Under what situations should "intolerance" being intolerated?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Several bromides come to mind with that question...
"The one thing I take pride in is my humility"

The one thing I absolutely can't tolerate is intolerance!

The "Duck" controversy is case in point.
NOT ONE word in Mr. Robertson's comments did he attack any gay,lesbian,etc.!
What he said was:
"It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus," Robertson says in the January issue of the men's magazine. "That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I'm saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."

This is obviously a "straight" heterosexual male trying to make sense of gay men's physical attraction for men.

Yet GLAAD,etc. as typified by this comment:
Another question for Chad Hunter Griffin (born July 16, 1973) is an American political strategist best known for his work advocating for LGBT rights in the United States... who said..
"Phil Robertson's remarks are not consistent with the values of our faith communities or the scientific findings of leading medical organizations,"
president Chad Griffin said in a statement.

What statement did Duck man Phil make that was inconsistent with "scientific findings of leading medical organizations" ?
There was nothing in Phil's comments alluding to the reality which is a LACK of "scientific findings of leading medical organizations"
Not only is there a "lack" but here are some scientific comments from " leading medical organizations? regarding that age old gay response:
"I gotta be me gene"???

NO says :A team of international researchers has completed a study that suggests we will probably never find a ‘gay gene.' Sexual orientation is not about genetics, say the researchers, it's about epigenetics. This is the process where DNA expression is influenced by any number of external factors in the environment. And in the case of homosexuality, the researchers argue, the environment is the womb itself."

Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

So if it is epigentical, DNA influenced BY EXTERNAL factors!!! That is LEARNED behavior NOT NATURE! NOT GENETIC!!
So again the myths about I've gotta be me gene??? Appears just that!

LEARNED behavior i.e. society acceptance of GAY behavior.
And so Phil's point is well we've accepted gay behavior.. then why not bestiality.. why not accept that?
Pedophilia? Why not accept that?
Necrophilia.. accept that?

The point Phil and people like me make at what point do we say this is unacceptable behavior?

Most Americans have no problem with GAYS... It's the GAYs that constantly have to feed that inferiority complex that they are NOT accepted.
WELL GAYS here's your chance!!! Laugh at PHIL! Tell him you love him for him as a human that has HIS OWN opinion!

BUT why are gays attacking him? Looking like spoiled immature grade school kids... crying about Big BAD PHIL!

You'll have to ask the PC Police.

They're judge, jury and executioner.

They administer the punishment, the rest of us can only observe.


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