Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

I find it ironic that the OP is attempting to convince "unbelievers" to believe something.
Good luck. I admire your moxie.

I could not do that even should I try. You might notice there are two posters here who reject God even should He show Himself. There is nothing you can do with that, and I won't take time to change their minds.

My job as a Christian is just to make sure this information goes forth. What people do with it is way, way above my paygrade.

Written by someone who could not explain the 'heavens' any other way. What are clouds? Why did it rain? Why are there earthquakes, eclipses, shooting stars, etc. Just like people today, if you don't know, you guess.

This isn't attempting to be a scientific explanation.
Sorry I can't agree that 'we are all evil.' Unless plagued with a mental deficit, we have the capability for great good and great evil. We have a choice.

Measured against each other, you are exactly right. And that is certainly the earthly standard.

But it's not God's standard for the next life. The standard is perfection; holiness. On that scale there is not "on balance, good enough". On that scale, we ARE evil.
Measured against each other, you are exactly right. And that is certainly the earthly standard.

But it's not God's standard for the next life. The standard is perfection; holiness. On that scale there is not "on balance, good enough". On that scale, we ARE evil.
Actually the earthly standard is for humans to be biased toward the negative in our instincts because recognizing bad shit is a good thing for survival. The 'perfection'
is rising above negativity and experiencing real awareness of not being good or evil but just being spiritually present and one with life.

Why would I worship? Just because a god tells me to?

And like I said I have no reason to believe the god in the bible actually exists and if any gods ever decide to reveal themselves I have no reason to worship them.

The very breath in your lungs is from God. Your heart is beating right now because of God. Every good thing in your life, every good gift is from God. Even when we're in rebellion to God, like you are now, He still loves you more than you can even fathom. Yes, you have free will to reject God, but let me tell you... if that's your choice, you really don't know what you're doing. You're missing out on the greatest thing in all of existence.
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Actually the earthly standard is for humans to be biased toward the negative in our instincts because recognizing bad shit is a good thing for survival. The 'perfection'
is rising above negativity and experiencing real awareness of not being good or evil but just being spiritually present and one with life.

If there is no god....

Then we survive; okay, that's animal instinct.
What then is the yearning to be "spiritually present and one with life"?

Who cares?
The very breath in your lungs is from God. Your heart is beating right now because of God. Every good thing in your life, every good gift is from God. Even when we're in rebellion to God, like you are now, He still loves you more than you can even fathom. Yes, you have free will to reject God, but let me tell you... if that's your choice, you really don't know what you're doing. You're missing out on the greatest thing in all of existence.

He IS the Good
The beauty
The knowledge
And everything blessed thing
He IS the Good
The beauty
The knowledge
And everything blessed thing

Exactly, and you're touching on something that I've been wanting to post a thread on.... I don't know if I'll post it tonight, because it's getting late, but your post reminded me of it.
If there is no god....

Then we survive; okay, that's animal instinct.
What then is the yearning to be "spiritually present and one with life"?

Who cares?
Well, there must be some kind of Creator, otherwise none of this would be here anyway. Astrophysics say it's the 'Singularity' at the big bang that created all this. Maybe god created the singularity? IMO, These are all beliefs, thoughts, theories, etc. however, our feeling our own quiet presence while dropping our persona reveals our spirit. Some seek God to do it, some meditate, some do both.
Well, there must be some kind of Creator, otherwise none of this would be here anyway. Astrophysics say it's the 'Singularity' at the big bang that created all this. Maybe god created the singularity? IMO, These are all beliefs, thoughts, theories, etc. however, our feeling our own quiet presence while dropping our persona reveals our spirit.

Well, at least you don't subscribe to the absurd theory that something came from nothing by accident.

But I notice that out of one side of your mouth you dismiss thoughts (!) theories and beliefs....all the while seeming to condone something like "our own quiet presence reveals our spirit". ???

I don't know about you, but my feelings are often nebulous, capricious, and sometimes frankly not to be trusted.

To quote a pastor I heard years ago: "Don't ask me what I feel. Ask me what I know."
Well, at least you don't subscribe to the absurd theory that something came from nothing by accident.
No, not at all. I don't believe in something from nothing, nor do I believe that an atom and it's parts 'just happen' to work they way they do. The planning is more than obvious IMO.
But I notice that out of one side of your mouth you dismiss thoughts (!) theories and beliefs....all the while seeming to condone something like "our own quiet presence reveals our spirit". ???
Theories and beliefs are just thoughts. Being quiet and present, accepting input through your senses with no judgement, just being still. is where your spirit lies.

I don't know about you, but my feelings are often nebulous, capricious, and sometimes frankly not to be trusted.

To quote a pastor I heard years ago: "Don't ask me what I feel. Ask me what I know."
Yes but, IMO feelings are necessary but we also need to be in the present and aware in our everyday lives. This is actually very difficult to accomplish because past thoughts and future thoughts are always in competition. Taking time out to pray or meditate is, IMO, a good thing. Some would call it a 'grounding' effect.
No, not at all. I don't believe in something from nothing, nor do I believe that an atom and it's parts 'just happen' to work they way they do. The planning is more than obvious IMO.

Theories and beliefs are just thoughts. Being quiet and present, accepting input through your senses with no judgement, just being still. is where your spirit lies.

Yes but, IMO feelings are necessary but we also need to be in the present and aware in our everyday lives. This is actually very difficult to accomplish because past thoughts and future thoughts are always in competition. Taking time out to pray or meditate is, IMO, a good thing. Some would call it a 'grounding' effect.

We agree on much then. If atheists could just be rational on how we got here, that would be huge.

Small tangent:

I am a wholly novice space fan. The math would break me, but I love to learn about it casually. The documentaries are comical as the scientists reach for ever-more-implausible explanations for this and that. The hedging often makes me laugh out loud.

There is infinite value in prayer. Prayer effects change in us and the world. Other than making us feel better, what is the value of being "present and aware"?
We agree on much then. If atheists could just be rational on how we got here, that would be huge.

Small tangent:

I am a wholly novice space fan. The math would break me, but I love to learn about it casually. The documentaries are comical as the scientists reach for ever-more-implausible explanations for this and that. The hedging often makes me laugh out loud.

There is infinite value in prayer. Prayer effects change in us and the world. Other than making us feel better, what is the value of being "present and aware"?
Yes the Webb telescope found formed galaxies where there should have been none.

Quieting thoughts and just experiencing is beneficial to one’s psyche.
Yes the Webb telescope found formed galaxies where there should have been none.

Quieting thoughts and just experiencing is beneficial to one’s psyche.

So again, it makes you feel better. That is of limited benefit, especially if, as the saying goes, "the truth is out there".
Fair and same. To be clear, though, He is not demanding you worship Him. I mean here you are, not worshipping Him.
Maybe you should read the old testament more. There's a lot of people slaughtered because god didn't like that they didn't worship him.
You've willfully, knowingly made the choice to rebel against God, to mock God, and to oppose God on every front.

I do not envy the position in which you will find yourself, when the time comes for you to face Him.

I am as worried about that as I am worried about the Goddess Guanyin wanting to have a talk with me about "Yellow Fever".

The problem is, why do you want a god who is such a malignant narcissist that he worries about how much he is being worshipped, but allows his "children" to suffer horribly?
Maybe you should read the old testament more. There's a lot of people slaughtered because god didn't like that they didn't worship him.

There's so much wrong with this but first--the problem wasn't "go slaughter these people because they won't worship me". It's that their non-worship caused all kinds of other problems for the people of God.

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