Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters

As I already pointed out, neither of those cases involve Obama personally, and in neither instance was Obama personally held in contempt of court.

Would you like to try again?

WHY do you continue to LIE?

The Deep Water Drilling Ban was Obama's ban - he issued it. HIS administration issued it, under his order. Or are you saying Obama administration personnel do whatever they want, and Obama has no control over his own administration.

OBAMA is the one who claimed Executive Privilege regarding the documents HE refused to release. HE is the ONLY one who can claim Executive Privilege! No ne can do it for him, which is why HE is the one found guilty of Contempt of Court!
Conspiracy theories stat!
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Davis was sinning by not allowing the other people to sign the marriage certificates.
She never prevented anyone else from signing them. Another lie generated by the Nazis....

She asked that her name just be removed from the documents. Since she's been in jail, her deputies have been signing the licenses, as they were prior.

It was when the queers demanded that SHE and she alone issue the document that things got gnarly.

At this point, they're releasing her.
Your point ? Her release is no victory for your side .she can no longer discriminate against people she sees as unfit.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

Yeah, all that stuff in the Bible about repentance and forgiveness of sin, especially the part about how Jesus died for our sins - a cornerstone of the Christian faith - is just a ploy to duck responsibility. :p

There is forgiveness of sin. The 'duck' is relying on that forgiveness and believing that you can continue to live how you want, 'safe' in the knowledge that all will be forgiven. The Bible teaches that we will all sin, but if you become a Christian you will want to change and sin no more. You will change and try to live according to God's word.
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

If someone is using God to get away with things, they don't really believe in or know God.
Do you believe in God at all?
Bullshit !
No I'm an atheist .

As I already pointed out, neither of those cases involve Obama personally, and in neither instance was Obama personally held in contempt of court.

Would you like to try again?

WHY do you continue to LIE?

The Deep Water Drilling Ban was Obama's ban - he issued it. HIS administration issued it, under his order. Or are you saying Obama administration personnel do whatever they want, and Obama has no control over his own administration.

OBAMA is the one who claimed Executive Privilege regarding the documents HE refused to release. HE is the ONLY one who can claim Executive Privilege! No ne can do it for him, which is why HE is the one found guilty of Contempt of Court!
Conspiracy theories stat!

Once again, in the face of documented FACT: '"uh-uh".

According to you SOMEONE ELSE other than Obama claimed Executive Privilege to cover the correspondence between Atty General Eric Holder and Obama, something by the way that is IMPOSSIBLE, and that Obama was personally found in Contempt of Court for refusing to obey the law by accident. The man has no control of any of his cabinet members or what they do, so much that any of them can simply claim Executive Privilege FOR him without him having any say so, therefore causing him to be found guilty of disobeying a federal judge.

Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

Yeah, all that stuff in the Bible about repentance and forgiveness of sin, especially the part about how Jesus died for our sins - a cornerstone of the Christian faith - is just a ploy to duck responsibility. :p

There is forgiveness of sin. The 'duck' is relying on that forgiveness and believing that you can continue to live how you want, 'safe' in the knowledge that all will be forgiven. The Bible teaches that we will all sin, but if you become a Christian you will want to change and sin no more. You will change and try to live according to God's word.
Oh the irony a conspiracy nut sack pontificating on sin!
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

Yeah, all that stuff in the Bible about repentance and forgiveness of sin, especially the part about how Jesus died for our sins - a cornerstone of the Christian faith - is just a ploy to duck responsibility. :p

There is forgiveness of sin. The 'duck' is relying on that forgiveness and believing that you can continue to live how you want, 'safe' in the knowledge that all will be forgiven. The Bible teaches that we will all sin, but if you become a Christian you will want to change and sin no more. You will change and try to live according to God's word.
Oh the irony a conspiracy nut sack pontificating on sin!

'smatter daws, you can't carry on an intelligent conversation without failing to contribute anything intellectually and having to revert to personal attacks...as you just proved?

As I already pointed out, neither of those cases involve Obama personally, and in neither instance was Obama personally held in contempt of court.

Would you like to try again?

WHY do you continue to LIE?

The Deep Water Drilling Ban was Obama's ban - he issued it. HIS administration issued it, under his order. Or are you saying Obama administration personnel do whatever they want, and Obama has no control over his own administration.

OBAMA is the one who claimed Executive Privilege regarding the documents HE refused to release. HE is the ONLY one who can claim Executive Privilege! No ne can do it for him, which is why HE is the one found guilty of Contempt of Court!
Conspiracy theories stat!

