Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact

200 yrs ago? Lol
The end of segregation was 57 years ago and white southern politicians were near unanimous in their opposition. Only 2 congressmen from the south, who were Democrats by the way, voted to end segregation. So you tell me clown, when did southern whites switch from being trash people?

Edit: I went back to look at the actual vote totals because it's been a while and I thought the 2 sounded off. In the House of Representatives for the South (States that had previously left the Union to join the Confederacy) it was 8 in favor of ending segregation to 94 against. And in the Senate it was 1 in favor 21 against.
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Of course I was being hyperbolic but can you name me any of those white southerners who were helping black people along the underground railroad? Probably not with a deep google search. The white southern population did choose to venerate white southern abolitionists, they chose to venerate the white southern slavers who were hunting blacks along that network.

I'd argue that it absolutely does.

1964 isnt that long ago at all. My father is older than the end of segregation and most of my grandparents are still alive. And who is they? A majority of the white population voted against Warnock and Obama. Warnock won the election with overwhelming support from black voters.

Listen, I don't need to play these games of when or if the parties switched. It's very simple. In every big moment of history the vast majority of the southern white population has chosen to act deplorably to blacks and minorities. I have history to support that. It's incumbent on you clowns to tell me when white southerners stopped being trash people if that is your argument.

Who's going to decide that for them? You? White people? Obama gets to decide if he wants to be considered black. I've always just identified as Jamaican but ethnically my family is from China, India and the Ivory Coast.
1. So you still have axes to grind about the civil war? You're not going to get to color-blind if you keep whining about ancient grievances. No one wants to hear about ancient racism. No one gives a shit. You must be really old.

2. You can argue that the Founding Fathers were "racist" or "slave owners", but no one cares about that. They won the Revolutionary War against the best army on the planet at the time, and created the best country on the planet. You're welcome.

3. You just prove yourself stupid calling all white southerners "racists". As for Obama, he can disrespect his mom and ignore that she's white. Tiger Woods prefers to be called mixed race to honor his mom's being asian. Republicans tend to be color-blind. Democrats love to play the "race card". In GA its Hershel against Warnock, so who do all those white racists vote for? You need to move into 2022 and stop trying to play that outdated race card.
Who gives a shit what you pretend or don't pretend to see. The legislative record is pretty clear.

Legislative record records what elected officials did, not why nor how they got elected.

By the time of the actual attempt to break away, regionalism was a big thing both north and south. Plenty of differences besides slavery to justify conflict.

It supports your narrative to assume ONE motive, shared by everyone equally. But just because you want it to be true, does't mean it is.

Do you understand that?
1. So you still have axes to grind about the civil war? You're not going to get to color-blind if you keep whining about ancient grievances. No one wants to hear about ancient racism. No one gives a shit. You must be really old.
That's a bold claim but I see differently. I see plenty of people starting to care about the idolatry of these southern white racists and the white culture that can't accept the deplorable nature of their ancestors. More and more in the mainstream you are seeing people not putting up with this racist ignorance and telling racist white southerners to leave their racist culture and their racist flag at home and not bring it out to their events.
2. You can argue that the Founding Fathers were "racist" or "slave owners", but no one cares about that. They won the Revolutionary War against the best army on the planet at the time, and created the best country on the planet. You're welcome.
That's just propaganda from morons. They created a deplorable apartheid, slave state, where they were free to rape young black slaves and sell children away from their families. If we put aside the pageantry and propaganda is a society that allowed the raping, selling and enslaving of black people really a great society? It's was made great by black civil rights activists who actually made America into a country that recognized equality for all. Before then it was a shit show of depravity.
3. You just prove yourself stupid calling all white southerners "racists". As for Obama, he can disrespect his mom and ignore that she's white. Tiger Woods prefers to be called mixed race to honor his mom's being asian. Republicans tend to be color-blind. Democrats love to play the "race card". In GA its Hershel against Warnock, so who do all those white racists vote for? You need to move into 2022 and stop trying to play that outdated race card.
It's you who desperately needs better messaging to save your aging and demographically deficient party. Especially in an America of growing diversity.
Legislative record records what elected officials did, not why nor how they got elected.

By the time of the actual attempt to break away, regionalism was a big thing both north and south. Plenty of differences besides slavery to justify conflict.

It supports your narrative to assume ONE motive, shared by everyone equally. But just because you want it to be true, does't mean it is.

