Understanding whites

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There is consistency in my comments.

White people are different than black people. They think differently. If you do see inconsistencies then I will try to address them.

Black people value community and relationships. White people live in their own little world and don't give two craps what their neighbor is dealing with. They expect the same lack of courtesy from others.

White people value independence and accomplishments. Black people are so well connected with everybody they don't even comprehend the concept of independence. Hoarding resources is less important to blacks because they don't see anybody in their community do without. They don't worry themselves with such things.

Black Americans and White Americans are different. Of course there are exceptions but not many. I don't see these differences as a barrier to social progress or a justification for hate. I simply see them as deep rooted differences. These two mentalities grew from two distinct cultures. We don't blend well but do we really have to blend for everybody to be happy? I don't think so.

Just because a white man focuses more on independence and accomplishments doesn't make him a racist. It just makes him white.

Just because a black man focuses more on community and relationships does make him a racist. It just makes him black.

These differences aren't enough to piss anybody off. I don't get it. I probably never will. I think racism is just a convenient excuse for some people to explain their failures in life.
Then why are they killing each other?
I just watched a video by Michael Eric Dyson and he touched on this problem. It was lengthy, so I'm going to summarize. He starts by laying the backdrop that black people have been under suspicion from the beginning of their journey here. Their humanity has been questioned and their intelligence has been questioned.

Black teens inherit a culture where the suspicion of their humanity and intelligence is part of their daily life. They are often put in special ed classes in school and put in detention and kicked out of school for things their white classmates do and suffer no punishment for. They are viewed as likely to engage in criminal behavior - they are profiled for their clothing, by police and in retail stores. There is a targeting of young black men beginning at age 14-16 where they are subject to adult penalties. There is a stereotyping of them and an assault on them. They have been seen as predetermined to be criminal.

Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap speak out about this: They are combating the attack on their existence by resorting to the very violence that is critical in the American culture and American identity. And the sense of macho that young black people appropriate has been given to them by a white culture obsessed with guns as a manifestation of their manhood.

Young black men did not invent the game - but they are playing it.
I can understand the historical aspects of that, but in 2017 can you really say this "questioning their humanity" still exists? It seems the folks on the left are desperate to maintain this view.

As to black kids being disproportionately punished by schools, I've seen this myth debunked repeatedly. Normally by black school administrators.
It's no different than the fallacy that blacks receive longer sentences than whites for the same crime. Study after study show that when prior records, plea bargaining deals and other criteria are taken into account, it's nonsense.

Do you really think that police and store security profile these kids because of the color of their skin or prior experience? Perhaps look at some crime statistics. reality is reality. When you talk to police and security personnel, including black ones, they will tell you that they have the exact same reaction to white kids, hispanic kids, asian kids and anyone else dressed like gang bangers. Of course they are authority figures so to the left they are lying or in the case of black personnel they have "internalised racism".

It's the knee jerk reaction of people on the left that any problem in the black community is automatically because of racism. No other reason is possible. Until those on the left can bring themselves to look at these problems objectively, they will never be solved.

The idea that violence in the black community is a result of white culture is just plain asinine. Look at africa sometime, I suppose Hutu's hacking Tutsi's to death is a result of american gun culture. Typical, when you have nothing else to point to blame it on whitey.

If police looked at crime statistics white communities would be overrun with cops. We aren't talking about Africa idiot, and if you actually studied what has gone down in that country instead of reading bullshit at stormfront, you would know why things happened as they did. When that country was colonized the colonizers chose to give one tribe preference over the other and then oppressed the other group while using their preferred black tribe. That created the hostilities between the 2 tribes that lead to what happened.

The black community in America is not the black community on Africa. You are using a false equivalence in order to deny the fact that you were told the truth about what white culture has done. Because we have had 2 world wars because of white nations so then maybe it behooves you to shut the fuck up about Africa. Oh yeah, let's not forget about Kosovo, didn't see any blacks there either.
You may wish to revisit crime statistics because you are way off base, looking at murder alone dispels that nonsense.

As far as Rwanda, you might want to revisit what was going on before colonialism, these tribes have been slaughtering and enslaving each other, much like the rest of humanity, since the beginning of time. It's the same in the americas, if you were to believe the left, the americas were a paradise of peaceful coexistence before the whites arrived. The truth, by the words of the natives people themselves, is quite the opposite.

I'm quite aware of the world wars. Are you telling me whites are the only peoples to have created such conflict? If so, then again, you may want to pick up a history book.

Kosovo? I've never denied the white race has fought mindless wars, it's the idea that this is strictly a white thing that drives me nuts. He who is without sin cast the first stone.

I know what has gone down in Africa, But I live in America. Whites get blamed here for what they have done here. I get tired of whites like you who want to talk about what happened in the Pleistocene epoch because you don't want to admit or deal with the fact that what whites have done and continue doing here is a problem that cause great damage for non whites who live here.
I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.

Well then maybe you will want to discuss how slavery still exist today here in the states!?!

Even though it is illegal it is still practice and by Asians, Hispanics and African Blacks...

Now call me a damn liar and let see how fast you sent reality.

You only see whites as your enemy but I hope Hispanics and Asians grow big enough in population to show you that you are hate by then more than whites...

No I don't want to discuss slavery in those states. You guys use this as an excuse to deny the present form of racism practiced by whites. I don't see a whites as my enemy and I know enough Asians and Mexicans to tell you that I know that what you say is a lie.

Quite frankly I find this thread funny. Here we have excuses made for whites going back 500 years while we are told not to make excuses by the same whites.
By all means explain to us the "present form of racism" practised by whites. Which by the way is a racist statement. I love these generalized statements with nothing to back it up. And could you point out the "excuses" posted?

No, that was not racist. You don't get to make up what racism is. OK? We have proven racism in the criminal justice system The educational system, hiring and employment, in fact there is a name for the current form of white covert racism-SYSTEMIC RACISM.

You want me to show you the excuses? Start with the the OP then read every post here by someone white besides delores and if sealybobo has posted, then figure it out.
You're a racist.

And so now that you have called me that for the hundredth time do you get a prize?

Well then maybe you will want to discuss how slavery still exist today here in the states!?!

Even though it is illegal it is still practice and by Asians, Hispanics and African Blacks...

Now call me a damn liar and let see how fast you sent reality.

You only see whites as your enemy but I hope Hispanics and Asians grow big enough in population to show you that you are hate by then more than whites...

No I don't want to discuss slavery in those states. You guys use this as an excuse to deny the present form of racism practiced by whites. I don't see a whites as my enemy and I know enough Asians and Mexicans to tell you that I know that what you say is a lie.

Quite frankly I find this thread funny. Here we have excuses made for whites going back 500 years while we are told not to make excuses by the same whites.
By all means explain to us the "present form of racism" practised by whites. Which by the way is a racist statement. I love these generalized statements with nothing to back it up. And could you point out the "excuses" posted?

