Uncle "Crack Pot" Releases Tax Plan


If you increase my taxes I have to increase the price of the products so I cover the cost of my loss. Since I'm doing it that means other people are doing the same. Which means I have to raise my prices to cover the increased expense of the products I want to purchase. Which means other people are doing the same. And round and round we go.

NOTE: I have rental property. The city decided to raise funds for the school by having the people vote for a tax increase of $5 on every $1000 of property value. Now I have to raise the rent to cover the loss because I was planning to retire in the decade or so. Since the property taxes on that single piece of property went up $600 a year I'm raising the rent $100 a month to cover that increase and inflation of maintenance and repair costs in the next year or so. That's right I don't plan to let the property go to hell and be worthless. The people who live in this property are on SSI so each one living there will see their rent increase by $25 a month at minimum...

Now times that by several rental homes, in addition to other investments I've made, along with a military pension, and you have a nice little retirement plan.

Needless to say a person should think about it prior to voting on a tax increase because I certainly do.

This is the way life works and you can't stop me because it's my investment and part of my retirement plan.



The health care taxes wouldn't affect your rentals dumb ass.


It also appears you're pretty clueless about the economic dynamics of the situation.

All those people you want to place more of a tax burden on most likely have financial commitments such as; mortgage payments, car payments, business expenses, etc... To maintain that life style they will have to demand higher prices for whatever they're producing to meet those financial commitments to avoid going bankrupt. Those expenses will be passed on down the line to those at the bottom. Since those in the in between will have to raise their costs if they need anything from those above them.

Why do you think the rich progressives support bringing in low wage earning illegal aliens for immigration, but refuse to discuss opening the floodgates to the educated of the world for immigration?

Open the floodgates to educated immigrants and watch those at the top of the heap scream because they'll have to lower their costs to compete in the open market... or you can just say no to allowing any sort of amnesty to illegal foreign nationals and demand they go back to their point of origin.


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If you increase my taxes I have to increase the price of the products so I cover the cost of my loss. Since I'm doing it that means other people are doing the same. Which means I have to raise my prices to cover the increased expense of the products I want to purchase. Which means other people are doing the same. And round and round we go.

NOTE: I have rental property. The city decided to raise funds for the school by having the people vote for a tax increase of $5 on every $1000 of property value. Now I have to raise the rent to cover the loss because I was planning to retire in the decade or so. Since the property taxes on that single piece of property went up $600 a year I'm raising the rent $100 a month to cover that increase and the inflation of maintenance and repair costs in the next year or so. That's right I don't plan to let the property go to hell and be worthless. The people who live in this property are on SSI so each one living there will see their rent increase by $25 a month at minimum...

Now times that by several rental homes, in addition to other investments I've made, along with a military pension, and you have a nice little retirement plan.

Needless to say a person should think about it prior to voting on a tax increase because I certainly do.

This is the way life works and you can't stop me because it's my investment and part of my retirement plan.



Absolutely. I had a friend running for city Council a few years ago. He was collecting signatures to get on the ballot. They had to be signatures by registered voters to count. So I called all my tenants asking if they would help. To my surprise, none of them voted.

When property tax increases came along, I reminded my tenants that I'm not eating all the new taxes. If I pay, everybody pays. That's just how it works in business.

People think that just because they don't own property and rent instead, they are insulated from property taxes. Well guess what? When costs of any kind increase, so do rental prices.
Employers will save a ton of money not having to pay for employee health care, and will have a more healthy populace to hire from. Wages and profits will increase.

Yeah, that's just what DumBama and Democrats told us about Commie Care. Well guess what?????
That's actually a very fair plan because with a higher minimum wage, millions of people would actually start paying taxes, which has been of course a point of consternation among conservative folks.

He'd basically be erasing only 35 years of perpetual tax cuts, taking us back the early Ronald Reagan days in the 80's.

Conservatives have to face the fact that no one wants Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security to be cut. Nor do people want to see major cuts in defense. That means we need to collectively pitch in.

To some degree you are correct. But this isn't the way to do it.

If we all want SS and Medicare, then we must fund it, plain and simple.

