Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
The judge has ordered her release
A court order issued Tuesday by U.S. District Judge David Bunning says, "Defendant Davis shall be released from the custody of the U.S. Marshal forthwith. Defendant Davis shall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples. If Defendant Davis should interfere in any way with their issuance, that will be considered a violation of this Order and appropriate sanctions will be considered."
Kim Davis, Kentucky clerk jailed after defying Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling, ordered released from jail
The judge has ordered her release
Yes, but the damage is done. The emotional-scarring and public shame of being placed in jail for her 1st Amendment rights as an existing employee facing a new repugnant regulation has a price tag. Hope the people who put her in jail don't have any plans for a comfortable retirement...

Her release means that any other Christian who doesn't want to go to hell for eternity may also object. And they cannot be discriminated against in new job applications either. Imagine a government job application with a question that asks: "are you a Christian, if so, you need not apply"...

Ah they should've gotten the behavior does not = race thing right from the get go. Then none of us would even be talking about this legal nightmare right now..
How are her religious views a defense to breaking the law?
The 1st Amendment. Next stupid question? Passively refusing to participate in promoting a deviant sex cult isn't an assault on anyone.

The key hinge here will be behaviors do not = race. And this was the problem from the get go. Mark my words. You will see attorneys saying this for Kim Davis. They will bring up the behaviors do not = race argument. .

Oh let us all 'mark' those words.

So when Ms. Davis' attorney's wisely ignore Sillhouette- we can all remember that once again Silhouette's predictions fall 100% flat.
The judge has ordered her release
Yes, but the damage is done. The emotional-scarring and public shame of being placed in jail for her 1st Amendment rights as an existing employee facing a new repugnant regulation has a price tag. Hope the people who put her in jail don't have any plans for a comfortable retirement...

They gave the gaypers the required pound of flesh
The judge has ordered her release
why did you leave the most important part out .?

U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning in Kentucky has ordered that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis be released from jail.

He ordered her not to interfere with clerks in her office issuing marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.

let's gaze in amused wonder as the faux Christians attempt to spin this into a victory for their bigoted pov.
If she agreed to this, she has come to her senses and now sees that she cannot force her holy roller ideas on anyone else.

No, but the gays will continue to force people to follow their religion under threat of lawsuit or jailing or being fired from their jobs or losing their business.

Gotta love equality. Remember kids... behaviors do not = race...
The judge has ordered her release
Yes, but the damage is done. The emotional-scarring and public shame of being placed in jail for her 1st Amendment rights as an existing employee facing a new repugnant regulation has a price tag. Hope the people who put her in jail don't have any plans for a comfortable retirement...

Her release means that any other Christian who doesn't want to go to hell for eternity may also object. And they cannot be discriminated against in new job applications either. Imagine a government job application with a question that asks: "are you a Christian, if so, you need not apply"...

Ah they should've gotten the behavior does not = race thing right from the get go. Then none of us would even be talking about this legal nightmare right now..
thanks Mr. melodrama !
If she agreed to this, she has come to her senses and now sees that she cannot force her holy roller ideas on anyone else.

No, but the gays will continue to force people to follow their religion under threat of lawsuit or jailing or being fired from their jobs or losing their business.

Gotta love equality. Remember kids... behaviors do not = race...
Thats tough....for you.
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If she agreed to this, she has come to her senses and now sees that she cannot force her holy roller ideas on anyone else.

No, but the gays will continue to force people to follow their religion under threat of lawsuit or jailing or being fired from their jobs or losing their business.

Gotta love equality. Remember kids... behaviors do not = race...
You do the bakers a disservice comparing this witch to public accmodation laws.

Silhouette and friends.
No, those are LGBT activists dressed up to look like "hating religious nuts". I note the rainbow gradient in some of the signs' background. You always have a funny way of exposing yourselves. Even when it would be prudent to tone down your ruse..

Silhouette and friends.
No, those are LGBT activists dressed up to look like "hating religious nuts". I note the rainbow gradient in some of the signs' background. You always have a funny way of exposing yourselves. Even when it would be prudent to tone down your ruse..


You think the Westboro Baptist Church guys are "LGBT activists" dressed up?
So your post really has nothing to do with anything? You are free to make your claims but at least confine them to the conspiracy theory forum.

The reason my comments are not in the Conspiracy Theory forum is because they are PROVEN FACT.

Kim Davis is in jail for refusing to due her job according to the law.

