Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.

It's 'cute'...and quite pathetic...how whenever a Liberal is faced with something that threatens their delusion they always respond the same way - they declare whatever the source is to be 'NOT Credible'...because they say so...in an effort to protect and defend their illusion. The 2nd tactic, also demonstrated above, is to revert to bringing up a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade in an attempt to divert attention away from the man who is President NOW!

Man, it's tough being a Liberal. Are those conditions covered under Obamacare?

Not at all, and I generally vote gop. But presidents have always picked out laws they don't enforce. It's a tool of governance. For you to find something "horrible" here is simply a sign of your lack of education.

Not only that, as I understand it there is some question as to whether a sitting president can even face criminal charges without being impeached and removed from office first. If nothing else, there's the possibility of a president pardoning him/her self if convicted of a crime while in office. ;)
You posted a source that has no credibility and even less facts. Sorry dude.

The funny thing is you think you are right because YOU SAY SO. Have fun with that...
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

If someone is using God to get away with things, they don't really believe in or know God.
Do you believe in God at all?
Bullshit !
No I'm an atheist .

THAT much is obvious...yet still does not keep you from speaking as an expert on Christianity and what Christians believe.

If you are an atheist perhaps you can answer the question about why atheists do not believe God exists but go completely ape-Shi'ite over Christianity. I mean no one believes in Witches or Werewolves at Halloween or Santa Clause at Christians, but we don't see atheists going crazy about people's belief in or celebrating of those....
This guy deflects like a madman. ^^^^^
no shit!
lol having been a Christian / holy roller Baptist and then Mormon I have all the qualifications to speak as an expert....

Really?! LOL...what arrogance. I have been a Christian all my life, and one of the biggest truths I have found, as well as others I know, is that no one can ever be counted as an expert as we are always learning and God is always revealing new things to us.

But you have fun with that....I wish you the best of luck.
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.

It's 'cute'...and quite pathetic...how whenever a Liberal is faced with something that threatens their delusion they always respond the same way - they declare whatever the source is to be 'NOT Credible'...because they say so...in an effort to protect and defend their illusion. The 2nd tactic, also demonstrated above, is to revert to bringing up a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade in an attempt to divert attention away from the man who is President NOW!

Man, it's tough being a Liberal. Are those conditions covered under Obamacare?

Not at all, and I generally vote gop. But presidents have always picked out laws they don't enforce. It's a tool of governance. For you to find something "horrible" here is simply a sign of your lack of education.

Not only that, as I understand it there is some question as to whether a sitting president can even face criminal charges without being impeached and removed from office first. If nothing else, there's the possibility of a president pardoning him/her self if convicted of a crime while in office. ;)

Where in the Constitution does it say a President has the authority to pardon himself?
lol having been a Christian / holy roller Baptist and then Mormon I have all the qualifications to speak as an expert....

Really?! LOL...what arrogance. I have been a Christian all my life, and one of the biggest truths I have found, as well as others I know, is that no one can ever be counted as an expert as we are always learning and God is always revealing new things to us.

But you have fun with that....I wish you the best of luck.
lol that's a line of unprovable bullshit you feed yourselves.
I just joined a reigion that says I have to rob people to be saved. Silhouette give me your money or you're violating my religious freedom.
The OP covers that too, society determines what a sublime and legitimate religion is, not you or five people in DC. That's why a majority rule was so important to the founding fathers: so legal messes like this can be sorted out by the People.

Your cult has not the same legal footing as Christianity does. So says THE MAJORITY.

All religions are on the same footings In the U.S. So says THE CONSTITUTION.
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.

It's 'cute'...and quite pathetic...how whenever a Liberal is faced with something that threatens their delusion they always respond the same way - they declare whatever the source is to be 'NOT Credible'...because they say so...in an effort to protect and defend their illusion. The 2nd tactic, also demonstrated above, is to revert to bringing up a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade in an attempt to divert attention away from the man who is President NOW!

Man, it's tough being a Liberal. Are those conditions covered under Obamacare?

