Understanding Religious Fanatics...

Carla_Danger, I provide links, and you provide nothing. Guess that makes me the winner.

Your links aren't very credible.
You didn't even read them, so how would you know?

I did. It was on op-ed piece which spent at least half of its time talking about obamacare. It referenced the study without actually providing anything from it and then called climate change a fraud. It was garbage. Now, if you wish to present excerpts from the actual study done by qualified scientists which says it is a fraud, I will be happy to read it.

Thank you for saving me the time! LOL!
You guys are pathetic, trying to rile me up or something, as if.

My girlfriend is now my wife and we've been married for a very long time, as if it's your business.

Stop acting like naughty children.
You guys are pathetic, trying to rile me up or something, as if.

My girlfriend is now my wife and we've been married for a very long time, as if it's your business.

Stop acting like naughty children.

Hey, you offered the information.
You guys are pathetic, trying to rile me up or something, as if.

My girlfriend is now my wife and we've been married for a very long time, as if it's your business.

Stop acting like naughty children.
You guys are pathetic, trying to rile me up or something, as if.

My girlfriend is now my wife and we've been married for a very long time, as if it's your business.

Stop acting like naughty children.

A typical garden variety religious fanatic hypocrite
Any way, I'm a father, and I knew I was a father from the moment my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. Had she aborted, I would have felt the pain of losing a child. Why doesn't that matter?

so you were fuking your girlfriend before marriage, so much or xian family values

Some Christians like to pick and choose.

All christians do.

In their defense, the bible is a really screwy book with some frikken nutty rules. Its no wonder they ignore the ones they find inconvenient.

So, did blackrook marry the girl he was screwing? Is he even supporting her/them?

It says in the Bible (don't ask me where) that if a man and an animal are caught having sex, the man and the animal should be put to death.

I can sorta understand it for the man....but the animal???
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You guys are pathetic, trying to rile me up or something, as if.

My girlfriend is now my wife and we've been married for a very long time, as if it's your business.

Stop acting like naughty children.
You guys are pathetic, trying to rile me up or something, as if.

My girlfriend is now my wife and we've been married for a very long time, as if it's your business.

Stop acting like naughty children.

A typical garden variety religious fanatic hypocrite

I don't think he meant to, but he walked right into that one! :D
If I'm a religious fanatic then everyone who believes in God is a religious fanatic.

You guys just hate religion, and you're saying stupid shit.
I'm just a regular, meat and potatoes, Irish Catholic. There's noting fanatic about anything I believe in.

Fanatics are people who are willing to kill for a religion, or at the very least, hurt people. There are very few real fanatics in the United States, and almost none of them are Christians.

I'm guessing that your definition of "fanatic" is anyone who is religious.
History is chock full of atheistic fanatics, and they'd done a lot more murder and destruction than Christians.
This is childish and ridiculous.

Religious fanaticism is a perfectly legitimate topic, get over it.
Atheistic fanaticism is also a legitimate topic. If atheism could be considered a religion, it has killed more people than all other religions combined.
Atheism is not a religion. So you have no point, right? Secondly "it" has not killed more people than all other religions combined.
OK, I will clarify: atheists have killed more people in genocides, forced famines and massacres than people belonging to all religions, i.e. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, combined.

Do you contest this historical fact?http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/blackbookcommunism.pdf
There's nothing to 'clarify.'

This is a red herring fallacy, a failed attempt on your part to deflect from a thread topic you don't like or understand.
History is chock full of atheistic fanatics, and they'd done a lot more murder and destruction than Christians.
This is childish and ridiculous.

Religious fanaticism is a perfectly legitimate topic, get over it.
Atheistic fanaticism is also a legitimate topic. If atheism could be considered a religion, it has killed more people than all other religions combined.
Atheism is not a religion. So you have no point, right? Secondly "it" has not killed more people than all other religions combined.
OK, I will clarify: atheists have killed more people in genocides, forced famines and massacres than people belonging to all religions, i.e. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, combined.

Do you contest this historical fact?http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/blackbookcommunism.pdf
There's nothing to 'clarify.'

This is a red herring fallacy, a failed attempt on your part to deflect from a thread topic you don't like or understand.
If you are going to continue to insist that all fanaticism is on the other side of the street, then I will continue to correct you.
If you are going to continue to insist that all fanaticism is on the other side of the street, then I will continue to correct you.

That may be, but so far you're the fanatic on this thread. And no, you don't have to be a murderer to be considered a fanatic.

  1. 1.
    a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
    synonyms: zealot, extremist, militant, dogmatist, devotee, adherent; More

  1. 1.
    filled with or expressing excessive zeal.
Excessive zeal? Me? Boy, you're really far off the mark.

Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut?
History is chock full of atheistic fanatics, and they'd done a lot more murder and destruction than Christians.
This is childish and ridiculous.

Religious fanaticism is a perfectly legitimate topic, get over it.
Atheistic fanaticism is also a legitimate topic. If atheism could be considered a religion, it has killed more people than all other religions combined.
Atheism is not a religion. So you have no point, right? Secondly "it" has not killed more people than all other religions combined.
OK, I will clarify: atheists have killed more people in genocides, forced famines and massacres than people belonging to all religions, i.e. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, combined.

