Under the National Emergency Declaration could Trump impose a stop and identify mandate?

Trump has thus far declared three national emergencies during his tenure, CNN reported. One centers on creating penalties for individuals around the world who are involved in human rights abuses. Another penalizes individuals involved in perpetuating violence in Nicaragua. And another imposes sanctions on foreign entities who seek to interfere in American elections.

Obama Declared National Emergencies As President — But Not To Secure Wall Funding


Okay, so why are democrats trying to stop the wall funding? Republicans didn't try to stop Obama's National emergencies.

Because Trump is intruding on Congress' power of the purse.

Nonsense. Once the money is appropriated, it belongs to the department receiving it.

Nonsense. Departments cannot spend money on other projects unless authorized by Congress. The fact is that even Alan Dershowitz says this is not a national emergency.

How cool would that be...watching troops stroll the streets of Los Angeles stopping every Brown person for identification. I dream of those days.
That's because you are a Nazi wannabe.

How cool would that be...watching troops stroll the streets of Los Angeles stopping every Brown person for identification. I dream of those days.

I'll bet you long for the days of Nazi Germany. You are the enemy of this country and everything it stands for. You are the one who should be arrested and deported.

You know what I just notice?










Hell yes....I’d be willing to accept a little dose of commie as it would relate to the eradication of tens of millions of brown cockroaches...I’d embrace that shit big time.

You and Trump are the only cockroaches I see and you racists are going to exterminated in 2020.

We totally get it...
LefTard Logic:
Wealthy, law abiding white REAL Americans = COCKROACHES
Lowlife, thirdworld, non-vetted illegal degenerate criminals = NOT COCKROACHES

Trumptard Logic.:
White supremacists and neo-nazis are good

White supremacists and neo-nazis like you are lowlife degenerate criminals.
What you fail to "get" is that the bigotry and hatred and racism that you people can't seem to turn away from makes you open to manipulation by some pretty fucked up actors
YOU leftists are the only ones practicing "bigotry and hatred and racism" in America. You do it against white people in many ways, especially with Affirmative Action (the largest racism in America for 54 years), and then you have the audacity to accuse others of doing what YOU DO EVERY DAY, massively.

You are the racist pig. White people are not being discriminated by anyone you degenerate right wing loon.
If you think that rebuts my picture of illegal aliens, and the traitors who support them, you're even dumber than I thought. There are relatively few neo Nazis in America. There are tens of millions of illegal aliens here, and many more on the way in the caravans, with liberals supporting them, instead of the American people and American workers.

So you say. We saw the neo-nazis and white supremacists in action in places like Charlottesville. Now we see another one plotting to kill people like Joe Scarborough, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.); and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). The fact is that these groups are on the rise.
Just in case you weren't paying attention, that's not what this thread is about. He is supporting gestapo style policing.

If you are for that, you're a fuckin' Nazi. Get out of my country.
No, he is supporting law and order and PROTECTION of the American people, which you obviously don't support.

He is not and Americans oppose what he is doing.
Trump has thus far declared three national emergencies during his tenure, CNN reported. One centers on creating penalties for individuals around the world who are involved in human rights abuses. Another penalizes individuals involved in perpetuating violence in Nicaragua. And another imposes sanctions on foreign entities who seek to interfere in American elections.

Obama Declared National Emergencies As President — But Not To Secure Wall Funding


Okay, so why are democrats trying to stop the wall funding? Republicans didn't try to stop Obama's National emergencies.

Because Trump is intruding on Congress' power of the purse.

Nonsense. Once the money is appropriated, it belongs to the department receiving it.

Nonsense. Departments cannot spend money on other projects unless authorized by Congress. The fact is that even Alan Dershowitz says this is not a national emergency.

Watch and learn.
I swear to goD, conservitards get dumber every day.

Do you really not understand or are you playing stupid for some reason?
Let me explain something to you. As a result of liberal media, universities, think tanks, etc. liberals are so far out into the lunatic fringe, that when you speak, we often have no idea what the hell you're talking about. And if we did know, that would be scary to us.

So it is advisable that you make up your mind to state your case in as few words as possible, without using any liberalese vernacular, trying to be cute, or anything other than just good, plain down to earth English. OK ?

Then after it's all sorted out, you can thank us for informing you of all the mountains of information that your liberal OMISSION media deliberately left out.

You are the one who is part of the lunatic fringe on the right. White supremacists and neo-nazis like you apparently run the Republican Party. Americans overwhelmingly oppose Trump's use of a national emergency to build a wall. They recognize the danger that it represents to this country if a President can ignore Congress' Constitutionally mandated power of the purse.
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Trump has thus far declared three national emergencies during his tenure, CNN reported. One centers on creating penalties for individuals around the world who are involved in human rights abuses. Another penalizes individuals involved in perpetuating violence in Nicaragua. And another imposes sanctions on foreign entities who seek to interfere in American elections.

Obama Declared National Emergencies As President — But Not To Secure Wall Funding


Okay, so why are democrats trying to stop the wall funding? Republicans didn't try to stop Obama's National emergencies.

