Unemployment Claims Settling To Jobs Creation Pace Due To Obama!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Republican tendency to expose themselves: Has Escaped The Attention of Rush Limbaugh, Not Even! Now New Claims For Unemployment are at the 350,000 per week range, after several weeks.

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

And everyone knows how the United States got there: As opposed to the liking-to-fire-people of the nominee apparent at GOP. Unlike the Conservatives, Nominee-Apparent Romeny is mildly Socialist. A Socialst Safety-Net, poor people's caste, is acknowledged. Even a Conservative would not call that Laissez-Faire(?)!

The Obama initiatives such as the Make-Work-Pay Refundable Tax Credit, the Payroll Tax Holiday, Cash for Clunkers, and the new proposal to tax the rich, instead of the lower middle class: Have been the compare and contrast Outreach to the Poor and Middle Class.

They exist in the Obama Administration. They are acknowledged. The Obama Adminstration intends a functioning, market economy. The Conservatives didn't even llike the auto industry, only months ago.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not even banks seem to have any money--especially with management that buys losing firms such as Countrywide Financial: In order to pay for all their lawsuits--which the Ivy League supports!)
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Federal Budget Deficit To Dip To $1.1T, CBO Says | Fox News

"We know that President Obama's policies have failed to produce the economic growth needed to pay down these massive deficits that are creating uncertainty, preventing economic recovery, and harming job creation," said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. "When something doesn't work, you change it. Let's try something new."

The CBO study also predicts modest economic growth of 2 percent this year and forecasts that the unemployment rate will be 8.9 percent on Election Day. That is based on an assumption that President Barack Obama will fail to win renewal of payroll tax cuts and jobless benefits through the end of the year.

That jobless rate is higher than the rates that contributed to losses by Presidents Jimmy Carter (7.5 percent) and George H.W. Bush (7.4 percent). The agency also predicts that unemployment will average 9.1 percent in 2013 and remain at 7 percent or above through 2015.
The compare and contrast of the difference between moderate Socialist Romney, and Democratic President Obama is clear in their approaches to the revival of the auto industry. Romney was opposed. Interventionist Obama was all for the bail-out created of the auto industry.

Obama Touts Auto Industry Recovery at D.C. Auto Show - ABC News

Mildly Socialist Romney is for a lower caste of poor, reliant on the safety net. Interventionist Obama is clearly for a revival of U. S. job!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Salt-Water Jew has been exposing only non-hip, non-negro dialect, so far(?)!)
Federal Budget Deficit To Dip To $1.1T, CBO Says | Fox News

"We know that President Obama's policies have failed to produce the economic growth needed to pay down these massive deficits that are creating uncertainty, preventing economic recovery, and harming job creation," said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. "When something doesn't work, you change it. Let's try something new."

The CBO study also predicts modest economic growth of 2 percent this year and forecasts that the unemployment rate will be 8.9 percent on Election Day. That is based on an assumption that President Barack Obama will fail to win renewal of payroll tax cuts and jobless benefits through the end of the year.

That jobless rate is higher than the rates that contributed to losses by Presidents Jimmy Carter (7.5 percent) and George H.W. Bush (7.4 percent). The agency also predicts that unemployment will average 9.1 percent in 2013 and remain at 7 percent or above through 2015.

So were celebrating 1.1 Trillion now? Seriously?
You're babbling like a moron.

The Republican tendency to expose themselves: Has Escaped The Attention of Rush Limbaugh, Not Even! Now New Claims For Unemployment are at the 350,000 per week range, after several weeks.

ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report

And everyone knows how the United States got there: As opposed to the liking-to-fire-people of the nominee apparent at GOP. Unlike the Conservatives, Nominee-Apparent Romeny is mildly Socialist. A Socialst Safety-Net, poor people's caste, is acknowledged. Even a Conservative would not call that Laissez-Faire(?)!

The Obama initiatives such as the Make-Work-Pay Refundable Tax Credit, the Payroll Tax Holiday, Cash for Clunkers, and the new proposal to tax the rich, instead of the lower middle class: Have been the compare and contrast Outreach to the Poor and Middle Class.

They exist in the Obama Administration. They are acknowledged. The Obama Adminstration intends a functioning, market economy. The Conservatives didn't even llike the auto industry, only months ago.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not even banks seem to have any money--especially with management that buys losing firms such as Countrywide Financial: In order to pay for all their lawsuits--which the Ivy League supports!)
Intended by all families of the Party of Abraham Lincoln, the Reagan Administration, and the Bush I, Term I, Administration: Were widely famous mainly for creating, (1) bank and S&L failures, and (2), and underclass of colored poor that then set to shooting at one another.

Hollywood profiteered in mega-bucks, from the "entertainer's" concept of a "strong" America! Some people just don't recover that well from the substance abuse of Hollywood. That one even had the monkey-stuff problem.

Bush II, Term II, would continue in the same Trajectory--Admired of The Ivy League--and so now Romney--RNC apparent, nominee--has another "strong" economy to contend with, and rife with a record and legacy of bank failures: Which the Republicans are for! That is already on their permanent record!

Jews in the Third Reich famously supported the law, and went to the little camps, for extermination. Jews and Gentiles alike all famously supported the law in the foreclosure crisis--only now due to Socialists worldwide, becoming abated.

Still clearly females accepted procreation behavior during it all: Hoping for the crisis of the law to afflict even their foaled spawn: Again, and again, and again, forever!

Especially the Holy Father blesses them them for it, when instead abortions should be blessed!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Liberals of Socialist, Anarchy Arithmetic: Know a thing or two about Conservatives Exposing Themselves to Peoples Worldwide!)

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