Understanding whites

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White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
I’ve found this thread most interesting. As a white person who recently read “White Trash: The 400 year old untold history of class in America,” I understand the cruel heritage and culture part of the OP. I can also attest to the selfishness and insensitivity of MANY white folks I have known or am related to.

I do, however, need to say that I personally will not lower my expectations of them as a whole. Some white folks I know are beginning to understand the effects that selfishness has on everyone. Some are starting to reach out for understanding and are trying to fight that natural inclination towards non-empathy.

As we mature, we usually understand that what shaped us and made us what we are, cannot be changed. But our reactions and our daily decisions can change as we gather new information and decide that we want to be “better.”
For me, I don't just think, I KNOW racism comes in ALL colors. And I for one am getting a bit sick and tired of the constant white bashing while there are rap artists, movie stars, sports stars, and thugs on the news burning and looting stores trash talking white people. Then these same idiots feeling sorry for themselves will go to the polls and vote in the same corrupt leftist politicians that put them in their current situation in the first place who are responsible for keeping them down and dependent on them just so they'll keep voting them in term after term.

Hey McFLY sorry I realize this is from a white guy but never a truer statement was ever made;

Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity;

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
I’ve found this thread most interesting. As a white person who recently read “White Trash: The 400 year old untold history of class in America,” I understand the cruel heritage and culture part of the OP. I can also attest to the selfishness and insensitivity of MANY white folks I have known or am related to.

I do, however, need to say that I personally will not lower my expectations of them as a whole. Some white folks I know are beginning to understand the effects that selfishness has on everyone. Some are starting to reach out for understanding and are trying to fight that natural inclination towards non-empathy.

As we mature, we usually understand that what shaped us and made us what we are, cannot be changed. But our reactions and our daily decisions can change as we gather new information and decide that we want to be “better.”
For me, I don't just think, I KNOW racism comes in ALL colors. And I for one am getting a bit sick and tired of the constant white bashing while there are rap artists, movie stars, sports stars, and thugs on the news burning and looting stores trash talking white people. Then these same idiots feeling sorry for themselves will go to the polls and vote in the same corrupt leftist politicians that put them in their current situation in the first place who are responsible for keeping them down and dependent on them just so they'll keep voting them in term after term.

Hey McFLY sorry I realize this is from a white guy but never a truer statement was ever made;

Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity;

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.

But since skieler is a racist then they don't have to do anything. Skieler's thoughts and feelings dictate their actions. It is a pathetic formula that somehow makes sense to them. Skieler's racists thoughts and feelings forces them to whine, smoke crack, lay on the couch and forever live off of food stamps and welfare. If skieler wasn't so racist then they could go to school or work and start paying their own bills. Don't you understand? The thoughts and feelings of others is keeping them down. Why don't you get it?

The feelings and thoughts of skieler are very important. It is alright if you don't understand. I don't understand it either.

How can skieler's racist thoughts impact a black man living in Tennessee? It just doesn't add up yet it makes sense to some people.
Then why are they killing each other?

I didn't know they were.
Then you're deaf, dumb, and blind.

Can you give me an example. Just because a black man shoots a white man doesn't mean it is related to race relations. Just because a white man shoots a black man doesn't mean it is related to race relations.

I am not aware of any race wars. If I have missed it then I would be willing to read the newspaper articles or watch the video clips that you have. I'm just not aware of white people killing black people solely because they are black. I'm not aware of any black people killing white people solely because they are white.

I kinda don't believe that is happening.
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
I’ve found this thread most interesting. As a white person who recently read “White Trash: The 400 year old untold history of class in America,” I understand the cruel heritage and culture part of the OP. I can also attest to the selfishness and insensitivity of MANY white folks I have known or am related to.

I do, however, need to say that I personally will not lower my expectations of them as a whole. Some white folks I know are beginning to understand the effects that selfishness has on everyone. Some are starting to reach out for understanding and are trying to fight that natural inclination towards non-empathy.

As we mature, we usually understand that what shaped us and made us what we are, cannot be changed. But our reactions and our daily decisions can change as we gather new information and decide that we want to be “better.”
For me, I don't just think, I KNOW racism comes in ALL colors. And I for one am getting a bit sick and tired of the constant white bashing while there are rap artists, movie stars, sports stars, and thugs on the news burning and looting stores trash talking white people. Then these same idiots feeling sorry for themselves will go to the polls and vote in the same corrupt leftist politicians that put them in their current situation in the first place who are responsible for keeping them down and dependent on them just so they'll keep voting them in term after term.