Do you understand that?
I understand that politically, it's easy to paint someone who denies the South left the union to preserve slavery as deeply racist and ignorant. 😁
That's a bold claim but I see differently. I see plenty of people starting to care about the idolatry of these southern white racists and the white culture that can't accept the deplorable nature of their ancestors. More and more in the mainstream you are seeing people not putting up with this racist ignorance and telling racist white southerners to leave their racist culture and their racist flag at home and not bring it out to their events.

Got it. so every group can be proud of their heritage, culture and ancestors, except white people. Yeah, you and everyone that pushed that, can go fuck yourselves.

That's just propaganda from morons. They created a deplorable apartheid, slave state, where they were free to rape young black slaves and sell children away from their families. If we put aside the pageantry and propaganda is a society that allowed the raping, selling and enslaving of black people really a great society? It's was made great by black civil rights activists who actually made America into a country that recognized equality for all. Before then it was a shit show of depravity.

Every democracy started out with a limited franchise. You don't like it? Who are you to judge those who put together a democratic republic from the ground up? WTF have you every done? Go fuck yourself.

It's you who desperately needs better messaging to save your aging and demographically deficient party. Especially in an America of growing diversity.

If "growing diversity" means that fucktards like you are going to be fucking with US like this, then you can go fuck yourselves.
I understand that politically, it's easy to paint someone who denies the South left the union to preserve slavery as deeply racist and ignorant. 😁

Perhaps, but it's not true.

You sure you want to make a habit over pissing people off that badly? There are a lot of us. And traditionally such behavior does not end well.
Got it. so every group can be proud of their heritage, culture and ancestors, except white people. Yeah, you and everyone that pushed that, can go fuck yourselves.
That's not at all what I said. What I said is if you celebrate the slavers, rather than the abolishonists then you're a deeply deplorable asshat. 😁
Every democracy started out with a limited franchise. You don't like it? Who are you to judge those who put together a democratic republic from the ground up? WTF have you every done? Go fuck yourself.
I'm me. I can judge whoever the fuck I want. I don't need your permission. 😁 Funny you made it about me and not how much you love a society that allowed the raping, slaving and selling of black children. Groomer. 😝
If "growing diversity" means that fucktards like you are going to be fucking with US like this, then you can go fuck yourselves.
Is "go fuck yourselves" a magical spell that's going to keep us out of your country little cuck, or is exasperation all you have left? 😄
Perhaps, but it's not true.

You sure you want to make a habit over pissing people off that badly? There are a lot of us. And traditionally such behavior does not end well.
I do. I've said as much. Nut up or shut up cuck boy. 😁
That's not at all what I said. What I said is if you celebrate the slavers, rather than the abolishonists then you're a deeply deplorable asshat. 😁

It is what you are doing. And what you clearly intend increasingly going forward. You can all go fuck yourselves.

I'm me. I can judge whoever the fuck I want. I don't need your permission. 😁 Funny you made it about me and not how much you love a society that allowed the raping, slaving and selling of black children. Groomer. 😝

You need some sort of moral authority, or you are just an ungrateful child whining about what was given to him by better men in the past. And you can go fuck yourself.

Is "go fuck yourselves" a magical spell that's going to keep us out of your country little cuck, or is exasperation all you have left? 😄

That is my response to your claim that we need "better messenging". You can go fuck yourself. We are not going to conduct our lives to pander to anyone as fucking asshole as you.
Yep there's babies born every day. What's the nonsense about. This SWEDISH american wants to know.
It is what you are doing. And what you clearly intend increasingly going forward. You can all go fuck yourselves.
I don't deny at all that that is what we're doing. I told you, black political activists intend to push the white culture that venerates slavery towards cultural and political extinction. And what? Go fuck yourself is about all you can say in response because defending slavers, politically, is a loser position. 😁
You need some sort of moral authority, or you are just an ungrateful child whining about what was given to him by better men in the past. And you can go fuck yourself.
Thankfully, dipshit christians have been indoctrinating Americans into believing in moral righteousness for quite some time and even though I don't believe in moral righteousness those who do certainly can't argue slavery as a moral good. By moral math I'm on the right side too. 😁
That is my response to your claim that we need "better messenging". You can go fuck yourself. We are not going to conduct our lives to pander to anyone as fucking asshole as you.
I know. It's what I love about you useful idiots. I don't actually want you to stop. The civil rights activists needed stupid racist whites to beat them and poor coffee on them on live tv to really drive home who the real deplorables were.
You talk real tough online. That makes you a coward. You always imagine it to be someone else that pays the price for your tough talk, don't you?
Yea, imagine racist whites paying the price, why else would I support this as political strategy? 😄

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