Once again, in the face of documented FACT: '"uh-uh".

According to you SOMEONE ELSE other than Obama claimed Executive Privilege to cover the correspondence between Atty General Eric Holder and Obama, something by the way that is IMPOSSIBLE, and that Obama was personally found in Contempt of Court for refusing to obey the law by accident. The man has no control of any of his cabinet members or what they do, so much that any of them can simply claim Executive Privilege FOR him without him having any say so, therefore causing him to be found guilty of disobeying a federal judge.

Weird how your POTUS was not arrested and you keep claiming it was a conspiracy.

As I already pointed out, neither of those cases involve Obama personally, and in neither instance was Obama personally held in contempt of court.

Would you like to try again?

WHY do you continue to LIE?

The Deep Water Drilling Ban was Obama's ban - he issued it. HIS administration issued it, under his order. Or are you saying Obama administration personnel do whatever they want, and Obama has no control over his own administration.

OBAMA is the one who claimed Executive Privilege regarding the documents HE refused to release. HE is the ONLY one who can claim Executive Privilege! No ne can do it for him, which is why HE is the one found guilty of Contempt of Court!
Conspiracy theories stat!

Once again, in the face of documented FACT: '"uh-uh".

According to you SOMEONE ELSE other than Obama claimed Executive Privilege to cover the correspondence between Atty General Eric Holder and Obama, something by the way that is IMPOSSIBLE, and that Obama was personally found in Contempt of Court for refusing to obey the law by accident. The man has no control of any of his cabinet members or what they do, so much that any of them can simply claim Executive Privilege FOR him without him having any say so, therefore causing him to be found guilty of disobeying a federal judge.

look down in that hole! it's obsessive man!

As I already pointed out, neither of those cases involve Obama personally, and in neither instance was Obama personally held in contempt of court.

Would you like to try again?

WHY do you continue to LIE?

The Deep Water Drilling Ban was Obama's ban - he issued it. HIS administration issued it, under his order. Or are you saying Obama administration personnel do whatever they want, and Obama has no control over his own administration.

OBAMA is the one who claimed Executive Privilege regarding the documents HE refused to release. HE is the ONLY one who can claim Executive Privilege! No ne can do it for him, which is why HE is the one found guilty of Contempt of Court!
Conspiracy theories stat!
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

Yeah, all that stuff in the Bible about repentance and forgiveness of sin, especially the part about how Jesus died for our sins - a cornerstone of the Christian faith - is just a ploy to duck responsibility. :p

There is forgiveness of sin. The 'duck' is relying on that forgiveness and believing that you can continue to live how you want, 'safe' in the knowledge that all will be forgiven. The Bible teaches that we will all sin, but if you become a Christian you will want to change and sin no more. You will change and try to live according to God's word.
Oh the irony a conspiracy nut sack pontificating on sin!

'smatter daws, you can't carry on an intelligent conversation without failing to contribute anything intellectually and having to revert to personal attacks...as you just proved?
I'm waiting for you to say something intelligent so that kind of conversation can start.
spewing conspiracy theories and babbling religious dogma don't fit the criteria.
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

If someone is using God to get away with things, they don't really believe in or know God.
Do you believe in God at all?
Bullshit !
No I'm an atheist .

THAT much is obvious...yet still does not keep you from speaking as an expert on Christianity and what Christians believe.

If you are an atheist perhaps you can answer the question about why atheists do not believe God exists but go completely ape-Shi'ite over Christianity. I mean no one believes in Witches or Werewolves at Halloween or Santa Clause at Christmas, but we don't see atheists going crazy about people's belief in or celebrating of those....
Last edited:
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.

It's 'cute'...and quite pathetic...how whenever a Liberal is faced with something that threatens their delusion they always respond the same way - they declare whatever the source is to be 'NOT Credible'...because they say so...in an effort to protect and defend their illusion. The 2nd tactic, also demonstrated above, is to revert to bringing up a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade in an attempt to divert attention away from the man who IS President NOW!

Man, it's tough being a Liberal. Are those conditions covered under Obamacare?

A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

If someone is using God to get away with things, they don't really believe in or know God.
Do you believe in God at all?
Bullshit !
No I'm an atheist .

THAT much is obvious...yet still does not keep you from speaking as an expert on Christianity and what Christians believe.

