Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters

Silhouette and friends.
No, those are LGBT activists dressed up to look like "hating religious nuts". I note the rainbow gradient in some of the signs' background. You always have a funny way of exposing yourselves. Even when it would be prudent to tone down your ruse..


You think the Westboro Baptist Church guys are "LGBT activists" dressed up?
A tiny faction of people openly ostracized by the larger Christian community. If that's all you have, you have nothing.
So I ask again why is the POTUS not in jail? If all you can give me is a conspiracy theory either you are not educated enough to know what you are talking about or you are suffering from false equivalency.

Do I need to type slower, did you not read what I wrote the 1st time, or are you simply not intelligent enough to understand what I wrote? I am guessing it is the latter because in my last post I pointed out 3 factual, documented cases that unquestionably prove my point yet you call me uneducated. The fact is you refused to even mention the 3 undeniable cases I pointed out, obviously because you have no rebuttal for documented FACT.

I understand - you are a die-hard, brainwashed Liberal Obama defender. Even in the face of documented fact you can not admit defeat. How about I allow you to save face by agreeing that we should just agree to disagree?!
I dont belive typing slower is going to convince me you know what you are talking about or how it relates to Davis.
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Davis was sinning by not allowing the other people to sign the marriage certificates.
No matter how you try to hide the obvious. She is trying to use her opinion vs. the legal law.
Stupid post. Stupid poll.

That was a retarded answer. No one is keeping her from practicing her religion or protesting against gay marriage as long as she does her job.
Doing her job WAS keeping her from practicing her religion if she was being forced to participate in gay marriage by issuing two people of the same gender a marriage license. That's precisely the point, silly. Check the OP for the details.
So your post really has nothing to do with anything? You are free to make your claims but at least confine them to the conspiracy theory forum.

FACT: Obama placed a deep water drilling ban on the Gulf after the BP oil spill , and a federal Judge ordered him to remove the ban. Obama refused - broke the law - and was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court. If he was unwilling to do his job and obey the law perhaps he should have stepped down. Eventually Obama complied with the court order.

Obama was not "found guilty" of anything. The Interior Department was charged with contempt, not Obama.

FACT: Obama refuses to release documents regarding the Fast and Furious Scandal. He has already been found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for disobeying / breaking the law by refusing to do so. He is currently in jeopardy of being found guilty again of the same thing, refusing to do his job in compliance with the law.

Nothing above is a "fact".

Translation: "Uh-uh!"

Obama Contempt of Court for deep Water Drilling Ban:
- Federal judge holds Obama administration in contempt over drilling “permitorium” « Hot Air
- U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

Obama Contempt of Court Regarding Amnesty - Refusal to Obey the law:
Obama in contempt of court in Judge Hanen’s courtroom. We’ll see what Judge Hanen does next | Obama Birthplace Controversy

These are DOCUMENTED FACT. The FACT that you are childishly claiming they are NOT fact is pathetic and proives you are a delusional liberal Obama apologist. .

Translation: "Uh-uh!"

Obama Contempt of Court for deep Water Drilling Ban:
- Federal judge holds Obama administration in contempt over drilling “permitorium” « Hot Air
- U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

Obama Contempt of Court Regarding Amnesty - Refusal to Obey the law:
Obama in contempt of court in Judge Hanen’s courtroom. We’ll see what Judge Hanen does next | Obama Birthplace Controversy

These are DOCUMENTED FACT. The FACT that you are childishly claiming they are NOT fact is pathetic and proives you are a delusional liberal Obama apologist. .
So your post really has nothing to do with anything? You are free to make your claims but at least confine them to the conspiracy theory forum.

FACT: Obama placed a deep water drilling ban on the Gulf after the BP oil spill , and a federal Judge ordered him to remove the ban. Obama refused - broke the law - and was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court. If he was unwilling to do his job and obey the law perhaps he should have stepped down. Eventually Obama complied with the court order.

Obama was not "found guilty" of anything. The Interior Department was charged with contempt, not Obama.

FACT: Obama refuses to release documents regarding the Fast and Furious Scandal. He has already been found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for disobeying / breaking the law by refusing to do so. He is currently in jeopardy of being found guilty again of the same thing, refusing to do his job in compliance with the law.