We need to raise payroll taxes considerably and then let people decide if we still want to keep these programs. The reason politicians don't increase those contributions is because they are afraid people will reject those programs and look for leaders that will find alternatives.
The 250k to 500k folks ARE your middle class.

FYI: At 250k you can use the tax loopholes reserved for the rich. If you made that much you would know.
What tax loopholes are those?

He has no idea WTF he's talking about.

Looking at the capital gains taxes, what wealthy person in the country would actually invest in the stock market with a capital gains tax of 49% or more? Nobody. All those wealthy investors would seek lower taxed investments.

And what happens when a well-to-do person lives in a house most of his or her life, and they sell making a $300,000 profit? That gets taxed at 49%? Think of what that would do to the real estate market.
The 250k to 500k folks ARE your middle class.

FYI: At 250k you can use the tax loopholes reserved for the rich. If you made that much you would know.
What tax loopholes are those?
Tax loopholes sound line rum running to me.
edit: my rich neighbor drives new Cadillac's and charges it off as a business expense. A nice rich neighbor who brings me food that I do not want but I am polite and respectful, most of the time.

They're all legal provided by Republicans.

If you increase my taxes I have to increase the price of the products so I cover the cost of my loss. Since I'm doing it that means other people are doing the same. Which means I have to raise my prices to cover the increased expense of the products I want to purchase. Which means other people are doing the same. And round and round we go.

NOTE: I have rental property. The city decided to raise funds for the school by having the people vote for a tax increase of $5 on every $1000 of property value. Now I have to raise the rent to cover the loss because I was planning to retire in the decade or so. Since the property taxes on that single piece of property went up $600 a year I'm raising the rent $100 a month to cover that increase and the inflation of maintenance and repair costs in the next year or so. That's right I don't plan to let the property go to hell and be worthless. The people who live in this property are on SSI so each one living there will see their rent increase by $25 a month at minimum...

Now times that by several rental homes, in addition to other investments I've made, along with a military pension, and you have a nice little retirement plan.

Needless to say a person should think about it prior to voting on a tax increase because I certainly do.

This is the way life works and you can't stop me because it's my investment and part of my retirement plan.



Absolutely. I had a friend running for city Council a few years ago. He was collecting signatures to get on the ballot. They had to be signatures by registered voters to count. So I called all my tenants asking if they would help. To my surprise, none of them voted.

When property tax increases came along, I reminded my tenants that I'm not eating all the new taxes. If I pay, everybody pays. That's just how it works in business.

People think that just because they don't own property and rent instead, they are insulated from property taxes. Well guess what? When costs of any kind increase, so do rental prices.

You write-off the additional taxes and charge your tenants more?

If you increase my taxes I have to increase the price of the products so I cover the cost of my loss. Since I'm doing it that means other people are doing the same. Which means I have to raise my prices to cover the increased expense of the products I want to purchase. Which means other people are doing the same. And round and round we go.

NOTE: I have rental property. The city decided to raise funds for the school by having the people vote for a tax increase of $5 on every $1000 of property value. Now I have to raise the rent to cover the loss because I was planning to retire in the decade or so. Since the property taxes on that single piece of property went up $600 a year I'm raising the rent $100 a month to cover that increase and the inflation of maintenance and repair costs in the next year or so. That's right I don't plan to let the property go to hell and be worthless. The people who live in this property are on SSI so each one living there will see their rent increase by $25 a month at minimum...

Now times that by several rental homes, in addition to other investments I've made, along with a military pension, and you have a nice little retirement plan.

Needless to say a person should think about it prior to voting on a tax increase because I certainly do.

This is the way life works and you can't stop me because it's my investment and part of my retirement plan.



Absolutely. I had a friend running for city Council a few years ago. He was collecting signatures to get on the ballot. They had to be signatures by registered voters to count. So I called all my tenants asking if they would help. To my surprise, none of them voted.

When property tax increases came along, I reminded my tenants that I'm not eating all the new taxes. If I pay, everybody pays. That's just how it works in business.

People think that just because they don't own property and rent instead, they are insulated from property taxes. Well guess what? When costs of any kind increase, so do rental prices.

You write-off the additional taxes and charge your tenants more?

You don't understand how write-offs work. They are not that valuable.

