Understanding whites

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White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
Who is this really...Obama? Al Sharpton? Louis Farrakhan? Black Lives Matter? One thing's for sure, you sure as hell aren't white.

My race is irrelevant to the discussion. Europeans have a different history than Africans. The cultural differences of white people is fairly obvious and consistent with modern America. American whites have a mindset that is similar to European traditions.

Can you point out my incorrect assessment of white cultural history?

You are only supposed to talk about poor black history, and erase white history, you know black history month, were is the white history month.

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I prefer August for white history month.
Why do whites only get one month out of the year?

I hear the Chinese just bought two months.

Pretty soon they will sell out and have all 12.
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
Who is this really...Obama? Al Sharpton? Louis Farrakhan? Black Lives Matter? One thing's for sure, you sure as hell aren't white.

My race is irrelevant to the discussion. Europeans have a different history than Africans. The cultural differences of white people is fairly obvious and consistent with modern America. American whites have a mindset that is similar to European traditions.

Can you point out my incorrect assessment of white cultural history?

You are only supposed to talk about poor black history, and erase white history, you know black history month, were is the white history month.

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I prefer August for white history month.
Why do whites only get one month out of the year?

I hear the Chinese just bought two months.

Pretty soon they will sell out and have all 12.

Well, if multiculturalist supporting idiots get their way, a weakened, and Balkanized U.S, will be at China's feet.

Hopefully our Chinese overlords will spare us mercy.
Humans are a pretty brutal species, it's really difficult to say that one segment is brutal, and one is not.

But, as a person of Polish heritage, I'd say Poles have been one of the least brutal in the entire World.
(It might be some biases on my part)'
But, besides a Bromberg, and Jedwabne, which were provoked, and hardly amount to much, Poland's history is actually pretty clean.

Sorry, the Polish don't get a month.

You kids are just too darn fun to pick on.
Who is this really...Obama? Al Sharpton? Louis Farrakhan? Black Lives Matter? One thing's for sure, you sure as hell aren't white.

My race is irrelevant to the discussion. Europeans have a different history than Africans. The cultural differences of white people is fairly obvious and consistent with modern America. American whites have a mindset that is similar to European traditions.

Can you point out my incorrect assessment of white cultural history?

You are only supposed to talk about poor black history, and erase white history, you know black history month, were is the white history month.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I prefer August for white history month.
Why do whites only get one month out of the year?

I hear the Chinese just bought two months.

Pretty soon they will sell out and have all 12.

Well, if multiculturalist supporting idiots get their way, a weakened, and Balkanized U.S, will be at China's feet.

Hopefully our Chinese overlords will spare us mercy.

Er.....um......you better have a plan B.
Humans are a pretty brutal species, it's really difficult to say that one segment is brutal, and one is not.

But, as a person of Polish heritage, I'd say Poles have been one of the least brutal in the entire World.
(It might be some biases on my part)'
But, besides a Bromberg, and Jedwabne, which were provoked, and hardly amount to much, Poland's history is actually pretty clean.

Sorry, the Polish don't get a month.

You kids are just too darn fun to pick on.

Why is it fun to pick on Poles, but not on say Blacks, or Muslims?
My race is irrelevant to the discussion. Europeans have a different history than Africans. The cultural differences of white people is fairly obvious and consistent with modern America. American whites have a mindset that is similar to European traditions.

Can you point out my incorrect assessment of white cultural history?

You are only supposed to talk about poor black history, and erase white history, you know black history month, were is the white history month.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I prefer August for white history month.
Why do whites only get one month out of the year?

I hear the Chinese just bought two months.

Pretty soon they will sell out and have all 12.

Well, if multiculturalist supporting idiots get their way, a weakened, and Balkanized U.S, will be at China's feet.

Hopefully our Chinese overlords will spare us mercy.

Er.....um......you better have a plan B.

I don't think Chinese think like us in a sort of tolerance mode, but rather seek more dominance.

They simply have the population size, ambitions, and intelligence to take over the whole World.

Without a Whitey, who's going to stop them?
Humans are a pretty brutal species, it's really difficult to say that one segment is brutal, and one is not.