No, that was not racist. You don't get to make up what racism is. OK? We have proven racism in the criminal justice system The educational system, hiring and employment, in fact there is a name for the current form of white covert racism-SYSTEMIC RACISM.

You want me to show you the excuses? Start with the the OP then read every post here by someone white besides delores and if sealybobo has posted, then figure it out.
You're a racist.

And so now that you have called me that for the hundredth time do you get a prize?

Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.

I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.

Well then maybe you will want to discuss how slavery still exist today here in the states!?!

Even though it is illegal it is still practice and by Asians, Hispanics and African Blacks...

Now call me a damn liar and let see how fast you sent reality.

You only see whites as your enemy but I hope Hispanics and Asians grow big enough in population to show you that you are hate by then more than whites...

No I don't want to discuss slavery in those states. You guys use this as an excuse to deny the present form of racism practiced by whites. I don't see a whites as my enemy and I know enough Asians and Mexicans to tell you that I know that what you say is a lie.

Quite frankly I find this thread funny. Here we have excuses made for whites going back 500 years while we are told not to make excuses by the same whites.
By all means explain to us the "present form of racism" practised by whites. Which by the way is a racist statement. I love these generalized statements with nothing to back it up. And could you point out the "excuses" posted?

No, that was not racist. You don't get to make up what racism is. OK? We have proven racism in the criminal justice system The educational system, hiring and employment, in fact there is a name for the current form of white covert racism-SYSTEMIC RACISM.

You want me to show you the excuses? Start with the the OP then read every post here by someone white besides delores and if sealybobo has posted, then figure it out.
It most certainly is a racist statement, decrying someone strictly based on the color of their skin IS racist. I didn't make up the definition that IS the definition.

You have proven nothing. Blacks go to jail at the same rate that they commit crimes, Period. Sentencing disparities have been disproven time and time again. In addition, you do realize that felonies are under prosecuted in the black community?

In the educational system? How so? How is it that some dirt poor kid can come here from China, and excel in the same inner city schools that black kids attend? Is it racism or is it that the chinese kid comes from a two parent household, whose parents and culture demand he work hard? That's as opposed to many black kids who are bullied and even physically assaulted for acting "too white" if they do the same. I've heard that from everyone from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Thomas Sowell to the son of one of my employees.

Hiring and employment? Again historically true, today nonsense. I'm in business and I and many of my compatriots are desperate to find good help and couldn't care less what the color of their skin is. I seldom hire black men. do you know why? They don't apply. The last time I hired was 6 months ago of 20 or so people that applied there were exactly 0 black men that applied. And this is in area that is at least half black. On top of that not working for an education isn't going to open many doors.
The Chinese don't send their kids to black schools. They want them to survive, and get an education.
Oh I'm quite aware of the horrors perpetrated by whites in the Americas, what I can't figure out is why the rest of the world gets a pass. Islamic slavery of black africans predates european by 5 or 6 hundred years, black on black slavery predates that. The last country on the planet to outlaw slavery was islamic Mauritania, in 1989. Although they did nothing to actually end it until 2004. Why do these cultures get a pass? Who led the global push to end state sanctioned slavery worldwide? The Arabs? Black Africans? The chinese? No, no and no, it was Europeans.

You speak of a 1000 years ago, the Turks were finally driven from eastern Europe in 1912-1913. Slavery was still legal in Saudi Arabia until 1963.

You note the hypocrisy of "all men are created equally", I agree. Name another culture that ever stated that all men are created equally. You can't, they don't exist. Name a country that went to war with itself to end slavery, throughout history. There's one, the US. In the US you see the descendents of african slaves. Do you see the descendents of african slaves in Saudi Arabia? By all accounts no. Perhaps it has something to do with the islamic penchant for turning the males into eunuchs. And by all accounts the arab muslims took way more slaves than the europeans.

Now let's look at today. By every study I've seen, the country on the planet that offers people of black african decent the best opportunity for economic mobility is the US. Not Europe, not Africa, not Asia, not South America, the US. Of course you have to avail yourself of those opportunities. Perhaps the fact that black kids are told from day one that studying hard and bettering yourself is pointless because whitey's out to get you has something to do with it.

We live in America that's why we are not talking about the rest of the world. If I lived in Morocco would be talking about Morocco. You want to go back to the long ago past and even at that your story is disingenuous. You make a bunch of excuses that I reject. No one black is teaching their kids none of what you said in your last sentence. You need tp stop listening to white racial extremists telling you what blacks teach each other. White racism in America exists today. We aren't talking about slavery. You need to understand that before you post again.
I don't need to listen to to "white racial extremists" to see evidence of what I cite. I can talk to black friends, coworkers and neighbors and hear the exact same thing. I can look at what my children bring home from school and see the exact same thing. I can talk to college kids that are inundated with this nonsense nonstop, day in day out and see the exact same thing.

White racism does exist in this country today. Black racism exists in this country today. Hispanic racism exists in this country today. Asian racism exists in this country today. To deny any of that is ridiculous. To maintain that all problems in the black community today are because of racism is equally ridiculous.

You see the problem with you whites is that you think racism is just a bunch of derogatory words. There have been no blacks or Hispanics that have enacted Legislation denying whites of anything. Furthermore what you call black and Hispanic racism is a response in anger to what whites have done and keep doing. I maintain that the root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism both from the past and continuing. And it can be proven..
Then prove it. as far as legislation can you name any that haven't been co
Oh I'm quite aware of the horrors perpetrated by whites in the Americas, what I can't figure out is why the rest of the world gets a pass. Islamic slavery of black africans predates european by 5 or 6 hundred years, black on black slavery predates that. The last country on the planet to outlaw slavery was islamic Mauritania, in 1989. Although they did nothing to actually end it until 2004. Why do these cultures get a pass? Who led the global push to end state sanctioned slavery worldwide? The Arabs? Black Africans? The chinese? No, no and no, it was Europeans.

You speak of a 1000 years ago, the Turks were finally driven from eastern Europe in 1912-1913. Slavery was still legal in Saudi Arabia until 1963.

You note the hypocrisy of "all men are created equally", I agree. Name another culture that ever stated that all men are created equally. You can't, they don't exist. Name a country that went to war with itself to end slavery, throughout history. There's one, the US. In the US you see the descendents of african slaves. Do you see the descendents of african slaves in Saudi Arabia? By all accounts no. Perhaps it has something to do with the islamic penchant for turning the males into eunuchs. And by all accounts the arab muslims took way more slaves than the europeans.

Now let's look at today. By every study I've seen, the country on the planet that offers people of black african decent the best opportunity for economic mobility is the US. Not Europe, not Africa, not Asia, not South America, the US. Of course you have to avail yourself of those opportunities. Perhaps the fact that black kids are told from day one that studying hard and bettering yourself is pointless because whitey's out to get you has something to do with it.