If I write-off $4,000, that doesn't mean I pay $4,000 less in taxes, it means that $4,000 isn't taxed, and that's not all that much. I still paid that $4,000 out of my pocket less what I didn't pay in taxes on that money. In other words if the tax rate is 10%, I only gain $400.00 to my advantage.
The 250k to 500k folks ARE your middle class.

FYI: At 250k you can use the tax loopholes reserved for the rich. If you made that much you would know.
What tax loopholes are those?

He has no idea WTF he's talking about.

Looking at the capital gains taxes, what wealthy person in the country would actually invest in the stock market with a capital gains tax of 49% or more? Nobody. All those wealthy investors would seek lower taxed investments.

And what happens when a well-to-do person lives in a house most of his or her life, and they sell making a $300,000 profit? That gets taxed at 49%? Think of what that would do to the real estate market.

I was answering 'The 250k to 500k folks ARE your middle class.'

Don't you balance capital gains tax on profit vs losses?
The 250k to 500k folks ARE your middle class.

FYI: At 250k you can use the tax loopholes reserved for the rich. If you made that much you would know.
What tax loopholes are those?

He has no idea WTF he's talking about.

Looking at the capital gains taxes, what wealthy person in the country would actually invest in the stock market with a capital gains tax of 49% or more? Nobody. All those wealthy investors would seek lower taxed investments.

And what happens when a well-to-do person lives in a house most of his or her life, and they sell making a $300,000 profit? That gets taxed at 49%? Think of what that would do to the real estate market.

I was answering 'The 250k to 500k folks ARE your middle class.'

Don't you balance capital gains tax on profit vs losses?

Only if you have losses. But nobody expects to have losses, that's why under this plan, nobody would risk their money in the stock market. You know, the same stock market many of us are depending on for our retirement???????

That's right, under this Socialist plan, big money pulls out, and when that happens, the market collapses. More overseas investments and more companies that will flee the country for a lower tax-safe haven.

If you increase my taxes I have to increase the price of the products so I cover the cost of my loss. Since I'm doing it that means other people are doing the same. Which means I have to raise my prices to cover the increased expense of the products I want to purchase. Which means other people are doing the same. And round and round we go.

NOTE: I have rental property. The city decided to raise funds for the school by having the people vote for a tax increase of $5 on every $1000 of property value. Now I have to raise the rent to cover the loss because I was planning to retire in the decade or so. Since the property taxes on that single piece of property went up $600 a year I'm raising the rent $100 a month to cover that increase and the inflation of maintenance and repair costs in the next year or so. That's right I don't plan to let the property go to hell and be worthless. The people who live in this property are on SSI so each one living there will see their rent increase by $25 a month at minimum...

Now times that by several rental homes, in addition to other investments I've made, along with a military pension, and you have a nice little retirement plan.

Needless to say a person should think about it prior to voting on a tax increase because I certainly do.

This is the way life works and you can't stop me because it's my investment and part of my retirement plan.



Absolutely. I had a friend running for city Council a few years ago. He was collecting signatures to get on the ballot. They had to be signatures by registered voters to count. So I called all my tenants asking if they would help. To my surprise, none of them voted.

When property tax increases came along, I reminded my tenants that I'm not eating all the new taxes. If I pay, everybody pays. That's just how it works in business.

People think that just because they don't own property and rent instead, they are insulated from property taxes. Well guess what? When costs of any kind increase, so do rental prices.

You write-off the additional taxes and charge your tenants more?


Let me get this straight..... You think you can raise taxes on people so that the government will have more revenue but then those same people you're taxing can write it off and get it all back.

What was the point in raising the taxes in the first place if nothing is going to be taken?

Is this part of that new liberal progressive math?



If you increase my taxes I have to increase the price of the products so I cover the cost of my loss. Since I'm doing it that means other people are doing the same. Which means I have to raise my prices to cover the increased expense of the products I want to purchase. Which means other people are doing the same. And round and round we go.

NOTE: I have rental property. The city decided to raise funds for the school by having the people vote for a tax increase of $5 on every $1000 of property value. Now I have to raise the rent to cover the loss because I was planning to retire in the decade or so. Since the property taxes on that single piece of property went up $600 a year I'm raising the rent $100 a month to cover that increase and the inflation of maintenance and repair costs in the next year or so. That's right I don't plan to let the property go to hell and be worthless. The people who live in this property are on SSI so each one living there will see their rent increase by $25 a month at minimum...

