Zone1 Unbeliever: You Are Responsible

From pastor James Johnston:

"If you are not a believer, you are responsible for what the skies above have been telling you since the day you were born. You ought to worship God. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:20--'For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made, so they are without excuse.'"

And from Psalm 19:

"The heavens declare the glory of God
And the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech
And night to night reveals knowledge."

Note that there is a message in the beauty, wonder, and majesty of the heavens. Do not miss it. Today is the day of salvation!


The promise of salvation is the way religions control you.
Jesus wasn't an Essene monk.
Try DYOFR . Every topic you just trot out the mainstream narrative , never thinking it might be partly or even fully wrong .The evidence is overwhelmng that he was an Essene , something that the early church leaders were more than keen to hide . Particularly when his consort the Magdelene was also an Essene -- whom he later married-- which the Church has been desperate to deny and ridicule . The problem is that the evidence is clear -- try Barbara Thiering , a theologoan and biblical scholar. Not some crackpot like the misogynist Peter .
I always said that if any god revealed himself to the entire world I still would not worship it.

Here, you have that privilege. At the Second Coming you will not, so says the Bible in Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2: 10-11
Religion is the opiate of the masses.

Religions are invented by people and have little or nothing to do with gods and everything to do with control.

The first is too easy. You're just quoting people.

The second is not something you can ever prove, first, and second, it seems to me you are as much controlled by your animosity to religion as I am by my actual religion. Maybe more.
If you want to credit God for the wonder of the world, you have to blame him for the bad
If you want to credit God for the wonder of the world, you have to blame him for the bad

You can take that right back to the Garden. He created perfection, and it was marred.

Of course, being God, He knew it would be marred. He saw the beginning from the end.

His obvious conclusion:

It's worth it.
The first is too easy. You're just quoting people.

The second is not something you can ever prove, first, and second, it seems to me you are as much controlled by your animosity to religion as I am by my actual religion. Maybe more.
And you are just quoting the people who wrote the bible.

You cannot prove that any gods exist you are just believing what you have been told. Until some god reveals himself to the world and I actually see it I have no reason to believe the gods people worship exist.

Gods might exist but they might not. And if they do exist they really don't give a shit about us mere mortals.

And not believing in religions is not animosity it is actually my exercise of my own will
You can take that right back to the Garden. He created perfection, and it was marred.

Of course, being God, He knew it would be marred. He saw the beginning from the end.

His obvious conclusion:

It's worth it.
God created Global Warming

That is what the Religious Right tells us
And you are just quoting the people who wrote the bible.

You cannot prove that any gods exist you are just believing what you have been told. Until some god reveals himself to the world and I actually see it I have no reason to believe the gods people worship exist.

Gods might exist but they might not. And if they do exist they really don't give a shit about us mere mortals.

And not believing in religions is not animosity it is actually my exercise of my own will

Didn't you say even when God reveals Himself you will not worship Him?
Try DYOFR . Every topic you just trot out the mainstream narrative , never thinking it might be partly or even fully wrong .The evidence is overwhelmng that he was an Essene , something that the early church leaders were more than keen to hide . Particularly when his consort the Magdelene was also an Essene -- whom he later married-- which the Church has been desperate to deny and ridicule . The problem is that the evidence is clear -- try Barbara Thiering , a theologoan and biblical scholar. Not some crackpot like the misogynist Peter .

Didn't you say even when God reveals Himself you will not worship Him?

Why would I worship? Just because a god tells me to?

And like I said I have no reason to believe the god in the bible actually exists and if any gods ever decide to reveal themselves I have no reason to worship them.

Why would I worship? Just because a god tells me to?

And like I said I have no reason to believe the god in the bible actually exists and if any gods ever decide to reveal themselves I have no reason to worship them.

Fine. Go your way.

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