Hey McFLY sorry I realize this is from a white guy but never a truer statement was ever made;

Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity;

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.

But since skieler is a racist then they don't have to do anything. Skieler's thoughts and feelings dictate their actions. It is a pathetic formula that somehow makes sense to them. Skieler's racists thoughts and feelings forces them to whine, smoke crack, lay on the couch and forever live off of food stamps and welfare. If skieler wasn't so racist then they could go to school or work and start paying their own bills. Don't you understand? The thoughts and feelings of others is keeping them down. Why don't you get it?

The feelings and thoughts of skieler are very important. It is alright if you don't understand. I don't understand it either.

How can skieler's racist thoughts impact a black man living in Tennessee? It just doesn't add up yet it makes sense to some people.
No you're an idiot and a racist. I am not referring to educated and normal people of all colors just ones with your particular mindset which I meet all the time and see acting out on the news.
That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
No you're an idiot and a racist. I am not referring to educated and normal people of all colors just ones with your particular mindset which I meet all the time and see acting out on the news.

I guess I just don't understand why the racist feelings or racist thoughts of other people can cripple a black man from succeeding. I did a poor job making my point.

My thoughts and feelings have no impact on other people. My actions can harm other people but my thoughts and feelings can't harm anybody.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

My mindset is that black people and white people are different but our differences aren't enough to inspire us to hate each other. I also do not believe racism is a concrete thing anymore. Some people may have racist feelings or racist thoughts but nobody is actively racist anymore.

People get shot by cops because they failed to follow basic commands and the cop wants to go home for dinner to see his wife and kids. Some people commit suicide by cop. It is extremely common. Would you risk it if you were a cop? Nope. You wouldn't. If you are black and in a bad predicament with a cop it is completely easy to survive. All you have to do is comply with his legal or even illegal demands. If the cop oversteps his bounds you can sue the shit out of him later. You can't sue him when you are dead. The cop is just scared. That is why cops shoot people. It is not because they want all of the black people dead. Even if they do want all black people dead that isn't the reason he shot you. He shot you because he thought you were going to kill him.

Black people are never discriminated against in the workplace. If you have a black friend with fewer jobs skills than you then try this out sometime. Both of you dress up really nice and go apply for a job at the same place. See who gets the job. Let me give you a hint. It won't be you. I'm not complaining about that because I'm not competing with black people. They aren't applying for the same jobs that I apply for. The problem is that black people won't bow to whitey. Nobody is going to hire you with a chip on your shoulder. The clothing you wear communicates how you feel about working. Your level of phoniness shows your willingness to suck up to your boss without causing problems. You have to be fake and you have to dress nice. Your skin color says jack squat. This isn't 1952. This is 2017. People aren't racist anymore. They just aren't no matter how bad you want them to be. They aren't racist. Your failures are your failures. You can blame other people for your failures but nobody is going to believe you especially people that know you well. The people that know you know exactly why your life sucks and guess what. They know it isn't the fault of some invisible white man that doesn't exist.
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White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
Gee, generalize much?
That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.
When you pass stereotypes out of fear and/or ignorance, it is a sure sign you are a racist.
That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.

I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.
That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.

I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.
So here's how I see it, ALL races have done horrific things. It's call MANKIND. Black people were connected to cannibalism in the past. I mean it doesn't get any worse than that. Some will jump on that saying not ALL blacks were cannibals. And they'd be right. But guess what, not ALL white people were slave owners. Not all whites think they are better or deserve more rights than blacks or any other race and actually want the same spread across the board to everyone. My family hated slavery and felt it was a complete abomination. They also loved civil rights activists such as Rosa Parks who fought the establishment to keep her seat on the bus. And felt there was never a more noble man that Dr. Martin Luther King who would be turning over in his grave today if he saw how hateful Al Sharpton and other racist blacks were acting.

Stereotyping and blaming everyone of a certain skin color for crimes just because they share the same ethnicity and skin color is like saying a whole family must be murderers just because their derelict cousin was convicted of those crimes. Never mind that it hurts them, the relatives even more than it does society.

So ask yourself, what should all white people alive today who had absolutely nothing to do with any of the slavery and believe all should be equal do to appease the black community? Do you feel they deserve to be stigmatized by this forever?

If you answered yes to that last question, then you yourself are a RACIST because you are wanting restitution from those who did none of it whose only crime was having the same skin color.