Nothing above is a "fact".

Translation: "Uh-uh!"

Obama Contempt of Court for deep Water Drilling Ban:
- Federal judge holds Obama administration in contempt over drilling “permitorium” « Hot Air
- U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

Obama Contempt of Court Regarding Amnesty - Refusal to Obey the law:
Obama in contempt of court in Judge Hanen’s courtroom. We’ll see what Judge Hanen does next | Obama Birthplace Controversy

These are DOCUMENTED FACT. The FACT that you are childishly claiming they are NOT fact is pathetic and proives you are a delusional liberal Obama apologist. .

Translation: "Uh-uh!"

Obama Contempt of Court for deep Water Drilling Ban:
- Federal judge holds Obama administration in contempt over drilling “permitorium” « Hot Air
- U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

Obama Contempt of Court Regarding Amnesty - Refusal to Obey the law:
Obama in contempt of court in Judge Hanen’s courtroom. We’ll see what Judge Hanen does next | Obama Birthplace Controversy

These are DOCUMENTED FACT. The FACT that you are childishly claiming they are NOT fact is pathetic and proives you are a delusional liberal Obama apologist. .
Before its news dot com? :rofl:
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Davis was sinning by not allowing the other people to sign the marriage certificates.

Oh I'm not excusing Davis, in fact, I'm not talking about her because it's a dead issue.....
Just about Christian's in general....
How to tell if someone really is one or not, but, ultimately, only God gets to be the judge...
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Davis was sinning by not allowing the other people to sign the marriage certificates.
She never prevented anyone else from signing them. Another lie generated by the Nazis....

She asked that her name just be removed from the documents. Since she's been in jail, her deputies have been signing the licenses, as they were prior.

It was when the queers demanded that SHE and she alone issue the document that things got gnarly.

At this point, they're releasing her.
So your post really has nothing to do with anything? You are free to make your claims but at least confine them to the conspiracy theory forum.

FACT: Obama placed a deep water drilling ban on the Gulf after the BP oil spill , and a federal Judge ordered him to remove the ban. Obama refused - broke the law - and was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court. If he was unwilling to do his job and obey the law perhaps he should have stepped down. Eventually Obama complied with the court order.

Obama was not "found guilty" of anything. The Interior Department was charged with contempt, not Obama.

FACT: Obama refuses to release documents regarding the Fast and Furious Scandal. He has already been found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for disobeying / breaking the law by refusing to do so. He is currently in jeopardy of being found guilty again of the same thing, refusing to do his job in compliance with the law.

Nothing above is a "fact".

Translation: "Uh-uh!"

Obama Contempt of Court for deep Water Drilling Ban:
- Federal judge holds Obama administration in contempt over drilling “permitorium” « Hot Air
- U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

Obama Contempt of Court Regarding Amnesty - Refusal to Obey the law:
Obama in contempt of court in Judge Hanen’s courtroom. We’ll see what Judge Hanen does next | Obama Birthplace Controversy

These are DOCUMENTED FACT. The FACT that you are childishly claiming they are NOT fact is pathetic and proives you are a delusional liberal Obama apologist. .

Translation: "Uh-uh!"

Obama Contempt of Court for deep Water Drilling Ban:
- Federal judge holds Obama administration in contempt over drilling “permitorium” « Hot Air
- U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules

Obama Contempt of Court Regarding Amnesty - Refusal to Obey the law:
Obama in contempt of court in Judge Hanen’s courtroom. We’ll see what Judge Hanen does next | Obama Birthplace Controversy

These are DOCUMENTED FACT. The FACT that you are childishly claiming they are NOT fact is pathetic and proives you are a delusional liberal Obama apologist. .


As I already pointed out, neither of those cases involve Obama personally, and in neither instance was Obama personally held in contempt of court.

Would you like to try again?
According to the Bible, every time Kim Davis issues a marriage license to someone who has divorced, she is helping that person commit adultery.

Not in the past. In the present. The very act of remarrying is adultery, according to the Bible.

Kim Davis is party to adultery every single working day. She gets PAID to help people commit adultery. This is ongoing, unrepentant sinning. This is not "I will do my best to sin no more". This is actively engaging in the sin of adultery.