We live in America that's why we are not talking about the rest of the world. If I lived in Morocco would be talking about Morocco. You want to go back to the long ago past and even at that your story is disingenuous. You make a bunch of excuses that I reject. No one black is teaching their kids none of what you said in your last sentence. You need tp stop listening to white racial extremists telling you what blacks teach each other. White racism in America exists today. We aren't talking about slavery. You need to understand that before you post again.
I don't need to listen to to "white racial extremists" to see evidence of what I cite. I can talk to black friends, coworkers and neighbors and hear the exact same thing. I can look at what my children bring home from school and see the exact same thing. I can talk to college kids that are inundated with this nonsense nonstop, day in day out and see the exact same thing.

White racism does exist in this country today. Black racism exists in this country today. Hispanic racism exists in this country today. Asian racism exists in this country today. To deny any of that is ridiculous. To maintain that all problems in the black community today are because of racism is equally ridiculous.

You see the problem with you whites is that you think racism is just a bunch of derogatory words. There have been no blacks or Hispanics that have enacted Legislation denying whites of anything. Furthermore what you call black and Hispanic racism is a response in anger to what whites have done and keep doing. I maintain that the root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism both from the past and continuing. And it can be proven..
Then by all means prove it.

As far as legislation, name something that hasn't been corrected. This is the same old nonsense, People cry institutional racism, then when you ask them to name the institution and how it's racist, it's time to cue the crickets.

View attachment 139962

Institutional Racism Is Our Way of Life
Endless studies and reports show that racism exists, whether we want to believe it or not.

Jesus, how ridiculous can you get. This article immediately starts with school suspensions. And of course they ASSUME it is because of the color of their skin, not the individuals actions The same with the adult status in the courts. You'll note that they don't mention the differences in the crimes themselves. I listened to an example of this a while back. People were pointing to 2 16 year olds that stole a car, the black kid was tried as an adult the white kid wasn't. What they failed to mention was that the white kid stole a car from a drive way, got pulled over and went quietly to jail. The black kid carjacked a woman, pistol whipped her, led the police on a 30 mile chase, crashed the car, got out and ran then fought with the cops. At least he had the sense to drop the gun.

The NJ turnpike is another gem. Did you know that the federal govt initiated a study about the NJ turnpike because while blacks make up 15% of the drivers they were receiving 23% of the tickets. The study determined that blacks made up 25% of those speeding, they were under ticketed by 2%. And 73% of those arrested are black? Exactly why would you be arrested on the turnpike? Speeding? I don't think so. I can only think of a few reasons, dui, outstanding warrants, transporting drugs?

The stop and frisk is another example. I forget the exact year but in one year 97% of the felonies involving fire arms in NYC were committed by nonwhites. 97% Who would you concentrate on? Reminds me of the stupidity at airports, they're trying to stop terrorism, so make sure to scrutinize the 84 year old Korean woman.

Black's make up 40% of arrests for violent crime. This is surprising? Over a 30 year period blacks were responsible for 52% of the murders in this country. Who should they arrest?

This goes back to the same basic principle, correlation does not prove causation.
Then why are they killing each other?
I just watched a video by Michael Eric Dyson and he touched on this problem. It was lengthy, so I'm going to summarize. He starts by laying the backdrop that black people have been under suspicion from the beginning of their journey here. Their humanity has been questioned and their intelligence has been questioned.

Black teens inherit a culture where the suspicion of their humanity and intelligence is part of their daily life. They are often put in special ed classes in school and put in detention and kicked out of school for things their white classmates do and suffer no punishment for. They are viewed as likely to engage in criminal behavior - they are profiled for their clothing, by police and in retail stores. There is a targeting of young black men beginning at age 14-16 where they are subject to adult penalties. There is a stereotyping of them and an assault on them. They have been seen as predetermined to be criminal.

Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap speak out about this: They are combating the attack on their existence by resorting to the very violence that is critical in the American culture and American identity. And the sense of macho that young black people appropriate has been given to them by a white culture obsessed with guns as a manifestation of their manhood.

Young black men did not invent the game - but they are playing it.
I can understand the historical aspects of that, but in 2017 can you really say this "questioning their humanity" still exists? It seems the folks on the left are desperate to maintain this view.

As to black kids being disproportionately punished by schools, I've seen this myth debunked repeatedly. Normally by black school administrators.
It's no different than the fallacy that blacks receive longer sentences than whites for the same crime. Study after study show that when prior records, plea bargaining deals and other criteria are taken into account, it's nonsense.

Do you really think that police and store security profile these kids because of the color of their skin or prior experience? Perhaps look at some crime statistics. reality is reality. When you talk to police and security personnel, including black ones, they will tell you that they have the exact same reaction to white kids, hispanic kids, asian kids and anyone else dressed like gang bangers. Of course they are authority figures so to the left they are lying or in the case of black personnel they have "internalised racism".

It's the knee jerk reaction of people on the left that any problem in the black community is automatically because of racism. No other reason is possible. Until those on the left can bring themselves to look at these problems objectively, they will never be solved.

The idea that violence in the black community is a result of white culture is just plain asinine. Look at africa sometime, I suppose Hutu's hacking Tutsi's to death is a result of american gun culture. Typical, when you have nothing else to point to blame it on whitey.

If police looked at crime statistics white communities would be overrun with cops. We aren't talking about Africa idiot, and if you actually studied what has gone down in that country instead of reading bullshit at stormfront, you would know why things happened as they did. When that country was colonized the colonizers chose to give one tribe preference over the other and then oppressed the other group while using their preferred black tribe. That created the hostilities between the 2 tribes that lead to what happened.

The black community in America is not the black community on Africa. You are using a false equivalence in order to deny the fact that you were told the truth about what white culture has done. Because we have had 2 world wars because of white nations so then maybe it behooves you to shut the fuck up about Africa. Oh yeah, let's not forget about Kosovo, didn't see any blacks there either.
You may wish to revisit crime statistics because you are way off base, looking at murder alone dispels that nonsense.

As far as Rwanda, you might want to revisit what was going on before colonialism, these tribes have been slaughtering and enslaving each other, much like the rest of humanity, since the beginning of time. It's the same in the americas, if you were to believe the left, the americas were a paradise of peaceful coexistence before the whites arrived. The truth, by the words of the natives people themselves, is quite the opposite.

I'm quite aware of the world wars. Are you telling me whites are the only peoples to have created such conflict? If so, then again, you may want to pick up a history book.

Kosovo? I've never denied the white race has fought mindless wars, it's the idea that this is strictly a white thing that drives me nuts. He who is without sin cast the first stone.
that what whites have done and continue doing here is a problem that cause great damage for non whites who live here.