That said if you find someone racist then by all means call them out. But unless you are perfectly fine with being called a racist, you need to stop with the "White people" crap.
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Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.
Too much responsibility. What if your individual accomplishments suck ass? What if the consequences of your own actions are bad? Don't you want to blame it on something other than yourself?

Oh yeah. I'm black. That's why I haven't accomplished anything. That is why I got in trouble for doing this and doing that. It is because I am black. I am completely broke and nobody wants to hire me. Yep. It is that black thing again. Damn it. Why is whitey determined to screw me over?

Everybody needs a scapegoat to explain their failures in life. I don't know where you live but black people aren't whiners where I live. They actually work jobs, drive cars, buy houses so on and so forth. It is only the failures that turn to racism to explain away their lack of accomplishment.

White people do the same thing. They just don't use race as their excuse. They use something else like a traumatic childhood experience. The only people that wanted to be judged for their individual accomplishments are those who accomplish things. The only people that wants to be judged by their own choices are the people that make good choices.

This is how humans act. It isn't a race thing but it often looks like it is a race thing. It is just failures making excuses.

There is a lot wrong with your proposal. Failures hate your idea.
What were you arguing again?

I think your proposal of people being judged for individual accomplishments and accepting the consequences of their own choices will not work.

You asked what was wrong with that so I told you what was wrong with it.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.

There is consistency in my comments.

White people are different than black people. They think differently. If you do see inconsistencies then I will try to address them.

Black people value community and relationships. White people live in their own little world and don't give two craps what their neighbor is dealing with. They expect the same lack of courtesy from others.

White people value independence and accomplishments. Black people are so well connected with everybody they don't even comprehend the concept of independence. Hoarding resources is less important to blacks because they don't see anybody in their community do without. They don't worry themselves with such things.

Black Americans and White Americans are different. Of course there are exceptions but not many. I don't see these differences as a barrier to social progress or a justification for hate. I simply see them as deep rooted differences. These two mentalities grew from two distinct cultures. We don't blend well but do we really have to blend for everybody to be happy? I don't think so.

Just because a white man focuses more on independence and accomplishments doesn't make him a racist. It just makes him white.

Just because a black man focuses more on community and relationships does make him a racist. It just makes him black.

These differences aren't enough to piss anybody off. I don't get it. I probably never will. I think racism is just a convenient excuse for some people to explain their failures in life.
Then why are they killing each other?
I just watched a video by Michael Eric Dyson and he touched on this problem. It was lengthy, so I'm going to summarize. He starts by laying the backdrop that black people have been under suspicion from the beginning of their journey here. Their humanity has been questioned and their intelligence has been questioned.

Black teens inherit a culture where the suspicion of their humanity and intelligence is part of their daily life. They are often put in special ed classes in school and put in detention and kicked out of school for things their white classmates do and suffer no punishment for. They are viewed as likely to engage in criminal behavior - they are profiled for their clothing, by police and in retail stores. There is a targeting of young black men beginning at age 14-16 where they are subject to adult penalties. There is a stereotyping of them and an assault on them. They have been seen as predetermined to be criminal.

Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap speak out about this: They are combating the attack on their existence by resorting to the very violence that is critical in the American culture and American identity. And the sense of macho that young black people appropriate has been given to them by a white culture obsessed with guns as a manifestation of their manhood.

Young black men did not invent the game - but they are playing it.
That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.

I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.
So here's how I see it, ALL races have done horrific things. It's call MANKIND. Black people were connected to cannibalism in the past. I mean it doesn't get any worse than that. Some will jump on that saying not ALL blacks were cannibals. And they'd be right. But guess what, not ALL white people were slave owners. Not all whites think they are better or deserve more rights than blacks or any other race and actually want the same spread across the board to everyone. My family hated slavery and felt it was a complete abomination. They also loved civil rights activists such as Rosa Parks who fought the establishment to keep her seat on the bus. And felt there was never a more noble man that Dr. Martin Luther King who would be turning over in his grave today if he saw how hateful Al Sharpton and other racist blacks were acting.

Stereotyping and blaming everyone of a certain skin color for crimes just because they share the same ethnicity and skin color is like saying a whole family must be murderers just because their derelict cousin was convicted of those crimes. Never mind that it hurts them, the relatives even more than it does society.

So ask yourself, what should all white people alive today who had absolutely nothing to do with any of the slavery and believe all should be equal do to appease the black community? Do you feel they deserve to be stigmatized by this forever?

If you answered yes to that last question, then you yourself are a RACIST because you are wanting restitution from those who did none of it whose only crime was having the same skin color.

