Understanding Religious Fanatics...


'Abortion was never voted on. It was imposed on us by an unelected Supreme Court. The Roe v. Wade decision was based on bogus reasoning that has nothing to do with what is actually written in the Constitution. The Court said that an unborn child is not a "person." There was no medical evidence supporting that decision to declare an unborn child not a "person."'

This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

Voters do not have the authority to decide who will or will not have his civil rights, in this case the right to privacy; in our Constitutional Republic citizens' rights are not subject to majority rule, and one does not forfeit his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence.

Moreover, the Supreme Court did not 'impose' anything on anyone, the notion is idiocy.

The Roe Court correctly and consistent with privacy rights jurisprudence invalidated state laws that violated the protected liberty of women, laws that compelled women to give birth against their will, laws fundamentally repugnant to the Constitution and the basic American tenet that government has no authority to interfere with personal, private matters.

Last, the Roe Court correctly reaffirmed the long-standing principle that prior to birth the embryo/fetus is legally not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections, allowing private citizens to make their own decisions as to when life begins based their faith and own good conscience – again, free from interference by the state.

The authoritarianism and extremism you exhibit and your contempt for the privacy rights of your fellow citizens is typical of the religious fanaticism common to most social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists.
It's always interested me the political aprties positions on abortion seemed reversed.

Democrats are for abortion.
Republicans are against abortion.

But if Republicans actively seek to outlaw abortion, there will be more people born into presumedly minority families since the poor make up most abortions. And most poor are Democrat. So by protesting abortion, they're only ensuring more Democrats.

By allowing abortion, Democrats are reducing their own numbers.

Seems like this should be reversed. Republicans favor abortion to result in fewer Democrats, and Democrats be against abortion resulting in more Democrats. :)
But you see the reality then? White Democrats are the real racists since they want abortion to keep down the number of blacks and Hispanics:

In New York City, 78% of all abortions are blacks and Hispanic.

NYC 78 of Abortions Were Black and Hispanic Babies CNS News

That is NOT a coincidence. The racist abortion industry, including Planned Parenthood, is TARGETING blacks and Hispanics for abortions.

Do you dispute the numbers?

I dispute your absurd claim. It's absolute nonsense. No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion. The only people who are actually attempting to impose their position on others are those who insist women are nothing more than baby machines. Offering someone a choice is not targeting them and claiming it is is not only dishonest in the extreme, it is morally reprehensible.
So it's okay to tear little babies apart into little pieces and throw them in the waste incinerator, but if I complain about it I'm "morally reprehensible"?

If you claim it is a racist plot, yes you are morally reprehensible. You weren't complaining, you were lying.
The abortion issue is really very simple. If the Right simply goes to the source of the issue, and outlaws sex, then everything will be solved.

Back when I was in school, in the 1960's, nobody had an abortion. My goodness, it was illegal!

Interestingly enough, docs found a need to do a lot of D&C's in those days. But, that is ok. As long as they were not doing abortions....

Life begins when he buys her that first drink! :p
It's always interested me the political aprties positions on abortion seemed reversed.

Democrats are for abortion.
Republicans are against abortion.

But if Republicans actively seek to outlaw abortion, there will be more people born into presumedly minority families since the poor make up most abortions. And most poor are Democrat. So by protesting abortion, they're only ensuring more Democrats.

By allowing abortion, Democrats are reducing their own numbers.

Seems like this should be reversed. Republicans favor abortion to result in fewer Democrats, and Democrats be against abortion resulting in more Democrats. :)
But you see the reality then? White Democrats are the real racists since they want abortion to keep down the number of blacks and Hispanics:

In New York City, 78% of all abortions are blacks and Hispanic.

NYC 78 of Abortions Were Black and Hispanic Babies CNS News

That is NOT a coincidence. The racist abortion industry, including Planned Parenthood, is TARGETING blacks and Hispanics for abortions.

Do you dispute the numbers?

I dispute your absurd claim. It's absolute nonsense. No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion. The only people who are actually attempting to impose their position on others are those who insist women are nothing more than baby machines. Offering someone a choice is not targeting them and claiming it is is not only dishonest in the extreme, it is morally reprehensible.
So it's okay to tear little babies apart into little pieces and throw them in the waste incinerator, but if I complain about it I'm "morally reprehensible"?

This issue is not and has never been about the little babies. If this really was about the right to life, the debate would be radically different. If, for example, I were to propose that organ harvesting be made mandatory for the recently deceased in order to save lives, those who claim to be pro-life would raise the roof with their screams of outrage and protestations of infringement on their rights. Because the right to life only supersedes the right to control of your body (even your dead body) when it is someone else's body we are talking about. Once it might happen to them, the story immediately changes.

What this is really about you actually brought up, if unintentionally. You asked "Why don't I get a say?" That is the basic issue. If a woman has the ultimate right to choose whether to be pregnant or not then the control of human reproduction lies completely in the hands of women. This is all about power and control, not babies.

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