I suppose it's more convenient to blame Whitey, than blame Blackie for so often leaving behind fatherless homes in poverty.
You have proven nothing. Blacks go to jail at the same rate that they commit crimes, Period. Sentencing disparities have been disproven time and time again. In addition, you do realize that felonies are under prosecuted in the black community?

So are you saying that there is no such thing as racism with the criminal justice system ?

In the educational system? How so? How is it that some dirt poor kid can come here from China, and excel in the same inner city schools that black kids attend? Is it racism or is it that the chinese kid comes from a two parent household, whose parents and culture demand he work hard?
I've always noticed how the people who talk about how great Asians are doing are never Asians themselves.

I’ve also noticed how people like you, like to pit Asians and blacks as total opposite with whites in the middle as just right
  • Blacks men are cool – Asian men are nerdy.
  • Black women are loud - Asian women are submissive and quiet.
  • Blacks are lazy - Asians are hard working.
  • Blacks have a lower IQ than whites - Asians have a higher one.
  • Black women are mannish - Asian women are “ultra-feminine”.
You ignore that Cambodian Americans drop out of high school at a higher rate than blacks and black immigrants from Africa and the West Indies do better than Asian Americans.

You ignore the difference between different Asian American nationalities. Hmong, Cambodians, Vietnamese and other southeast Asian nationalities who tend to be poorer.

You ignore many of these groups have much higher poverty rates than both blacks and Latinos. But even many Chinese and Japanese Americans live in poverty.

You ignore that Asian Americans are the poorest group in NYC.

You ignore the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops both abroad to make clothes for people like you.

You ignore the Asian families whose members have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water.

You ignore the Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi taxi drivers who endure crappy working conditions, customers who get pissy about their accents or “attitudes,” and beaten up.

More blacks may live in poverty compared to Asians as a whole, but this is often due to extremely strict immigration policy. There is a reason why America is only 5% Asian despite Asians accounting for the largest race on earth.

Not to mention the fact that there is no shortage of poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong to undercut your argument about the supposed cultural or genetic superiority of Asians as a group.

The main advantage with this "Asians are doing great !! There must be something wrong with black people" thinking is that it allows whites to think that they and their society are not racist.

It's just white people taking a race that seems to have done well for itself (but not as well as they like to imagine) to excuse their own racism against blacks. It is not about Asians – or even about blacks when you get down to it. It is about white people trying to feel good about themselves.

We are talking about 2 different ethnicities with two different histories when dealing with the West, and America in particular. Two vastly different immigration policies, now and historically. And Asians area much smaller population in the U.S. and have a much higher percentage of recent immigrants.

So racism in America comes in part from the hang-ups white people have about people not being white.

So sure some of it will apply to anyone who not white.

That part applies to both blacks and Asians.

But part of the racism comes from the need to excuse the unfair advantages whites have in American society, something that grows out of their past. That part applies more to blacks than to Asians. That makes blacks a way bigger threat to white self-image.

Therefore whites need to think that there is something profoundly wrong with black people. Model minority Asians help to maintain that picture.

Another thing I've noticed is that white people always criticize the way blacks and Asians behave, even when the behaviors are seemingly opposites.
  • Black parents “don’t do enough” to raise their kids but Asian parents are “too strict”.
  • Black parents “don’t drive their kids” to do well in school but Asian parents “stifle their kids” by pushing them to do well.
  • Black kids “don’t study” hard enough, but Asian kids “study too much”.
  • Black kids play “too much sports” but Asian kids “don’t play enough” sports.
  • Blacks are “less successful” than whites so they should shut up and work harder but Asians are “more successful” than whites so they should shut up and stop complaining.
  • Blacks cause “schools to decline” but Asians make the “schools too hard”.
  • Blacks get into schools on “affirmative action” but Asians are “overrepresented” in schools.
If we stopped breathing, would they criticize that, too ?

There are several instances in my life where if an Asian did well in uni, white classmates would criticize them and say, “So Asian” as if “Asian” were a bad word and doing too well at uni was a bad thing.

White culture overvalues mediocrity.

So whites are rewarded for being “just right” on the academic spectrum of smart vs. stupid.

Somehow, blacks and Asians are at opposite extremes, but whites are left at a moderate, middle ground.
That's as opposed to many black kids who are bullied and even physically assaulted for acting "too white" if they do the same. I've heard that from everyone from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Thomas Sowell to the son of one of my employees.
So are you saying that black parents push their kids to fail at school because you believe that the majority of black parents and blacks kids want to fail at school ?

Hiring and employment? Again historically true, today nonsense. I'm in business and I and many of my compatriots are desperate to find good help and couldn't care less what the color of their skin is. I seldom hire black men. do you know why? They don't apply.last time I hired was 6 months ago of 20 or so people that applied there were exactly 0 black men that applied. And this is in area that is at least half black. On top of that not working for an education isn't going to open many doors.

Say if you had a job interview and your life was dependent on getting that job.

But I had a pills that would turn your skin black.

Would you take that pill ?

I mean. There are pills you can take that will turn your skin black

There is a drug called Psorlen.


It's the same drug that John Howard Griffin took in his 1959 book when he was wanted to experience life as a black man in southern USA.


You can buy the drug on Ebay

And you can take this drug, and be your black self, and you can get all these goodies and treats and doors opened that black people supposedly get. Right ?

I mean because according to you, it's just so dam horrible and oppressive to be a white male. Right ?

See, if you really believed that white males are the ones who get the shit end of the stick, then you'd take them pills, if your life depended on getting the job.

But you would not and there is not white male on the planet who would take that pill. Don't talk unless you're prepared to back your bullshit up.
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I suppose it's more convenient to blame Whitey, than blame Blackie for so often leaving behind fatherless homes in poverty.
White people blame blacks all the time for the fallout of white racism.

When was the last time you saw something on television that showed how racist most whites are? Never. White racism is presented as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist.

Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

So in just two words “blame whitey” does three things that whites often do in an argument about race:

1. Say that blacks are racist too.

2. Say that blacks are mostly to blame for their troubles.

3. Present stereotypes about blacks as fact and insight.

Or, more generally, it is a case of blame shifting that accuses blacks of shifting the blame.
We live in America that's why we are not talking about the rest of the world. If I lived in Morocco would be talking about Morocco. You want to go back to the long ago past and even at that your story is disingenuous. You make a bunch of excuses that I reject. No one black is teaching their kids none of what you said in your last sentence. You need tp stop listening to white racial extremists telling you what blacks teach each other. White racism in America exists today. We aren't talking about slavery. You need to understand that before you post again.
I don't need to listen to to "white racial extremists" to see evidence of what I cite. I can talk to black friends, coworkers and neighbors and hear the exact same thing. I can look at what my children bring home from school and see the exact same thing. I can talk to college kids that are inundated with this nonsense nonstop, day in day out and see the exact same thing.

