Under the National Emergency Declaration could Trump impose a stop and identify mandate?

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If you think that rebuts my picture of illegal aliens, and the traitors who support them, you're even dumber than I thought. There are relatively few neo Nazis in America. There are tens of millions of illegal aliens here, and many more on the way in the caravans, with liberals supporting them, instead of the American people and American workers.
This thread is yet another example of the authoritarian right and its contempt for the rule of law.
No, it's an example of the protectionist right, who works to PROTECT the American people. Something the callous, traitorous left cares nothing about, while they throw Americans under the bus, bringing millions of harmful invaders into the country.

Harms of Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
Does anybody have ANY idea what the hell this is talking about ?

Being too stupid to understand something as simple as that is part of why you are so easy to manipulate.
So you have NO ANSWER to the question - or more likely, you are DODGING it, because your comment >> "the bigotry and hatred and racism that you people can't seem to turn away from", is just a fabrication, that you can't show or justify.
Just in case you weren't paying attention, that's not what this thread is about. He is supporting gestapo style policing.

If you are for that, you're a fuckin' Nazi. Get out of my country.
No, he is supporting law and order and PROTECTION of the American people, which you obviously don't support.
If you think that rebuts my picture of illegal aliens, and the traitors who support them, you're even dumber than I thought. There are relatively few neo Nazis in America. There are tens of millions of illegal aliens here, and many more on the way in the caravans, with liberals supporting them, instead of the American people and American workers.
And every white guy in America is just like the ones in my pic right? Just like every Mexican is just like the ones in yours?
You people are fucking scary
I would guess we are. To all those whose politics operates on allowing millions of 3rd world zeros to come into the country, and turn it into a 3rd world hellhole.

But we need to be much more than just "scary" to you. We need to PROTECT America, by getting rid of every illegal alien, stop new ones from coming here, and making your "politics" disappear entirely, and never be heard from again.
Right, you're a Nazi.
Uh huh. So this a new catchword of the left, then. >> "Nazi" right up there alongside "conspiracy theorist", "white supremacist", "Islamaphobe", etc etc.

:puhleeze:Maybe someday, you guys will enter a debate forum and actually debate, instead of hiding behind catchwords & catchphrases. :slap:
What's a "stop and identify mandate"? People are alive today who lived through FDR's tyrannical executive order that authorized the incarceration of American citizens without due process so why the hell would the crazy angry left open up this can 'o worms today?
Why do you hate freedom and the Constitution?
I love both of them. Why do YOU hate them by supporting Islam, Affirmative ACTION, and invasion and pillaging of America ? And opposing gun rights with gun-free zones ?
Freedom of religion is one of the basics, deny that and you deny the Constitution.

But let's look at the rest as well. Affirmative action is about not discriminating. Ever heard of the 15th amendment?

There is no invasion, that's RWNJ propaganda. Nothing more.

Today's rather liberal interpretation of of the second amendment is a foolish fad that will pass, and I don't think the Constitution prohibits gun free zones.

Your entire post is proof you hate the Constitution.
Okay, okay, we get it. You hate law abiding people and love lowlife's.

What you fail to "get" is that the bigotry and hatred and racism that you people can't seem to turn away from makes you open to manipulation by some pretty fucked up actors

Gee, you mean all the liberal idiots that were manipulated and ran to the defense of Smollett, the fucked up actor?
I didn't say those other things kid, but if the shoe fits feel free to lace that fucker up and wear it.
Stop calling somebody old enough to be your father "kid". If there's anybody going to call anybody "kid", I'll call YOU that....kid.

As for the liberal catchwords, I'll bet my last dollar in the bank, you've used them, and more than once.
I swear to goD, conservitards get dumber every day.

Do you really not understand or are you playing stupid for some reason?
Let me explain something to you. As a result of liberal media, universities, think tanks, etc. liberals are so far out into the lunatic fringe, that when you speak, we often have no idea what the hell you're talking about. And if we did know, that would be scary to us.

So it is advisable that you make up your mind to state your case in as few words as possible, without using any liberalese vernacular, trying to be cute, or anything other than just good, plain down to earth English. OK ?

Then after it's all sorted out, you can thank us for informing you of all the mountains of information that your liberal OMISSION media deliberately left out.
Relax kid, you tried to put words in my mouth and got called to heel. Happens to all conservitards.

Now pipe down.
See what I mean ? "Called to heel" ? Have no idea what you mean by that. I didn't get anything, particularly your liberalese silly talk.

And you would do much better to learn from the conservatives, who know all the knowledge you information-deprived liberal poor souls lack. This could make up for years of neglect imposed on you, by your bad influences.

And we're not even charging you for the tutoring.
Relax kid, you tried to put words in my mouth and got called to heel. Happens to all conservitards.

Now pipe down.
See what I mean ? "Called to heel" ? Have no idea what you mean by that. I didn't get anything, particularly your liberalese silly talk.

And you would do much better to learn from the conservatives, who know all the knowledge you information-deprived liberal poor souls lack. This could make up for years of neglect imposed on you, by your bad influences.

And we're not even charging you for the tutoring.
You really and truly have never heard the phrase "called to heel"?

Go read a book or two.

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