Undercover Video of the recent "White Privilege Conference."


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Recent White Privilege Conference Demonstrates how the left Views Race Relations in the U.S.

Yes, these people really believe this garbage. Progressives Today went undercover at the White Privilege Conference and this is what they found.

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Sick shit, but don't expect there to be a media uproar, rather enjoy the navel-gazing, hand-wringing, faux introspection from the assbags wanting to look haughty and humble.
Sick shit, but don't expect there to be a media uproar, rather enjoy the navel-gazing, hand-wringing, faux introspection from the assbags wanting to look haughty and humble.

What if someone would start up a conference to teach against the evils of black, or better yet, Asian Privilege? Would that get the medias attention?
I couldn't get beyond the second video. Incredible bigotry deluxe on display.
However, it was encouraging to finally see someone else address this problem for what it really is. A term I've been using for a while now. Neo-segregationism.

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