White racism does exist in this country today. Black racism exists in this country today. Hispanic racism exists in this country today. Asian racism exists in this country today. To deny any of that is ridiculous. To maintain that all problems in the black community today are because of racism is equally ridiculous.

You see the problem with you whites is that you think racism is just a bunch of derogatory words. There have been no blacks or Hispanics that have enacted Legislation denying whites of anything. Furthermore what you call black and Hispanic racism is a response in anger to what whites have done and keep doing. I maintain that the root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism both from the past and continuing. And it can be proven..
Then prove it. as far as legislation can you name any that haven't been co
We live in America that's why we are not talking about the rest of the world. If I lived in Morocco would be talking about Morocco. You want to go back to the long ago past and even at that your story is disingenuous. You make a bunch of excuses that I reject. No one black is teaching their kids none of what you said in your last sentence. You need tp stop listening to white racial extremists telling you what blacks teach each other. White racism in America exists today. We aren't talking about slavery. You need to understand that before you post again.
I don't need to listen to to "white racial extremists" to see evidence of what I cite. I can talk to black friends, coworkers and neighbors and hear the exact same thing. I can look at what my children bring home from school and see the exact same thing. I can talk to college kids that are inundated with this nonsense nonstop, day in day out and see the exact same thing.

White racism does exist in this country today. Black racism exists in this country today. Hispanic racism exists in this country today. Asian racism exists in this country today. To deny any of that is ridiculous. To maintain that all problems in the black community today are because of racism is equally ridiculous.

You see the problem with you whites is that you think racism is just a bunch of derogatory words. There have been no blacks or Hispanics that have enacted Legislation denying whites of anything. Furthermore what you call black and Hispanic racism is a response in anger to what whites have done and keep doing. I maintain that the root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism both from the past and continuing. And it can be proven..
Then by all means prove it.

As far as legislation, name something that hasn't been corrected. This is the same old nonsense, People cry institutional racism, then when you ask them to name the institution and how it's racist, it's time to cue the crickets.

View attachment 139962

Institutional Racism Is Our Way of Life
Endless studies and reports show that racism exists, whether we want to believe it or not.

Jesus, how ridiculous can you get. This article immediately starts with school suspensions. And of course they ASSUME it is because of the color of their skin, not the individuals actions The same with the adult status in the courts. You'll note that they don't mention the differences in the crimes themselves. I listened to an example of this a while back. People were pointing to 2 16 year olds that stole a car, the black kid was tried as an adult the white kid wasn't. What they failed to mention was that the white kid stole a car from a drive way, got pulled over and went quietly to jail. The black kid carjacked a woman, pistol whipped her, led the police on a 30 mile chase, crashed the car, got out and ran then fought with the cops. At least he had the sense to drop the gun.

The NJ turnpike is another gem. Did you know that the federal govt initiated a study about the NJ turnpike because while blacks make up 15% of the drivers they were receiving 23% of the tickets. The study determined that blacks made up 25% of those speeding, they were under ticketed by 2%. And 73% of those arrested are black? Exactly why would you be arrested on the turnpike? Speeding? I don't think so. I can only think of a few reasons, dui, outstanding warrants, transporting drugs?

The stop and frisk is another example. I forget the exact year but in one year 97% of the felonies involving fire arms in NYC were committed by nonwhites. 97% Who would you concentrate on? Reminds me of the stupidity at airports, they're trying to stop terrorism, so make sure to scrutinize the 84 year old Korean woman.

Black's make up 40% of arrests for violent crime. This is surprising? Over a 30 year period blacks were responsible for 52% of the murders in this country. Who should they arrest?

This goes back to the same basic principle, correlation does not prove causation.

I'm going to make an example out of you later today.
You have proven nothing. Blacks go to jail at the same rate that they commit crimes, Period. Sentencing disparities have been disproven time and time again. In addition, you do realize that felonies are under prosecuted in the black community?

So are you saying that there is no such thing as racism with the criminal justice system ?

In the educational system? How so? How is it that some dirt poor kid can come here from China, and excel in the same inner city schools that black kids attend? Is it racism or is it that the chinese kid comes from a two parent household, whose parents and culture demand he work hard?
I've always noticed how the people who talk about how great Asians are doing are never Asians themselves.

I’ve also noticed how people like you, like to pit Asians and blacks as total opposite with whites in the middle as just right
  • Blacks men are cool – Asian men are nerdy.
  • Black women are loud - Asian women are submissive and quiet.
  • Blacks are lazy - Asians are hard working.
  • Blacks have a lower IQ than whites - Asians have a higher one.
  • Black women are mannish - Asian women are “ultra-feminine”.
You ignore that Cambodian Americans drop out of high school at a higher rate than blacks and black immigrants from Africa and the West Indies do better than Asian Americans.

You ignore the difference between different Asian American nationalities. Hmong, Cambodians, Vietnamese and other southeast Asian nationalities who tend to be poorer.

You ignore many of these groups have much higher poverty rates than both blacks and Latinos. But even many Chinese and Japanese Americans live in poverty.

You ignore that Asian Americans are the poorest group in NYC.

You ignore the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops both abroad to make clothes for people like you.

You ignore the Asian families whose members have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water.

You ignore the Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi taxi drivers who endure crappy working conditions, customers who get pissy about their accents or “attitudes,” and beaten up.

More blacks may live in poverty compared to Asians as a whole, but this is often due to extremely strict immigration policy. There is a reason why America is only 5% Asian despite Asians accounting for the largest race on earth.

Not to mention the fact that there is no shortage of poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong to undercut your argument about the supposed cultural or genetic superiority of Asians as a group.

The main advantage with this "Asians are doing great !! There must be something wrong with black people" thinking is that it allows whites to think that they and their society are not racist.

It's just white people taking a race that seems to have done well for itself (but not as well as they like to imagine) to excuse their own racism against blacks. It is not about Asians – or even about blacks when you get down to it. It is about white people trying to feel good about themselves.

We are talking about 2 different ethnicities with two different histories when dealing with the West, and America in particular. Two vastly different immigration policies, now and historically. And Asians area much smaller population in the U.S. and have a much higher percentage of recent immigrants.

So racism in America comes in part from the hang-ups white people have about people not being white.

So sure some of it will apply to anyone who not white.

That part applies to both blacks and Asians.

But part of the racism comes from the need to excuse the unfair advantages whites have in American society, something that grows out of their past. That part applies more to blacks than to Asians. That makes blacks a way bigger threat to white self-image.

Therefore whites need to think that there is something profoundly wrong with black people. Model minority Asians help to maintain that picture.