Not at all, and I generally vote gop. But presidents have always picked out laws they don't enforce. It's a tool of governance. For you to find something "horrible" here is simply a sign of your lack of education.

Not only that, as I understand it there is some question as to whether a sitting president can even face criminal charges without being impeached and removed from office first. If nothing else, there's the possibility of a president pardoning him/her self if convicted of a crime while in office. ;)

Where in the Constitution does it say a President has the authority to pardon himself?
not all presidential privileges/ rights are presented in the constitution.
if you'd have read and understood it you'd know that.
I am not defending Davis actions, however...

Kim Davis' defense could be extremely simple: She is in jail now for following the precedence / example set by the President of the United States.

One of Obama's very 1st acts as President was to nearly immediately declare that he was going to violate his recent oath of office by REFUSING TO OBEY AND ENFORCE THE LAW. Obama declared to the nation that because HE did not agree with the Defense of Marriage Act, a law passed by Congress, he and his administration would refuse to enforce it.

Since then Obama has violated both Constitution and law numerous times. He had already been and is currently in violation of Contempt of court for refusing to obey a judge's order to release still-held documents regarding the Fast and Furious scandal / crime that has resulted in the deaths of a US BPA and more recently the death of a policeman (gun found was linked to the F&F scandal)!

President Obama, who has committed the same 'crime' Davis has, many more times than she has done, though, is not in jail, though?

We keep hearing about how there is not '1 Americas', but this example destroys that argument and shows that our Federal Government has most definitely created 2 Americas - one for the elitist ruling class and one for the rest of us!

I keep hearing that over and over, and each time I hear it, it's just dumber and dumber.
I am not defending Davis actions, however...

Kim Davis' defense could be extremely simple: She is in jail now for following the precedence / example set by the President of the United States.

One of Obama's very 1st acts as President was to nearly immediately declare that he was going to violate his recent oath of office by REFUSING TO OBEY AND ENFORCE THE LAW. Obama declared to the nation that because HE did not agree with the Defense of Marriage Act, a law passed by Congress, he and his administration would refuse to enforce it.

Since then Obama has violated both Constitution and law numerous times. He had already been and is currently in violation of Contempt of court for refusing to obey a judge's order to release still-held documents regarding the Fast and Furious scandal / crime that has resulted in the deaths of a US BPA and more recently the death of a policeman (gun found was linked to the F&F scandal)!

President Obama, who has committed the same 'crime' Davis has, many more times than she has done, though, is not in jail, though?

We keep hearing about how there is not '1 Americas', but this example destroys that argument and shows that our Federal Government has most definitely created 2 Americas - one for the elitist ruling class and one for the rest of us!

I keep hearing that over and over, and each time I hear it, it's just dumber and dumber.

You mean the expectation for a government employee to do their job in accordance with the law being applicable to the President of the United States is dumb? If that is the liberal mindset, that explains a lot.
will she now resign? or be reassigned or go on Sara Palin's new show?

She could get a job on FoxNews if she were blonde, got a boob job, lost 80 lbs, was 20 years younger and wasn't so freak'n ugly
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.

It's 'cute'...and quite pathetic...how whenever a Liberal is faced with something that threatens their delusion they always respond the same way - they declare whatever the source is to be 'NOT Credible'...because they say so...in an effort to protect and defend their illusion. The 2nd tactic, also demonstrated above, is to revert to bringing up a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade in an attempt to divert attention away from the man who is President NOW!

Man, it's tough being a Liberal. Are those conditions covered under Obamacare?

Not at all, and I generally vote gop. But presidents have always picked out laws they don't enforce. It's a tool of governance. For you to find something "horrible" here is simply a sign of your lack of education.

Not only that, as I understand it there is some question as to whether a sitting president can even face criminal charges without being impeached and removed from office first. If nothing else, there's the possibility of a president pardoning him/her self if convicted of a crime while in office. ;)

Where in the Constitution does it say a President has the authority to pardon himself?
not all presidential privileges/ rights are presented in the constitution.
if you'd have read and understood it you'd know that.
I was going to call him provincial but I was having trouble spelling it, so I referred to lack of education. (-:

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