Liberalism didn't create THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE, so deified Socialist Justice would command that they be replaced.

God is a theory not a metaphor.

A theory that is yet unproven I might add.
God is a theory not a metaphor.

A theory that is yet unproven I might add.
To some it might not be proven and to others it might be proven. Christ could appear to one and seal him up to eternal life and that person could tell others of his experience but not have the proof to substantiate it beyond doubt to others. But to him individually it would be proof.
This one thing makes it clear that Jews and Christians do not worship the same god.

Christians and Jews worship the same one true God, the same God that Abraham worshipped, the same God that is also worshipped by Muslims. The only God that actually exists.

We may differ in some of our understanding of this God, but He is the same God.
I do not believe the bible is anything but a man made story

and I neither believe nor disbelieve in gods.

I don't know if gods exist because there is no evidence to support the theory that they do.

And why is it you religious people have to attach emotions to arguments all the time?

I spent a lot of time reading all kinds of philosophies when I was young and the Bible never rang true in any sense to me other than in the places it borrowed philosophies from other people.

The problem I have with the religious types like you is your air of superiority and your penchant for telling people that don't believe what you do that they are somehow beneath you and you have to tell them the "right" way.

Just look at this thread you created.

You project that we think we're better than you, and toss a lot of what I say that doesn't agree with your worldview. That's just the truth.

Self-righteous: thinking you're so much better than God that, even should you meet Him, you will refuse to worship Him. Hat tip: that's you.

Not as self-righteous: realizing that you are a sinner and by yourself, there is nothing you can do to change that, and that you are in need of a Savior. And pointing others to that Savior.
Maybe. Again, Jesus never required a belief in the "Bible" as we see today to be a disciple. Period.
If the first century Church didn't have a bible, then why are so many Christians today so adamant that they have to believe that the Bible is absolutely the word of god? They don't, period.

IMO the OT, the Pentateuch, Septuagint are for Jews. The warmongering, murdering God of the OT was the wrong interpretation of God and the jews incorrectly attributed their military feats to God. Jesus on the other hand is the antithesis of the OT God and revealed who God is. Jesus wasn't the military leader that would over throw Rome and usher in the Kingdom. Instead he was the sacrificial lamb who chose to usurp the law and chose love, compassion, humility and mercy. The God on the cross is the true example of God.

Therefore, the Gospels are the truest and most accurate account of Jesus and his ministry. A belief in Jesus is all that is required. It's fairly simple actually. And because of that, a Christian doesn't have to try and defend the jewish scriptures and those OT stories. This is why I have a hard time finding any church to be a part of because what I believe is not found anywhere.

Hope that makes sense.

He absolutely had utmost respect for the Law and quoted Bible stories frequently. That fact that Jesus did not use our word--"Bible"--does not mean He didn't mention it. That's like saying because people in other cultures don't say "water", they never talk about water. No, they do. They just have different words for it.
You do realize that there is plenty iof evidence that the Hebrews practiced human sacrfice as well right? You won't find it mentioned in the bible, but there is plenty of evidence that they safriced humans and not just animals.

86 Human Sacrifices in Israel Part One

A reminder that you said there was no extra-Biblical evidence for human/child sacrifice. There is and I proved you wrong. I will not now chase another rabbit trail of yours.
To some it might not be proven and to others it might be proven. Christ could appear to one and seal him up to eternal life and that person could tell others of his experience but not have the proof to substantiate it beyond doubt to others. But to him individually it would be proof.

If there were actual irrefutable proof people would have to believe. If you can't provide proof that is verifiable then you have no proof
Christians and Jews worship the same one true God, the same God that Abraham worshipped, the same God that is also worshipped by Muslims. The only God that actually exists.

We may differ in some of our understanding of this God, but He is the same God.

No they don't.

Christians worship the god of the NT that impregnated a human woman so it could be born as a human to walk the earth. Which when you really think about it makes absolutely no sense at all.

The god Jews worship did not walk the earth as a human.

That is not a mere misinterpretation but rather a fundamental schism
You project that we think we're better than you, and toss a lot of what I say that doesn't agree with your worldview. That's just the truth.

Self-righteous: thinking you're so much better than God that, even should you meet Him, you will refuse to worship Him. Hat tip: that's you.

Not as self-righteous: realizing that you are a sinner and by yourself, there is nothing you can do to change that, and that you are in need of a Savior. And pointing others to that Savior.
Just look at this thread you created.


There is no such thing as "sin"
Christians and Jews worship the same one true God, the same God that Abraham worshipped, the same God that is also worshipped by Muslims. The only God that actually exists.

We may differ in some of our understanding of this God, but He is the same God.

Well, you don't account for the half of humanity that doesn't worship the Abrahamic God, such as Hindus, Buddhists and Shintos.

What if the Shintos are right and God is really an angry Japanese woman?

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