Another thing I've noticed is that white people always criticize the way blacks and Asians behave, even when the behaviors are seemingly opposites.
  • Black parents “don’t do enough” to raise their kids but Asian parents are “too strict”.
  • Black parents “don’t drive their kids” to do well in school but Asian parents “stifle their kids” by pushing them to do well.
  • Black kids “don’t study” hard enough, but Asian kids “study too much”.
  • Black kids play “too much sports” but Asian kids “don’t play enough” sports.
  • Blacks are “less successful” than whites so they should shut up and work harder but Asians are “more successful” than whites so they should shut up and stop complaining.
  • Blacks cause “schools to decline” but Asians make the “schools too hard”.
  • Blacks get into schools on “affirmative action” but Asians are “overrepresented” in schools.
If we stopped breathing, would they criticize that, too ?

There are several instances in my life where if an Asian did well in uni, white classmates would criticize them and say, “So Asian” as if “Asian” were a bad word and doing too well at uni was a bad thing.

White culture overvalues mediocrity.

So whites are rewarded for being “just right” on the academic spectrum of smart vs. stupid.

Somehow, blacks and Asians are at opposite extremes, but whites are left at a moderate, middle ground.
That's as opposed to many black kids who are bullied and even physically assaulted for acting "too white" if they do the same. I've heard that from everyone from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Thomas Sowell to the son of one of my employees.
So are you saying that black parents push their kids to fail at school because you believe that the majority of black parents and blacks kids want to fail at school ?

Hiring and employment? Again historically true, today nonsense. I'm in business and I and many of my compatriots are desperate to find good help and couldn't care less what the color of their skin is. I seldom hire black men. do you know why? They don't apply.last time I hired was 6 months ago of 20 or so people that applied there were exactly 0 black men that applied. And this is in area that is at least half black. On top of that not working for an education isn't going to open many doors.

Say if you had a job interview and your life was dependent on getting that job.

But I had a pills that would turn your skin black.

Would you take that pill ?

I mean. There are pills you can take that will turn your skin black

There is a drug called Psorlen.


It's the same drug that John Howard Griffin took in his 1959 book when he was wanted to experience life as a black man in southern USA.


You can buy the drug on Ebay

And you can take this drug, and be your black self, and you can get all these goodies and treats and doors opened that black people supposedly get. Right ?

I mean because according to you, it's just so dam horrible and oppressive to be a white male. Right ?

See, if you really believed that white males are the ones who get the shit end of the stick, then you'd take them pills, if your life depended on getting the job.

But you would not and there is not white male on the planet who would take that pill. Don't talk unless you're prepared to back your bullshit up.

That's it for me on this post, not going to keep feeding this RACIST TROLL any further.

Well you first problem is this lie whites tell themselves about racism coming in all colors. When you find an example in America where blacks or any non white has done to whites what whites have done to everyone else, let me know. Blacks don't have more rights than whites. Racism exists and does stand the way of our progress.

This is racism:

Constantly blaming whites for your inadequacies is way over the top and beyond old at a time in history when blacks have as many or MORE rights than white people. You'd find that out if you would ever stop whining, put down the crack pipe, get off the couch, go to school or work, and start paying your own bills instead of living forever off food stamps and welfare.
Have done to everyone else? Try picking up a book sometime. The history of white europeans is that of being invaded by non white peoples.
How far back would you like to go? The persians, carthaginians, huns, persians again, arabs/moors, turks, mongols, turks again, turks again. My slavic ancestors came to the US to escape hundreds of years rape, slaughter and enslavement by the turks. Africans in the form of barbary pirates were raiding and taking slaves as far north as Ireland many centuries before the european slave trade.

Why is it only white people are held responsible for what their ancestors did? Hell did you know that you could still buy a black slave at an open public market in the city of Mecca up until 1963.

How about North Africa. According to writings of ancient Greeks, Romans and other cultures the ancient Egyptians were not Arab. How is it that Egypt is now overwhelmingly Arab? Where are the original Egyptians? I guess if you are not white and make sure to eradicate the native population you get a pass.

I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.

Well then maybe you will want to discuss how slavery still exist today here in the states!?!

Even though it is illegal it is still practice and by Asians, Hispanics and African Blacks...

Now call me a damn liar and let see how fast you sent reality.

You only see whites as your enemy but I hope Hispanics and Asians grow big enough in population to show you that you are hate by then more than whites...

No I don't want to discuss slavery in those states. You guys use this as an excuse to deny the present form of racism practiced by whites. I don't see a whites as my enemy and I know enough Asians and Mexicans to tell you that I know that what you say is a lie.

Quite frankly I find this thread funny. Here we have excuses made for whites going back 500 years while we are told not to make excuses by the same whites.

I did not make any excuses about the past but you sure do live in it. The reality is you believe no other race has done so much damage to society and you believe Asian and Hispanics would treat you so much better than the White society.

The reality is you will still be the minority in society no matter what. Also the reality is Hispanics and Asians will build their society to benefit their own and not you.

I have been around this country and many others and if you believe for a moment Blacks like you would be treated better in a non-white society that is control by Asians and Hispanic, well you are delusional.

Also the reason why you don't want to comment on today slavery that goes on here in the United States of America is because it shows the reality of this sick world you live in and no race is better than the other races.

It shows how you only focus on your skin color while trying to blame society for your failure in life.

How many times have you seen the brown paper bag test or heard your own tell someone how a mix race child is not black enough?

I know I have witness it many times along with Koreans, Mexicans and El Salvadoran rather serve whites over blacks.

So keep on denying reality and claiming a non-white society here in the states would benefit you because in the end you will still be the minority with no power to change a damn thing!
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Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.
Not what I meant.
The stuff your saying on this page is different than the stuff you were saying in the op.

There is consistency in my comments.

White people are different than black people. They think differently. If you do see inconsistencies then I will try to address them.

Black people value community and relationships. White people live in their own little world and don't give two craps what their neighbor is dealing with. They expect the same lack of courtesy from others.

White people value independence and accomplishments. Black people are so well connected with everybody they don't even comprehend the concept of independence. Hoarding resources is less important to blacks because they don't see anybody in their community do without. They don't worry themselves with such things.

Black Americans and White Americans are different. Of course there are exceptions but not many. I don't see these differences as a barrier to social progress or a justification for hate. I simply see them as deep rooted differences. These two mentalities grew from two distinct cultures. We don't blend well but do we really have to blend for everybody to be happy? I don't think so.

Just because a white man focuses more on independence and accomplishments doesn't make him a racist. It just makes him white.

Just because a black man focuses more on community and relationships does make him a racist. It just makes him black.

These differences aren't enough to piss anybody off. I don't get it. I probably never will. I think racism is just a convenient excuse for some people to explain their failures in life.
Then why are they killing each other?
I just watched a video by Michael Eric Dyson and he touched on this problem. It was lengthy, so I'm going to summarize. He starts by laying the backdrop that black people have been under suspicion from the beginning of their journey here. Their humanity has been questioned and their intelligence has been questioned.

