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Uncomfortable FACT about Ferguson for conservatives...

Didn't he? His life was in danger. The kid tried to take his gun after practically punching his lights out. The cop told him to stop, but the kid (who was six feet five inches tall and weighed over 250 pounds) kept running towards him after already being shot. What did you expect him to do? Sing Kumbaya?
Well let's see.. he's sitting in an SUV. With backup on the way... GEE WHIZ... I don't know maybe put his window up? Maybe take a picture of the guy? If he's too much of a girlie boy to fight the guy he has no business getting out of the car.

So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.

Cops are taught to shoot until the threat is eliminated. They are also taught not to let assailants get away if possible. You keep arguing that this kid had some kind of special right that dictates that any cop that confronts him must give up being a cop, must refrain from doing his duty. Sorry, that is delusional thinking.
So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.

He likely would have been dead were it not for the fact that the cop shot him before the kid could wrestle the gun away. Duh.
Except when it comes to criminals who don't pay their range fees and allows armed NRA activists to scare off said government that is trying to enforce the law. Other than that, yeah, conservatives are all about supporting law and order over criminals.

Properly focused Government doesn't try to financially rape law abiding citizens fir using PUBLIC land their family has been using for years. At that point armed resistance falls under defense from all enemies foreign or DOMESTIC. Yes, our own Government can (and often is) a domestic enemy of thus country.

WTF? The man owed 8 million dollars in grazing fees, and he owed them because he NEVER paid those fees IN THE FIRST PLACE, when everyone else did. The land was and is not his or his family's. It belongs to you and me. And so if you lease land from the government (you and me) you pay the grazing fees. Period. End of story. Moreover, he not only grazed that land without paying for the priveledge, he overgrazed it which damaged the productivity of that land.

at 5:00 he expects cars to show up within 40seconds... then he motors his vehicle backwards "just past them." Here he admits to trying to run them over. So as I said.. cop gets angry with boy shoplifter... tries to run the boys over when they curse at him and walk away... this while backup is moments away.. then tries to get out of his car too stop two big angry black dudes with nothing but his pistol to defend himself, this after he admits to trying to run them over to stop them from getting away... the boys are defending their lives from a crazy ass white dude that wants to kill them for a couple cigars. Sure it's the boys fault but that cop didn't give them much of a choice. They even tried to stop him from getting out of his car but the crazy cop kept trying... then the cop went for his gun and proceeded to kill the boy as he tried to defend himself from this crazy ass white dude.

I'm curious, RKM...you know very well that Officer Wilson doesn't do anything even CLOSE to admitting that he "tried to run them over" yet you make that charge? Why would you do that? Why would you blatantly try and bend what Officer Wilson said to suit your narrative?
at 5:00 he expects cars to show up within 40seconds... then he motors his vehicle backwards "just past them." Here he admits to trying to run them over. So as I said.. cop gets angry with boy shoplifter... tries to run the boys over when they curse at him and walk away... this while backup is moments away.. then tries to get out of his car too stop two big angry black dudes with nothing but his pistol to defend himself, this after he admits to trying to run them over to stop them from getting away... the boys are defending their lives from a crazy ass white dude that wants to kill them for a couple cigars. Sure it's the boys fault but that cop didn't give them much of a choice. They even tried to stop him from getting out of his car but the crazy cop kept trying... then the cop went for his gun and proceeded to kill the boy as he tried to defend himself from this crazy ass white dude.

wtf rkm???
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.

He likely would have been dead were it not for the fact that the cop shot him before the kid could wrestle the gun away. Duh.
Mike Brown let the cop go. He could've easily hurt that cop. Then the cop killed him for letting him go.

at 5:00 he expects cars to show up within 40seconds... then he motors his vehicle backwards "just past them." Here he admits to trying to run them over. So as I said.. cop gets angry with boy shoplifter... tries to run the boys over when they curse at him and walk away... this while backup is moments away.. then tries to get out of his car too stop two big angry black dudes with nothing but his pistol to defend himself, this after he admits to trying to run them over to stop them from getting away... the boys are defending their lives from a crazy ass white dude that wants to kill them for a couple cigars. Sure it's the boys fault but that cop didn't give them much of a choice. They even tried to stop him from getting out of his car but the crazy cop kept trying... then the cop went for his gun and proceeded to kill the boy as he tried to defend himself from this crazy ass white dude.

I'm curious, RKM...you know very well that Officer Wilson doesn't do anything even CLOSE to admitting that he "tried to run them over" yet you make that charge? Why would you do that? Why would you blatantly try and bend what Officer Wilson said to suit your narrative?