Do you contest this historical fact?http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/blackbookcommunism.pdf
I contest your "facts" as being hysterical, not historical.

Your claims to Atheism as the motivation for "genocides" is sweepingly ignorant. The atrocities of communist / socialist dictators and megalomaniacs is overshadowed by the acts of specific individuals.

Let's see how well the numbers balance down the list, shall we?:

There is no question about Pol Pot - Commie/Authoritarian, no doubt about it.<-- Not religious (and not disputed!)

The Monguls were not Christians or Moslems. If anything their beliefs were more like your Eskimo religion.<-- Religious!

Manchu were possibly believers in Confucianism, but they were just as ruthless as Christians or Moslems.<-- Religious!

Taiping Rebellion was either Buddhism or Confucianism related.<-- RELIGIOUS!

While the Annihilation of the American Indians, might be attributed to Christian, it was in reality a clash of a "Stone Age" culture with one that was moving into the "Industrial Age". <-- NON RELIGIOUS!

Joe Stalin, Mao, a real Communist atheist.<-- Not religious and NOT DISPUTED!

The Mideast Slave trade was run by Moslems, and of course there were ideological perspectives involved as well as a mercantile motive.<-- RELIGIOUS!

The Atlantic Slave could clearly be laid on the hands of Christians.<-- RELIGIOUS!

Timur Lenk was a Turkish Mongul whose conquests rivaled Ghengis Khan. He was not a Christian or Moslem - merely killed lots of them!<-- Not religious, perhaps!

The Kaiser, Archduke Ferdinand, King George, Tsar, and the French were all Christian (but the Turks were Islamic). Although WWII was largely about power and control, Nazism was deeply rooted in christianity <-- Religious!

The Russian Civil War was the Whites (Christians) against the Reds (Atheistic Communist Bolsheviks). Flip a coin, but the Bolsheviks started it! The Czar instituted pogroms against the Jews, <-- Religious!

The Thuggee were a Hindhu cult.<--- Religious!

Rome falls to the pagan Barbarians!<-- "Pagans" had religious beliefs. So did Rome. --RELIGIOUS!

The Thirty Year War involved Christian Europe, again more about power than religion!<--Religious!

The Congo Free State included imperialism and colonialism attributed to a number of European Christian States. It wasn't entirely about religion, however.<-- Religious!

The Chinese Civil War involved atheistic Marxist under Mao, and Buddhists or Confucians under the Nationalist banner. <-- BOTH!

The Crusades<-- Religious!

The moslem rape of the Indian Subcontinent stands as one of the greatest genocides in human history. Some 80 million people may have been killed <== RELIGIOUS

The moslem conquest of Europe shortly after the death of the islam’s man-god: muhammud, is impossible to calculate. <-- RELIGIOUS!

Any fair tallying of the numbers will put your communist-Marxist ideology in the running for really "evil" category! HOWEVER – Marxism, which defines an ideology, was the prime motivator for Lenin, Stalin Mao, Pol Pot and Kim Jong. Atheism was not a motivating factor in their atrocities.

So – tally the score. Religion “wins”.

What’s important to understand though is that it has always been the religions that have perpetrated the greatest horrors, mass murders and suffering. Look around you though, It’s you wonderful religious folks who are suicide bombers, airline hijackers, mass murderers, etc., etc. Hey, it's theists who claim that they have morals of a divine nature to adhere to -- it's theism that claims a "better person" comes from a deep faith. The fact is, it’s a sham.
You are correct.
Because everyone wants to have abortion, but no one wants to look at it.

No one wants to have an abortion, and no one is throwing abortion parties or showers. :rolleyes:
Planned Parenthood Marks 96th Birthday With 6 Million Abortions LifeNews.com

Whether you like it or not, abortion is legal. It's between the woman and her doctor.
Abortion was never voted on. It was imposed on us by an unelected Supreme Court. The Roe v. Wade decision was based on bogus reasoning that has nothing to do with what is actually written in the Constitution. The Court said that an unborn child is not a "person." There was no medical evidence supporting that decision to declare an unborn child not a "person."
"Bogus reasoning"? That makes no sense.

Out-of-the-wallet-and-into-the-womb zealots appear hypocritical from my perspective. Most folks do not support State womb control before that stage of gestation where personhood has developed, and few believe in the extremist "instant baby" notion where conception produces a person instantaneously.

People can believe whatever they choose to believe, but to evoke the coercive power of the State to impose a religious impression upon others is antithetical to personal freedom.

Your extremist view and your desire to impose it upon others via state coercion is not the moral position of most Americans. If and when a fetus achieves a stage of development where it is sentient and viable, it is recognized as a person and entitled to legal protection. Before that stage, a person does not yet exist. and the State must respect the prerogatives of the individual upon whom the developing entity is dependent.
It's always interested me the political aprties positions on abortion seemed reversed.

Democrats are for abortion.
Republicans are against abortion.

But if Republicans actively seek to outlaw abortion, there will be more people born into presumedly minority families since the poor make up most abortions. And most poor are Democrat. So by protesting abortion, they're only ensuring more Democrats.

By allowing abortion, Democrats are reducing their own numbers.

Seems like this should be reversed. Republicans favor abortion to result in fewer Democrats, and Democrats be against abortion resulting in more Democrats. :)

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