Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
That was a retarded answer. No one is keeping her from practicing her religion or protesting against gay marriage as long as she does her job.
Doing her job WAS keeping her from practicing her religion if she was being forced to participate in gay marriage by issuing two people of the same gender a marriage license. That's precisely the point, silly. Check the OP for the details.
I love how people like you are stretching the boundaries of "participating". Baking a cake is "participating"...Taking a picture is "participating", signing a document is "participating". What's next...allowing gays to live is "participating"?
That was a retarded answer. No one is keeping her from practicing her religion or protesting against gay marriage as long as she does her job.
Doing her job WAS keeping her from practicing her religion if she was being forced to participate in gay marriage by issuing two people of the same gender a marriage license. That's precisely the point, silly. Check the OP for the details.
I love how people like you are stretching the boundaries of "participating". Baking a cake is "participating"...Taking a picture is "participating", signing a document is "participating". What's next...allowing gays to live is "participating"?
I'm sure these psychopaths want homosexuality to be redefined as a mental disorder to fit their bigotry.
Any church or religion that tells you how you HAVE to live to be saved is not Christian.
If a church or religion is telling you "you HAVE to do this" they are just trying to control the people.
If you are a Christian and are saved, you will WANT to be obedient and submissive to God.
Why would someone who is NOT a Christian want this?
That was a retarded answer. No one is keeping her from practicing her religion or protesting against gay marriage as long as she does her job.
Doing her job WAS keeping her from practicing her religion if she was being forced to participate in gay marriage by issuing two people of the same gender a marriage license. That's precisely the point, silly. Check the OP for the details.
I love how people like you are stretching the boundaries of "participating". Baking a cake is "participating"...Taking a picture is "participating", signing a document is "participating". What's next...allowing gays to live is "participating"?
I'm sure these psychopaths want homosexuality to be redefined as a mental disorder to fit their bigotry.

Some genuinely believe this.
Not everyone that believe homosexuality is a mental disorder, a deviancy, whatever, is not a bigot.
I just joined a reigion that says I have to rob people to be saved. Silhouette give me your money or you're violating my religious freedom.
I want to join that religion!
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
No, please, join me.
We need to bring back Pirates....to lower global warming!

After a 20 year losing streak, the Pirates are back again. They can't help with global warming, though. :(
Any church or religion that tells you how you HAVE to live to be saved is not Christian.
If a church or religion is telling you "you HAVE to do this" they are just trying to control the people.
If you are a Christian and are saved, you will WANT to be obedient and submissive to God.
Why would someone who is NOT a Christian want this?
Ah...but they would say that it is YOU who are not the christian.
Any church or religion that tells you how you HAVE to live to be saved is not Christian.
If a church or religion is telling you "you HAVE to do this" they are just trying to control the people.
If you are a Christian and are saved, you will WANT to be obedient and submissive to God.
Why would someone who is NOT a Christian want this?
Ah...but they would say that it is YOU who are not the christian.

Yep. They would. I'm not saying everyone should be forced to believe a certain way.
Only what I believe is best.
There's a difference.
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....
It’s illegal for public schools to prevent students from viewing atheist websites, while allowing them to look at religious ones. But the San Antonio Independent School District did it anyway.

It’s illegal to make atheists swear religious oaths when they testify in court. But the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida in Fort Myers did it anyway.

It’s illegal for the U.S. military to spend money evangelizing to U.S. soldiers, or to demand that U.S. soldiers attend chapel, or to order U.S. soldiers to take a “spiritual fitness” test and order them to visit evangelizing chaplains when they fail it. But the U.S. military did it anyway.

It’s illegal for businesses to give church-goers discounts that they don’t give to non-believers. But the Fisherman’s Quarters II restaurant in Asheville, N.C. did it anyway.

It’s illegal to deny atheist organizations the right to advertise in venues where religious groups advertise regularly. But when American Atheists and the NEPA Freethought Society tried to place a bus ad in Pennsylvania that simply had the word, “Atheists,” with the names and URLs of the organizations in smaller type, the transit system rejected the ad because it was “too controversial.”

It’s illegal to deny atheist students in public high schools the right to organize clubs. But it happens all the time. Talk to Secular Student Alliance high school specialist JT Eberhard. He spends a ridiculous amount of his working day pushing high school administrations to stop throwing up illegal roadblocks to atheist students, and to let them have the clubs they’re legally allowed to have.
4 Reasons Atheists Have to Fight for Their Rights

Read more: http://freethoughtblogs.com/greta/2...ve-to-fight-for-their-rights-2/#ixzz3lC5HEtJf

Beyond the above, atheists are constantly being told that morality can't exist without a belief in God, so all atheists are immoral. That statement alone is enough to cause vigorous opposition.
And none of that will protect people Kim Davis will be suing for violation of her civil rights.
And none of that will protect people Kim Davis will be suing for violation of her civil rights.
Davis is the one who violated the rights of others...
That discussion is coming to a courtroom soon... stay tuned....

Will that be before or after 2 Supreme Court justices are impeached for not recusing themselves in Obergefell?

Are your predictions here going to be as accurate as the one that the USSC would take the Prince's Trust survey of a few years ago into account in that ruling?

And none of that will protect people Kim Davis will be suing for violation of her civil rights.

Who would those people be?

I just want to find out who we should specify when once again your predictions come to naught.
So, we need to start taking bets on how soon Calvary Kim is back behind bars? My bet would be Saturday if she returns to work on Thursday. She's about to get a test that would make Job look like he was subjected to 7th grade algebra. She can't help herself and the judge has given her all the rope she needs to hang herself like a kid's swing set...
This reference to the 1st amendment is getting a little ridiculous. If you work in the PRIVATE sector and tell a customer to FUCK off--you're probably going to LOSE your job. That's basically what Kim Davis did. The problem is--when you're working for the GOVERNMENT these kind of activities put the taxpayers at risk for class action LAW suits that they will most certainly lose.

Now we have a MUSLIM stewardess that is SUING the AIRLINE she worked for because she got FIRED for refusing to serve alcohol to a customer, because alcohol is against HER RELIGION.
Muslim flight attendent claims discrimination - CNN.com

Kim Davis had two choices in this matter. She either QUIT her job, or DO her job. It's as simple as that. God nor anyone else gave her the right to put the taxpayers at risk for class action lawsuits.

Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, & Ted Cruz agree with what this government clerk did. In reality, they are actually promoting other government workers to do the same. They are trying to open up Pandora's box, and it's not going to change a dam thing as far as the U.S Constitution.

JFK stated that he would resign from office if any law was passed that conflicted with his religion.

Our serial Presidential candidate--Mike Huckabee--was asked if he would drop out of the race over this matter. His Reply: This doesn't apply to me--LOL

How are her religious views a defense to breaking the law?
To the Christian Taliban, it would make perfect sense....they like to forget our secular laws.
Yes. And, that's really the point. The Freedom Riders and Civil Rights of the 1960's were largely predicated upon what most of us would call pretty radical Christian beliefs. That is the civil law message of Jesus. But, when they violated unjust laws, they took the punishment and made us ashamed of ourselves. I don't find Davis to be much of a Christian so much as a hateful bigot.

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