Unemployment Dropped Lower in 4 Months Under Trump Than 4 Years Under Obama

What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.
And it would be gone by April.
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.

Yeah, your mother said she had you under control too, now you're a PROG
I guess if Trump actually had the virus under control then he wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that there are fewer employed now than when he took over.

Facts suck, don’t they?
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.
9 out of 10 things trumps say are bullshit and the other one is just a lie
You would hope this would stop the Dim bragging about Obama's economic record, but that we all know that isn't going to happen.

After Obama took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate would peak at 10 percent in October of that year as the country began to emerge sluggishly from the Great Recession.
At the end of four years, the rate had dropped just 2 percentage points to 8 percent in January 2013.
The ingredients of the lackluster recovery, which are currently being touted by Obama’s former No. 2, Biden, were raising taxes and regulations on businesses and the “wealthy.”
After taking office, Trump made four very un-Obama-like moves: He significantly cut government regulations on businesses; he signed tax cuts for businesses and individuals into law; he promoted domestic energy production; and he negotiated new pro-American trade deals.
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
and just to add, i am sick and tired, well more like sick and tired of liberals that were blaming the democrat crash of 2008 on Bush,,we all know that it was Pelosi and Reid that forced banks to give loans to anyone who needed a loan, especially for a home, no matter their income/low credit rating/race,,etc etc. and at some point the banks ran out of money and everyone lost their jobs! thanks to Democrats that had the house back then!
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.
9 out of 10 things trumps say are bullshit and the other one is just a lie

Is that right? Post a video of Trump, we'll put your emotions to the test. Any video with do.
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.

Yeah, your mother said she had you under control too, now you're a PROG
I guess if Trump actually had the virus under control then he wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that there are fewer employed now than when he took over.

Facts suck, don’t they?

Ah I see. Therefore ALL leaders throughout the world have the virus under control and their economies are doing great. Give us examples PROG.

You might take a government class ass-wipe, get some idea how shit works. Which State do you live in?
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
Trump ran trillion dollar deficits and he couldn’t even beat Obama on GDP growth. Pathetic.
you have jack shit to back that stupid comment up
Obama GDP growth 2015: 2.9%
Trump GDP growth 2018: 2.9%
So tell us how much better Trump was that he couldn’t even beat Obama?
it took BARRAG 6 years....duh
And in three years Trump ran it into the ground. What’s your point?
The Dim shutdown ran it into the ground, moron. Your pathetic attempts to blame Trump for it are laughable.
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
Trump ran trillion dollar deficits and he couldn’t even beat Obama on GDP growth. Pathetic.
you have jack shit to back that stupid comment up
Obama GDP growth 2015: 2.9%
Trump GDP growth 2018: 2.9%
So tell us how much better Trump was that he couldn’t even beat Obama?
it took BARRAG 6 years....duh
And in three years Trump ran it into the ground. What’s your point?
The Dim shutdown ran it into the ground, moron. Your pathetic attempts to blame Trump for it are laughable.

Sad really. PROGS are not an honest people. If they were they wouldn't be PROGS.
What's missing here is while unemployment favors Trump as do all measures, the unemployment numbers under Obama were highly inflated in the first place, because in time people fell off the roles and many left the market for good. That doesn't apply in Trump's case due to the short-time period and extended benefits.

Obama's answer to a recession was Obummercare which is exactly the opposite what was needed. At least PROGS have the comfort of knowing all that money spent went toward govt. and waste.

The market swung 2K in the two month's following Trump's election, and he hadn't even taken office yet. Ask yourselves is that because of faith in Trump and/or the lack of faith in O'bummer?
There’s 4 million fewer employed Americans now than when Trump took office.

So yeah, it really favors Trump.

You say that with a straight face fucker considering COVID and it's your Demonicrat Govornors who have shut down their States?
Trump said he had the virus totally under control.

Yeah, your mother said she had you under control too, now you're a PROG
I guess if Trump actually had the virus under control then he wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that there are fewer employed now than when he took over.

Facts suck, don’t they?

Ah I see. Therefore ALL leaders throughout the world have the virus under control and their economies are doing great. Give us examples PROG.

You might take a government class ass-wipe, get some idea how shit works. Which State do you live in?
Trump said he had the virus under control. What else do you need to know?
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
Trump ran trillion dollar deficits and he couldn’t even beat Obama on GDP growth. Pathetic.
you have jack shit to back that stupid comment up
Obama GDP growth 2015: 2.9%
Trump GDP growth 2018: 2.9%
So tell us how much better Trump was that he couldn’t even beat Obama?
it took BARRAG 6 years....duh
And in three years Trump ran it into the ground. What’s your point?
The Dim shutdown ran it into the ground, moron. Your pathetic attempts to blame Trump for it are laughable.
Trump said he had the virus under control. If that were true, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
Trump ran trillion dollar deficits and he couldn’t even beat Obama on GDP growth. Pathetic.
you have jack shit to back that stupid comment up
Obama GDP growth 2015: 2.9%
Trump GDP growth 2018: 2.9%
So tell us how much better Trump was that he couldn’t even beat Obama?
it took BARRAG 6 years....duh
And in three years Trump ran it into the ground. What’s your point?
The Dim shutdown ran it into the ground, moron. Your pathetic attempts to blame Trump for it are laughable.
Trump said he had the virus under control. If that were true, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Did he say that? When? What does it mean to have the virus "under control?"

