Under Biden US reaches Energy Independence!!!! thanks Biden

Hey dip-shit, cite and quote ONE site that I have quoted. You can't, proving to be a continual lair. You just make things up and fling them, hoping they will stick.

Not only do you continually lie, you are not even very good at it. Give up deer boy.


Lying dumbfuck, tell me again how the U.S. gets most of it's fuel from Russia...

The US, under Biden, is importing more than 500,000 barrels of fuel per day from Russia. Making us dependent on them for the majority of our fuel.

Lying dumbfuck, tell me again how the U.S. gets most of it's fuel from Russia...

If you could read and comprehend anything other than your own fantasies, and were honest just for once, you would see that is not what I said. You continue to project your own lies onto others and are to stupid to realize it.

But you have continually done so in y our every lying post.

I am sure that you are waiting with baited (dog) breath to post another lie so have at it, you mind dead moron.
If you could read and comprehend anything other than your own fantasies, and were honest just for once, you would see that is not what I said.

Lying dumbfuck, tell me again how the U.S. gets most of it's fuel from Russia...

Yes, moron, that is what you said. I even quoted you...

The US, under Biden, is importing more than 500,000 barrels of fuel per day from Russia. Making us dependent on them for the majority of our fuel.
Yes, moron, that is what you said. I even quoted you...

And if Biden has his way, we will import even more. As for energy independence, disproven by the inflation of prices at the pump, but that is something that those idiots like you approve of.

BTW, I never denied the post and your continued assertions only prove it to be correct.

You really are as stupid as you post, if not more so.

Time for you to return to your bassinet for your nappy.
And if Biden has his way, we will import even more. As for energy independence, disproven by the inflation of prices at the pump, but that is something that those idiots like you approve of.

BTW, I never denied the post and your continued assertions only prove it to be correct.

You really are as stupid as you post, if not more so.

Time for you to return to your bassinet for your nappy.
And it's still a lie from the forum liar. We do not get a majority of our fuel from Russia. In fact, we get 4.7% if our total oil and products from them. Sadly, You're simply just too retarded to know that 4.7% is less than 50.1%. :cuckoo:

The US, under Biden, is importing more than 500,000 barrels of fuel per day from Russia. Making us dependent on them for the majority of our fuel.

Just as this too is still a lie as Democrats in Congress had no ability to force any state or city to shut down...

DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns...

Even worse for you, it was Trump who first put out the recommendation for people practice social distancing which led to some states shutting down...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

You're fucked in the head, lying con.

And it's still a lie from the forum liar. We do not get a majority of our fuel from Russia. In fact, we get 4.7% if our total oil and products from them. Sadly, You're simply just too retarded to know that 4.7% is less than 50.1%. :cuckoo:

Just as this too is still a lie as Democrats in Congress had no ability to force any state or city to shut down...

Even worse for you, it was Trump who first put out the recommendation for people practice social distancing which led to some states shutting down...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

You're fucked in the head, lying con.


Aw, you are panicking when confronted with the truth, just as you always do.

Even your precious government agencies are saying that we are importing 8.7% of fuel from Russia and the number is still rising.

BTW, the actions Trump took were fostered by Fauci, you democratic dictator. If you are going to continue to lie as much as you do, at least get close to the truth of some facts. You continue to miss by a mile.

As for the rest of your post, garbage as usual and full of falsehoods or merely partial facts. But that is what you democrats do, try to change the facts to fit your own narrative. It is called lying.
Aw, you are panicking when confronted with the truth, just as you always do.

Even your precious government agencies are saying that we are importing 8.7% of fuel from Russia and the number is still rising.

BTW, the actions Trump took were fostered by Fauci, you democratic dictator. If you are going to continue to lie as much as you do, at least get close to the truth of some facts. You continue to miss by a mile.

As for the rest of your post, garbage as usual and full of falsehoods or merely partial facts. But that is what you democrats do, try to change the facts to fit your own narrative. It is called lying.


A liar like you bluffing he speaks the truth. :lmao::icon_rolleyes:

But it is sad for Trump for you to show he's too weak-kneed to own his own decisions. The fact of the matter is it's the president's job to weigh advice he gets and decide upon which route to take. He chose for America to shutdown, thus, he presented that recommendation to the nation and the nation took his advice and virtually each state followed his recommendations.