That said if you find someone racist then by all means call them out. But unless you are perfectly fine with being called a racist, you need to stop with the "White people" crap.
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
I’ve found this thread most interesting. As a white person who recently read “White Trash: The 400 year old untold history of class in America,” I understand the cruel heritage and culture part of the OP. I can also attest to the selfishness and insensitivity of MANY white folks I have known or am related to.

I do, however, need to say that I personally will not lower my expectations of them as a whole. Some white folks I know are beginning to understand the effects that selfishness has on everyone. Some are starting to reach out for understanding and are trying to fight that natural inclination towards non-empathy.

As we mature, we usually understand that what shaped us and made us what we are, cannot be changed. But our reactions and our daily decisions can change as we gather new information and decide that we want to be “better.”
For me, I don't just think, I KNOW racism comes in ALL colors. And I for one am getting a bit sick and tired of the constant white bashing while there are rap artists, movie stars, sports stars, and thugs on the news burning and looting stores trash talking white people. Then these same idiots feeling sorry for themselves will go to the polls and vote in the same corrupt leftist politicians that put them in their current situation in the first place who are responsible for keeping them down and dependent on them just so they'll keep voting them in term after term.

Hey McFLY sorry I realize this is from a white guy but never a truer statement was ever made;

Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity;

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.

But since skieler is a racist then they don't have to do anything. Skieler's thoughts and feelings dictate their actions. It is a pathetic formula that somehow makes sense to them. Skieler's racists thoughts and feelings forces them to whine, smoke crack, lay on the couch and forever live off of food stamps and welfare. If skieler wasn't so racist then they could go to school or work and start paying their own bills. Don't you understand? The thoughts and feelings of others is keeping them down. Why don't you get it?

The feelings and thoughts of skieler are very important. It is alright if you don't understand. I don't understand it either.

How can skieler's racist thoughts impact a black man living in Tennessee? It just doesn't add up yet it makes sense to some people.
That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.

I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.
So here's how I see it, ALL races have done horrific things. It's call MANKIND. Black people were connected to cannibalism in the past. I mean it doesn't get any worse than that. Some will jump on that saying not ALL blacks were cannibals. And they'd be right. But guess what, not ALL white people were slave owners. Not all whites think they are better or deserve more rights than blacks or any other race and actually want the same spread across the board to everyone. My family hated slavery and felt it was a complete abomination. They also loved civil rights activists such as Rosa Parks who fought the establishment to keep her seat on the bus. And felt there was never a more noble man that Dr. Martin Luther King who would be turning over in his grave today if he saw how hateful Al Sharpton and other racist blacks were acting.

Stereotyping and blaming everyone of a certain skin color for crimes just because they share the same ethnicity and skin color is like saying a whole family must be murderers just because their derelict cousin was convicted of those crimes. Never mind that it hurts them, the relatives even more than it does society.

So ask yourself, what should all white people alive today who had absolutely nothing to do with any of the slavery and believe all should be equal do to appease the black community? Do you feel they deserve to be stigmatized by this forever?

If you answered yes to that last question, then you yourself are a RACIST because you are wanting restitution from those who did none of it whose only crime was having the same skin color.

That said if you find someone racist then by all means call them out. But unless you are perfectly fine with being called a racist, you need to stop with the "White people" crap.
In many parts of Europe it's a custom to greet people with kisses.

Apparently Black Will Smith wasn't having that.

White people have a cruel heritage that molded them into the way they are today. They are actually stronger because of it. I admire white people. I don't hate them. I think everybody is misunderstanding my original post.

Whites aren't really all that strong when you think about it.