Black teens inherit a culture where the suspicion of their humanity and intelligence is part of their daily life. They are often put in special ed classes in school and put in detention and kicked out of school for things their white classmates do and suffer no punishment for. They are viewed as likely to engage in criminal behavior - they are profiled for their clothing, by police and in retail stores. There is a targeting of young black men beginning at age 14-16 where they are subject to adult penalties. There is a stereotyping of them and an assault on them. They have been seen as predetermined to be criminal.

Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap speak out about this: They are combating the attack on their existence by resorting to the very violence that is critical in the American culture and American identity. And the sense of macho that young black people appropriate has been given to them by a white culture obsessed with guns as a manifestation of their manhood.

Young black men did not invent the game - but they are playing it.
I can understand the historical aspects of that, but in 2017 can you really say this "questioning their humanity" still exists? It seems the folks on the left are desperate to maintain this view.

As to black kids being disproportionately punished by schools, I've seen this myth debunked repeatedly. Normally by black school administrators.
It's no different than the fallacy that blacks receive longer sentences than whites for the same crime. Study after study show that when prior records, plea bargaining deals and other criteria are taken into account, it's nonsense.

Do you really think that police and store security profile these kids because of the color of their skin or prior experience? Perhaps look at some crime statistics. reality is reality. When you talk to police and security personnel, including black ones, they will tell you that they have the exact same reaction to white kids, hispanic kids, asian kids and anyone else dressed like gang bangers. Of course they are authority figures so to the left they are lying or in the case of black personnel they have "internalised racism".

It's the knee jerk reaction of people on the left that any problem in the black community is automatically because of racism. No other reason is possible. Until those on the left can bring themselves to look at these problems objectively, they will never be solved.

The idea that violence in the black community is a result of white culture is just plain asinine. Look at africa sometime, I suppose Hutu's hacking Tutsi's to death is a result of american gun culture. Typical, when you have nothing else to point to blame it on whitey.

If police looked at crime statistics white communities would be overrun with cops. We aren't talking about Africa idiot, and if you actually studied what has gone down in that country instead of reading bullshit at stormfront, you would know why things happened as they did. When that country was colonized the colonizers chose to give one tribe preference over the other and then oppressed the other group while using their preferred black tribe. That created the hostilities between the 2 tribes that lead to what happened.

The black community in America is not the black community on Africa. You are using a false equivalence in order to deny the fact that you were told the truth about what white culture has done. Because we have had 2 world wars because of white nations so then maybe it behooves you to shut the fuck up about Africa. Oh yeah, let's not forget about Kosovo, didn't see any blacks there either.

You believe Africa was peaceful and no one ever fought until Whites came and caused all the damn problems.

Hate to tell you but before whites came down into Africa there were wars, slavery and crime. I know you hate reality so back to your lecture on how whites ruined the world and how had you been born in Africa and not here your life would have been peaceful and wonderful...

Oh, Native Americans would be glad to see you, Asians and Whites to go back to where your ancestors came from and give back their lands seeing they are the only group of people that deserve any form of pity at all!
You have proven nothing. Blacks go to jail at the same rate that they commit crimes, Period. Sentencing disparities have been disproven time and time again. In addition, you do realize that felonies are under prosecuted in the black community?

So are you saying that there is no such thing as racism with the criminal justice system ?

In the educational system? How so? How is it that some dirt poor kid can come here from China, and excel in the same inner city schools that black kids attend? Is it racism or is it that the chinese kid comes from a two parent household, whose parents and culture demand he work hard?
I've always noticed how the people who talk about how great Asians are doing are never Asians themselves.

I’ve also noticed how people like you, like to pit Asians and blacks as total opposite with whites in the middle as just right
  • Blacks men are cool – Asian men are nerdy.
  • Black women are loud - Asian women are submissive and quiet.
  • Blacks are lazy - Asians are hard working.
  • Blacks have a lower IQ than whites - Asians have a higher one.
  • Black women are mannish - Asian women are “ultra-feminine”.
You ignore that Cambodian Americans drop out of high school at a higher rate than blacks and black immigrants from Africa and the West Indies do better than Asian Americans.

You ignore the difference between different Asian American nationalities. Hmong, Cambodians, Vietnamese and other southeast Asian nationalities who tend to be poorer.

You ignore many of these groups have much higher poverty rates than both blacks and Latinos. But even many Chinese and Japanese Americans live in poverty.

You ignore that Asian Americans are the poorest group in NYC.

You ignore the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops both abroad to make clothes for people like you.

You ignore the Asian families whose members have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water.

You ignore the Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi taxi drivers who endure crappy working conditions, customers who get pissy about their accents or “attitudes,” and beaten up.

More blacks may live in poverty compared to Asians as a whole, but this is often due to extremely strict immigration policy. There is a reason why America is only 5% Asian despite Asians accounting for the largest race on earth.

Not to mention the fact that there is no shortage of poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong to undercut your argument about the supposed cultural or genetic superiority of Asians as a group.

The main advantage with this "Asians are doing great !! There must be something wrong with black people" thinking is that it allows whites to think that they and their society are not racist.

It's just white people taking a race that seems to have done well for itself (but not as well as they like to imagine) to excuse their own racism against blacks. It is not about Asians – or even about blacks when you get down to it. It is about white people trying to feel good about themselves.

We are talking about 2 different ethnicities with two different histories when dealing with the West, and America in particular. Two vastly different immigration policies, now and historically. And Asians area much smaller population in the U.S. and have a much higher percentage of recent immigrants.

So racism in America comes in part from the hang-ups white people have about people not being white.

So sure some of it will apply to anyone who not white.

That part applies to both blacks and Asians.

But part of the racism comes from the need to excuse the unfair advantages whites have in American society, something that grows out of their past. That part applies more to blacks than to Asians. That makes blacks a way bigger threat to white self-image.

Therefore whites need to think that there is something profoundly wrong with black people. Model minority Asians help to maintain that picture.

Another thing I've noticed is that white people always criticize the way blacks and Asians behave, even when the behaviors are seemingly opposites.
  • Black parents “don’t do enough” to raise their kids but Asian parents are “too strict”.
  • Black parents “don’t drive their kids” to do well in school but Asian parents “stifle their kids” by pushing them to do well.
  • Black kids “don’t study” hard enough, but Asian kids “study too much”.
  • Black kids play “too much sports” but Asian kids “don’t play enough” sports.
  • Blacks are “less successful” than whites so they should shut up and work harder but Asians are “more successful” than whites so they should shut up and stop complaining.
  • Blacks cause “schools to decline” but Asians make the “schools too hard”.
  • Blacks get into schools on “affirmative action” but Asians are “overrepresented” in schools.
If we stopped breathing, would they criticize that, too ?