What's the difference between Driving your car backwards at two kids walking in the street and then turning your wheel into them to stop them from getting away..." and "trying to run them over?" Semantics? Was Wilson a trained stunt driver? My statement was from the perspective of the two kids who were almost run over by the car from behind. Imagine walking down the road and someone guns their car backwards and "narrowly" misses you even turns into the direction you are walking.
Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.
The population of Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. That alone says a great deal. The people and the cops do not have a positive, healthy working relationship. It is really the responsibility of the police force to create a good environment, and they clearly have not done so.

its the responsibility of the police really?

funny. I don't think that is the polices responsibility. I think it's one of the duties of citizenship and being an adult to create a good community. The police assist us by investigating and arresting those who commit crimes.

it's a mans duty to take care of his family. To protect them. To love them. To teach them to follow the law. To work to provide for them.

instead we have people like yourself saying it's someone elses responsibility. Is it any wonder that we have the crime problem we do? Or that we have riots in response? If everyone thinks it is someone elses responsibility then no one actually does what needs to be done.

we need to teach the men to step up and be men. Do your duty to yourself, your family, your community, and your God and you will be free.

It is absolutely amazing to me that you people deny that it's the responsibility of the police to establish and maintain a good relationship with the community they serve. What do you think, that the police can behave in any way they choose, and the people are supposed to insure they create and maintain a good relattionship with the police. That's absurd. Obviously none of you have studied law enforcement, not even a little. Or you are all being totally intellectually dishonest.

This is a small passage from a chapter in a text which one would read when studying law enforcement. It oulines how the police department needs to create and maintain a good relationship with the public it serves. This is not some idea I came up with. Everyone who has any knowledge of this subject knows that part of being a good police department is for everyone in the department to follow procedures that would create a good relationship with the public they served. It's so obvious that I find it unbelievable people don't know this.

Emergence of the Problem of Poor
Police–Community Relations

The notion of police–community relations derives from Sir Robert Peel’s
principles of law enforcement. As you may recall, before the creation of the
first modern police department, it was the duty of every able-bodied person
to take their turn at the watch, thereby contribute to the policing of their
community. If there was a threat to the community, the night watch would
raise a hue and cry. This would wake up the community, and its citizens
would collectively repel an attack from wild animals or intruders, help put
out a fire, and so on. Why did this break down?

Early History of Police–Community Relations

Developments during the early part of the 20th century (e.g., the advent of
motorized vehicles, the development of more efficient mass transportation systems,
police officers not living in the same jurisdiction in which they patrolled)
led to a breakdown in police–community relations. In short, there are numerous reasons for poor police community relations. These can include:
• Socialization of children by parents to fear/distrust the police
• Hostility toward the police
-Confidence in police ability has decreased
• Less contact by police with citizens
• Bad cops (rude, corrupt, violent)
• Some veteran officers would rather not deal with the community
• Police are not the best communicators
• Police and citizens have different perspectives on how crime is
caused and how to respond to it.

These factors in whole or in part prompted police reformers to search for
appropriate solutions. One of the more notable was the integration of the
human relations movement into law enforcement The human relations
movement and some astute police executives believed that police had to
move beyond simply being responsible for enforcing the law and actually
connect with the communities they policed (Radalet and Carter, 1994,
p. 23). Some of the initial attempts to increase awareness and techniques of police–community relations were started with the introduction of human
relations training into police training academies (Radalet and Carter, 1994;
Bayley and Mendelsohn, 1969). Human relations consisted of a series of
techniques to both better understand how individuals behaved in groups
and to improve their productivity and cooperation in organizational

Walk a mile in my shoes...

I wonder how many of these 'law and order' folks would feel the same way if THEY were profiled, stopped by police, searched and harassed on a regular basis. They would squeal like a bunch of children. But conservatives are totally unable to walk in another man's shoe.

I've found that if you obey the law the police dont bother you
And if you are black, and obey the law, the police still do bother you.
RKM I agree Brown got murdered by the cop. Two to the head was just a bit much IMO.

Mike Brown let the cop go. He could've easily hurt that cop. Then the cop killed him for letting him go.

All I know is that after shooting the guy at least three times, a 6'4" 215lb cop should sure as hell been able to disable a 6'5" 300lb. guy that you just shot three times.