FACT: President Obama openly refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act because, as he said, he did not believe in it, thereby forcing his own beliefs on others in direct opposition to the law. People say that if Davis is unwilling to do her job according to the law then she should step down. the same can be said for Obama.

FACT: Obama placed a deep water drilling ban on the Gulf after the BP oil spill , and a federal Judge ordered him to remove the ban. Obama refused - broke the law - and was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court. If he was unwilling to do his job and obey the law perhaps he should have stepped down. Eventually Obama complied with the court order.

FACT: Obama refuses to release documents regarding the Fast and Furious Scandal. He has already been found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for disobeying / breaking the law by refusing to do so. He is currently in jeopardy of being found guilty again of the same thing, refusing to do his job in compliance with the law.

These are not Conspiracy Theories but instead are documented FACT, documented CASES of Obama's refusal to do his job in compliance with the law. ... just like in the case with Kim Davis!
So your post really has nothing to do with anything? You are free to make your claims but at least confine them to the conspiracy theory forum.

The reason my comments are not in the Conspiracy Theory forum is because they are PROVEN FACT.

Kim Davis is in jail for refusing to due her job according to the law.

FACT: President Obama openly refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act because, as he said, he did not believe in it, thereby forcing his own beliefs on others in direct opposition to the law. People say that if Davis is unwilling to do her job according to the law then she should step down. the same can be said for Obama.

FACT: Obama placed a deep water drilling ban on the Gulf after the BP oil spill , and a federal Judge ordered him to remove the ban. Obama refused - broke the law - and was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court. If he was unwilling to do his job and obey the law perhaps he should have stepped down. Eventually Obama complied with the court order.

FACT: Obama refuses to release documents regarding the Fast and Furious Scandal. He has already been found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for disobeying / breaking the law by refusing to do so. He is currently in jeopardy of being found guilty again of the same thing, refusing to do his job in compliance with the law.

These are not Conspiracy Theories but instead are documented FACT, documented CASES of Obama's refusal to do his job in compliance with the law. ... just like in the case with Kim Davis!
So I ask again why is the POTUS not in jail? If all you can give me is a conspiracy theory either you are not educated enough to know what you are talking about or you are suffering from false equivalency.
So your post really has nothing to do with anything? You are free to make your claims but at least confine them to the conspiracy theory forum.

The reason my comments are not in the Conspiracy Theory forum is because they are PROVEN FACT.

Kim Davis is in jail for refusing to due her job according to the law.

FACT: President Obama openly refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act because, as he said, he did not believe in it, thereby forcing his own beliefs on others in direct opposition to the law. People say that if Davis is unwilling to do her job according to the law then she should step down. the same can be said for Obama.

The Obama administration chose not to defend DOMA in court, they did not "refuse to enforce" it. That is well within the purview of the Executive. Obama is far from the first President to make such a choice.

FACT: Obama placed a deep water drilling ban on the Gulf after the BP oil spill , and a federal Judge ordered him to remove the ban. Obama refused - broke the law - and was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court. If he was unwilling to do his job and obey the law perhaps he should have stepped down. Eventually Obama complied with the court order.

Obama was not "found guilty" of anything. The Interior Department was charged with contempt, not Obama.

FACT: Obama refuses to release documents regarding the Fast and Furious Scandal. He has already been found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for disobeying / breaking the law by refusing to do so. He is currently in jeopardy of being found guilty again of the same thing, refusing to do his job in compliance with the law.

See above.

These are not Conspiracy Theories but instead are documented FACT, documented CASES of Obama's refusal to do his job in compliance with the law. ... just like in the case with Kim Davis!

Nothing above is a "fact".
Considering Silhouette's history when it comes to legal arguments and decisions, I'm sure this will happen exactly as predicted.......

So I ask again why is the POTUS not in jail? If all you can give me is a conspiracy theory either you are not educated enough to know what you are talking about or you are suffering from false equivalency.

Do I need to type slower, did you not read what I wrote the 1st time, or are you simply not intelligent enough to understand what I wrote? I am guessing it is the latter because in my last post I pointed out 3 factual, documented cases that unquestionably prove my point yet you call me uneducated. The fact is you refused to even mention the 3 undeniable cases I pointed out, obviously because you have no rebuttal for documented FACT.

I understand - you are a die-hard, brainwashed Liberal Obama defender. Even in the face of documented fact you can not admit defeat. How about I allow you to save face by agreeing that we should just agree to disagree?!

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