There are several instances in my life where if an Asian did well in uni, white classmates would criticize them and say, “So Asian” as if “Asian” were a bad word and doing too well at uni was a bad thing.

White culture overvalues mediocrity.

So whites are rewarded for being “just right” on the academic spectrum of smart vs. stupid.

Somehow, blacks and Asians are at opposite extremes, but whites are left at a moderate, middle ground.
That's as opposed to many black kids who are bullied and even physically assaulted for acting "too white" if they do the same. I've heard that from everyone from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Thomas Sowell to the son of one of my employees.
So are you saying that black parents push their kids to fail at school because you believe that the majority of black parents and blacks kids want to fail at school ?

Hiring and employment? Again historically true, today nonsense. I'm in business and I and many of my compatriots are desperate to find good help and couldn't care less what the color of their skin is. I seldom hire black men. do you know why? They don't apply.last time I hired was 6 months ago of 20 or so people that applied there were exactly 0 black men that applied. And this is in area that is at least half black. On top of that not working for an education isn't going to open many doors.

Say if you had a job interview and your life was dependent on getting that job.

But I had a pills that would turn your skin black.

Would you take that pill ?

I mean. There are pills you can take that will turn your skin black

There is a drug called Psorlen.


It's the same drug that John Howard Griffin took in his 1959 book when he was wanted to experience life as a black man in southern USA.


You can buy the drug on Ebay

And you can take this drug, and be your black self, and you can get all these goodies and treats and doors opened that black people supposedly get. Right ?

I mean because according to you, it's just so dam horrible and oppressive to be a white male. Right ?

See, if you really believed that white males are the ones who get the shit end of the stick, then you'd take them pills, if your life depended on getting the job.

But you would not and there is not white male on the planet who would take that pill. Don't talk unless you're prepared to back your bullshit up.

It's not just observations, but also confirmed in much data that Whites tend to fall between North-East Asians, and Africans in multiple variables.

I wouldn't tout of NYC Asians having the highest poverty rates, considering they still have rather low murder rates in NYC, much lower than Blacks.

South-East Asians are a little different than North-East Asians, for starters they have much smaller cranial capacities.

Of course the climate environment of South-East Asia is more like that of parts of Africa, than like many parts of North-East Asia.
I suppose it's more convenient to blame Whitey, than blame Blackie for so often leaving behind fatherless homes in poverty.
White people blame blacks all the time for the fallout of white racism.

When was the last time you saw something on television that showed how racist most whites are? Never. White racism is presented as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist.

Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

So in just two words “blame whitey” does three things that whites often do in an argument about race:

1. Say that blacks are racist too.

2. Say that blacks are mostly to blame for their troubles.

3. Present stereotypes about blacks as fact and insight.

Or, more generally, it is a case of blame shifting that accuses blacks of shifting the blame.

The last major White racist character on TV was Archie Bunker, on All in the Family, and that backfired, while the TV show thought people would be outraged by Archie, most ended up more than likely to identify with one Archie Bunker.

Oh really? Blacks on TV are portrayed as screwed up?
Like in the Cosby show, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, or how on the Simpsons the doctor, judge, and voice of reason Carl are all Black, while the rest of the town is basically goofy White trash?
Oh so you are saying that 3 times the number of blacks are acting up in school than whites. You guys are real good at looking for excuses, but none really exist. Over what 30 year period were blacks responsible for 52 percent of the murders. Is murder the only crime? Whites committed over 60 percent of the violent crimes in 2015, why are we arresting the 40 percent more?

Oh yeah we must multiply every black crime by 5. So if a black person robs a store that equals 5 robberies and if a white person robs the same store it equals one.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community.. Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs. It lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities.

So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself

But you see the white community has all these things already and still commits 70 percent of all crime in America. You want to multiply things by 5 instead pf looking at the fact you have a problem. But if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same the same things do not exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunity. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges and political representatives. You white people fail to understand this. But you keep arguing his ridiculous per capita multiply by 5 idiocy.
I've picked up plenty of books. Sorry but when whites tell me how 150 years ago is too long ago to talk about we certainly are not gong to be discussing 1,000 years ago just because you want to deny the issue of what whites have done in America where we live after writing documents stating all men are created equal.

Well then maybe you will want to discuss how slavery still exist today here in the states!?!

Even though it is illegal it is still practice and by Asians, Hispanics and African Blacks...

Now call me a damn liar and let see how fast you sent reality.

You only see whites as your enemy but I hope Hispanics and Asians grow big enough in population to show you that you are hate by then more than whites...

No I don't want to discuss slavery in those states. You guys use this as an excuse to deny the present form of racism practiced by whites. I don't see a whites as my enemy and I know enough Asians and Mexicans to tell you that I know that what you say is a lie.

Quite frankly I find this thread funny. Here we have excuses made for whites going back 500 years while we are told not to make excuses by the same whites.
By all means explain to us the "present form of racism" practised by whites. Which by the way is a racist statement. I love these generalized statements with nothing to back it up. And could you point out the "excuses" posted?

No, that was not racist. You don't get to make up what racism is. OK? We have proven racism in the criminal justice system The educational system, hiring and employment, in fact there is a name for the current form of white covert racism-SYSTEMIC RACISM.

You want me to show you the excuses? Start with the the OP then read every post here by someone white besides delores and if sealybobo has posted, then figure it out.
It most certainly is a racist statement, decrying someone strictly based on the color of their skin IS racist. I didn't make up the definition that IS the definition.

You have proven nothing. Blacks go to jail at the same rate that they commit crimes, Period. Sentencing disparities have been disproven time and time again. In addition, you do realize that felonies are under prosecuted in the black community?

In the educational system? How so? How is it that some dirt poor kid can come here from China, and excel in the same inner city schools that black kids attend? Is it racism or is it that the chinese kid comes from a two parent household, whose parents and culture demand he work hard? That's as opposed to many black kids who are bullied and even physically assaulted for acting "too white" if they do the same. I've heard that from everyone from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Thomas Sowell to the son of one of my employees.

Hiring and employment? Again historically true, today nonsense. I'm in business and I and many of my compatriots are desperate to find good help and couldn't care less what the color of their skin is. I seldom hire black men. do you know why? They don't apply. The last time I hired was 6 months ago of 20 or so people that applied there were exactly 0 black men that applied. And this is in area that is at least half black. On top of that not working for an education isn't going to open many doors.

You don't get to make up what racism is. What I said was true, you whites here are making excuses for yourselves going back 500 years. You are the one making racist statement because you are making you comments based on false hoods. top of t hat you are referring to all blacks, I was referring to whites posting here. So you don't get to makeup what racism is because that is just exactly what you did. .I've run businesses. So here is your challenge:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
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