Two to the head made it murder.
The population of Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. That alone says a great deal. The people and the cops do not have a positive, healthy working relationship. It is really the responsibility of the police force to create a good environment, and they clearly have not done so.

its the responsibility of the police really?

funny. I don't think that is the polices responsibility. I think it's one of the duties of citizenship and being an adult to create a good community. The police assist us by investigating and arresting those who commit crimes.

it's a mans duty to take care of his family. To protect them. To love them. To teach them to follow the law. To work to provide for them.

instead we have people like yourself saying it's someone elses responsibility. Is it any wonder that we have the crime problem we do? Or that we have riots in response? If everyone thinks it is someone elses responsibility then no one actually does what needs to be done.

we need to teach the men to step up and be men. Do your duty to yourself, your family, your community, and your God and you will be free.

It is absolutely amazing to me that you people deny that it's the responsibility of the police to establish and maintain a good relationship with the community they serve. What do you think, that the police can behave in any way they choose, and the people are supposed to insure they create and maintain a good relattionship with the police. That's absurd. Obviously none of you have studied law enforcement, not even a little. Or you are all being totally intellectually dishonest.

This is a small passage from a chapter in a text which one would read when studying law enforcement. It oulines how the police department needs to create and maintain a good relationship with the public it serves. This is not some idea I came up with. Everyone who has any knowledge of this subject knows that part of being a good police department is for everyone in the department to follow procedures that would create a good relationship with the public they served. It's so obvious that I find it unbelievable people don't know this.

Emergence of the Problem of Poor
Police–Community Relations

The notion of police–community relations derives from Sir Robert Peel’s
principles of law enforcement. As you may recall, before the creation of the
first modern police department, it was the duty of every able-bodied person
to take their turn at the watch, thereby contribute to the policing of their
community. If there was a threat to the community, the night watch would
raise a hue and cry. This would wake up the community, and its citizens
would collectively repel an attack from wild animals or intruders, help put
out a fire, and so on. Why did this break down?

Early History of Police–Community Relations

Developments during the early part of the 20th century (e.g., the advent of
motorized vehicles, the development of more efficient mass transportation systems,
police officers not living in the same jurisdiction in which they patrolled)
led to a breakdown in police–community relations. In short, there are numerous reasons for poor police community relations. These can include:
• Socialization of children by parents to fear/distrust the police
• Hostility toward the police
-Confidence in police ability has decreased
• Less contact by police with citizens
• Bad cops (rude, corrupt, violent)
• Some veteran officers would rather not deal with the community
• Police are not the best communicators
• Police and citizens have different perspectives on how crime is
caused and how to respond to it.

These factors in whole or in part prompted police reformers to search for
appropriate solutions. One of the more notable was the integration of the
human relations movement into law enforcement The human relations
movement and some astute police executives believed that police had to
move beyond simply being responsible for enforcing the law and actually
connect with the communities they policed (Radalet and Carter, 1994,
p. 23). Some of the initial attempts to increase awareness and techniques of police–community relations were started with the introduction of human
relations training into police training academies (Radalet and Carter, 1994;
Bayley and Mendelsohn, 1969). Human relations consisted of a series of
techniques to both better understand how individuals behaved in groups
and to improve their productivity and cooperation in organizational

Walk a mile in my shoes...

I wonder how many of these 'law and order' folks would feel the same way if THEY were profiled, stopped by police, searched and harassed on a regular basis. They would squeal like a bunch of children. But conservatives are totally unable to walk in another man's shoe.

I've found that if you obey the law the police dont bother you

Yup, no matter WHAT color you are.
Not true.
at 5:00 he expects cars to show up within 40seconds... then he motors his vehicle backwards "just past them." Here he admits to trying to run them over. So as I said.. cop gets angry with boy shoplifter... tries to run the boys over when they curse at him and walk away... this while backup is moments away.. then tries to get out of his car too stop two big angry black dudes with nothing but his pistol to defend himself, this after he admits to trying to run them over to stop them from getting away... the boys are defending their lives from a crazy ass white dude that wants to kill them for a couple cigars. Sure it's the boys fault but that cop didn't give them much of a choice. They even tried to stop him from getting out of his car but the crazy cop kept trying... then the cop went for his gun and proceeded to kill the boy as he tried to defend himself from this crazy ass white dude.

wtf rkm???
Sry.. trying to put myself in Mike Brown's shoes...
RKM I agree Brown got murdered by the cop. Two to the head was just a bit much IMO.

Mike Brown let the cop go. He could've easily hurt that cop. Then the cop killed him for letting him go.

All I know is that after shooting the guy at least three times, a 6'4" 215lb cop should sure as hell been able to disable a 6'5" 300lb. guy that you just shot three times.