Still has nothing to do with the lies you were caught telling that you've spent over a week denying were lies...

The US, under Biden, is importing more than 500,000 barrels of fuel per day from Russia. Making us dependent on them for the majority of our fuel.
DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns...

A liar like you bluffing he speaks the truth. :lmao::icon_rolleyes:

But it is sad for Trump for you to show he's too weak-kneed to own his own decisions. The fact of the matter is it's the president's job to weigh advice he gets and decide upon which route to take. He chose for America to shutdown, thus, he presented that recommendation to the nation and the nation took his advice and virtually each state followed his recommendations.

Still has nothing to do with the lies you were caught telling that you've spent over a week denying were lies...

It has to do with the lies you continue to tell. You go in circles trying to prove your lies while they are constantly being disproven. As always.

You believe anything your owners tell you without any thought at all. Since you are incapable of your own thoughts, I actually pity you for your-self inflicted stupidity.
It has to do with the lies you continue to tell. You go in circles trying to prove your lies while they are constantly being disproven. As always.

You believe anything your owners tell you without any thought at all. Since you are incapable of your own thoughts, I actually pity you for your-self inflicted stupidity.

Nope, no lies or circles by me. Just continuing to highlight some of the lies you've been caught telling. I suffer no qualms posting these...

The US, under Biden, is importing more than 500,000 barrels of fuel per day from Russia. Making us dependent on them for the majority of our fuel.
DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns...
You mean like how we get together at cult like rallies during a global pandemic when we are supposed to be socially distancing from each other and wearing masks?
You do recall the Summer of luv, 2020 ????

The "peaceful protests" in several USA cities that Summer with their rioting, looting, arsons, assaults, etc.
Not much social distancing there.
I doubt many of those "protesters" voted for Trump that November.
Hey mudhead, where do you get your BS from? We were the ones refining Mexico and Canada's crude, remember the Keystone pipeline? If you think we import refined product from Russia you must be Vlad's lover, IDIOT.
You take off your mask for Russian cock.
You do recall the Summer of luv, 2020 ????

The "peaceful protests" in several USA cities that Summer with their rioting, looting, arsons, assaults, etc.
Not much social distancing there.
I doubt many of those "protesters" voted for Trump that November.
Blacks were hit hard with COVID.
Under the Biden admin,.the US has done what it's talked about for decades .... It looks like independence was reached though an increase in production and decrease in fossil fuel demand.

The U.S. is now energy independent

For decades, politicians have talked about the U.S. achieving energy independence, a seemingly elusive goal of producing enough fuels to avoid relying on the rest of the world to fill up gas tanks and keep electricity flowing.

The intrigue: It's elusive no more. The U.S. produced more petroleum than it consumed in 2020, and the numbers were essentially in balance in 2021, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Why it matters: The surge in oil prices taking place in 2022 has radically different implications for the U.S. economy — and for key geopolitical relationships in the Middle East and Russia — than in past episodes when energy prices have risen.

The big picture: In the past, when oil prices spiked, the impact on the U.S. economy was straightforward: It made America poorer, as more of our income wentoverseas to pay for imported energy.
So 80 million of us voted for this quack? American population is like 334 Million. So less than a quarter of the population voted for slow joe? How is THAT even representative?
So 80 million of us voted for this quack? American population is like 334 Million. So less than a quarter of the population voted for slow joe? How is THAT even representative?
Only 73m voted for the other guy. Quick. Do the math!
And all other races were not? Racist.
They were hit harder than all the other races. Maybe because of those BLM rallies. People who went to Trump rallies were stupid so were people who went to BLM protests.
Way to try to backpedal, fast.
No you misunderstood.

You must have when you replied back "And all other races were not?"

I said Blacks were hit hard with COVID.

I should have said Harder than all other races. But I didn't think you were that slow and I had to spell everything out for your dumb ass.

So backpedaling has nothing to do with it. You didn't catch me making a mistake and this is certainly no gocha moment. Get over yourself.

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