Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

From pastor James Johnston:

"If you are not a believer, you are responsible for what the skies above have been telling you since the day you were born. You ought to worship God. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:20--'For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made, so they are without excuse.'"

And from Psalm 19:

"The heavens declare the glory of God
And the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech
And night to night reveals knowledge."

Note that there is a message in the beauty, wonder, and majesty of the heavens. Do not miss it. Today is the day of salvation!
Written by someone who could not explain the 'heavens' any other way. What are clouds? Why did it rain? Why are there earthquakes, eclipses, shooting stars, etc. Just like people today, if you don't know, you guess.
Why would anyone worship a God that allows so much evil to be carried out in his name all throughout history?

Because free agency is an essential part of God's plan for us.

In the pre-existence, Lucifer offered an alternate plan, in which there would be no free agency. His plan was overwhelmingly rejected.
Non-Christians expect that if God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God that he should have simply created us all to be perfect like himself and not to put us on an earth where evil exists and we don't have the power to live a perfect life. In other words why does God allow all the pain, suffering and death if he has the power to prevent it? How do we as Christians give answers to these philosophical issues?
I find it ironic that the OP is attempting to convince "unbelievers" to believe something.
Good luck. I admire your moxie.
Because free agency is an essential part of God's plan for us.

In the pre-existence, Lucifer offered an alternate plan, in which there would be no free agency. His plan was overwhelmingly rejected.

Well, yes, in Mormon Scripture... which is the kind of thing a leader of a crazy sex cult would think up.

The reality, though, is doesn't that make God kind of a super villian? He gives you a choice, and you get condemned to Hell for making the wrong ones. I mean, sure, Murder is a pretty simple one, but what about killing someone in a war? Does saying G-d D@mn send you to the same hell as the murderer?

Then you get the big old "get out of Hell Free Card", which means that you can get away from Hell if you just accept Jesus into your heart and beg his forgiveness. So Anne Frank didn't embrace Jesus, so down to Hell she goes, while Jeffrey Dahmner accepted Jesus into his soul, so up to heaven he goes. Good thing he just ate homosexuals, because otherwise he might run into someone he ate up there.

And you have that choice.

But the time will come when you will stand before God, and be called upon to explain yourself.

Okay, here's how I'd explain myself. I did the best I could with the life I was given, I helped as many people as I could, I never personally wronged anyone (in fact, often went out of my way not to), but frankly, I found the fairy stories in the Bible to be laughable.
Okay, here's how I'd explain myself. I did the best I could with the life I was given, I helped as many people as I could, I never personally wronged anyone (in fact, often went out of my way not to), but frankly, I found the fairy stories in the Bible to be laughable.

You've willfully, knowingly made the choice to rebel against God, to mock God, and to oppose God on every front.

I do not envy the position in which you will find yourself, when the time comes for you to face Him.
Being agnostic I figure if I muddle my way through life not fucking with God, perhaps God won't fuck with me.....Seems to have worked thus far. ;)

Yes, that is called common grace--that is, you are enjoyed the grace of God though you don't believe. If the Bible is true, and "every good and perfect gift is from God above" (James 1:17), then one day that common grace is not extended.

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