You need to update your citations. Current unemployment rate is almost twice where Obama left it.
It said after 4 years of Obama, not 8. Can't you read?

It's nothing but cherry picking. Obama cut unemployment in his first term, while it looks like Trump will have actually increased unemployment in his.
And as for which term to use. Think bookends.
Trump didn't increase unemployment. The Dim shutdown did. The Dims literally ordered business to shutdown forcing them to lay off their entire staff.

Who do you believe you're fooling?
i wonder what the employment would be if cally and new nork would open up

I wonder what the death numbers would be at if they didn't take the measures they did because of Trumps failure to provide any leadership.
I wonder what you would post if someone hadn't removed your brain.
and to this day, these {fill in the blank} actually are trying to convince the world that Trump created the virus in a lab or that Trump is a psychic and knew about what was going on in China and didnt use his psychic abilities to stop all planes from coming the USA
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
Trump ran trillion dollar deficits and he couldn’t even beat Obama on GDP growth. Pathetic.
you have jack shit to back that stupid comment up
Obama GDP growth 2015: 2.9%
Trump GDP growth 2018: 2.9%
So tell us how much better Trump was that he couldn’t even beat Obama?
it took BARRAG 6 years....duh
And in three years Trump ran it into the ground. What’s your point?
The Dim shutdown ran it into the ground, moron. Your pathetic attempts to blame Trump for it are laughable.
Trump said he had the virus under control. If that were true, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Did he say that? When? What does it mean to have the virus "under control?"
Yes, he said that. Have you been living in a cave?
You would hope this would stop the Dim bragging about Obama's economic record, but that we all know that isn't going to happen.

After Obama took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate would peak at 10 percent in October of that year as the country began to emerge sluggishly from the Great Recession.
At the end of four years, the rate had dropped just 2 percentage points to 8 percent in January 2013.
The ingredients of the lackluster recovery, which are currently being touted by Obama’s former No. 2, Biden, were raising taxes and regulations on businesses and the “wealthy.”
After taking office, Trump made four very un-Obama-like moves: He significantly cut government regulations on businesses; he signed tax cuts for businesses and individuals into law; he promoted domestic energy production; and he negotiated new pro-American trade deals.
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.

Wow!! Talk about "spin, spin, spin". What's that old saying - "Figures never lie, but liars often figure".

No President in the history of the nation has every had higher unemployment numbers. Trump LOST more jobs than any President in history. And he's doubled the unemployment rate since he was inaugurated.

Trump didn't create those jobs, nor is he responsible for the drop in unemployment. The workers who were laid off were recalled after he forced the country to re-open. Half of those laid off still haven't found work, and are unlikely to.
You would hope this would stop the Dim bragging about Obama's economic record, but that we all know that isn't going to happen.

After Obama took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate would peak at 10 percent in October of that year as the country began to emerge sluggishly from the Great Recession.
At the end of four years, the rate had dropped just 2 percentage points to 8 percent in January 2013.
The ingredients of the lackluster recovery, which are currently being touted by Obama’s former No. 2, Biden, were raising taxes and regulations on businesses and the “wealthy.”
After taking office, Trump made four very un-Obama-like moves: He significantly cut government regulations on businesses; he signed tax cuts for businesses and individuals into law; he promoted domestic energy production; and he negotiated new pro-American trade deals.
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
If the Democrats would stop oppressing their cities and states....the economy would be going like crazy.
But for political reasons they figure all of the lives and businesses they destroy is, in the words of Nancy Pelosi, "Collateral Damage".
Right wingers also alleged the Spanish flu was a hoax.
well i dont miss the good old days when we peaked at around 95 Million looking for work under Obama who purposely tanked the economy in 2009
Right wing fantasy at its finest? Obama had to turn a right wing Recession around.
You would hope this would stop the Dim bragging about Obama's economic record, but that we all know that isn't going to happen.

After Obama took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate would peak at 10 percent in October of that year as the country began to emerge sluggishly from the Great Recession.
At the end of four years, the rate had dropped just 2 percentage points to 8 percent in January 2013.
The ingredients of the lackluster recovery, which are currently being touted by Obama’s former No. 2, Biden, were raising taxes and regulations on businesses and the “wealthy.”
After taking office, Trump made four very un-Obama-like moves: He significantly cut government regulations on businesses; he signed tax cuts for businesses and individuals into law; he promoted domestic energy production; and he negotiated new pro-American trade deals.
The first year after the tax cuts were implemented, economic growth shot up to 2.9 percent in 2018. It fell back in 2019 to 2.3 percent, which can be attributed, at least in part, to tough trade stands Trump took against China that led to a deal.
If the Democrats would stop oppressing their cities and states....the economy would be going like crazy.
But for political reasons they figure all of the lives and businesses they destroy is, in the words of Nancy Pelosi, "Collateral Damage".
Right wingers also alleged the Spanish flu was a hoax.
Yeah...but I wonder how many of them were Democrats and...how many of them are here today?

BTW, we know the flu is real....we just don't think it's as deadly as they claim....and neither does the WHO apparently.


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