Because Trump is intruding on Congress' power of the purse.

Nonsense. Once the money is appropriated, it belongs to the department receiving it.

Nonsense. Departments cannot spend money on other projects unless authorized by Congress. The fact is that even Alan Dershowitz says this is not a national emergency.

Watch and learn.

Alan Dershowitz disagrees with you. He also says Trump cannot use a national emergency to build a wall because Congress refuses to appropriate the money. We will see how many phony conservative judges there are.
Okay, so why are democrats trying to stop the wall funding? Republicans didn't try to stop Obama's National emergencies.

Because Trump is intruding on Congress' power of the purse.

Nonsense. Once the money is appropriated, it belongs to the department receiving it.

Nonsense. Departments cannot spend money on other projects unless authorized by Congress. The fact is that even Alan Dershowitz says this is not a national emergency.

Watch and learn.

Alan Dershowitz disagrees with you. He also says Trump cannot use a national emergency to build a wall because Congress refuses to appropriate the money. We will see how many phony conservative judges there are.

People often disagree. It doesn't mean they're right.

Would you support such an aggressive action?

As a born-here citizen of European background, and wondering now why this question even comes up after 60+ years in this country during which I stood up and saluted the TV when our flag was planted on the moon, I would have to say: AIN'T NO WAY!

I've shot guns in my life. I'm not afraid of them, but I never owned one personally. Should I buy an automatic weapon and learn how to use it in case the American version of the Gestapo comes to town? This is becoming scary.
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Okay, so why are democrats trying to stop the wall funding? Republicans didn't try to stop Obama's National emergencies.

Because Trump is intruding on Congress' power of the purse.

Nonsense. Once the money is appropriated, it belongs to the department receiving it.

Nonsense. Departments cannot spend money on other projects unless authorized by Congress. The fact is that even Alan Dershowitz says this is not a national emergency.

Watch and learn.

Alan Dershowitz disagrees with you. He also says Trump cannot use a national emergency to build a wall because Congress refuses to appropriate the money. We will see how many phony conservative judges there are.
There are just as many phony conservative judges as looney leftists phony judges. Alan Dershowitz can give his opinion, but he has no jurisdiction in this matter. Go to hell, loser.
Would you support such an aggressive action?

As a born-here citizen of European background, and wondering now why this question even comes up after 60+ years in this country during which I stood up and saluted the TV when our flag was planted on the moon, I would have to say: AIN'T NO WAY!

I've shot guns in my life. I'm not afraid of them, but I never owned one personally. Should I buy an automatic weapon and learn how to use it in case the American version of the Gestopo comes to town? This is becoming scary.
Trump supporters are being attacked all over this nation. It takes courage to wear a MAGA cap these days.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?
The Feds had no business interfering in the Malheur Wildlife Preserve. The Feds and Janet Reno really screwed up on the Koresh deal. It's the left that operates like the gestapo, not the right.
Would you support such an aggressive action?

As a born-here citizen of European background, and wondering now why this question even comes up after 60+ years in this country during which I stood up and saluted the TV when our flag was planted on the moon, I would have to say: AIN'T NO WAY!

I've shot guns in my life. I'm not afraid of them, but I never owned one personally. Should I buy an automatic weapon and learn how to use it in case the American version of the Gestopo comes to town? This is becoming scary.
Trump supporters are being attacked all over this nation. It takes courage to wear a MAGA cap these days.

Oh really? Are these "attacks" occurring with more frequency and intensity than attacks on others? Women are being attacked, African-Americans are being attacked, people whose ancestors are from Spanish-speaking nations are being attacked, as well as LGBTQs, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs. What is so special about people who choose to wear MAGA hats?
Would you support such an aggressive action?

As a born-here citizen of European background, and wondering now why this question even comes up after 60+ years in this country during which I stood up and saluted the TV when our flag was planted on the moon, I would have to say: AIN'T NO WAY!

I've shot guns in my life. I'm not afraid of them, but I never owned one personally. Should I buy an automatic weapon and learn how to use it in case the American version of the Gestopo comes to town? This is becoming scary.
Trump supporters are being attacked all over this nation. It takes courage to wear a MAGA cap these days.

Oh really? Are these "attacks" occurring with more frequency and intensity than attacks on others? Women are being attacked, African-Americans are being attacked, people whose ancestors are from Spanish-speaking nations are being attacked, as well as LGBTQs, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs. What is so special about people who choose to wear MAGA hats?
Bullshit. Not one is attacking anyone on the left. In fact, things are so great in America that you have racist black actors staging phony attacks. We have a young innocent Catholic kid getting falsely accused. We have a young kid sitting at a diner wearing a MAGA cap and some idiot throws his soda at him. The left is unhinged in this country. Moron.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?

The ties that bind civilization are breaking down, due in the main to the actions of the Left over the last five decades or so. There is nothing more authoritarian than the totalitarian desires of the Democratic Party.

The cops need to start crackin' heads, and Americans to return to the tar-and-feather school of political discourse. The Democrats need to be driven from power, permanently.

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