I don't think about it. I have convinced myself that white people are strong, hard working, lucky and guaranteed to succeed. That mindset helps me to be successful in life. Listening to negative things doesn't benefit me. I ignore negative things. That is why I have convinced myself that racism doesn't exist. I see racism as a negative thing thus I ignore it. Racism has nothing to offer me. When it does then I might take a peek at it.
From Jimi Calhoun: Racism is not only an intellectual problem, something we think or don't think exists, it is also a lived reality for millions of people and that is why it is so difficult to eradicate!!
White people aren't big on hugs and crying. They focus their attention on their own accomplishments. It makes them appear insensitive. If we are honest, we will acknowledge that white people really are selfish and insensitive. It is part of their heritage and their culture. White people were forced to live on feudal lands. The landlord came by once a year to collect their rent. The serfs got to keep the remainder. If they had bad luck or didn't work hard, they starved. If they had good luck or worked hard, they ended up living in luxury. The hard working and/or the lucky lived to reproduce. The unlucky and/or the lazy died. There was absolutely no community to fall back on. Over the generations they learned to be tough and insensitive for their own survival. They have been conditioned for centuries to be productive, lucky, selfish and insensitive. When you ask them to show empathy, they are probably willing to fake it for some political, social or financial benefit. If you want them to feel empathy then you are pretty much out of luck. Lip service isn't empathy. I'm sure you can get some white people to cower down and say uncle to avoid the harsh punishment of being called a racist. That doesn't mean they are sincere. It just means that they are typical selfish white people that feel uncomfortable with being labeled a racist. You are really asking too much of them when you ask them to be empathetic. Cut them some slack. This is who they are as a people. They are lucky, hard working, successful, productive, selfish and insensitive. You need to lower your expectations of white people or you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. White people are different. They don't think the same way. Their cruel heritage has molded them into who they are. Just as the cruel heritage of others has molded them into who they are. Cut white people some slack. They have something to offer as well. White people aren’t bad. They are just different.
I’ve found this thread most interesting. As a white person who recently read “White Trash: The 400 year old untold history of class in America,” I understand the cruel heritage and culture part of the OP. I can also attest to the selfishness and insensitivity of MANY white folks I have known or am related to.

I do, however, need to say that I personally will not lower my expectations of them as a whole. Some white folks I know are beginning to understand the effects that selfishness has on everyone. Some are starting to reach out for understanding and are trying to fight that natural inclination towards non-empathy.

As we mature, we usually understand that what shaped us and made us what we are, cannot be changed. But our reactions and our daily decisions can change as we gather new information and decide that we want to be “better.”
For me, I don't just think, I KNOW racism comes in ALL colors. And I for one am getting a bit sick and tired of the constant white bashing while there are rap artists, movie stars, sports stars, and thugs on the news burning and looting stores trash talking white people. Then these same idiots feeling sorry for themselves will go to the polls and vote in the same corrupt leftist politicians that put them in their current situation in the first place who are responsible for keeping them down and dependent on them just so they'll keep voting them in term after term.

Hey McFLY sorry I realize this is from a white guy but never a truer statement was ever made;

Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity;

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.

But since skieler is a racist then they don't have to do anything. Skieler's thoughts and feelings dictate their actions. It is a pathetic formula that somehow makes sense to them. Skieler's racists thoughts and feelings forces them to whine, smoke crack, lay on the couch and forever live off of food stamps and welfare. If skieler wasn't so racist then they could go to school or work and start paying their own bills. Don't you understand? The thoughts and feelings of others is keeping them down. Why don't you get it?

The feelings and thoughts of skieler are very important. It is alright if you don't understand. I don't understand it either.

How can skieler's racist thoughts impact a black man living in Tennessee? It just doesn't add up yet it makes sense to some people.
I read a book years ago called God's Transmitters in which the author believed that our thoughts, negative or positive, are sent out like radio transmissions and are picked up by other people. I have come to believe that is true and that's why I try to keep my thoughts positive.
That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.

I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.
Oh I'm quite aware of the horrors perpetrated by whites in the Americas, what I can't figure out is why the rest of the world gets a pass. Islamic slavery of black africans predates european by 5 or 6 hundred years, black on black slavery predates that. The last country on the planet to outlaw slavery was islamic Mauritania, in 1989. Although they did nothing to actually end it until 2004. Why do these cultures get a pass? Who led the global push to end state sanctioned slavery worldwide? The Arabs? Black Africans? The chinese? No, no and no, it was Europeans.

You speak of a 1000 years ago, the Turks were finally driven from eastern Europe in 1912-1913. Slavery was still legal in Saudi Arabia until 1963.

You note the hypocrisy of "all men are created equally", I agree. Name another culture that ever stated that all men are created equally. You can't, they don't exist. Name a country that went to war with itself to end slavery, throughout history. There's one, the US. In the US you see the descendents of african slaves. Do you see the descendents of african slaves in Saudi Arabia? By all accounts no. Perhaps it has something to do with the islamic penchant for turning the males into eunuchs. And by all accounts the arab muslims took way more slaves than the europeans.

Now let's look at today. By every study I've seen, the country on the planet that offers people of black african decent the best opportunity for economic mobility is the US. Not Europe, not Africa, not Asia, not South America, the US. Of course you have to avail yourself of those opportunities. Perhaps the fact that black kids are told from day one that studying hard and bettering yourself is pointless because whitey's out to get you has something to do with it.
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