Two to the head made it murder.
Well let's just say he wasn't to concerned about that boy coming out of this confrontation with his life.
Wilson said Brown put his head down and charged.

I believe that Brown DID put his head down. He was looking at the holes being made in his body wondering why the fuck this cop was shooting him over and over. Did he charge the cop? Maybe, what the fuck else was he to do by that point in time? Just lay down and wait for the coup de grace.

at 5:00 he expects cars to show up within 40seconds... then he motors his vehicle backwards "just past them." Here he admits to trying to run them over. So as I said.. cop gets angry with boy shoplifter... tries to run the boys over when they curse at him and walk away... this while backup is moments away.. then tries to get out of his car too stop two big angry black dudes with nothing but his pistol to defend himself, this after he admits to trying to run them over to stop them from getting away... the boys are defending their lives from a crazy ass white dude that wants to kill them for a couple cigars. Sure it's the boys fault but that cop didn't give them much of a choice. They even tried to stop him from getting out of his car but the crazy cop kept trying... then the cop went for his gun and proceeded to kill the boy as he tried to defend himself from this crazy ass white dude.

I'm curious, RKM...you know very well that Officer Wilson doesn't do anything even CLOSE to admitting that he "tried to run them over" yet you make that charge? Why would you do that? Why would you blatantly try and bend what Officer Wilson said to suit your narrative?

What's the difference between Driving your car backwards at two kids walking in the street and then turning your wheel into them to stop them from getting away..." and "trying to run them over?" Semantics? Was Wilson a trained stunt driver? My statement was from the perspective of the two kids who were almost run over by the car from behind. Imagine walking down the road and someone guns their car backwards and "narrowly" misses you even turns into the direction you are walking.

Officer Wilson backed his car up to block their escape...not to try and run them over. They were suspects in a robbery. He was doing his job. You're the person playing with words, RKM. As for putting myself in the place of those two young men? First of all I'm not stupid enough to rob a convenience store and then stroll down the street holding what I've stolen in my hand. I'm also not stupid enough to give a police officer who doesn't realize that I'm the guy who just robbed the store a bunch of shit so he takes a second look at me and have it dawn on him that I'm the robber. So I'm having a hard time putting myself in their "perspective", RKM because I don't know STUPID the way they obviously did!
What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.

He likely would have been dead were it not for the fact that the cop shot him before the kid could wrestle the gun away. Duh.
Mike Brown let the cop go. He could've easily hurt that cop. Then the cop killed him for letting him go.

Mike Brown let Officer Wilson go after they struggled for the gun and Wilson shot Brown. What would have taken place in that car if Wilson hadn't shot Brown? Do you have anything to back up a contention that Brown would have still let Wilson go? He's escalated the situation to such a point by then that it would be hard to see him simply giving up.
So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.

If Mr. Brown obeyed the law, had stopped and followed the instruction of the officer, he would be alive today. What part of taking it upon yourself to approach a cop at a traffic stop, rather than allowing the cop to approach you, sounds like a good idea?
Last edited:
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.

If Mr. Brown obeyed the law, had stopped and followed the instruction of the officer, he would be alive today. What part of taking it upon yourself to approach a cop at a traffic stop, rather than allowing the cop to approach you, sounds like a good idea?
If he'd been white he still be alive today...
Walk a mile in my shoes...

I wonder how many of these 'law and order' folks would feel the same way if THEY were profiled, stopped by police, searched and harassed on a regular basis. They would squeal like a bunch of children. But conservatives are totally unable to walk in another man's shoe.

I have nothing to hide. An officer should feel free to walk up to me any time, ask me for my ID, where I'm coming from/going and what I'm doing there. I have no problem at all in answering him. If something were to occur that I felt was inappropriate, I would file a report AFTER the incident. If I were to react I would do so with the total understanding that I was about to get beat, or more likely shot.
Hmm I also have nothing to hide. And if I'm doing nothing illegal an officer who comes up to me and asks to see my ID can go pound sand. I'm not putting up with that. This isnt a police state. Yet.
What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.

He likely would have been dead were it not for the fact that the cop shot him before the kid could wrestle the gun away. Duh.
Mike Brown let the cop go. He could've easily hurt that cop. Then the cop killed him for letting him go.
You're a little skewed here.
Brown was a criminal. He didnt let Wilson go. He tried to get away from him because Wilson was going to arrest him.
If you can't tell the difference between cops and criminals I'd suggest counseling.

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