But, as a person of Polish heritage, I'd say Poles have been one of the least brutal in the entire World.
(It might be some biases on my part)'
But, besides a Bromberg, and Jedwabne, which were provoked, and hardly amount to much, Poland's history is actually pretty clean.

Sorry, the Polish don't get a month.

You kids are just too darn fun to pick on.

Why is it fun to pick on Poles, but not on say Blacks, or Muslims?

Cuz Europe and the world hates you.

After all, you helped a great many Jews escape persecution in Europe. Now Europe has to bring in Muslims to kill them all off cuz they failed.

Plus Poles are conservative and religious. That just won't do.
Humans are a pretty brutal species, it's really difficult to say that one segment is brutal, and one is not.

But, as a person of Polish heritage, I'd say Poles have been one of the least brutal in the entire World.
(It might be some biases on my part)'
But, besides a Bromberg, and Jedwabne, which were provoked, and hardly amount to much, Poland's history is actually pretty clean.

Sorry, the Polish don't get a month.

You kids are just too darn fun to pick on.

Why is it fun to pick on Poles, but not on say Blacks, or Muslims?

Cuz Europe and the world hates you.

After all, you helped a great many Jews escape persecution in Europe. Now Europe has to bring in Muslims to kill them all off cuz they failed.

Plus Poles are conservative and religious. That just won't do.

But, I thought it was Jews who largely bought about the dumb Polak thing, like Jew Norman Lear's All in the Family, or Jew George Schlatter's Laugh In?
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?
Humans are a pretty brutal species, it's really difficult to say that one segment is brutal, and one is not.

But, as a person of Polish heritage, I'd say Poles have been one of the least brutal in the entire World.
(It might be some biases on my part)'
But, besides a Bromberg, and Jedwabne, which were provoked, and hardly amount to much, Poland's history is actually pretty clean.

Sometimes brutal behavior is the most advantageous method of survival. Two siblings with the same DNA, the same environment, the same parents, the same religion, the same values and access to the same resources will fight with each other frequently. There has always been war. There will always be war. Humans fight over various things. Sometimes the situation is so dire that the fighting becomes extremely violent and wars erupt. If you want to take the high road and be noble and peaceful then you will be exterminated. There is no honor in being the weaker people or the non-aggressive people. The honor only comes to the victor. That type of victory requires brutality, deceit, theft, racism, hatred and other undesirable traits. What is good in times of peace is bad in times of war and vice versa.

I don't think people of anglo-saxon heritage should be ashamed of their history of success. That successful spirit that they have inherited can still be utilized in peace time.

I like winners.
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.
Humans are a pretty brutal species, it's really difficult to say that one segment is brutal, and one is not.

But, as a person of Polish heritage, I'd say Poles have been one of the least brutal in the entire World.
(It might be some biases on my part)'
But, besides a Bromberg, and Jedwabne, which were provoked, and hardly amount to much, Poland's history is actually pretty clean.

I don't think people of anglo-saxon heritage should be ashamed of their history of success. That successful spirit that they have inherited can still be utilized in peace time.

I like winners.

England's success can be partially be attributed to it's location.
They warded off much war, by being located on and Island, which protected them.
Of course in war zones, they have to keep rebuilding, and reach fatigue.
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.

There is consistency in my comments.

White people are different than black people. They think differently. If you do see inconsistencies then I will try to address them.

Black people value community and relationships. White people live in their own little world and don't give two craps what their neighbor is dealing with. They expect the same lack of courtesy from others.

White people value independence and accomplishments. Black people are so well connected with everybody they don't even comprehend the concept of independence. Hoarding resources is less important to blacks because they don't see anybody in their community do without. They don't worry themselves with such things.

Black Americans and White Americans are different. Of course there are exceptions but not many. I don't see these differences as a barrier to social progress or a justification for hate. I simply see them as deep rooted differences. These two mentalities grew from two distinct cultures. We don't blend well but do we really have to blend for everybody to be happy? I don't think so.

Just because a white man focuses more on independence and accomplishments doesn't make him a racist. It just makes him white.

Just because a black man focuses more on community and relationships does make him a racist. It just makes him black.