Now times that by several rental homes, in addition to other investments I've made, along with a military pension, and you have a nice little retirement plan.

Needless to say a person should think about it prior to voting on a tax increase because I certainly do.

This is the way life works and you can't stop me because it's my investment and part of my retirement plan.



Excuses to rob the people of more money to cover your own greed. Disgusting. I bet my landlord is like you. This SHITHOLE I waste 1,050$ on every month isn't worth but MAYBE 800$. School district sucks!,He doesn't fix the toilets I did,He didn't fix the sink plumbing I DID,The idiot obviously fucked up the driveway so my garage gets moisture because he didn't have the water drain correctly when it rains....can't wait to fucking move in 4 months and leave his rich capitalist ass without 1050$ a month!
Looking at the capital gains taxes, what wealthy person in the country would actually invest in the stock market with a capital gains tax of 49% or more?

So they get taxed first time 70% if high income..........invest and then pay another 49% when sell?

And what happens when a well-to-do person lives in a house most of his or her life, and they sell making a $300,000 profit? That gets taxed at 49%?

I thought they had a $250K per person one time deduction for this? $500K married? Whitey did not say if he dumps the 75K page existing book? I don't know anyone to understand the HSA section since ObamaCare. impossibly complicated. no idea if owe or not for using HSA to pay Doctor bill.
Excuses to rob the people of more money to cover your own greed. Disgusting. I bet my landlord is like you. This SHITHOLE I waste 1,050$ on every month isn't worth but MAYBE 800$. School district sucks!,He doesn't fix the toilets I did,He didn't fix the sink plumbing I DID,The idiot obviously fucked up the driveway so my garage gets moisture because he didn't have the water drain correctly when it rains....can't wait to fucking move in 4 months and leave his rich capitalist ass without 1050$ a month!


Deciding to vote in a tax because you want the government to supply you with free stuff is an even worse greed than the profit a simple businessman desires to make. At least with the businessman you can choose to not purchase what he offers. While all you want to do is take from those who are making investments towards their livelihood by the point of a government sword.

Why don't you purchase your own place and maintain it yourself instead of whining about how you think someone is taking advantage of you?

Not man enough to take on the responsibility yourself?


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Only if you have losses. But nobody expects to have losses, that's why under this plan, nobody would risk their money in the stock market. You know, the same stock market many of us are depending on for our retirement???????

That's right, under this Socialist plan, big money pulls out, and when that happens, the market collapses. More overseas investments and more companies that will flee the country for a lower tax-safe haven.

Then you would defer the income.
Excuses to rob the people of more money to cover your own greed. Disgusting. I bet my landlord is like you. This SHITHOLE I waste 1,050$ on every month isn't worth but MAYBE 800$. School district sucks!,He doesn't fix the toilets I did,He didn't fix the sink plumbing I DID,The idiot obviously fucked up the driveway so my garage gets moisture because he didn't have the water drain correctly when it rains....can't wait to fucking move in 4 months and leave his rich capitalist ass without 1050$ a month!


Deciding to vote in a tax because you want the government to supply you with free stuff is an even worse greed than the profit a simple businessman desires to make. At least with the businessman you can choose to not purchase what he offers. While all you want to do is take from those who are making investments towards their livelihood by the point of a government sword.

Why don't you purchase your own place and maintain it yourself instead of whining about how you think someone is taking advantage of you?

Not man enough to take on the responsibility yourself?



People vote for slightly higher taxes EVERYWHERE. Here we did it for better roads just recently HORRIBLE! I tell you just HORRIBLE! Nothing is free, We ALL pay taxes including those who voted YES to raise taxes a LITTLE BIT to help schools..our tax dollars should be used for healthcare,education etc. Oh I will buy my house soon as I get a vehicle that isn't a piece of shit and can pay some of my debt off which isn't really all that high just past due bills here and there....less than 5k I would say all together. Soon as I get my credit score back up I am buying a home a big old house with about 5 acres.

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