If you are an atheist perhaps you can answer the question about why atheists do not believe God exists but go completely ape-Shi'ite over Christianity. I mean no one believes in Witches or Werewolves at Halloween or Santa Clause at Christians, but we don't see atheists going crazy about people's belief in or celebrating of those....
This guy deflects like a madman. ^^^^^
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.

It's 'cute'...and quite pathetic...how whenever a Liberal is faced with something that threatens their delusion they always respond the same way - they declare whatever the source is to be 'NOT Credible'...because they say so...in an effort to protect and defend their illusion. The 2nd tactic, also demonstrated above, is to revert to bringing up a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade in an attempt to divert attention away from the man who is President NOW!

Man, it's tough being a Liberal. Are those conditions covered under Obamacare?

Are you saying the source is relevant.....because you say so? :laugh:
From a "right wing" site. LOL
Can the President Refuse to Enforce or Defend a Law? | RedState

to say nothing of complaints that W refused to enforce immigration.

It's 'cute'...and quite pathetic...how whenever a Liberal is faced with something that threatens their delusion they always respond the same way - they declare whatever the source is to be 'NOT Credible'...because they say so...in an effort to protect and defend their illusion. The 2nd tactic, also demonstrated above, is to revert to bringing up a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade in an attempt to divert attention away from the man who is President NOW!

Man, it's tough being a Liberal. Are those conditions covered under Obamacare?

Not at all, and I generally vote gop. But presidents have always picked out laws they don't enforce. It's a tool of governance. For you to find something "horrible" here is simply a sign of your lack of education.
Are you saying the source is relevant.....because you say so? :laugh:

I posted a source that provides the facts in response to someone who has done nothing except to spew opinion....and who, in response to links to multiple documented cases containing fact, declares the sources are not credible because HE opines they are not. That is what I have done. As the old saying goes, 'you can lead a horse to water...'
Are you saying the source is relevant.....because you say so? :laugh:

I posted a source that provides the facts in response to someone who has done nothing except to spew opinion....and who, in response to links to multiple documented cases containing fact, declares the sources are not credible because HE opines they are not. That is what I have done. As the old saying goes, 'you can lead a horse to water...'
You posted a source that has no credibility and even less facts. Sorry dude.
Not at all, and I generally vote gop. But presidents have always picked out laws they don't enforce. It's a tool of governance. For you to find something "horrible" here is simply a sign of your lack of education.

NOT being outraged by any President or politician refusing to obey the law is a sign of ignorance and a lack of respect for the Constitution and Rule of Law. We are where we are now because of people like yourself saying, 'that's just the way it is' and allowing the situation to get worse and worse.

Congress, for example, has Un-Constitutionally and Illegally exempted themselves from the Constitution and Laws they pass for others. Their excluding themselves from having to obey the ACA law is both Un-Constitutional and Illegal. There is nothing in the Constitution that gives them the authority to do so; yet, you would argue that this is business as usual and is nothing to get excited over. Over time they have given themselves the right to bend the laws, exempt themselves, and get away with more and more. Much like with a child who will bend the rules as much as they can to try to get away with as much as they can, Americans must hold themselves just as much as parents in this case. Like 'bad' parents, we have allowed the 'children' to get away with so much that they are out of control. It's not all their fault.

YOU can keep going along with the 'it's always been this way' routine if you want, but not me. This country is in a mess right now due to a lack of accountability!
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

If someone is using God to get away with things, they don't really believe in or know God.
Do you believe in God at all?
Bullshit !
No I'm an atheist .

THAT much is obvious...yet still does not keep you from speaking as an expert on Christianity and what Christians believe.

If you are an atheist perhaps you can answer the question about why atheists do not believe God exists but go completely ape-Shi'ite over Christianity. I mean no one believes in Witches or Werewolves at Halloween or Santa Clause at Christians, but we don't see atheists going crazy about people's belief in or celebrating of those....
lol having been a Christian / holy roller Baptist and then Mormon I have all the qualifications to speak as an expert.
it's not a stretch for me to say I know a more about Christianity then you as a supposed good Christian ever will .
atheists don't goes ape shit over Christians believing in god ( that's Christian propaganda.)
Christians only have themselves to blame when more reasonable people (even other Christians ) when by forcing their pov on everyone else cause reactions in others
btw people do believe in witches, werewolves, ghosts, bigfoot, Santa ancient aliens etc.
this may come as a shock but most of the people who believe in the aforementioned are Christian.
as to god : there is no evidence proving or disproving the existence of god.

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