These differences aren't enough to piss anybody off. I don't get it. I probably never will. I think racism is just a convenient excuse for some people to explain their failures in life.
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Humans are a pretty brutal species, it's really difficult to say that one segment is brutal, and one is not.

But, as a person of Polish heritage, I'd say Poles have been one of the least brutal in the entire World.
(It might be some biases on my part)'
But, besides a Bromberg, and Jedwabne, which were provoked, and hardly amount to much, Poland's history is actually pretty clean.

I don't think people of anglo-saxon heritage should be ashamed of their history of success. That successful spirit that they have inherited can still be utilized in peace time.

I like winners.

England's success can be partially be attributed to it's location.
They warded off much war, by being located on and Island, which protected them.
Of course in war zones, they have to keep rebuilding, and reach fatigue.

The United States has that same advantage. The two most advantageous military assets that our military has doesn't cost one cent. Those two assets are the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
I’ve found this thread most interesting. As a white person who recently read “White Trash: The 400 year old untold history of class in America,” I understand the cruel heritage and culture part of the OP. I can also attest to the selfishness and insensitivity of MANY white folks I have known or am related to.

I do, however, need to say that I personally will not lower my expectations of them as a whole. Some white folks I know are beginning to understand the effects that selfishness has on everyone. Some are starting to reach out for understanding and are trying to fight that natural inclination towards non-empathy.

As we mature, we usually understand that what shaped us and made us what we are, cannot be changed. But our reactions and our daily decisions can change as we gather new information and decide that we want to be “better.”
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.
What is wrong with being judged for your own individual accomplishments? What is wrong with accepting the consequences of your own choices and actions be it good or bad?

Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.

There is consistency in my comments.

White people are different than black people. They think differently. If you do see inconsistencies then I will try to address them.

Black people value community and relationships. White people live in their own little world and don't give two craps what their neighbor is dealing with. They expect the same lack of courtesy from others.

White people value independence and accomplishments. Black people are so well connected with everybody they don't even comprehend the concept of independence. Hoarding resources is less important to blacks because they don't see anybody in their community do without. They don't worry themselves with such things.

Black Americans and White Americans are different. Of course there are exceptions but not many. I don't see these differences as a barrier to social progress or a justification for hate. I simply see them as deep rooted differences. These two mentalities grew from two distinct cultures. We don't blend well but do we really have to blend for everybody to be happy? I don't think so.

Just because a white man focuses more on independence and accomplishments doesn't make him a racist. It just makes him white.

Just because a black man focuses more on community and relationships does make him a racist. It just makes him black.

These differences aren't enough to piss anybody off. I don't get it. I probably never will. I think racism is just a convenient excuse for some people to explain their failures in life.
Then why are they killing each other?
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
Who is this really...Obama? Al Sharpton? Louis Farrakhan? Black Lives Matter? One thing's for sure, you sure as hell aren't white.

My race is irrelevant to the discussion. Europeans have a different history than Africans. The cultural differences of white people is fairly obvious and consistent with modern America. American whites have a mindset that is similar to European traditions.

Can you point out my incorrect assessment of white cultural history?

Your post SCREAMS that you're a black racist which is why I asked if you were one of the following because you sound just like them;

Obama, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Black Lives Matter, or any number of others who are equally so. But one thing's for sure, you haven't a clue about white people so you sure as hell aren't that color."[/QUOTE]
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
Who is this really...Obama? Al Sharpton? Louis Farrakhan? Black Lives Matter? One thing's for sure, you sure as hell aren't white.

My race is irrelevant to the discussion. Europeans have a different history than Africans. The cultural differences of white people is fairly obvious and consistent with modern America. American whites have a mindset that is similar to European traditions.

Can you point out my incorrect assessment of white cultural history?

Your post SCREAMS that you're a black racist which is why I asked if you were one of the following because you sound just like them;

Obama, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Black Lives Matter, or any number of others who are equally so. But one thing's for sure, you haven't a clue about white people so you sure as hell aren't that color."

They actually sound more Asian, or Hispanic to me, those people are more likely to admire White work ethic, as opposed to Blacks who seem to care less.
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