Every. Single. Day.

Kentucky has one of the highest divorce rates in the country. Having had four marriages does not make Kim Davis exceptional. She is the norm.

And she works every day to make multiple marriages and adultery the norm.

So don't give me this BULLSHIT she is abiding by the Bible. That is a MONSTROUS LIE.

Heeeeeeeeeeere's JESUS!!!:

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

You see that? The very act of remarrying is adultery. You cannot remarry unless Kim Davis gives you the marriage certificate. Kentucky law requires a person provide a certificate of divorce to Kim Davis if they have been married before. So she knows they are breaking Biblical law. When she gives them that certificate, she is knowingly letting them commit adultery.

So the next time you hypocritical assholes shed tears of blood over Kim Davis and her fake defense of the Bible, I strongly suggest you actually READ IT.
Context moron, context. Read the verse prior...

Mathew 5:31. Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.

That changes nothing. It means you have to give the woman you are divorcing a piece of paper. Then, if you remarry, you are committing adultery.

It is clear as vodka.

When Kim Davis gives a divorcee a marriage license, she is allowing them to commit adultery.

She does this every day. She will let you commit adultery as many times as you like. Kim Davis will let a bar slut marry her fourth husband, but won't let a man marry his first one.

She, and her worshippers, are raging hypocrites.
Last edited:
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Davis was sinning by not allowing the other people to sign the marriage certificates.
She never prevented anyone else from signing them. Another lie generated by the Nazis....

She asked that her name just be removed from the documents. Since she's been in jail, her deputies have been signing the licenses, as they were prior.

It was when the queers demanded that SHE and she alone issue the document that things got gnarly.

At this point, they're releasing her.
You must have been having one of your crack cocaine episodes when this came out. Its actually the reason she went to the pokey. How could you be so dumb and not know that? :laugh:

Should Kentucky clerk Kim Davis go to jail? Here’s what a political compromise would look like.

"Not only does Davis refuse to issue licenses to gay couples, she refuses to allow other clerks in her office to do so."
Other then the OP, whom is claiming gay equals race? :dunno:
I guess it's not a dead issue after all...
well it should be.... there will be more....

Silhouette and friends.
No, those are LGBT activists dressed up to look like "hating religious nuts". I note the rainbow gradient in some of the signs' background. You always have a funny way of exposing yourselves. Even when it would be prudent to tone down your ruse..


You think the Westboro Baptist Church guys are "LGBT activists" dressed up?
I don't worry about exposing myself .I have been accused of being too direct.
My point was/ is that if silly wet had friends it be people of that ilk.

Silhouette and friends.
No, those are LGBT activists dressed up to look like "hating religious nuts". I note the rainbow gradient in some of the signs' background. You always have a funny way of exposing yourselves. Even when it would be prudent to tone down your ruse..


You think the Westboro Baptist Church guys are "LGBT activists" dressed up?
A tiny faction of people openly ostracized by the larger Christian community. If that's all you have, you have nothing.
Coming from the queen of never having anything that's high praise.

As I already pointed out, neither of those cases involve Obama personally, and in neither instance was Obama personally held in contempt of court.

Would you like to try again?

WHY do you continue to LIE?

The Deep Water Drilling Ban was Obama's ban - he issued it. HIS administration issued it, under his order. Or are you saying Obama administration personnel do whatever they want, and Obama has no control over his own administration.

OBAMA is the one who claimed Executive Privilege regarding the documents HE refused to release. HE is the ONLY one who can claim Executive Privilege! No ne can do it for him, which is why HE is the one found guilty of Contempt of Court!
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.
A Christian's sins are forgiven, past, present and future.
But that doesn't mean they will go on sinning willfully.
If they do, they are not a Christian.
A genuine born again Christian will not want to sin and will repent and turn away from their sin.
Christian's WILL sin, they don't become "God" - but, they will become more Christ-like .... a work in progress as they grow in their Christianity.
Bullshit there is no evidence of forgiveness from God
It's a great way to duck responsibility though.

If someone is using God to get away with things, they don't really believe in or know God.
Do you believe in God at all?

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