Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists, they will be opposed too. So far they have all been no problem.

A pastor refusing to conduct a same-sex marriage does not infringe on their rights - they can go somewhere else and find someone who WILL perform the ceremony. If the pastor who refused was the ONLY pastor who could do such a thing then maybe. The same-sex couple still has a choice, something liberals are trying to take away from the pastor in this case, a choice protected by the Constitution.

In the same way regarding abortions, I personally don't want to take away anyone's right to have an abortion (except in the case where the baby is capable of surviving outside the womb - specifically the barbaric later-term abortions or 'partial birth' abortions). Have as many as you want - I am not trying to take that right away from you. On the flip side, though, Liberals are stripping people who oppose abortions of their right NOT to engage in it or support it by SEIZING their tax dollars without their consent in order to pay for the abortions. Have all the abortions you want, but YOU pay for it, as it is an elective surgery.

But back to the main argument above - witches, werewolves, and Santa Clause -

How does having a manger scene up at Christmas time count as 'stripping you your rights or infringing on your rights'? There are pumpkins up at Halloween, Shamrocks up on Saint Patricks day, and no one who believes in Halloween or an Irish Holiday in America goes ape-Shi'ite to prevent those decorations on those holidays. And if you don't believe in God, a manger scene is nothing more than another holiday decoration....but it drives atheists nuts like no other decoration during any other holiday. It doesn't infringe on any right, but you guys act like its garlic to a vampire of kryptonite to superman.

Just really weird that something you don't believe in that does not effect you at all freaks you guys out so much and bring s out such rabid hatred.

Maybe the fact that the whole reason this country was founded was based on religious freedom is what freaks you out and makes you so angry / hostile?!
False 1. Your belief does effect everything .
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....
by saying things like I'll pray for you when the "Christian" has been told that their messages is not wanted.
the right not to have a religion.
a false sense of being "better" because you've been saved.
a false assumption that Christian morality is some how different then "average" morality
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....

Should atheists have the right to discriminate against Christians in business and government,

just by claiming their conscience tells them to?

Is that infringement, That doesn't really answer my question....

But I'll answer yours - for me personally anyway , if an atheist doesn't want to work with me I have no problem with it.
Otherwise, the question you posed is too broad a stroke to give a yes or no answer to - lots of variables.

Whereas, I asked for one example of how Christians have infringed on the rights of Atheists....
Whereas, I asked for one example of how Christians have infringed on the rights of Atheists....

Prayer in school. The Pledge of Allegiance ("one nation, under God...").

There. That's two examples. Twice as many as you asked for.
You don't like the OP, I know...

The OP is as nonsensical as all of your anti-gay rants

No, Obama has had the authority to do every thing he has done, That dumb clerk doesn't have the authority to not issue marriage licenses.

This is also a PROVEN LIE because he has already been found GUILTY by federal judges on numerous occasions and has had to reverse his decisions / cease and desist because so. The latest such case was when Obama was forced to repeal amnesty he had illegally given out to illegals. he is currently in jeopardy of being found Guilty of Contempt of Court again for not repealing ALL of the amnesty he illegally bestowed.

The point is that the statement above is an opinion not supported by fact (or reality)...but your loyalty to the man is respected.

If President Obama has broken any laws- then why hasn't the Republican Congress initiated any impeachment proceedings?

Do you really think that the RNC wouldn't salivate if they thought that they could have a grand trial of President Obama for violating the law?
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....

I use money everyday that says 'In God we trust" on it- even though I believe in no such god.

I have no option to opt out on that.

For years Christians were allowed a very cozy relationship with government- for instance getting that motto on the coinage, prayers at football games in public schools.
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....

I use money everyday that says 'In God we trust" on it- even though I believe in no such god.

I have no option to opt out on that.

For years Christians were allowed a very cozy relationship with government- for instance getting that motto on the coinage, prayers at football games in public schools.

It's hard for me to view things that way because as a Christian, God is all that matters. I also feel that it is in our best interest to honor God and that feelings of human beings are secondary.

If more people don't feel that way then do in this Country, then, the direction it is taking is what it is.
That was a very intelligent answer, and I totally understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, yet I still can not in good conscience say it's the way it should be.

If I were not a Christian, I'm sure I would agree with that 100%.
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....

I use money everyday that says 'In God we trust" on it- even though I believe in no such god.

I have no option to opt out on that.

For years Christians were allowed a very cozy relationship with government- for instance getting that motto on the coinage, prayers at football games in public schools.

It's hard for me to view things that way because as a Christian, God is all that matters. I also feel that it is in our best interest to honor God and that feelings of human beings are secondary.

If more people don't feel that way then do in this Country, then, the direction it is taking is what it is.
That was a very intelligent answer, and I totally understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, yet I still can not in good conscience say it's the way it should be.

If I were not a Christian, I'm sure I would agree with that 100%.
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....

I use money everyday that says 'In God we trust" on it- even though I believe in no such god.

I have no option to opt out on that.

For years Christians were allowed a very cozy relationship with government- for instance getting that motto on the coinage, prayers at football games in public schools.

It's hard for me to view things that way because as a Christian, God is all that matters. I also feel that it is in our best interest to honor God and that feelings of human beings are secondary.

If more people don't feel that way then do in this Country, then, the direction it is taking is what it is.
That was a very intelligent answer, and I totally understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, yet I still can not in good conscience say it's the way it should be.

If I were not a Christian, I'm sure I would agree with that 100%.

What is the money said "Allah is Great and there is no other God but Allah"?
As soon as witches, werewolves, or Santa Clause start infringing on the rights of atheists

Please tell me how Christians have infringed upon the rights of Atheists.....

I use money everyday that says 'In God we trust" on it- even though I believe in no such god.

I have no option to opt out on that.

For years Christians were allowed a very cozy relationship with government- for instance getting that motto on the coinage, prayers at football games in public schools.

It's hard for me to view things that way because as a Christian, God is all that matters. I also feel that it is in our best interest to honor God and that feelings of human beings are secondary.

If more people don't feel that way then do in this Country, then, the direction it is taking is what it is.
That was a very intelligent answer, and I totally understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, yet I still can not in good conscience say it's the way it should be.

If I were not a Christian, I'm sure I would agree with that 100%.

What is the money said "Allah is Great and there is no other God but Allah"?

I'd have a choice to abide by that country's system or leave....
It's easy to fight for things in the US. We cater to everyone.
Go to another country and pull these kinds of stunts, you'll be shown the door.
The argument she will use:
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.
It's easy to fight for things in the US. We cater to everyone.
Go to another country and pull these kinds of stunts, you'll be shown the door.

What kind of stunts?

Like refusing to do your job?

Yeah most likely- but not everywhere.

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