Under Biden US reaches Energy Independence!!!! thanks Biden

Moron, they have no authority to force states to shutdown. It's not even a question doing things they have no power. It's not possible. You might as well claim they fly like Superman; it would be equally stupid because it's not in a realm of possibility. That's why you couldn't prove it. That's why you desperately tried to shift the burden of proof onto me.
Input from your beloved democrats had nothing to do with it? Fauci had no input in the matter? Senators had no discussions with the locals encouraging it?

It would appear that you continue to lie and deny, as is your favorite method. You simply deny anything that does not match what you have decided is true, even in the face of facts to the contrary. Thus, making you the moron in this discussion, as always.

You do not even know what the realm of possibility is as you appear to have never visited it. All you have is what you decide what is true, insisting on it when proven wrong. So that would be what you are, never admitting to the facts that dispute your moronic opinions and lies.
Input from your beloved democrats had nothing to do with it? Fauci had no input in the matter? Senators had no discussions with the locals encouraging it?

It would appear that you continue to lie and deny, as is your favorite method. You simply deny anything that does not match what you have decided is true, even in the face of facts to the contrary. Thus, making you the moron in this discussion, as always.

You do not even know what the realm of possibility is as you appear to have never visited it. All you have is what you decide what is true, insisting on it when proven wrong. So that would be what you are, never admitting to the facts that dispute your moronic opinions and lies.
Nope, the lies are all yours as now you're trying to change what I said. I never said they had nothing to do with it. I said they had no ability to force it, which was the lie you told. Regrettably, you just can't stop lying.
Nope, the lies are all yours as now you're trying to change what I said. I never said they had nothing to do with it. I said they had no ability to force it, which was the lie you told. Regrettably, you just can't stop lying.
you continue to argue in favor of your statement when eloquent proof of your error. By continually attempting to refute it you only prove yourself to be an even bigger idiot than you have shown yourself to be.
Show me on this graph how that worked? You’re a moron spinning whatever they tell you. Use your brain. Look carefully. Think critically. Does your bullshit stink or not when you look at real data? Your dumbass commentary also known as gaslighting just set aside for a minute.

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Gator...read my lips. YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. AGAIN LABOR PARTICIPATION RATE is what to look for...the unemployment rate is easily manipulated to hide things in which is why you try to redirect back to it. Sick of your manipulations.

Gator...read my lips. YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. AGAIN LABOR PARTICIPATION RATE is what to look for...the unemployment rate is easily manipulated to hide things in which is why you try to redirect back to it. Sick of your manipulations.

Participation rate flattened way back in 2014 under Obama and was flat under Trump. Nice job moron.
Cutting out your lie from my post doesn't make it go away. Here it is again...

Here is something so twisted that even your deviant mind should be able to follow: did the democrats in congress disclaim the shut downs or did their tacit silence encourage them? The answer puts to lie all of your claims.
Here is something so twisted that even your deviant mind should be able to follow: did the democrats in congress disclaim the shut downs or did their tacit silence encourage them? The answer puts to lie all of your claims.

Lying nutcase, they didn't "force" the shutdowns. They couldn't as they had no power to do so.

And that was your nutty claim...

The DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns...

... that would be as stupid as if I were to accuse you of forcing the shutdowns and then insisting it's true unless you could prove me wrong.

Lying nutcase, they didn't "force" the shutdowns. They couldn't as they had no power to do so.

And that was your nutty claim...

... that would be as stupid as if I were to accuse you of forcing the shutdowns and then insisting it's true unless you could prove me wrong.

Which is exactly what you are attempting to do and then lying about it.

If you had any mind at all you would realize that all of your "points" just make disagreement with you more likely.

Another nice self portrait of you, btw.

If you don't want to be shown to be even more idiotic that you already have, quit posting your attempted insults to and about me. For an insult to be effective, one first have some respect for the one issuing the insult. In your case, not a chance.
Which is exactly what you are attempting to do and then lying about it.

If you had any mind at all you would realize that all of your "points" just make disagreement with you more likely.

Another nice self portrait of you, btw.

If you don't want to be shown to be even more idiotic that you already have, quit posting your attempted insults to and about me. For an insult to be effective, one first have some respect for the one issuing the insult. In your case, not a chance.

Sadly, resorting to Peewee Hermanesque lines really is the best you can do.

Still, you lied as Democrats in Congress had no ability to force the shutdowns...

The DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns...
Sadly, resorting to Peewee Hermanesque lines really is the best you can do.

Still, you lied as Democrats in Congress had no ability to force the shutdowns...
What is sad is that you keep resorting to cartoons and thinking that they make you appear smart. They don't. It only show that you are unable to come up with anything that is a worthy statement, thus showing your ignorance.
And you, with all that hate bottled up inside of you, ignore the main points of this post. Shows just how mentally unfit you truly are.

That, and your resorting to profanity, shows that you know you have lost the discussion and have resorted to swearing as your main point of attack. Can't prove or disprove anything, so attack. Truly a telling comment on your mental abilities.

That and you seem to blindly believe anything your democrat masters spew in your direction put on public display your inability to reason or produce any ideas of your own.
Why so old and bitter?
Here is another thought that puts this entire topic to lie.

The US, under Biden, is importing more than 500,000 barrels of fuel per day from Russia. Making us dependent on them for the majority of our fuel. Under Trump and his policies that Crazy Joe discarded on day one, we were a net exporter of fuel.

Please explain how that makes us energy independent.
What is sad is that you keep resorting to cartoons and thinking that they make you appear smart. They don't. It only show that you are unable to come up with anything that is a worthy statement, thus showing your ignorance.

Your dementia is worsening as there were no cartoons in my last post.

But there was a copy of your lie again...

The DEMOCRATS in congress forced thew shutdowns...
Here is another thought that puts this entire topic to lie.

The US, under Biden, is importing more than 500,000 barrels of fuel per day from Russia. Making us dependent on them for the majority of our fuel. Under Trump and his policies that Crazy Joe discarded on day one, we were a net exporter of fuel.

Please explain how that makes us energy independent.

^^^ More lies from a liar.

According to the most recent data, we get 4.7% of our total crude oil and products from Russia...

I realize you're a cretin AND a liar, but everyone else here will know that 4.7% is NOT a majority of our fuel.

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